The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation.
Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.
Section |
Section 5531.01 | Highways affected by river improvements.
September 28, 1973
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 200 - 110th General Assembly
The director of transportation may enter into agreements with the secretary of defense or other proper official of the United States in connection with the establishment, construction, reconstruction, relocation, maintenance, and repair, made necessary by river improvements, to highways and lands under jurisdiction and control of the director. The director may relinquish to the United States all property rights of the state in existing highways and lands under his jurisdiction and control, required in connection with river improvements, and may release the United States from all claims for damages to highways and lands resulting from the establishment, construction, operation, and maintenance of such river improvements, if the state is reimbursed therefor by the United States or any department or agency thereof, and the agreements and other papers relating thereto are first submitted to the attorney general for approval. The director shall credit any moneys so received to the proper funds of the department of transportation.
Section 5531.02 | Federal aid for rural post roads.
September 28, 1973
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 200 - 110th General Assembly
The general assembly assents to the act of congress, approved July 11, 1916, entitled "An act to provide that the United States shall aid the states in the construction of rural post roads, and for other purposes," thirty-ninth United States statutes at large, page 355, and the emergency relief appropriation act of 1935, approved April 8, 1935, and all acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, and other acts providing funds for the same or similar purposes. The department of transportation may enter into all contracts and agreements with the United States, relating to the construction and maintenance of rural post roads under such act, and submit such programs of construction and maintenance as required by the federal government and do all other things necessary to carry out the co-operation contemplated and provided by such acts and amendments. The good faith of the state is pledged to make available funds sufficient for any biennium, to enable the state or its political subdivisions to comply with the requirements of the federal government concerning the sums apportioned to the state by the United States during each of the years for which federal funds are appropriated by such acts, to maintain the roads constructed under such acts, and to make adequate provisions for carrying out such maintenance. All moneys accruing to the highway fund and available for expenditure in the construction and maintenance of highways, and all federal funds apportioned to this state for the highway improvement purposes under such acts of congress, shall be expended upon the highways comprising the state highway system, or upon the extension of such highways into or through municipal corporations, except that where funds are allocated to this state from any appropriations made by congress for such purposes, and which allocation provides that a fixed per cent shall be expended upon secondary roads, including United States post roads, school bus routes, and farm-to-market roads, such percentage allocated by federal legislation shall be expended upon secondary or feeder roads as defined by federal law or ruling by any federal agency pursuant to law. The director of transportation shall not request the federal government to reduce the percentage of the apportionment to this state for expenditure on secondary or feeder roads. Such expenditures shall be equitably expended in the several counties of the state. The director may use department equipment under his jurisdiction and charge the cost and expense incident to such use to the fund from which the other costs of the work are paid to carry out the purposes of sections 5531.02 to 5531.04 of the Revised Code, and to comply with the requirements of the federal government, and any road or street funds that are to the credit of the county, township, or municipal corporation in which the proposed improvement is to be made, may be used in such proportion as is agreed upon between the director and the board of county commissioners, or the board of township trustees, or the legislative authority of a municipal corporation for the purpose of supplementing federal funds. The board of county commissioners or legislative authority of a municipal corporation may assume such proportion of the cost of an improvement under its respective jurisdiction as available funds will permit.
Section 5531.03 | Acceptance of federal funds for elimination of grade crossings.
September 17, 1996
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 572 - 121st General Assembly
The director of transportation may accept any allotment of funds by the United States or any department or agency thereof, as appropriated under the "emergency relief appropriation act of 1935," 49 Stat. 115, or by the act of congress approved July 11, 1916, entitled "An act to provide that the United States shall aid the states in the construction of rural post roads and for other purposes," known as the "federal road aid act of 1916," as amended by the act of congress approved June 16, 1936, and any subsequent legislation either supplementing or amending either of such acts, or otherwise providing funds for the same or similar purposes, in accordance with the rules and regulations issued thereunder, for or in connection with the separation of grades of a public highway and a railroad by the construction of a bridge, underpass, or highway, or railroad relocation, or for the alteration, relocation, reconstruction, change, or repair of any bridge or underpass carrying a public highway over or under a railroad, or for the protection of grade crossings. If any allotment of funds is made by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the purposes stated, the division of any expense, in connection with such improvement, between the state or any political subdivision thereof and the railroad involved, unless otherwise agreed upon, shall be in accordance with existing laws applying to municipal, county, or state highway grade separation projects, but the division of expense shall be limited to only that part of the expense of the improvement as remains after the application thereto of any funds accepted from the United States or any department or agency thereof. To accomplish the improvements contemplated under the "emergency relief appropriation act of 1935," or the "federal road act of 1916," as amended, and any subsequent legislation supplementing or amending either of such acts, or under any other act of congress, the director, in all instances where it is necessary and expedient and the appropriate federal agency is in accord, may proceed with the separation of grades of any public highway or street and a railroad, or the alteration, relocation, reconstruction, change, or repair of any crossing of a public highway or street and railroad at which the grades are already separated. The procedure governing such improvements shall be in accordance with sections 5523.01 and 5523.19 and related sections of the Revised Code, as applicable to railroad crossings on the state highway system, except as provided in this section. On receipt of waiver of the notice of hearing provided for in section 5523.03 of the Revised Code from the affected railroad company, the director may dispense with a hearing under that section and issue an order declaring the grade separation improvement necessary and expedient. As a condition precedent to such a declaration in connection with a grade separation within a municipal corporation or on a county road not on the state highway system, the director must receive from the municipal corporation or county an ordinance or resolution, duly enacted by a majority of votes of the legislative authority of the municipal corporation or the board of county commissioners in which the improvement is located, consenting to the improvement and agreeing to assume the maintenance obligation imposed on that political subdivision in the case of a grade separation improvement constructed in co-operation with a railroad company under existing statutes. The director may provide protection at grade crossings with federal funds, providing the appropriate federal agency is in accord, and upon application of a railroad company specifying the type of protection requested, accompanied by its agreement to maintain the protection at the grade crossing. The legislative authority of a political subdivision, when approved by the director and when co-operating with the department of transportation, may follow the procedure available to the director in grade elimination projects as provided in Chapters 5501., 5503., 5511., 5513., 5515., 5516., 5517., 5519., 5521., 5523., 5525., 5527., 5528., 5529., 5531., 5533., and 5535. of the Revised Code, as further modified by this section, but no contracts shall be awarded for the construction of such an improvement until the director is satisfied that all needed property is available. For the purpose of expediting such improvements as are undertaken under this section, work may begin on such improvement immediately after the completion of the publication of notice of the intention to proceed with the improvement required in section 5523.11 of the Revised Code, except that the notice need not name any owners not of record or whose place of residence is unknown and cannot, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, be ascertained, or who are nonresidents of the state. Service of notice upon the owners of all property to be taken, and on owners of land abutting on any portion of the highway to be physically changed, or that will be vacated in the construction of the improvement, shall be completed in accordance with section 5523.11 of the Revised Code within one hundred twenty days after the publication of the notice. Any owners whose place of residence is unknown and cannot, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, be ascertained, or who are nonresidents of the state shall be notified by a further publication of a time for the presentation of their claims, which shall be not less than twenty days after the completion of publication. Such further publication shall be in a newspaper and for such time as is provided in section 5523.11 of the Revised Code. The requirements of the holding of an open meeting to explain the plans, as provided in section 5523.11 of the Revised Code, shall be optional with the director in connection with such an improvement. The board or legislative authority of any municipal corporation may co-operate with the director in any of the improvements described in this section, adopting the appropriate procedure set forth in sections 5521.02, 5521.07, and 5523.15 and related sections of the Revised Code. The portion of the cost to be borne by the board or legislative authority of a municipal corporation may be paid from any available county or municipal funds.
Section 5531.04 | Defense highway act.
September 28, 1973
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 200 - 110th General Assembly
The director of transportation may co-operate with the United States or any department or agency thereof in carrying out provisions of the "Defense Highway Act of 1941" and any amendments thereof or supplements thereto. Such co-operation shall follow the procedural provisions of the Revised Code, applicable to the state highway system. Acts of co-operation in connection with projects not upon the system shall place no obligation of maintenance upon the director. Any expenditures of money by the director in connection with co-operation authorized by this section shall be payable from any funds available to the director.
Section 5531.05 | Agreements with federal government relating to erection of advertising devices along highways.
September 28, 1973
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 200 - 110th General Assembly
The director of transportation may enter into agreements with the secretary of commerce of the United States as provided by section 122. of Public Law 85-381, the "Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1958." Any expenditures of money by the director in connection with agreements authorized by this section shall be payable from any funds available to the director.
Section 5531.06 | Accepting federal funds.
September 28, 1973
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 200 - 110th General Assembly
The director of transportation may accept any allotment of funds by the United States, or any department of agency thereof, appropriated under the "Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1958" and any subsequent legislation either supplementary to or amending such act.
Section 5531.07 | Agreements with federal government for highway beautification.
September 28, 1973
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 200 - 110th General Assembly
The director of transportation may enter into agreements with the secretary of transportation or other appropriate official of the United States as provided by the "Highway Beautification Act of 1965," 79 Stat. 1028, 23 U.S.C.A. 131, and any amendments thereof or supplements thereto. Any expenditures of money by the director in connection with agreements authorized by this section shall be payable from any funds available to the director.
Section 5531.08 | Using money in highway operating fund for construction costs.
