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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 5919 | Ohio National Guard

Section 5919.01 | Composition and organization of Ohio national guard.

(A) The Ohio national guard consists of those organizations and units that are, under the laws of the United States and the regulations promulgated under them, prescribed as the portion of the army or air national guard of the United States located and organized within this state according to the locations, branches, organizations, and allotments approved by the governor of this state.

(B) The organizations and units of the Ohio national guard shall conform to and be organized according to the organizational or allowance tables prescribed by the department of the army or air force and by the national guard bureau for the national guard. In case of an emergency or imminent danger of an emergency, the governor, as commander in chief, may increase the size of the Ohio national guard according to the existing regulations governing the armed forces of the United States, as the exigency of the occasion requires. Any organization and increase may be made either pursuant to, or in advance of, any call or order made by the president of the United States.

Section 5919.02 | Officers appointed by governor.

(A) All commissioned and warrant officers of the Ohio national guard shall be appointed by the governor as commander in chief and shall be commissioned or warranted according to grade under the regulations of the department of the army or air force and the national guard bureau.

(B) No officer shall be commissioned or warranted until the officer has successfully passed tests as to physical, moral, and professional fitness as prescribed by regulations promulgated under federal law for federal recognition as a commissioned or warrant officer.

(C) General officers shall be appointed from the federally recognized eligible commissioned officers of the army or air national guard of this state or of another component of the armed forces of the United States, who have served at least fifteen years as a commissioned officer in the army or air national guard or in another component of the armed forces of the United States, or both.

Section 5919.04 | Regulations and other publications governing appointments.

(A) The adjutant general may issue regulations and other publications governing the appointment of officers in the Ohio national guard and all other matters as necessary to conform to the requirements made or authorized by congress for participation in federal appropriations for the national guard.

(B) In issuing regulations and other publications under division (A) of this section, the adjutant general need not comply with Chapter 111. or 119. of the Revised Code.

Section 5919.05 | Commissioned officers of Ohio national guard shall take and subscribe to oath.

Commissioned officers of the Ohio national guard shall take and subscribe to the following oath of office:

"I,___________, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Ohio, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will obey the orders of the president of the United States and of the Governor of the state of Ohio; that I make this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office of ____________ in the National Guard of the United States and of the state of Ohio, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God."

Every officer before being commissioned shall take such oath within ten days after his appointment, and unless he does so is deemed to have declined his office and the appointment shall be vacated.

Section 5919.06 | Persons eligible for commission.

Persons shall be commissioned as officers of the Ohio national guard as provided under army, air force, and national guard regulations.

Section 5919.07 | Warrant officers.

When authorized by the federal government, warrant officers may be appointed by the governor under such regulations as are prescribed by the federal government.

Section 5919.071 | Federal recognition of commission.

Any person, commissioned or warranted as an officer in the Ohio national guard, shall hold the commission or warrant during the period of the person's federal recognition. The termination or withdrawal by the department of the army or air force of the federal recognition of any commissioned or warrant officer in the army or air national guard of the United States shall terminate the person's commission or warrant in the Ohio national guard.

Section 5919.08 | Noncommissioned officers.

All noncommissioned officers of the Ohio national guard shall be appointed as prescribed by appropriate armed forces regulations.

Section 5919.09 | Period of enlistments.

Enlistments in the Ohio national guard shall be for the period prescribed by act of congress and publications of the department of the army or air force and national guard bureau.

Section 5919.10 | Enlistment contract and oath of enlistment prerequisite for enlisting.

All persons enlisting in the Ohio national guard shall sign an enlistment contract and subscribe to the following oath of enlistment."

"I do hereby acknowledge to have voluntarily enlisted this ______ day of ______, ___, as a soldier in the national guard of the United States and of the state of Ohio, for the period of ______ year ______, under the conditions prescribed by law, unless sooner discharged by proper authority. And I do solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America and to the state of Ohio, and that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies whomsoever, and that I will obey the orders of the president of the United States and of the governor of the state of Ohio, and of the officers appointed over me according to law and the regulations and uniform code of military justice."

This section shall not apply to personnel transferred or assigned to the Ohio national guard under the laws and regulations of the United States.

Section 5919.11 | Officers authorized to administer oaths.

All commissioned officers and warrant officers of the Ohio national guard and the armed forces of the United States may administer oaths and affirmations in the appointment or enlistment of officers and soldiers of the Ohio national guard.

Section 5919.12 | Honorable discharge of officer.

