As used in this chapter and section 5919.34 of the Revised Code:
(A) "Child" includes natural and adopted children and stepchildren who have not been legally adopted by the veteran parent provided that the relationship between the stepchild and the veteran parent meets the following criteria:
(1) The veteran parent is married to the child's natural or adoptive parent at the time application for a scholarship granted under this chapter is made; or if the veteran parent is deceased, the child's natural or adoptive parent was married to the veteran parent at the time of the veteran parent's death;
(2) The child resided with the veteran parent for a period of not less than ten consecutive years immediately prior to making application for the scholarship; or if the veteran parent is deceased, the child resided with the veteran parent for a period of not less than ten consecutive years immediately prior to the veteran parent's death;
(3) The child received financial support from the veteran parent for a period of not less than ten consecutive years immediately prior to making application for the scholarship; or if the veteran parent is deceased, the child received financial support from the veteran parent for a period of not less than ten consecutive years immediately prior to the veteran parent's death.
(B) "Veteran" includes any of the following:
(1) Any person who was a member of the armed services of the United States for a period of ninety days or more, or who was discharged from the armed services due to a disability incurred while a member with less than ninety days' service, or who died while a member of the armed services; provided that such service, disability, or death occurred during one of the following periods: December 7, 1941, to December 31, 1946; June 25, 1950, to January 31, 1955; January 1, 1960, to May 7, 1975; August 2, 1990, to the end of operations conducted as a result of the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, including support for operation desert shield and operation desert storm, as declared by the president of the United States or the congress; October 7, 2001, to the end of operation enduring freedom as declared by the president of the United States or the congress; March 20, 2003, to the end of operation Iraqi freedom as declared by the president of the United States or the congress; or any other period of conflict established by the United States department of veterans affairs for pension purposes;
(2) Any person who was a member of the armed services of the United States and participated in an operation for which the armed forces expeditionary medal was awarded;
(3) Any person who served as a member of the United States merchant marine and to whom either of the following applies:
(a) The person has an honorable report of separation from the active duty military service, form DD214 or DD215.
(b) The person served in the United States merchant marine between December 7, 1941, and December 31, 1946, and died on active duty while serving in a war zone during that period of service.
(C) "Armed services of the United States" or "United States armed forces" includes the army, air force, navy, marine corps, coast guard, space force, and such other military service branch as may be designated by congress as a part of the armed forces of the United States.
(D) "Board" means the Ohio war orphans and severely disabled veterans' children scholarship board created by section 5910.02 of the Revised Code.
(E) "Disabled" means having a sixty per cent or greater service-connected disability or receiving benefits for permanent and total nonservice-connected disability, as determined by the United States department of veterans affairs.
(F) "United States merchant marine" includes the United States army transport service and the United States naval transport service.
Last updated January 28, 2025 at 3:52 PM