January 1, 2018
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 26 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) In order to expedite a highway project involving the expenditure of federal and state funds and to utilize all privileges provided by the "Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991," 105 Stat. 1914, 49 U.S.C.A. 101, the director of transportation may designate a project team for the purposes of certifying design review and performing field and office inspections and cost estimates, on behalf of the federal highway administration. (B)(1) Upon a written determination by the director that it would be in the best interests of the traveling public, the director, upon the written request of a county, township, or municipal corporation, may utilize moneys in the highway operating fund created by section 5735.051 of the Revised Code to pay that portion of the construction cost of a highway project which the county, township, or municipal corporation normally would be required to pay. (2) The director shall not utilize moneys in the highway operating fund for a highway project in the manner described in division (B)(1) of this section unless all of the following apply: (a) The preliminary engineering design of the project is complete, all necessary rights-of-way have been obtained, and all federal, state, and local environmental studies and permits have been performed or obtained; (b) The director of transportation has submitted the proposed project to the director of development for an evaluation of the potential economic benefit to the area. The county, township, or municipal corporation certifies to the director of development that the project will create not less than five permanent living wage jobs. This requirement shall be fulfilled during the three-year period following the completion date of the project, and the county, township, or municipal corporation may define the geographic area within which the jobs will be created. (c) The quotient resulting from the division of the total amount of moneys utilized to cover the portion of the construction cost of the highway project that a county, township, or municipal corporation would normally be required to pay, divided by the number of permanent living wage jobs certified to the director of development by the county, township, or municipal corporation pursuant to division (B)(2)(b) of this section is less than or equal to ten thousand dollars. (C) Upon a written determination by the director of transportation that it would be in the best interests of the traveling public, the director, upon the written request of a county, township, or municipal corporation, may declare a waiver of that portion of the cost of a highway project which the county, township, or municipal corporation normally would be required to pay. (D) The director of development shall do all of the following: (1) Review all requests submitted by a county, township, or municipal corporation to the director of transportation pursuant to division (B) of this section for the expenditure of moneys from the highway operating fund; (2) Submit findings and recommendations to the director of transportation upon completion of the review process; (3) Monitor the results of a highway project for which moneys in the highway operating fund are utilized in order to ascertain whether the number of permanent living wage jobs certified to the director of transportation pursuant to division (B)(2)(b) of this section actually are created as a result of the highway project within the three-year period following the completion of the project, and submit reports relating to this subject to the director as necessary. (E) The director of transportation may award eligible federal funds or state general revenue funds to local units of government, including regional transit authorities providing public transportation service and metropolitan planning organizations. These funds may be used for such purposes as alleviating traffic congestion or improving air quality in nonattainment areas of the state as defined by the "Clean Air Act of 1990," 104 Stat. 2399, 42 U.S.C.A. 7401. The funds also may be used to acquire or construct park-and-ride facilities, to purchase traffic devices to improve vehicular flow, and for other travel demand management activities that meet the mandates of the Clean Air Act in nonattainment areas of the state. (F) As used in this section, "living wage job" means an employment position paying an annual average gross wage amount per full-time person of not less than twenty thousand dollars per year.
Last updated January 13, 2025 at 4:26 PM
Section 5531.09 | State infrastructure bank - funds.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 23 - 135th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section and section 5531.10 of the Revised Code: (1) "Qualified project" means any public or private transportation project as determined by the director of transportation, including, without limitation, planning, environmental impact studies, engineering, construction, reconstruction, resurfacing, restoring, rehabilitation, or replacement of public or private transportation facilities within the state, studying the feasibility thereof, and the acquisition of real or personal property or interests therein; any highway, public transit, aviation, rail, or other transportation project eligible for financing or aid under any federal or state program; and any project involving the maintaining, repairing, improving, or construction of any public or private highway, road, street, parkway, public transit, aviation, or rail project, and any related rights-of-way, bridges, tunnels, railroad-highway crossings, drainage structures, signs, guardrails, or protective structures. (2) "Small municipal corporation" means a municipal corporation that is determined by the department of transportation to be an eligible small city in accordance with the department's small city program. (B) The state infrastructure bank shall consist of the highway and transit infrastructure bank fund, the aviation infrastructure bank fund, the rail infrastructure bank fund, and the infrastructure bank obligations fund, which are hereby created as funds of the state treasury, to be administered by the director of transportation and used for the purposes described in division (C) of this section. The highway and transit infrastructure bank fund, the aviation infrastructure bank fund, and the rail infrastructure bank fund shall consist of federal grants and awards or other assistance received by the state and eligible for deposit therein under applicable federal law, payments received by the department in connection with providing financial assistance for qualifying projects under division (C) of this section, and such other amounts as may be provided by law. The infrastructure bank obligations fund shall consist of such amounts of the proceeds of obligations issued under section 5531.10 of the Revised Code as the director of transportation determines with the advice of the director of budget and management; and such other amounts as may be provided by law. The director of budget and management, upon the request of the director of transportation, may transfer amounts between the funds created in this division, except the infrastructure bank obligations fund. The investment earnings of each fund created by this division shall be credited to such fund. (C) The director of transportation shall use the state infrastructure bank to encourage public and private investment in transportation facilities that contribute to the multi-modal and intermodal transportation capabilities of the state, develop a variety of financing techniques designed to expand the availability of funding resources and to reduce direct state costs, maximize private and local participation in financing projects, and improve the efficiency of the state transportation system by using and developing the particular advantages of each transportation mode to the fullest extent. In furtherance of these purposes, the director shall use the state infrastructure bank to provide financial assistance to public or private entities for qualified projects. Such assistance shall be in the form of loans, loan guarantees, letters of credit, leases, lease-purchase agreements, interest rate subsidies, debt service reserves, and such other forms as the director determines to be appropriate. All fees, charges, rates of interest, payment schedules, security for, and other terms and conditions relating to such assistance shall be determined by the director. Any loan made to a small municipal corporation from the state infrastructure bank shall be a zero interest loan. (D) The director of transportation shall adopt rules establishing guidelines necessary for the implementation and exercise of the authority granted by this section, including rules for receiving, reviewing, evaluating, and selecting projects for which financial assistance may be approved. (E) The general assembly finds that state infrastructure projects, as defined in division (A)(8) of section 5531.10 of the Revised Code, and the state infrastructure bank, will materially contribute to the economic revitalization of areas of the state and result in improving the economic welfare of all the people of the state. Accordingly, it is declared to be the public purpose of the state, through operations under sections 5531.09 and 5531.10 of the Revised Code, and other applicable laws adopted pursuant to Section 13 of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and other authority vested in the general assembly, to assist in and facilitate the purposes set forth in division (B) of section 5531.10 of the Revised Code, and to assist and cooperate with any governmental agency in achieving such purposes.
Last updated April 27, 2023 at 12:18 PM
Section 5531.10 | Issuing obligations for state infrastructure projects.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 23 - 135th General Assembly
(A) As used in this chapter: (1) "Bond proceedings" means the resolution, order, trust agreement, indenture, lease, lease-purchase agreements, and other agreements, amendments and supplements to the foregoing, or any one or more or combination thereof, authorizing or providing for the terms and conditions applicable to, or providing for the security or liquidity of, obligations issued pursuant to this section, and the provisions contained in such obligations. (2) "Bond service charges" means principal, including mandatory sinking fund requirements for retirement of obligations, and interest, and redemption premium, if any, required to be paid by the state on obligations. (3) "Bond service fund" means the applicable fund and accounts therein created for and pledged to the payment of bond service charges, which may be, or may be part of, the state infrastructure bank revenue bond service fund created by division (R) of this section including all moneys and investments, and earnings from investments, credited and to be credited thereto. (4) "Issuing authority" means the treasurer of state, or the officer who by law performs the functions of the treasurer of state. (5) "Obligations" means bonds, notes, or other evidence of obligation including interest coupons pertaining thereto, issued pursuant to this section. (6) "Pledged receipts" means moneys accruing to the state from the lease, lease-purchase, sale, or other disposition, or use, of qualified projects, and from the repayment, including interest, of loans made from proceeds received from the sale of obligations; accrued interest received from the sale of obligations; income from the investment of the special funds; any gifts, grants, donations, and pledges, and receipts therefrom, available for the payment of bond service charges; and any amounts in the state infrastructure bank pledged to the payment of such charges. If the amounts in the state infrastructure bank are insufficient for the payment of such charges, "pledged receipts" also means moneys that are apportioned by the United States secretary of transportation under United States Code, Title XXIII, as amended, or any successor legislation, or under any other federal law relating to aid for highways, and that are to be received as a grant by the state, to the extent the state is not prohibited by state or federal law from using such moneys and the moneys are pledged to the payment of such bond service charges. (7) "Special funds" or "funds" means, except where the context does not permit, the bond service fund, and any other funds, including reserve funds, created under the bond proceedings, and the state infrastructure bank revenue bond service fund created by division (R) of this section to the extent provided in the bond proceedings, including all moneys and investments, and earnings from investment, credited and to be credited thereto. (8) "State infrastructure project" means any public transportation project undertaken by the state, including, but not limited to, all components of any such project, as described in division (A)(1) of section 5531.09 of the Revised Code. (9) "District obligations" means bonds, notes, or other evidence of obligation including interest coupons pertaining thereto, issued to finance a qualified project by a transportation improvement district created pursuant to section 5540.02 of the Revised Code, of which the principal, including mandatory sinking fund requirements for retirement of such obligations, and interest and redemption premium, if any, are payable by the department of transportation. (B) The issuing authority, after giving written notice to the director of budget and management and upon the certification by the director of transportation to the issuing authority of the amount of moneys or additional moneys needed either for state infrastructure projects or to provide financial assistance for any of the purposes for which the state infrastructure bank may be used under section 5531.09 of the Revised Code, or needed for capitalized interest, funding reserves, and paying costs and expenses incurred in connection with the issuance, carrying, securing, paying, redeeming, or retirement of the obligations or any obligations refunded thereby, including payment of costs and expenses relating to letters of credit, lines of credit, insurance, put agreements, standby purchase agreements, indexing, marketing, remarketing and administrative arrangements, interest swap or hedging agreements, and any other credit enhancement, liquidity, remarketing, renewal, or refunding arrangements, all of which are authorized by this section, shall issue obligations of the state under this section in the required amount. The proceeds of such obligations, except for the portion to be deposited in special funds, including reserve funds, as may be provided in the bond proceedings, shall as provided in the bond proceedings be credited to the infrastructure bank obligations fund of the state infrastructure bank created by section 5531.09 of the Revised Code and disbursed as provided in the bond proceedings for such obligations. The issuing authority may appoint trustees, paying agents, transfer agents, and authenticating agents, and may retain the services of financial advisors, accounting experts, and attorneys, and retain or contract for the services of marketing, remarketing, indexing, and administrative