A commissioned or warrant officer of the Ohio national guard may be honorably discharged by the governor as commander in chief upon the officer's resignation, in conformity with the requirements of the department of the army or air force and the national guard bureau, but the officer shall not be discharged until the officer has accounted for all state and United States property and all public moneys for which the officer is responsible.

Section 5919.13 | Retired officers list.

(A) Any commissioned or warrant officer who has served as a member of the Ohio national guard for a period of twenty years, eight of which have been as a commissioned or warrant officer, may at the officer's request, and shall upon termination of the officer's federal recognition, be placed upon the retired list, which shall be kept in the office of the adjutant general.

(B) Retired officers shall receive no compensation from the state for their services except as provided in this section, but may on all occasions of ceremony wear the uniform of their rank.

(C) The adjutant general may detail a retired officer to duty other than in the command of troops, consistent with federal publications. A retired officer then shall receive pay and allowances as prescribed under the department of defense pay manual.

Section 5919.14 | Determination of fitness of officer.

(A) At any time the moral character, capacity, and general fitness for service of any Ohio national guard officer may be determined by a board of officers, which shall be convened and proceed according to publications of the department of the army or air force and the national guard bureau.

(B) A board of officers convened under division (A) of this section is not a public body subject to section 121.22 of the Revised Code.

Section 5919.15 | Transfer to inactive national guard.

Commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel of the Ohio national guard may be transferred to the inactive national guard under regulations that the national guard bureau prescribes.

Section 5919.16 | Discharge of officer.

(A) Commissioned and warrant officers in the Ohio national guard shall be discharged by the adjutant general upon either of the following:

(1) The officer's resignation;

(2) Approval of a board's recommendation for withdrawal of federal recognition by the chief of the national guard bureau.

(B) An officer also may be discharged under any of the following circumstances:

(1) Pursuant to other federal regulations;

(2) If absent without leave for three months, upon recommendation of an efficiency board;

(3) Pursuant to sentence by court-martial;

(4) If the officer has been convicted of a crime classified as a felony as described in division (D) or (E) of section 2901.02 of the Revised Code.

Section 5919.17 | Discharge of enlisted person.

(A) An enlisted person discharged from service in the Ohio national guard shall receive a discharge, in writing, in the form and with the characterization prescribed by the army or air force. In time of peace, discharges may be given before the expiration of terms of enlistment, under prescribed regulations, subject to any restrictions contained in publications of the department of the army or air force and the national guard bureau.

(B) On termination of an emergency in which personnel of the Ohio national guard have been called or ordered into federal service by the president of the United States according to the laws of the United States, those persons shall continue to serve in the Ohio national guard until the dates upon which their service obligations entered into before the call or order into the federal service would have expired if uninterrupted.

Section 5919.19 | Commemorative Ohio national guard service medal.

(A) There is hereby created the commemorative Ohio national guard service medal. The adjutant general shall design the medal and administer the program for its distribution. Former members of the Ohio national guard who have been honorably or medically discharged or released from service in the Ohio national guard are eligible, upon application, to receive the medal.

Eligible persons who apply to receive the medal shall submit to the adjutant general a copy of their DD-214 form or NGB-22 form and a fee in an amount to be determined by the adjutant general. The adjutant general shall set the fee at an amount necessary to cover the cost of producing the medal.

(B) There is hereby created in the state treasury the national guard service medal fund. Fees collected from applicants for the medal as well as any appropriations made by the general assembly for purposes of the medal program shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the fund. The fund shall be used to pay for the production of the medal.

Section 5919.20 | National guard service medal fund.

There is hereby created in the state treasury the national guard service medal fund. The fund shall consist of all amounts received from the purchase of Ohio national guard service medals for eligible national guard service members as authorized by the general assembly. The moneys in the fund shall be used to purchase additional medals. Investment earnings of the fund shall be credited to the fund.

Section 5919.22 | Publications governing discharge of enlisted person.

No enlisted person may be discharged from the Ohio national guard except as provided by publications of the department of the army or air force and the national guard bureau.

Section 5919.23 | Creation of additional units - drafting.

The commander in chief may, upon the declaration of war, or upon the breaking out of insurrection, or upon the imminence of either, increase the Ohio national guard and the Ohio military reserve by the creation of such additional units as he deems necessary; and he may proceed in such manner as rules prescribe for the drafting into the organized militia of all such portions of the militia of the state as he deems necessary in any such emergency.

Section 5919.24 | Resisting an order or giving aid to public enemy.

