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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 4901:1-40-01 | Definitions.


(A) "Advanced energy fund" has the meaning set forth in section 4928.61 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Biologically derived methane gas" means landfill methane gas; or gas from the anaerobic digestion of organic materials, including animal waste, municipal wastewater, institutional and industrial organic waste, food waste, yard waste, and agricultural crops and residues.

(C) "Biomass energy" means energy produced from organic material derived from plants or animals and available on a renewable basis, including but not limited to: agricultural crops, tree crops, crop by-products and residues; wood and paper manufacturing waste, including nontreated by-products of the wood manufacturing or pulping process, such as bark, wood chips, sawdust, and lignin in spent pulping liquors; forestry waste and residues; other vegetation waste, including landscape or right-of-way trimmings; algae; food waste; animal wastes and by-products (including fats, oils, greases and manure); biodegradable solid waste; and biologically derived methane gas.

(D) "Co-firing" means simultaneously using multiple fuels in the generation of electricity. In the event of co-firing, the proportion of energy input comprised of a renewable energy resource dictates the proportion of electricity output from the facility that can be considered a renewable energy resource.

(E) "Commission" means the public utilities commission of Ohio.

(F) "Deliverable into this state" means that the electricity or qualifying biologically derived methane gas originates from a facility within a state contiguous to Ohio. It may also include electricity originating from other locations, pending a demonstration that the electricity is physically deliverable to the state.

(G) "Demand response" has the meaning set forth in rule 4901:1-39-01 of the Administrative Code.

(H) "Distributed generation" means electricity production that is on-site and is connected to the electricity grid.

(I) "Double-counting" means utilizing renewable energy or, renewable energy credits, or energy efficiency savings to do any of the following:

(1) Satisfy multiple Ohio state renewable energy requirements or such requirements for more than one state.

(2) Support multiple voluntary product offerings.

(3) Substantiate multiple marketing or public relations claims.

(4) Some combination of these.

(J) "Electric generating facility" means a power plant or other facility where electricity is produced.

(K) "Electric services company" has the meaning set forth in division (A)(9) of section 4928.01 of the Revised Code.

(L) "Electric utility" has the meaning set forth in division (A)(11) of section 4928.01 of the Revised Code.

(M) "Energy storage" means a facility or technology that permits the storage of energy for future use as electricity.

(N) "Fuel cell" means a device that uses an electrochemical energy conversion process to produce electricity.

(O) "Geothermal energy" means hot water or steam extracted from geothermal reservoirs in the earth's crust and used for electricity generation.

(P) "Hydroelectric energy" means electricity generated by a hydroelectric facility as defined in division (A)(37) of section 4928.01 of the Revised Code.

(Q) "Hydroelectric facility" has the meaning set forth in division (A)(37) of section 4928.01 of the Revised Code.

(R) "Mercantile customer" has the meaning set forth in division (A)(19) of section 4928.01 of the Revised Code.

(S) "Ohio run-of-the-river hydroelectric facility" means a run-of-the-river hydroelectric facility placed in service on or after January 1, 1980, that is located within this state, relies upon the Ohio river, and operates, or is rated to operate, at an aggregate capacity of forty or more megawatts.

(T) "Person" has the meaning set forth in section 1.59 of the Revised Code.

(U) "PJM" means "PJM Interconnection, LLC" or any successor regional transmission organization.

(V) "Placed-in-service" means when a facility or technology becomes operational.

(W) "Renewable energy credit" or "REC" means the environmental attributes associated with one megawatt-hour of electricity generated by a non-solar renewable energy resource or its non-electric equivalent.

(X) "Renewable energy resource" has the meaning set forth in division (A)(37) of section 4928.01 of the Revised Code.

(Y) "Small hydroelectric facility" means a hydroelectric facility that operates, or is rated to operate, at an aggregate capacity of less than six megawatts.

(Z) "Solar energy resources" means solar photovoltaic and/or solar thermal resources.

(AA) "Solar photovoltaic" means energy from devices which generate electricity directly from sunlight through the movement of electrons.

(BB) "Solar renewable energy credit" or "S-REC" means the environmental attributes associated with one megawatt-hour of electricity generated by a solar energy resource.

(CC) "Solar thermal" means the concentration of the sun's energy, typically through the use of lenses or mirrors, to drive a generator or engine to produce electricity.

(DD) "Solid wastes" has the meaning set forth in section 3734.01 of the Revised Code.

(EE) "Staff" means the commission staff or its authorized representative.

(FF) "Standard service offer" means an electric utility offer to provide consumers, on a comparable and nondiscriminatory basis within its certified territory, all competitive retail electric services necessary to maintain essential electric service to consumers, including a firm supply of electric generation service.

(GG) "Waste energy recovery system" has the meaning set forth in division (A)(38) of section 4928.01 of the Revised Code.

(HH) "Wind energy" means electricity generated from wind turbines, windmills, or other technology that converts wind into electricity.

Last updated June 16, 2023 at 9:13 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4901.13, 4905.04, 4905.06, 4928.01, 4928.02, 4928.64, and 4928.65
Amplifies: 4928.64, and 4928.65
Five Year Review Date: 9/22/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 12/10/2009, 3/26/2020