agents, other consultants, and independent contractors, including printing services, as are necessary in the issuing authority's judgment to carry out this section. The costs of such services are payable from funds of the state infrastructure bank or as otherwise provided in the bond proceedings. (C) The holders or owners of such obligations shall have no right to have moneys raised by taxation by the state of Ohio obligated or pledged, and moneys so raised shall not be obligated or pledged, for the payment of bond service charges. The right of such holders and owners to the payment of bond service charges is limited to all or that portion of the pledged receipts and those special funds pledged thereto pursuant to the bond proceedings for such obligations in accordance with this section, and each such obligation shall bear on its face a statement to that effect. Moneys received as repayment of loans made by the state infrastructure bank pursuant to section 5531.09 of the Revised Code shall not be considered moneys raised by taxation by the state of Ohio regardless of the source of the moneys. (D) Obligations shall be authorized by order of the issuing authority and the bond proceedings shall provide for the purpose thereof and the principal amount or amounts, and shall provide for or authorize the manner or agency for determining the principal maturity or maturities, not exceeding twenty-five years from the date of issuance or, with respect to obligations issued to finance a transportation facility pursuant to a public-private agreement, not exceeding forty-five years from the date of issuance, the interest rate or rates or the maximum interest rate, the date of the obligations and the dates of payment of interest thereon, their denomination, and the establishment within or without the state of a place or places of payment of bond service charges. Sections 9.98 to 9.983 of the Revised Code are applicable to obligations issued under this section. The purpose of such obligations may be stated in the bond proceedings in terms describing the general purpose or purposes to be served. The bond proceedings also shall provide, subject to the provisions of any other applicable bond proceedings, for the pledge of all, or such part as the issuing authority may determine, of the pledged receipts and the applicable special fund or funds to the payment of bond service charges, which pledges may be made either prior or subordinate to other expenses, claims, or payments, and may be made to secure the obligations on a parity with obligations theretofore or thereafter issued, if and to the extent provided in the bond proceedings. The pledged receipts and special funds so pledged and thereafter received by the state immediately are subject to the lien of such pledge without any physical delivery thereof or further act, and the lien of any such pledges is valid and binding against all parties having claims of any kind against the state or any governmental agency of the state, irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof, and shall create a perfected security interest for all purposes of Chapter 1309. of the Revised Code, without the necessity for separation or delivery of funds or for the filing or recording of the bond proceedings by which such pledge is created or any certificate, statement, or other document with respect thereto; and the pledge of such pledged receipts and special funds is effective and the money therefrom and thereof may be applied to the purposes for which pledged without necessity for any act of appropriation. Every pledge, and every covenant and agreement made with respect thereto, made in the bond proceedings may therein be extended to the benefit of the owners and holders of obligations authorized by this section, and to any trustee therefor, for the further security of the payment of the bond service charges. For purposes of this division, "transportation facility" and "public-private agreement" have the same meanings as in section 5501.70 of the Revised Code. (E) The bond proceedings may contain additional provisions as to: (1) The redemption of obligations prior to maturity at the option of the issuing authority at such price or prices and under such terms and conditions as are provided in the bond proceedings; (2) Other terms of the obligations; (3) Limitations on the issuance of additional obligations; (4) The terms of any trust agreement or indenture securing the obligations or under which the same may be issued; (5) The deposit, investment, and application of special funds, and the safeguarding of moneys on hand or on deposit, without regard to Chapter 131. or 135. of the Revised Code, but subject to any special provisions of this section with respect to particular funds or moneys, provided that any bank or trust company which acts as depository of any moneys in the special funds may furnish such indemnifying bonds or may pledge such securities as required by the issuing authority; (6) Any or every provision of the bond proceedings being binding upon such officer, board, commission, authority, agency, department, or other person or body as may from time to time have the authority under law to take such actions as may be necessary to perform all or any part of the duty required by such provision; (7) Any provision that may be made in a trust agreement or indenture; (8) Any other or additional agreements with the holders of the obligations, or the trustee therefor, relating to the obligations or the security therefor, including the assignment of mortgages or other security relating to financial assistance for qualified projects under section 5531.09 of the Revised Code. (F) The obligations may have the great seal of the state or a facsimile thereof affixed thereto or printed thereon. The obligations and any coupons pertaining to obligations shall be signed or bear the facsimile signature of the issuing authority. Any obligations or coupons may be executed by the person who, on the date of execution, is the proper issuing authority although on the date of such bonds or coupons such person was not the issuing authority. In case the issuing authority whose signature or a facsimile of whose signature appears on any such obligation or coupon ceases to be the issuing authority before delivery thereof, such signature or facsimile nevertheless is valid and sufficient for all purposes as if the former issuing authority had remained the issuing authority until such delivery; and in case the seal to be affixed to obligations has been changed after a facsimile of the seal has been imprinted on such obligations, such facsimile seal shall continue to be sufficient as to such obligations and obligations issued in substitution or exchange therefor. (G) All obligations are negotiable instruments and securities under Chapter 1308. of the Revised Code, subject to the provisions of the bond proceedings as to registration. The obligations may be issued in coupon or in registered form, or both, as the issuing authority determines. Provision may be made for the registration of any obligations with coupons attached thereto as to principal alone or as to both principal and interest, their exchange for obligations so registered, and for the conversion or reconversion into obligations with coupons attached thereto of any obligations registered as to both principal and interest, and for reasonable charges for such registration, exchange, conversion, and reconversion. (H) Obligations may be sold at public sale or at private sale, as determined in the bond proceedings. (I) Pending preparation of definitive obligations, the issuing authority may issue interim receipts or certificates which shall be exchanged for such definitive obligations. (J) In the discretion of the issuing authority, obligations may be secured additionally by a trust agreement or indenture between the issuing authority and a corporate trustee which may be any trust company or bank possessing corporate trust powers that has a place of business within or without the state. Any such agreement or indenture may contain the order authorizing the issuance of the obligations, any provisions that may be contained in any bond proceedings, and other provisions which are customary or appropriate in an agreement or indenture of such type, including, but not limited to: (1) Maintenance of each pledge, trust agreement, indenture, or other instrument comprising part of the bond proceedings until the state has fully paid the bond service charges on the obligations secured thereby, or provision therefor has been made; (2) In the event of default in any payments required to be made by the bond proceedings, or any other agreement of the issuing authority made as a part of the contract under which the obligations were issued, enforcement of such payments or agreement by mandamus, the appointment of a receiver, suit in equity, action at law, or any combination of the foregoing; (3) The rights and remedies of the holders of obligations and of the trustee, and provisions for protecting and enforcing them, including limitations on the rights of individual holders of obligations; (4) The replacement of any obligations that become mutilated or are destroyed, lost, or stolen; (5) Such other provisions as the trustee and the issuing authority agree upon, including limitations, conditions, or qualifications relating to any of the foregoing. (K) Any holder of obligations or a trustee under the bond proceedings, except to the extent that the holder's or trustee's rights are restricted by the bond proceedings, may by any suitable form of legal proceedings, protect and enforce any rights under the laws of this state or granted by such bond proceedings. Such rights include the right to compel the performance of all duties of the issuing authority and the director of transportation required by the bond proceedings or sections 5531.09 and 5531.10 of the Revised Code; to enjoin unlawful activities; and in the event of default with respect to the payment of any bond service charges on any obligations or in the performance of any covenant or agreement on the part of the issuing authority or the director of transportation in the bond proceedings, to apply to a court having jurisdiction of the cause to appoint a receiver to receive and administer the pledged receipts and special funds, other than those in the custody of the treasurer of state, which are pledged to the payment of the bond service charges on such obligations or which are the subject of the covenant or agreement, with full power to pay, and to provide for payment of bond service charges on, such obligations, and with such powers, subject to the direction of the court, as are accorded receivers in general equity cases, excluding any power to pledge additional revenues or receipts or other income or moneys of the state or local governmental entities, or agencies thereof, to the payment of such principal and interest and excluding the power to take possession of, mortgage, or cause the sale or otherwise dispose of any project facilities. Each duty of the issuing authority and the issuing authority's officers and employees, and of each state or local governmental agency and its officers, members, or employees, undertaken pursuant to the bond proceedings or any loan, loan guarantee, lease, lease-purchase agreement, or other agreement made under authority of section 5531.09 of the Revised Code, and in every agreement by or with the issuing authority, is hereby established as a duty of the issuing authority, and of each such officer, member, or employee having authority to perform such duty, specifically enjoined by the law resulting from an office, trust, or station within the meaning of section 2731.01 of the Revised Code. The person who is at the time the issuing authority, or the issuing authority's officers or employees, are not liable in their personal capacities on any obligations issued by the issuing authority or any agreements of or with the issuing authority. (L) The issuing authority may authorize and issue obligations for the refunding, including funding and retirement, and advance refunding with or without payment or redemption prior to maturity, of any obligations previously issued by the issuing authority or district obligations. Such refunding obligations may be issued in amounts sufficient for payment of the principal amount of the prior obligations or district obligations, any redemption premiums thereon, principal maturities of any such obligations or district obligations maturing prior to the redemption of the remaining obligations or district obligations on a parity therewith, interest accrued or to accrue to the maturity dates or dates of redemption of such obligations or district obligations, and any expenses incurred or to be incurred in connection with such issuance and such refunding, funding, and retirement. Subject to the bond proceedings therefor, the portion of proceeds of the sale of refunding obligations issued under this division to be applied to bond service charges on the prior obligations or district obligations shall be credited to an appropriate account held by the trustee for such prior or new obligations or to the appropriate account in the bond service fund for such obligations or district obligations. Obligations authorized under this division shall be deemed to be issued for those purposes for which such prior obligations or district obligations were issued and are subject to the provisions of this section pertaining to other obligations, except as otherwise provided in this section. The last maturity of obligations authorized under this division shall not be later than the latest permitted maturity of the original securities issued for the original purpose. (M) The authority to issue obligations under this section includes authority to issue obligations in the form of bond anticipation notes and to renew the same from time to time by the issuance of new notes. The holders of such notes or interest coupons pertaining thereto shall have a right to be paid solely from the pledged receipts and special funds that may be pledged to the payment of the bonds anticipated, or from the proceeds of such bonds or renewal notes, or both, as the issuing authority provides in the order authorizing such notes. Such notes may be additionally secured by covenants of the issuing authority to the effect that the issuing authority and the state will do such or all things necessary for the issuance of such bonds or renewal notes in the appropriate amount, and apply the proceeds thereof to the extent necessary, to make full payment of the principal of and interest on such notes at the time or times contemplated, as provided in such order. For such purpose, the issuing authority may issue bonds or renewal notes in such principal amount and upon such terms as may be necessary to provide funds to pay when required the principal of and interest on such notes, notwithstanding any limitations prescribed by or for purposes of this section. Subject to this division, all provisions for and references to obligations in this section are applicable to notes authorized under this division. The issuing authority in the bond proceedings authorizing the issuance of bond anticipation notes shall set forth for such bonds an estimated interest rate and a schedule of principal payments for such bonds and the annual maturity dates thereof. (N) Obligations