In any case covered by section 5919.23 of the Revised Code, any person who shall in any way hinder, delay or resist the orders of the commander in chief with respect thereto, or who shall give any aid or comfort to the public enemy, or either injure or destroy or attempt to injure or destroy any of the military property of the state, or any public building, means or facility of transportation, or any public work within the state, with intent to impede the military forces of this state, or to assist the public enemy of the state or the United States, shall, upon conviction, be punished in such manner as a court-martial directs.

Section 5919.25 | Uniforms, arms, and equipment.

The Ohio national guard, as far as practicable, shall be uniformed, armed, and equipped with the same type of uniforms, arms, and equipment as is provided for the United States air force or army.

Section 5919.26 | Reports.

The adjutant general shall provide the reports to be made by the officers of the Ohio national guard, which requirements shall, as far as practicable, be in similar form to the reports required under the regulations of the government for the armed forces of the United States.

Section 5919.27 | Bonds of officers.

The adjutant general shall provide the form and fix the amount of the bonds required of officers of the Ohio national guard, and pass upon the sufficiency of the sureties. If a surety bond is given, the premium therefor shall be paid out of the Ohio national guard maintenance fund. The adjutant general may require a new bond to be give if in his opinion the surety upon any existing bond has become insufficient.

Section 5919.28 | Tactics, field exercises, training and evaluation.

The system of tactics, field exercises, and training and evaluation for the United States army or air force shall be the system of tactics, field exercises, and training and evaluation for the Ohio national guard.

Section 5919.29 | Governor may order military training or duty.

(A) The governor as commander in chief may order individuals and units of the Ohio national guard to perform any training or duty authorized under the "Act of August 10, 1956," 70A Stat. 596, 32 U.S.C.A. 101 to 716, and under regulations prescribed by the president of the United States, the secretary of defense, the secretary of the army, the secretary of the air force, or the chief of the national guard bureau.

(B) When ordered by the governor to perform training or duty under this section or section 5923.12 of the Revised Code, members of the Ohio national guard shall have the protections afforded to persons on federal active duty by the "Service Members Civil Relief Act," Pub. L. No. 108-189, 50 App. U.S.C.A. 501-596, and by the "Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994," 108 Stat. 3149, 38 U.S.C.A. 4301 to 4333.

Section 5919.30 | Inspections.

(A) Inspection of units of the Ohio national guard shall be conducted under regulations prescribed by the secretary of the army or secretary of the air force and the chief of the national guard bureau.

(B) The adjutant general or an officer acting under the adjutant general's authority may make other inspections considered necessary by the adjutant general.

Section 5919.31 | Reimbursement of active duty members for life insurance premiums.

(A) If an active duty member of the Ohio national guard chooses to purchase life insurance pursuant to the "Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Act," 79 Stat. 880 et seq. (1965), 38 U.S.C. 1965 et seq. and if the adjutant general determines that the member is ineligible for reimbursement of associated premiums under federal law, the adjutant general shall reimburse the member in an amount equal to the monthly premium paid for each month or part of a month by the member pursuant to the act while being an active duty member.

(B) The adjutant general may request additional money from the controlling board if the adjutant general does not have sufficient available unencumbered funds to reimburse active duty members for life insurance premiums pursuant to this section.

(C) The adjutant general may prescribe and enforce regulations to implement the requirements of this section. In prescribing and enforcing those regulations, the adjutant general need not comply with section 111.15 or Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(D) As used in this section, "active duty member" means a member of the Ohio national guard on active duty pursuant to an executive order of the president of the United States, the "Act of October 28, 2004," 118 Stat. 1878, 32 U.S.C. 901 to 908, as amended, another act of the congress of the United States, or a proclamation of the governor, but does not include a member performing full-time Ohio national guard duty or performing special work active duty under the "Act of October 3, 1964," 78 Stat. 999, 32 U.S.C. 502(f).

Section 5919.32 | Pay and allowances of officers and enlisted personnel.

For satisfactorily performing inactive duty for training, annual training, and active duty for special work, officers and enlisted personnel of the Ohio national guard shall receive pay and allowances from the United States authorized and allowed by the department of defense pay manual, subject to regulations promulgated under it.

Section 5919.33 | Death benefits.

(A) The adjutant general shall pay a death benefit of one hundred thousand dollars from the appropriations made for the purpose to the beneficiary or beneficiaries of any active duty member of the Ohio national guard who dies while performing active duty, if the beneficiary or beneficiaries has or have been so designated in a written statement as prescribed by the adjutant general.

