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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 4906-2-07 | Continuances and extensions of time.


(A) Except as otherwise provided by law, and notwithstanding any other provision in this chapter, continuances of public hearings and extensions of time to file pleadings or other papers may be granted upon motion of any party for good cause shown, or upon motion of the board or the administrative law judge.

(B) A motion for an extension of time to file a document must be timely filed so as to permit the board or administrative law judge sufficient time to consider the request and to make a ruling prior to the established filing date. If two or more parties have similar documents due the same day and a party intends to seek an extension of the filing date, the moving party must file its motion for an extension sufficiently in advance of the existing filing date so that other parties who might be disadvantaged by submitting their filing prior to the movant submitting its filing will not be disadvantaged. If two or more parties have similar documents due the same day and the motion for an extension is filed fewer than five business days before the document is scheduled to be filed, then the moving party, in addition to regular service of the motion for an extension, must provide a brief summary of the request to all other parties orally, by facsimile transmission, or by electronic message by no later than five-thirty p.m. on the day the motion is filed.

(C) A copy of any written ruling granting or denying a request for a continuance or extension of time shall be served upon all parties to the proceeding.

(D) Nothing in this rule restricts or limits the authority of the administrative law judge to issue oral rulings during public hearings or transcribed prehearing conferences.

Last updated June 17, 2024 at 10:45 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4906.03
Amplifies: 4906.03, 4906.07, 4906.12, 4903.22
Five Year Review Date: 5/20/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 12/27/1976, 6/10/1989, 8/28/1998, 12/15/2003, 1/25/2009