issued under this section are lawful investments for banks, societies for savings, savings and loan associations, deposit guarantee associations, trust companies, trustees, fiduciaries, insurance companies, including domestic for life and domestic not for life, trustees or other officers having charge of sinking and bond retirement or other special funds of political subdivisions and taxing districts of this state, the commissioners of the sinking fund of the state, the administrator of workers' compensation, the state teachers retirement system, the public employees retirement system, the school employees retirement system, and the Ohio police and fire pension fund, notwithstanding any other provisions of the Revised Code or rules adopted pursuant thereto by any agency of the state with respect to investments by them, and are also acceptable as security for the deposit of public moneys. (O) Unless otherwise provided in any applicable bond proceedings, moneys to the credit of or in the special funds established by or pursuant to this section may be invested by or on behalf of the issuing authority only in notes, bonds, or other obligations of the United States, or of any agency or instrumentality of the United States, obligations guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States, obligations of this state or any political subdivision of this state, and certificates of deposit of any national bank located in this state and any bank, as defined in section 1101.01 of the Revised Code, subject to inspection by the superintendent of financial institutions. If the law or the instrument creating a trust pursuant to division (J) of this section expressly permits investment in direct obligations of the United States or an agency of the United States, unless expressly prohibited by the instrument, such moneys also may be invested in no-front-end-load money market mutual funds consisting exclusively of obligations of the United States or an agency of the United States and in repurchase agreements, including those issued by the fiduciary itself, secured by obligations of the United States or an agency of the United States; and in collective investment funds as defined in division (A) of section 1111.01 of the Revised Code and consisting exclusively of any such securities. The income from such investments shall be credited to such funds as the issuing authority determines, and such investments may be sold at such times as the issuing authority determines or authorizes. (P) Provision may be made in the applicable bond proceedings for the establishment of separate accounts in the bond service fund and for the application of such accounts only to the specified bond service charges on obligations pertinent to such accounts and bond service fund and for other accounts therein within the general purposes of such fund. Unless otherwise provided in any applicable bond proceedings, moneys to the credit of or in the several special funds established pursuant to this section shall be disbursed on the order of the treasurer of state, provided that no such order is required for the payment from the bond service fund when due of bond service charges on obligations. (Q)(1) The issuing authority may pledge all, or such portion as the issuing authority determines, of the pledged receipts to the payment of bond service charges on obligations issued under this section, and for the establishment and maintenance of any reserves, as provided in the bond proceedings, and make other provisions therein with respect to pledged receipts as authorized by this chapter, which provisions are controlling notwithstanding any other provisions of law pertaining thereto. (2) An action taken under division (Q)(2) of this section does not limit the generality of division (Q)(1) of this section, and is subject to division (C) of this section and, if and to the extent otherwise applicable, Section 13 of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution. The bond proceedings may contain a covenant that, in the event the pledged receipts primarily pledged and required to be used for the payment of bond service charges on obligations issued under this section, and for the establishment and maintenance of any reserves, as provided in the bond proceedings, are insufficient to make any such payment in full when due, or to maintain any such reserve, the director of transportation shall so notify the governor, and shall determine to what extent, if any, the payment may be made or moneys may be restored to the reserves from lawfully available moneys previously appropriated for that purpose to the department of transportation. The covenant also may provide that if the payments are not made or the moneys are not immediately and fully restored to the reserves from such moneys, the director shall promptly submit to the governor and to the director of budget and management a written request for either or both of the following: (a) That the next biennial budget submitted by the governor to the general assembly include an amount to be appropriated from lawfully available moneys to the department for the purpose of and sufficient for the payment in full of bond service charges previously due and for the full replenishment of the reserves; (b) That the general assembly be requested to increase appropriations from lawfully available moneys for the department in the current biennium sufficient for the purpose of and for the payment in full of bond service charges previously due and to come due in the biennium and for the full replenishment of the reserves. The director of transportation shall include with such requests a recommendation that the payment of the bond service charges and the replenishment of the reserves be made in the interest of maximizing the benefits of the state infrastructure bank. Any such covenant shall not obligate or purport to obligate the state to pay the bond service charges on such bonds or notes or to deposit moneys in a reserve established for such payments other than from moneys that may be lawfully available and appropriated for that purpose during the then-current biennium. (R) There is hereby created the state infrastructure bank revenue bond service fund, which shall be in the custody of the treasurer of state but shall not be a part of the state treasury. All moneys received by or on account of the issuing authority or state agencies and required by the applicable bond proceedings, consistent with this section, to be deposited, transferred, or credited to the bond service fund, and all other moneys transferred or allocated to or received for the purposes of the fund, shall be deposited and credited to such fund and to any separate accounts therein, subject to applicable provisions of the bond proceedings, but without necessity for any act of appropriation. The state infrastructure bank revenue bond service fund is a trust fund and is hereby pledged to the payment of bond service charges to the extent provided in the applicable bond proceedings, and payment thereof from such fund shall be made or provided for by the treasurer of state in accordance with such bond proceedings without necessity for any act of appropriation. (S) The obligations issued pursuant to this section, the transfer thereof, and the income therefrom, including any profit made on the sale thereof, shall at all times be free from taxation within this state.
Last updated April 27, 2023 at 12:17 PM
Section 5531.101 | Motor fuel excise tax revenue - state infrastructure bank loans.
January 1, 2018
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 26 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) Municipal corporations, counties, and townships may not use revenue described under division (A)(3) of section 5735.05 of the Revised Code to repay loans made by the state infrastructure bank under section 5531.09 of the Revised Code if both of the following apply: (1) The loans were made for highway, road, or street projects begun prior to March 31, 2003. (2) The revenue: (a) Results from the increase in the tax imposed under former section 5735.29 of the Revised Code pursuant to the amendment of the section by Am. Sub. H.B. 87 of the 125th General Assembly; and (b) Is distributed under section 5735.27 of the Revised Code. (B) While the loans described in division (A)(1) of this section are outstanding, the tax commissioner shall notify municipal corporations, counties, and townships receiving the revenue described in division (A)(2) of this section of the amount that cannot be used for the loan repayments.
Last updated January 13, 2025 at 4:27 PM
Section 5531.11 | Toll projects - definitions.
September 11, 2014
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 533 - 130th General Assembly
As used in sections 5531.11 to 5531.18 of the Revised Code: (A) "Administrative fee" means a fee imposed by a toll project operator for toll collection, processing, and related activities. (B) "Cost" means all costs of constructing, improving, repairing, maintaining, administering, financing, and operating the Ohio transportation system, including all costs payable with respect to permanent improvements as described in division (B) of section 133.15 of the Revised Code. (C) "Electronic-monitoring system" means any form of electronic or other vehicle sensor or identifying device that automatically produces one or more photographs, one or more microphotographs, a videotape, recorded images, or other form of identifying data of each vehicle at the time it is used or operated on a toll project. (D) "Governmental agency" means any state agency, federal agency, political subdivision, or other local, interstate, or regional governmental agency, and any combination of those agencies. (E) "Highway project" means any project intended for the highway purpose of supporting the state highway system. A highway project, whether publicly or privately owned, is a state infrastructure project as defined in section 5531.10 of the Revised Code for all purposes of that section and section 5531.09 of the Revised Code and also is a transportation facility as defined in section 5501.01 of the Revised Code. (F) "Motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order" means, relative to the registered owner of a motor vehicle, an order that prohibits the registrar of motor vehicles and any deputy registrar from doing both of the following: (1) Accepting any application for a new or renewal motor vehicle certificate of registration in the name of the registered owner; (2) Issuing or renewing any motor vehicle certificate of registration for a motor vehicle that utilized a toll project for which the required user fee or associated administrative fee was not paid by the registered owner of that motor vehicle. (G) "Public roads" means all public highways, roads, and streets in the state, whether maintained by a state agency or any other governmental agency. (H) "Public utility facilities" means tracks, pipes, mains, conduits, cables, wires, towers, poles, and other equipment and appliances of any public utility. (I) "Registered owner" means all of the following: (1) Any person or entity identified by the bureau of motor vehicles or any other state motor vehicle bureau, department, or office as the owner of a motor vehicle; (2) The lessee of a motor vehicle pursuant to a lease of six months or longer; (3) The renter of a motor vehicle pursuant to a written rental agreement with a motor vehicle renting dealer. (J) "Revenues" means all nontax revenues coming into the possession of or under the control of the department by virtue of sections 5531.11 to 5531.18 of the Revised Code. "Revenues" does not include proceeds from the sale of obligations but does include user fees, service revenues, investment income on the Ohio toll fund established in section 5531.14 of the Revised Code, rentals, gifts, and grants. (K) "Service facilities" means service stations, restaurants, and other facilities for food service, roadside parks and rest areas, parking, camping, tenting, rest, and sleeping facilities, hotels or motels, and all similar and other facilities providing services to the traveling public in connection with the use of a toll project and owned, leased, licensed, or operated by the department. (L) "Service revenues" means those revenues of the department derived from its ownership, leasing, licensing, or operation of service facilities. (M) "State highway system" or "system" means all existing and future transportation projects constructed, operated, repaired, maintained, administered, and operated under the jurisdiction of the department of transportation, including toll projects and highway projects. (N) "Toll project" means all of the following: (1) Any project for which user fees are charged that adds new capacity, including construction on existing highways, bridges, or tunnels where construction increases the total number of lanes, including toll and nontoll lanes, and does not decrease the total number of nontoll lanes at each mile; (2) New interchanges constructed for economic development purposes connecting an interstate highway or a multi-lane highway that was not connected previously with other interstates, state highways and local roads, and any new high occupancy lane or new highways connecting an intermodal facility established, constructed, reconstructed, maintained, repaired, administered, operated, or improved, under the jurisdiction of the department; (3) Pursuant to sections 5531.11 to 5531.18 of the Revised Code, at a location or locations determined by the director of transportation, all bridges, tunnels, overpasses, underpasses, interchanges, entrance plazas, approaches, and those portions of connecting public roads that serve interchanges and are determined by the director to be necessary for the safe merging of traffic between the toll project and those nontolled public roads, toll booths, service facilities, and administration, storage, and other buildings, property, and facilities that the department considers necessary for the operation or policing of the toll project, together with all property and rights that may be acquired by the department for the construction, maintenance, repair, administration, improvement, or operation of the toll project; (4) Notwithstanding division (N)(1) of this section, the replacement, improvement, rehabilitation, operation, and maintenance of a bridge or system of bridges at one location that carries two interstate highways over the Ohio river to another state, and the replacement, improvement, rehabilitation, operation, and maintenance of the roadways that provide ingress to and egress from such a bridge or system of bridges, generally following the route of those interstate highways. (O) "Toll project operator" means the department or any agency, political subdivision, authority, or other entity that operates a toll project, including a private entity that operates a toll project pursuant to a public-private agreement authorized by sections 5501.70 to 5501.83 of the Revised Code. (P) "User fee" means a rate, toll, fee, or other charge imposed by a toll project operator for use of all or part of a transportation facility, including a toll project. "User fee" also includes any such rate, toll, fee, or other charge imposed by a toll project operator pursuant to a public-private agreement authorized by sections 5501.70 to 5501.83 of the Revised Code.