(B) As used in this section, "active duty member" means a member of the Ohio national guard on active duty pursuant to an executive order of the president of the United States, the "Act of October 28, 2004," 118 Stat. 1878, 32 U.S.C. 901 to 908, as amended, another act of the congress of the United States, or a proclamation of the governor, but does not include a member performing full-time Ohio natonal guard duty or performing special work active duty under the "Act of October 3, 1964," 78 Stat. 999, 32 U.S.C. 502(f).

Section 5919.34 | Ohio national guard scholarship program.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Academic term" means any one of the following:

(a) Fall term, which consists of fall semester or fall quarter, as appropriate;

(b) Winter term, which consists of winter semester, winter quarter, or spring semester, as appropriate;

(c) Spring term, which consists of spring quarter;

(d) Summer term, which consists of summer semester or summer quarter, as appropriate.

(2) "Eligible applicant" means any individual to whom all of the following apply:

(a) The individual does not possess a baccalaureate degree.

(b) The individual has enlisted, re-enlisted, or extended current enlistment in the Ohio national guard or is an individual to which division (F) of this section applies.

(c) The individual is actively enrolled as a full-time or part-time student for at least three credit hours of course work in a semester or quarter in a two-year or four-year degree-granting program at a state institution of higher education or a private institution of higher education, in a diploma-granting program at a state or private institution of higher education that is a school of nursing, or in a credential-certifying program, licensing program, trade certification program, or apprenticeship program for an in-demand occupation as identified by the adjutant general and the chancellor of higher education, in consultation with the governor's office of workforce transformation.

(d) The individual has not accumulated ninety-six eligibility units under division (E) of this section.

(3) "State institution of higher education" means any state university or college as defined in division (A)(1) of section 3345.12 of the Revised Code, community college established under Chapter 3354. of the Revised Code, state community college established under Chapter 3358. of the Revised Code, university branch established under Chapter 3355. of the Revised Code, or technical college established under Chapter 3357. of the Revised Code.

(4) "Private institution of higher education" means an Ohio institution of higher education that is nonprofit and has received a certificate of authorization pursuant to Chapter 1713. of the Revised Code, that is a private institution exempt from regulation under Chapter 3332. of the Revised Code as prescribed in section 3333.046 of the Revised Code, or that holds a certificate of registration and program authorization issued by the state board of career colleges and schools pursuant to section 3332.05 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Tuition" means the charges imposed to attend an institution of higher education and includes general and instructional fees. "Tuition" does not include laboratory fees, room and board, or other similar fees and charges.

(B) There is hereby created a scholarship program to be known as the Ohio national guard scholarship program.

(C)(1) The adjutant general shall approve scholarships for all eligible applicants. The adjutant general shall process all applications for scholarships for each academic term in the order in which they are received. The scholarships shall be made without regard to financial need. At no time shall one person be placed in priority over another because of sex, race, or religion.

(2) The adjutant general shall develop and provide a written explanation that informs all eligible scholarship recipients that the recipient may become ineligible and liable for repayment for an amount of scholarship payments received in accordance with division (G) of this section. The written explanation shall be reviewed by the scholarship recipient before acceptance of the scholarship and before acceptance of an enlistment, warrant, commission, or appointment for a term not less than the recipient's remaining term in the national guard or in the active duty component of the United States armed forces.

(D)(1) Except as provided in divisions (I) and (J) of this section, for each academic term that an eligible applicant is approved for a scholarship under this section and either remains a current member in good standing of the Ohio national guard or is eligible for a scholarship under division (F)(1) of this section, the institution of higher education in which the applicant is enrolled shall, if the applicant's enlistment obligation extends beyond the end of that academic term or if division (F)(1) of this section applies, be paid on the applicant's behalf the applicable one of the following amounts:

(a) If the institution is a state institution of higher education, an amount equal to one hundred per cent of the institution's tuition charges;

(b) If the institution is a nonprofit private institution or a private institution exempt from regulation under Chapter 3332. of the Revised Code as prescribed in section 3333.046 of the Revised Code, an amount equal to one hundred per cent of the average tuition charges of all state universities;

(c) If the institution is an institution that holds a certificate of registration from the state board of career colleges and schools, the lesser of the following:

(i) An amount equal to one hundred per cent of the institution's tuition;

(ii) An amount equal to one hundred per cent of the average tuition charges of all state universities, as that term is defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code.

(2) The adjutant general and the chancellor may jointly adopt rules to require the use of other federal educational financial assistance programs, including such programs offered by the United States department of defense, for which an applicant is eligible based on the applicant's military service. If such rules are adopted, the rules shall require that financial assistance received by a scholarship recipient under those programs be applied to all eligible expenses prior to the use of scholarship funds awarded under this section. Scholarship funds awarded under this section shall then be applied to the recipient's remaining eligible expenses.

