Rule 901:12-14-03 | Management.
(A) The following livestock management procedure is acceptable and, if performed, must be performed in a humane manner:
The responsible party must ensure that castration is performed with effective analgesia and take into consideration the animal's age.
(B) The following livestock management procedures are required and must be performed in a humane manner:
(1) Fighting teeth conditioned for co-mingled adult males.
(2) Toe nail care to maintain a functional condition; and
(3) During hot weather, seek to minimize heat stress for camelids using methods including, but not limited to: shearing, mechanical ventilation, or other cooling methods.
(C) All housing systems must meet the following requirements:
(1) Provide a clean and safe environment that promotes the health, welfare, and performance of camelids at all stages of their lives;
(2) Provide the opportunity for socialization with a herding animal, which may include but not be limited to: camelids, sheep, goats, or other herding livestock;
(3) Have a stocking density that allows for all camelids to easily lie down at the same time in a normal resting posture and be able to easily stand back up at all stages of production, and in addition provide all animals access to feed and water without excessive competition;
(4) Provide access to facilities or natural features that provide reasonable protection from adverse weather conditions and predators;
(5) Enclosures, including fencing, designed and maintained so as to minimize injury and provide for the safety of humans and other animals; and,
(6) Light intensity adequate for observation during inspection.
(D) Indoor housing systems must meet the following requirements:
(1) Designed and maintained in a manner which:
(a) Seeks to minimize the effects of adverse weather; and,
(b) Provides ventilation to reduce concentrations of ammonia and dust; and,
(2) When box stalls, pens, or other enclosures are used, clean regularly;
(3) Provide a clean, dry area for lying down; and,
(4) If an animal is confined in a box stall, pen, or other enclosure, provide access for regular exercise unless medically prohibited.
(E) Outdoor housing systems must seek to minimize prolonged exposure to adverse environmental conditions that compromise the animal's health and safety.
(F) If used, tack and/or harness must fit properly and be well maintained so as to minimize the potential for injuries. Halters must be removed when the animal is not being handled for prolonged periods of time.
Last updated February 13, 2025 at 8:07 AM