Section 5531.12 | Toll projects.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 281 - 134th General Assembly
(A) In order to remove present and anticipated impediments and potential hazards on the highways in this state, to facilitate vehicular traffic throughout the state, to promote the agricultural, commercial, recreational, tourism, and industrial development of the state, and to provide for the general welfare of its citizens, the director of transportation may approve toll projects. Any revenue derived from toll projects shall be used only for purposes of the toll project, including a toll project or any aspect of a toll project pursuant to a public-private agreement authorized by sections 5501.70 to 5501.83 of the Revised Code, and shall not be expended for any purpose other than as provided in Section 5a of Article XII, Ohio Constitution. The toll projects authorized by sections 5531.11 to 5531.18 of the Revised Code are part of the state highway system. (B) Any toll project shall be developed and submitted for selection in accordance with the policies and procedures of the selection process of the transportation review advisory council, created under Chapter 5512. of the Revised Code. Each toll project may be separately designated, by name or number, and may be constructed, improved, or reconstructed as the department of transportation may from time to time determine pursuant to sections 5531.11 to 5531.18 of the Revised Code. A toll project shall be considered a state infrastructure project as defined in section 5531.10 of the Revised Code for all purposes of that section and section 5531.09 of the Revised Code and also is a transportation facility as defined in section 5501.01 of the Revised Code. (C)(1) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to permit user fees to be charged on existing nontoll public roads. (2) Division (C)(1) of this section does not apply to a toll project as described in division (N)(4) of section 5531.11 of the Revised Code.
Last updated March 10, 2023 at 1:10 PM
Section 5531.13 | Acquisition of property.
September 11, 2014
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 533 - 130th General Assembly
(A) The director of transportation may acquire or dispose of any public or private property or interests therein that the director determines to be necessary, convenient, or proper for the construction, improvement, repair, maintenance, administration, or operation of toll projects in the same manner as the director may acquire or dispose of such property for transportation facilities or highway purposes, under sections 5501.311 to 5501.34 and 5501.45 and Chapter 5519. of the Revised Code. (B) The director may enter into any contracts the director determines to be necessary, convenient, or proper for the construction, improvement, repair, maintenance, administration, or operation of toll projects in the manner provided in Chapter 5525. of the Revised Code or pursuant to a public-private agreement under sections 5501.70 to 5501.83 of the Revised Code. (C) The director may enter into any professional contracts the director determines to be necessary, convenient, or proper for the construction, improvement, repair, maintenance, administration, or operation of toll projects in the manner provided in Chapter 5526. of the Revised Code or pursuant to a public-private agreement under sections 5501.70 to 5501.83 of the Revised Code. (D) User fees and accounts within the Ohio toll fund established in section 5531.14 of the Revised Code may be used for the acquisition of property under division (A) of this section or pursuant to contracts entered into under division (B) or (C) of this section to the same extent permitted by section 5531.14 of the Revised Code with respect to obligations.
Section 5531.14 | Establishment and collection of tolls.
September 11, 2014
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 533 - 130th General Assembly
(A) To the extent permitted by federal law, the director of transportation may fix, revise, charge, and collect user fees for each toll project, and contract with any person or governmental agency desiring the use of any part thereof, including the right-of-way adjoining the paved portion, for placing thereon telephone, electric light, or power lines, service facilities, or for any other purpose, and fix the terms, conditions, rents, and rates of charge for such use; provided, that no user fee, charge, or rental may be made for placing in, on, along, over, or under the toll project, equipment or public utility facilities that are necessary to serve service facilities or to interconnect any public utility facilities. A toll project operator shall display signs that identify the applicable user fees, including fees for motor vehicles that do not have an active, functioning electronic toll collection device registered for and in use in the vehicle. The toll project operator shall erect or otherwise display signs in advance of the toll project at locations that are of distances that are sufficient to notify motor vehicle operators of the opportunity to exit the street or highway on which they are traveling before the street or highway becomes, becomes part of, or otherwise leads to the toll project and for the use of which user fees apply. (B) In accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the director shall establish a plan, schedule, or system of user fees or charges and shall declare the purpose, amount, and duration of the user fees or charges. Any proposal to implement a user fee or other charge under this section may include a plan, schedule, or system of tolls or charges that is subject to adjustment by the director within and in accordance with that plan, schedule, or system. As part of the plan, schedule, or system, the director shall develop a written process for setting user fee rates. In developing the process, the director shall seek and consider public comment. In doing so, the director shall hold at least one public hearing within fifty miles of the location of the toll project for which the written process is developed. The director, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, also may adopt such additional rules as the director determines necessary for the establishment, collection, and enforcement of user fees and administrative fees, including the purpose, amount, and duration of the fees. (C) One or more user fees, or a portion of any user fees, may be pledged to the repayment of obligations issued for the purpose of financing the toll project and shall be a pledged receipt for those obligations to the extent pledged in the proceedings authorizing such obligations. One or more user fees, or a portion of any user fees, also may be pledged to the repayment of obligations under any public-private agreement or related financing as provided in sections 5501.70 to 5501.83 of the Revised Code. (D) User fees shall be so fixed and adjusted by the director as to provide funds at least sufficient with other revenues of the Ohio transportation system, if any, to pay all of the following: (1) Any debt service charges on obligations issued to pay costs of one or more toll projects as such charges become due and payable, taking into account any other amounts available for such purposes; (2) Any obligations under any public-private agreement entered into in connection with a toll project as such amounts become due and payable; (3) The cost of maintaining, improving, repairing, constructing, financing and operating toll projects within the interstate system or the state highway system and its different parts and sections, and to create and maintain any reserves for those purposes. (E) Except as provided in division (F) of this section, money received from user fees, other than those received pursuant to a public-private agreement, which shall be deposited in accordance with such agreement and shall be used for the exclusive benefit of such toll project, shall be deposited to the credit of the Ohio toll fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury. The treasurer of state may establish separate subaccounts within the Ohio toll fund as determined to be necessary or convenient to pay costs of constructing, improving, repairing, maintaining, administering, and operating toll projects within the state highway system. Any remaining money deposited into the Ohio toll fund shall be used at the discretion of the director to support construction, improvement, repair, maintenance, administration, and operation costs for approved toll projects and highway projects within one mile of a toll project. All investment earnings of the fund shall be credited to the fund. (F) The issuing authority of obligations issued for the purpose of financing the toll project, by the fifteenth day of July of each fiscal year, shall certify or cause to be certified to the department of transportation and the office of budget and management the total amount of money required during the current fiscal year to meet in full all debt service charges and otherwise comply with the requirements of any applicable bond proceedings and all obligations under any public-private agreement relating to a toll project as provided in sections 5501.70 to 5501.83 of the Revised Code. The issuing authority shall make or cause to be made supplemental certifications to the department and the office of budget and management for each bond service payment date and at such other times during each fiscal year as may be provided in the applicable bond proceeding or public-private agreement or required by that department or office. Bond service charges, costs of credit enhancement facilities, other financing costs, and any other amounts required under the applicable bond proceedings and all amounts required under any applicable public-private agreement shall be set forth separately in each certification. Money received from user fees and other pledged receipts shall be deposited to the credit of the bond service fund at such times and in such amounts as are necessary to satisfy all those payment requirements of the applicable bond proceedings or to the credit of any fund established for such purpose under any public-private agreement. At such time that bond service charges on all outstanding bonds issued in connection with any toll project and the interest on the bonds have been paid or a sufficient amount for the payment of all such bonds and the interest on the bonds to the maturity of the bonds has been set aside in trust for the benefit of the bondholders, as provided in the applicable bond proceedings, and at such time as all amounts due and to become due pursuant to a public-private agreement, which are payable from user fees, have been paid, the project shall be operated, improved, and maintained by the department of transportation as a part of the state highway system and shall be free of user fees.
Section 5531.141 | Electronic collection of fees.
September 11, 2014
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 533 - 130th General Assembly
(A) The department of transportation may collect a user fee by utilizing a system of collection that is capable of charging an account holder the appropriate user fee by transmission of information from an electronic toll collection device on a motor vehicle. In addition, for any motor vehicle that does not use an electronic toll collection device, the department may utilize an electronic-monitoring system for user fee collection. (B)(1) If a motor vehicle uses a toll project and the user fee is not paid through an electronic toll collection device or otherwise, the toll project operator first shall use the electronic-monitoring system for the toll project to determine if the registered owner of the motor vehicle has established an account for the payment of the user fee. If such an account has been established, the toll project operator shall charge the account holder the appropriate user fee. If the toll project operator cannot locate an established account, or if the toll project operator locates an established account but the account cannot be charged the appropriate user fee, the toll project operator may send by regular first class mail an invoice for the unpaid user fee. The toll project operator shall include with the invoice the information described in section 5531.143 of the Revised Code. The toll project operator shall send the invoice to the registered owner of the motor vehicle as shown in the records of either of the following: (a) The bureau of motor vehicles; (b) The department, division, bureau, office, or other unit of government of any other state or jurisdiction that is functionally equivalent to the bureau of motor vehicles. (2) With respect to any user fee and any associated administrative fee, the toll project operator, in the toll project operator's sole discretion, may determine not to pursue collection of that user fee or administrative fee or to terminate collection measures in relation to that user fee or administrative fee.
Section 5531.142 | Invoices.
September 11, 2014
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 533 - 130th General Assembly
(A) A person or entity that receives an invoice under section 5531.141 of the Revised Code or a late notice under division (C) of this section shall do one of the following: (1) Pay the user fee and any administrative fee set forth in the invoice or late notice directly to the toll project operator within thirty-five days after the date of mailing of the invoice or late notice; (2) File with the toll project operator a notice to contest liability for the unpaid user fee within thirty-five days after the date of the mailing of the invoice or late notice by utilizing the form provided with the invoice or late notice under section 5531.143 of the Revised Code; (3) If the registered owner is a motor vehicle leasing dealer or a motor vehicle renting dealer, notify the toll project operator within thirty-five days after the date of mailing of the invoice or late notice of the name and address of the person who was the lessee or renter of the motor vehicle at the time the user fee was incurred. A motor vehicle leasing dealer or a motor vehicle renting dealer that receives an invoice or late notice shall not pay a user fee or any administrative fee and subsequently attempt to collect a fee or assess the lessee or renter a charge in excess of the amount actually paid on behalf of the lessee or renter. (B) Upon receipt of the name and address of the lessee or renter of a motor vehicle provided by a motor vehicle leasing dealer or motor vehicle renting dealer under division (A)(3) of this section, the toll project operator shall send an invoice to the lessee or renter of the motor vehicle as described in section 5531.141 of the Revised Code. The toll project operator shall send all subsequent late notices for the unpaid user fees to the lessee or renter, and the motor vehicle renting or leasing dealer has no further liability for unpaid user fees or administrative fees under this chapter. (C) If a registered owner fails to pay or contest an invoice within thirty-five days after the date of mailing of the invoice, the toll project operator may send to the registered owner by regular first class mail a late notice containing the information described in section 5531.143 of the Revised Code. The toll project operator may charge an administrative fee for each late notice, the purpose of which is to enable the toll project operator to recover the expenses of collecting the unpaid user fee. The director of transportation shall establish the amount of the administrative fee by rule.
Section 5531.143 | Contents of invoices.
September 11, 2014
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 533 - 130th General Assembly
A toll project operator shall include with each invoice and late notice all of the following: (A) The registered owner's name and current known address; (B) Descriptions and amounts of all user fees and administrative fees assessed; (C) A request for payment within thirty-five days after the date of mailing of such invoice or late notice; (D) A warning of the potential consequences for failing to pay the total amount due as indicated in such invoice or late notice, including additional fees and penalties, potential court summons, and inability to renew motor vehicle registrations; (E) Information for disputing the invoice or late notice and a form that a person may use to file a notice to contest liability for a user fee or administrative fee; (F) Contact information for the customer service center for the applicable toll project; and (G) Information about obtaining an electronic toll collection device and establishing an electronic toll collection account.
Section 5531.144 | Liability for payment.
September 11, 2014
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 533 - 130th General Assembly
(A) The registered owner of a motor vehicle that utilizes a toll project is liable for payment of the applicable user fee. (B)(1) If the registered owner, in response to an invoice mailed to the registered owner under section 5531.141 of the Revised Code or a late notice mailed under section 5531.142 of the Revised Code, submits a notice to contest liability for the user fee or any administrative fee, the toll project operator shall schedule a hearing at which the registered owner may contest liability for the user fee or administrative fee. The toll project operator shall send written notice by regular first class mail to the registered owner listing the time and date of the hearing. A hearing officer of the toll project operator shall preside over the hearing and shall hold the hearing not later than thirty-five days after the date of mailing of the hearing notice. The hearing officer shall conduct the hearing at a location within the county in which the toll project is located. The registered owner may present evidence at the hearing as to the reasons why the registered owner is not liable for payment of the user fee or administrative fee. At the hearing, the hearing officer shall determine if the registered owner is liable for the payment of any user fee or administrative fee. (2) Upon a finding by the hearing officer that the registered owner is not liable for payment of the user fee or administrative fee, the hearing officer shall enter that finding into the records of the toll project operator and cancel the invoice. (3) If the hearing officer finds that the registered owner is liable for payment of the user fee or any administrative fee, the hearing officer shall enter that finding into the records of the toll project operator. If payment in full is not made upon completion of the hearing, the hearing officer shall notify the registrar of motor vehicles of the hearing officer's decision that the registered owner is liable for payment of the user fee or any administrative fee. The hearing officer also shall include with the notification to the registrar a motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order. The hearing officer shall give the registered owner a copy of the order. The order remains in effect until the toll project operator notifies the registrar that all unpaid user fees and administrative fees have been paid in full. If the hearing officer finds that the registered owner is liable for payment of the user fee or any administrative fee and the registered owner resides in another state, the hearing officer shall send notice of the hearing officer's decision to the department, division, bureau, office, or other unit of government that is functionally equivalent to the bureau of motor vehicles. The hearing officer shall include with the notice the registration prevention order, which shall have the same effect in another state or jurisdiction as in this state. (4) If the registered owner does not pay all unpaid user fees and administrative fees within thirty-five days after the date of the hearing officer's decision that the registered owner is liable for payment of such fees, and the registered owner does not file an appeal described in division (C) of this section within that same thirty-five-day time period, the toll project operator may file a civil suit against the registered owner in the municipal court or county court having jurisdiction over the location of the toll project as provided in section 5531.146 of the Revised Code. (C)(1) The registered owner may appeal an adverse finding by the hearing officer to the municipal court or county court having jurisdiction over the location of the toll project within thirty-five days after the date of the hearing officer's decision that the registered owner is liable for payment of such fees. If the registered owner fails to file an appeal with the municipal court or county court within that time period, the registered owner is considered to have waived the registered owner's right to appeal the decision of the hearing officer. After that time period has expired, the toll project operator may file a civil suit against the registered owner in the municipal court or county court having jurisdiction over the location of the toll project as provided in section 5531.146 of the Revised Code. Upon the filing of a timely appeal by the registered owner, the clerk of the municipal court or county court shall notify the registrar of the filing of the appeal by the registered owner. The motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order is automatically stayed pending the results of the appeal in the municipal court or county court. (2) At the appeal hearing, the municipal court or county court shall determine whether the registered owner is liable for the payment of any user fee or administrative fee. If the court finds that the registered owner is not liable for payment of the user fee or administrative fee, the court shall issue a ruling to that effect and cancel the invoice. The toll project operator immediately shall inform the registrar of the ruling and shall direct the registrar to cancel the motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order issued under division (B)(3) of this section. If the court finds that the registered owner is liable for payment of the user fee or any administrative fee, the court shall issue a ruling to that effect. If the court issues such a ruling and payment in full is not made to the toll project operator upon completion of the appeal hearing, the toll project operator shall inform the registrar of motor vehicles of the ruling and the failure by the registered owner to make payment in full. In that circumstance, the stay of the motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order described in division (C)(1) of this section terminates and the order becomes effective. In addition, if the registered owner fails to pay in full the user fee and any administrative fee within thirty-five days after the date the court issues the ruling, the toll project operator may file a civil suit against the registered owner in the municipal court or county court having jurisdiction over the location of the toll project as provided in section 5531.146 of the Revised Code. If, upon completion of the appeal hearing, the registered owner makes payment in full to the toll project operator of all user fees and administrative fees that the court ruled the registered owner was liable for payment, the toll project operator shall inform the registrar of motor vehicles of the ruling and the payment in full by the registered owner and direct the registrar to cancel the motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order. (D) If the registered owner fails to pay an invoice and any administrative fee and fails to submit a notice to contest liability for any of those fees within thirty-five days after the date of mailing of the invoice, the toll project operator may send a late notice to the registered owner as provided in division (C) of section 5531.142 of the Revised Code. If, in response to the late notice, the registered owner submits a notice to contest liability for the user fee and any administrative fee within thirty-five days after the date of mailing of the late notice, the toll project operator shall schedule and hold a hearing as described in division (B)(1) of this section. Divisions (B)(2), (3), and (4) and (C)(1) and (2) of this section apply to such a hearing.
Section 5531.145 | Late notices; consequences.
September 11, 2014
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 533 - 130th General Assembly
(A) If the toll project operator sends a late notice to the registered owner and the registered owner, within thirty-five days after the date of mailing of the late notice, fails to pay the user fee and any administrative fee contained in the late notice and fails to submit a notice to contest liability for any of those fees, the toll project operator may do either of the following: (1) Issue a motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order to the registrar of motor vehicles and send a copy of the order to the registered owner. If the registered owner resides in another state or jurisdiction, the toll project operator shall send the order to the department, division, bureau, office, or other unit of government that is functionally equivalent to the bureau of motor vehicles. The order shall have the same effect in another state or jurisdiction as in this state. (2) File a civil suit against the registered owner in the municipal court or county court having jurisdiction over the location of the toll project as provided in section 5531.146 of the Revised Code. (B) If the toll project operator sends a motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order to the registrar under division (A)(1) of this section, the registered owner may file a request for a hearing in the municipal court or county having jurisdiction over the location of the toll project within thirty-five days after the date the toll project operator sends the order to the registrar. The order shall remain in effect pending the results of the hearing in the municipal court or county court. If the registered owner fails to file an appeal with the municipal court or county court within that thirty-five-day period, the registered owner is considered to have waived the registered owner's right to appeal the issuance of the motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order. The toll project operator may file a civil suit against the registered owner in the municipal court or county court having jurisdiction over the location of the toll project as provided in section 5531.146 of the Revised Code. (C)(1) If an appeal hearing is requested under division (B) of this section, the municipal court or county court shall determine whether the registered owner is liable for the payment of any user fee or administrative fee and whether the issuance by the toll project operator of the motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order was valid. If the court finds that the registered owner is not liable for payment of the user fee or administrative fee, the court shall issue a ruling to that effect and dismiss the late notice. The toll project operator immediately shall inform the registrar of the ruling and shall direct the registrar to cancel the motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order issued under division (A)(1) of this section. (2) If the court finds that the registered owner is liable for payment of the user fee or any administrative fee and that the issuance by the toll project operator of the motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order was valid, the court shall issue a ruling to that effect. If the court issues such a ruling and payment in full is not made to the toll project operator upon completion of the appeal hearing, the toll project operator shall inform the registrar of motor vehicles of the ruling and the failure by the registered owner to make payment in full, and the motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order issued under division (A)(1) of this section remains in effect. (3) If the court finds that the registered owner is liable for payment of the user fee or any administrative fee but the issuance by the toll project operator of the motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order was not valid, the court shall issue a ruling to that effect. If the court issues such a ruling, the toll project operator shall inform the registrar of the ruling and direct the registrar to cancel the motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order. The registered owner remains liable for payment of the user fee or any administrative fee. The toll project operator may reissue the motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order. If the toll project operator reissues the order, the registered owner may appeal the order as provided in division (B) of this section. (4) If, upon completion of the appeal hearing, the registered owner pays in full to the toll project operator all user fees and administrative fees for which the court ruled the registered owner was liable, the toll project operator shall inform the registrar of the ruling and the payment in full by the registered owner. The toll project operator also shall direct the registrar to cancel the motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order. (5) If the court rules under division (C)(2) or (3) of this section that the registered owner is liable for payment of the user fee or any administrative fee, and the registered owner does not pay all such fees within thirty-five days after the court issues the ruling, the toll project operator may file a civil suit against the registered owner in the municipal court or county court having jurisdiction over the location of the toll project as provided in section 5531.146 of the Revised Code. (D) At any time after a toll project operator issues an order under division (A)(1) of this section, the registered owner may pay all user fees and administrative fees owed to the toll project operator. If such payment is made, the toll project operator shall inform the registrar of the payment and shall direct the registrar to cancel the motor vehicle certificate of registration prevention order.
Section 5531.146 | Civil action to collect payment.
September 11, 2014
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 533 - 130th General Assembly
(A)(1) As provided in sections 5531.144 and 5531.145 of the Revised Code, a toll project operator may file a civil suit against a registered owner in the municipal court or county court having jurisdiction over the location of the toll project. The toll project operator also shall file all related documentation and information described in section 5531.143 of the Revised Code with the clerk of the municipal court or county court. Except as otherwise provided in division (A)(2) of this section, the toll project operator shall not file such a suit earlier than thirty-five days after the date of mailing of a late notice to the registered owner. (2) In a circumstance in which a registered owner is liable for multiple user fees and any associated administrative fees involving one or more motor vehicles, the toll project operator may file a civil suit addressing all such user fees and administrative fees; provided, no such suit shall include fees incurred more than one hundred twenty-five days prior to the date of filing of such suit. (3) The clerk of the municipal court or county court shall execute a summons regarding a suit filed under division (A)(1) of this section by sending a copy of the summons in accordance with the rules of civil procedure to the address of the registered owner of the vehicle as shown in the records of the bureau of motor vehicles, as identified and provided by a motor vehicle leasing dealer or motor vehicle renting dealer, or as shown in the records of the department, division, bureau, office, or other unit of government of any other state or jurisdiction that is functionally equivalent to the bureau of motor vehicles. The issuance of such a summons constitutes sufficient notice to the registered owner. The summons shall compel the appearance of the registered owner to appear in the municipal court or county court, and shall include notice of the time and place of the trial as well as the potential civil penalty and any associated costs. The summons also shall include a statement that the registered owner's motor vehicle utilized a toll project and therefore the registered owner incurred liability for payment of the applicable user fee as provided in division (A) of section 5531.144 of the Revised Code and also shall list the Revised Code citation for that section. The summons constitutes sufficient notice to the registered owner that the vehicle was used on a toll project and, as a result, the registered owner is liable for payment of the user fee. (B) Proof that a motor vehicle utilized a toll project and therefore the registered owner of the motor vehicle is liable for payment of the applicable user fee shall be evidenced by either or both of the following: (1) Information and documentation obtained from an electronic-monitoring system or electronic toll collection system; (2) A certificate confirming the identification of the vehicle issued by a toll project operator that is based on an inspection of photographs, microphotographs, videotapes, other recorded images or identifying data produced by an electronic-monitoring system, or through electronic data collected by an electronic toll collection system. The certificate and the documentation attached thereto are prima facie evidence of the facts contained therein. The court shall ensure that the certificate and any photographs, microphotographs, videotapes, or other recorded images or electronic data evidencing liability for payment of the applicable user fee are available for inspection in any proceeding to adjudicate the liability for payment of the user fee. (C)(1) A registered owner is not liable for a user fee and it is a complete defense to a cause of action asserting such liability if within thirty-five days after the mailing of the invoice, late notice, or a summons, the registered owner of the motor vehicle produces for the toll project operator or the court a certified copy of a report of a law enforcement agency showing both of the following: (a) The motor vehicle had been reported stolen prior to the time that the motor vehicle utilized the toll project. (b) The motor vehicle had remained stolen at the time of the alleged violation. (2) The court shall dismiss the case against a registered owner when divisions (C)(1)(a) and (b) apply. (D) The toll project operator may offer to the registered owner the option to pay the unpaid user fee and any administrative fee, as specified in the summons, plus a reduced civil penalty, provided that the registered owner actually pays to the toll project operator the entire amount so calculated not less than fourteen days prior to the scheduled trial date. The toll project operator shall establish a schedule for reduced civil penalties that are offered to registered owners pursuant to this division, and the toll project operator shall adhere to the schedule when making such offers. The toll project operator may revise the schedule from time to time as the toll project operator determines necessary. If the registered owner accepts the offer and the toll project operator receives the entire amount not less than fourteen days prior to the scheduled trial date, the toll project operator shall move the court, not less than five business days prior to the trial date, to dismiss the summons issued to the registered owner. Upon such a motion, the court shall dismiss the summons and dismiss the case. (E)(1) Upon a finding by the municipal court or county court that the registered owner is liable for payment of the user fee as provided in division (A) of section 5531.144 of the Revised Code, the court shall order the registered owner to pay all applicable court costs, user fees due, and administrative fees. The court also shall impose a civil penalty upon the registered owner, as follows: (a) For a first instance, as shown in the records of the toll project operator, in which the registered owner was liable for payment of a user fee and the registered owner did not pay the user fee and did not submit a timely notice to contest the user fee and the toll project operator sent both an invoice and a late notice to the registered owner, seventy-five dollars; (b) For a second instance as described in division (E)(1)(a) of this section within one year of a first such instance, one hundred fifty dollars; (c) For a third instance as described in division (E)(1)(a) of this section within two years of a second such instance, two hundred fifty dollars; (d) For a fourth or subsequent instance as described in division (E)(1)(a) of this section within three years of a third such instance, five hundred dollars. (2) The clerk of the municipal court or county court shall pay all user fees, administrative fees, and penalties the court assesses and collects under this section to the department of transportation for deposit into the state treasury to the credit of the highway operating fund or for payment by the department in accordance with a public-private agreement pursuant to sections 5501.70 to 5501.83 of the Revised Code. (F)(1) Upon a finding by a court that the registered owner is liable for payment of a user fee as provided in division (A) of section 5531.144 of the Revised Code, the court shall issue a motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order. The order shall remain in effect until the court has notified the registrar that all unpaid user fees, administrative fees, and civil penalties have been paid in full and the court has issued a new order rescinding its previous order. The registrar and all deputy registrars shall comply with the order. (2) If the registered owner resides in another state or jurisdiction, the court shall issue a motor vehicle certificate of registration issuance prevention order and send a copy of the order to the department, division, bureau, office, or other unit of government of another state or jurisdiction that is functionally equivalent to the bureau of motor vehicles for enforcement in that other state or jurisdiction. The order shall have the same effect in another state or jurisdiction as in this state. (G)(1) A civil penalty imposed pursuant to this section shall not be made part of the driving record of the person upon whom such civil penalty is imposed, nor shall it be considered in any manner for insurance purposes in the provision of motor vehicle insurance coverage. (2) No person shall be subject to both this section and to criminal prosecution under any provision of the Revised Code or any rule adopted thereunder for nonpayment of user fees or related administrative fees.
Section 5531.147 | When collection procedures prohibited.
September 11, 2014
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 533 - 130th General Assembly
A toll project operator shall not initiate collection procedures that are regulated by federal law against a registered owner in any of the following circumstances: (A) During the thirty-five-day period after the date of mailing of an invoice or a late notice to the registered owner; (B) The registered owner has timely submitted a notice to contest liability for a user fee or any administrative fee to the toll project operator. The toll project operator may initiate collection procedures that are regulated by federal law against such a registered owner if, at the hearing conducted by the hearing officer described in section 5533.144 of the Revised Code, the hearing officer finds that the registered owner is liable for payment of the user fee or administrative fee at issue and the registered owner does not pay the fee at issue in full within thirty-five days after the hearing officer makes the finding. (C) The registered owner has filed a request for an appeal hearing with the municipal court or county court having jurisdiction over the location of the toll project. The toll project operator may initiate collection procedures that are regulated by federal law against such a registered owner if, at the appeal hearing conducted by the municipal court or county court described in section 5533.144 of the Revised Code, the court finds that the registered owner is liable for payment of the user fee or administrative fee at issue and the registered owner does not pay the fee at issue in full within thirty-five days after the court issues a ruling to that effect. (D) The toll project operator has filed a civil suit against the registered owner in the municipal court or county court having jurisdiction over the location of the toll project.
Section 5531.148 | Agreements for the collection of owner and registration information.
September 11, 2014
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 533 - 130th General Assembly
(A) A toll project operator may enter into an agreement with the bureau of motor vehicles and the department, division, bureau, office, or other unit of government of any other state or jurisdiction that is functionally equivalent to the bureau of motor vehicles to obtain motor vehicle owner and registration information that is necessary to conduct electronic toll collection and electronic monitoring. (B)(1) A toll project operator shall ensure that information collected by an electronic toll collection device, an electronic-monitoring system in conjunction with an electronic toll collection system, or under division (A) of this section is limited solely to that information that is necessary for the collection of unpaid user fees and administrative fees; necessary to establish liability of the registered owner of a motor vehicle for payment of a user fee as provided in division (A) of section 5531.144 of the Revised Code; or necessary in any proceeding to establish or confirm such liability. (2) A toll project operator shall ensure that all images or other data collected by an electronic toll collection device, an electronic-monitoring system, or under division (A) of this section are: (a) Maintained in a protected database with security that is at least comparable to the security used for databases operated by the department of transportation; (b) Used solely for the collection of unpaid user fees and administrative fees. (3) All of the following apply to the images and other data described in division (B)(2) of this section: (a) The images and other data are not public records under section 149.43 of the Revised Code. (b) A toll project operator or any other person shall not sell or use the images and data for sales, solicitation, or marketing purposes. Division (B)(3)(b) of this section does not prohibit the department of transportation or the toll project operator from using the images and data to facilitate collection or payment of user fees and administrative fees. (c) A toll project operator or any other person shall not disclose the images and data to any other entity except to a registered owner who contests liability for and challenges the imposition of a user fee or administrative fee; or except as may be necessary for the collection of unpaid user fees or administrative fees. (d) The images and data shall not be used in any court in a pending action or proceeding except upon an order from a court of competent jurisdiction or unless the action or proceeding relates to the liability of the registered owner of a motor vehicle for payment of a user fee as provided in division (A) of section 5531.144 of the Revised Code. (4)(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a toll project operator shall not retain any images or other data collected by an electronic toll collection device, an electronic-monitoring system, or under division (A) of this section and shall purge, write over, or otherwise eliminate, from existence the images or other data not later than one hundred eighty days after the collection of any unpaid user fees or administrative fees. Upon request from the director of transportation, any entity operating an electronic toll collection system or electronic-monitoring system in conjunction with an electronic toll collection system shall certify compliance with this section and, upon request, shall make all records pertaining to such system available for inspection and audit by the director or the director's designee. (b) No entity operating an electronic toll collection system or electronic-monitoring system in conjunction with an electronic toll collection system shall fail to certify compliance with this section or fail, upon request, to make all records pertaining to such system available for inspection and audit by the director or the director's designee. (5) Whoever violates division (B)(4)(b) of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on a first offense and a misdemeanor of the fourth degree on each subsequent offense.
Section 5531.149 | Compensation of Bureau.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 26 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) A toll project operator shall compensate the bureau of motor vehicles for its actions in enforcing sections 5531.11 to 5531.18 of the Revised Code with respect to the registered owner of a motor vehicle that is titled or registered in this state. The toll project operator shall provide such compensation by collecting and paying to the bureau, on a monthly basis, an administrative fee of five dollars for each certificate of registration issuance prevention order sent to and processed by the bureau under sections 5531.11 to 5531.18 of the Revised Code. The bureau shall deposit all money it collects under this division in the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund created in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code. (B) The director of transportation may enter into an agreement with the department, division, bureau, office, or other unit of government of any other state or jurisdiction that is functionally equivalent to the department of transportation or the bureau of motor vehicles for the purpose of enforcing sections 5531.11 to 5531.18 of the Revised Code with respect to the registered owner of a motor vehicle that is titled or registered in such other state or jurisdiction and utilizes a toll project. The agreement may provide for the denial in such other state or jurisdiction of the issuance of a new or renewal motor vehicle certificate of registration in the name of that person and the denial of any motor vehicle certificate of registration for the motor vehicle that utilized a toll project for which the required user fee or associated administrative fee was not paid by the registered owner.
Section 5531.15 | Rules for control and regulation of toll projects.
September 11, 2014
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 533 - 130th General Assembly
(A) The director of transportation, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, may adopt such rules as the director considers advisable for the control and regulation of traffic on any toll project, for the protection and preservation of property under the jurisdiction and control of the department of transportation, for the maintenance and preservation of good order within the property under its control, and for the purpose of establishing owner or operator liability for failure to comply with toll collection rules. (B) The rules shall provide that all of the following persons shall be afforded ready access, while in the performance of their official duties, to all property under the jurisdiction of the department of transportation and without the payment of any user fee: (1) Public police officers; (2) Operators of municipal, township, county, and state maintenance vehicles; (3) Operators of United States military vehicles traveling in a convoy; (4) Operators of official emergency response vehicles. (C) No person shall violate any such rules of the department of transportation. (D)(1) All fines collected for the violation of applicable laws of the state and the rules of the department of transportation or money arising from bonds forfeited for such violation shall be disposed of in accordance with section 5503.04 of the Revised Code. (2) All fees or charges assessed by the department of transportation in accordance with this section against an owner or operator of a vehicle as a civil violation for failure to comply with toll collection rules shall be revenues of the department.
Section 5531.16 | Maintenance and repair of toll projects.
September 11, 2014
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 533 - 130th General Assembly
(A) Each toll project shall be maintained and kept in good condition and repair by the department of transportation or in accordance with the terms of a public-private agreement pursuant to sections 5501.70 to 5501.83 of the Revised Code. Toll projects shall be operated by toll collectors and other employees and agents that the department employs or contracts for. Toll projects shall be policed by the state highway patrol in accordance with section 5503.02 of the Revised Code; provided, that the state highway patrol also shall enforce all rules of the department adopted under division (A) of section 5531.15 of the Revised Code that relate to the operation and use of vehicles on a toll project and that are punishable under division (A) of section 5531.99 of the Revised Code. (B) An action for damages against the state for any public or private property damaged or destroyed in carrying out the powers granted by sections 5531.11 to 5531.18 of the Revised Code shall be filed in the court of claims pursuant to Chapter 2743. of the Revised Code. (C) All governmental agencies may lease, lend, grant, or convey to the department of transportation at its request, upon terms that the proper authorities of the governmental agencies consider reasonable and fair and without the necessity for an advertisement, order of court, or other action or formality, other than the regular and formal action of the authorities concerned, any property that is necessary or convenient to the effectuation of the purposes of sections 5531.11 to 5531.18 of the Revised Code, including public roads and other property already devoted to public use. (D) Each bridge constituting part of a toll project shall be considered a bridge on the state highway system for purposes of sections 5501.47 and 5501.49 of the Revised Code. (E) In accordance with Chapter 5501. of the Revised Code, the department of transportation shall make an annual report of its toll project activities for the preceding calendar year to the governor and the general assembly.
Section 5531.17 | Exemption from taxation.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 2 - 128th General Assembly
The exercise of the powers granted by sections 5531.11 to 5531.18 of the Revised Code is in all respects for the benefit of the people of the state, for the increase of their commerce and prosperity, and for the improvement of their health and living conditions; and as the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Ohio toll-way system by the department of transportation constitute the performance of essential governmental functions, the department shall not be required to pay any state or local taxes or assessments upon any toll project, or upon revenues or any property acquired or used by the department under sections 5531.11 to 5531.18 of the Revised Code, or upon the income therefrom.
Section 5531.18 | Application to construct and operate a toll project.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 114 - 129th General Assembly
The director of transportation shall establish a procedure whereby a political subdivision or other governmental agency or agencies may submit a written application to the director requesting the department of transportation to construct and operate a toll project within the boundaries of the subdivision, agency, or agencies making the request. The procedure shall include a requirement that the director send a written reply to the subdivision, agency, or agencies explaining the disposition of the request.
Section 5531.30 | Agreements with federal agencies.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 53 - 131st General Assembly
(A)(1) The director of transportation may enter into agreements and cooperate with the United States department of transportation, or any other appropriate federal agency as provided in 23 U.S.C. 325 to 327 and as authorized under the "Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21)," 126 Stat. 405 (2012); the "Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)," 119 Stat. 1144 (2005); and the "National Environmental Policy Act of 1969," 83 Stat. 852 (1970). Pursuant to such an agreement the director may assume certain responsibilities of the secretary of the United States department of transportation, and take any other actions required by any such agreement or by such federal laws. (2) The director may adopt any rules necessary to implement an agreement pursuant to division (A) of this section and carry out any duties imposed under such an agreement. (3) The director may make expenditures of money in connection with an agreement authorized under division (A)(1) of this section from any funds of the department of transportation that are available to the director. (B) Notwithstanding Chapter 2743. of the Revised Code, this state hereby waives its immunity from civil liability, including the immunity from suit in a federal court under the eleventh amendment to the United States Constitution, and consents to the jurisdiction of the federal courts over its civil liability with regard to the compliance, discharge, or enforcement of the responsibilities assumed under division (A) of this section in accordance with the same procedural and substantive requirements applicable to a suit against a federal agency. Division (B) of this section applies only to actions that are authorized under division (A) of this section and does not create liability that exceeds the liability created under 23 U.S.C. 325 to 327.
Section 5531.99 | Penalties.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 2 - 128th General Assembly
(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, whoever violates division (C) of section 5531.15 of the Revised Code is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on a first offense; on each subsequent offense such person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. (B) Whoever violates division (C) of section 5531.15 of the Revised Code when the violation is a civil violation for failure to comply with toll collection rules is subject to a fee or charge established by the department of transportation by rule.