(3) An eligible applicant's scholarship shall not be reduced by the amount of that applicant's benefits under "the Montgomery G.I. Bill Act of 1984," Pub. L. No. 98-525, 98 Stat. 2553 (1984).

(E) A scholarship recipient under this section shall be entitled to receive scholarships under this section for the number of quarters or semesters it takes the recipient to accumulate ninety-six eligibility units as determined under divisions (E)(1) to (3) of this section.

(1) To determine the maximum number of semesters or quarters for which a recipient is entitled to a scholarship under this section, the adjutant general shall convert a recipient's credit hours of enrollment for each academic term into eligibility units in accordance with the following table:

Number of credit hours of enrollment in an academic termequalsThe following number of eligibility units if a semesterorThe following number of eligibility units if a quarter
12 or more hours12 units8 units
9 but less than 129 units6 units
6 but less than 96 units4 units
3 but less than 63 units2 units

(2) A scholarship recipient under this section may continue to apply for scholarships under this section until the recipient has accumulated ninety-six eligibility units.

(3) If a scholarship recipient withdraws from courses prior to the end of an academic term so that the recipient's enrollment for that academic term is less than three credit hours, no scholarship shall be paid on behalf of that person for that academic term. Except as provided in division (F)(3) of this section, if a scholarship has already been paid on behalf of the person for that academic term, the adjutant general shall add to that person's accumulated eligibility units the number of eligibility units for which the scholarship was paid.

(F) This division applies to any eligible applicant called into active duty on or after September 11, 2001. As used in this division, "active duty" means active duty pursuant to an executive order of the president of the United States, an act of the congress of the United States, or section 5919.29 or 5923.21 of the Revised Code.

(1) For a period of up to five years from when an individual's enlistment obligation in the Ohio national guard ends, an individual to whom this division applies is eligible for scholarships under this section for those academic terms that were missed or could have been missed as a result of the individual's call into active duty. Scholarships shall not be paid for the academic term in which an eligible applicant's enlistment obligation ends unless an applicant is eligible under this division for a scholarship for such academic term due to previous active duty.

(2) When an individual to whom this division applies withdraws or otherwise fails to complete courses, for which scholarships have been awarded under this section, because the individual was called into active duty, the institution of higher education shall grant the individual a leave of absence from the individual's education program and shall not impose any academic penalty for such withdrawal or failure to complete courses. Division (F)(2) of this section applies regardless of whether or not the scholarship amount was paid to the institution of higher education.

(3) If an individual to whom this division applies withdraws or otherwise fails to complete courses because the individual was called into active duty, and if scholarships for those courses have already been paid, either:

(a) The adjutant general shall not add to that person's accumulated eligibility units calculated under division (E) of this section the number of eligibility units for the academic courses or term for which the scholarship was paid and the institution of higher education shall repay the scholarship amount to the state.

(b) The adjutant general shall add to that individual's accumulated eligibility units calculated under division (E) of this section the number of eligibility units for the academic courses or term for which the scholarship was paid if the institution of higher education agrees to permit the individual to complete the remainder of the academic courses in which the individual was enrolled at the time the individual was called into active duty.

(4) No individual who is discharged from the Ohio national guard under other than honorable conditions shall be eligible for scholarships under this division.

(G) A scholarship recipient under this section who fails to complete the term of enlistment, re-enlistment, or extension of current enlistment the recipient was serving at the time a scholarship was paid on behalf of the recipient under this section is liable to the state for repayment of a percentage of all Ohio national guard scholarships paid on behalf of the recipient under this section. Such a scholarship recipient is also liable for interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum calculated from the dates the scholarships were paid, unless the reason the recipient failed to complete the term of enlistment, re-enlistment, or extension of enlistment was due to enlistment, warrant, commission, or appointment to an active duty or reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. As used in this division, "armed forces" has the same meaning as in section 5903.01 of the Revised Code. This repayment percentage shall equal the percentage of the current term of enlistment, re-enlistment, or extension of enlistment a recipient has not completed as of the date the recipient is discharged from the Ohio national guard.

The attorney general may commence a civil action on behalf of the chancellor to recover the amount of the scholarships and the interest provided for in this division and the expenses incurred in prosecuting the action, including court costs and reasonable attorney's fees. A scholarship recipient is not liable under this division if the recipient's failure to complete the term of enlistment being served at the time a scholarship was paid on behalf of the recipient under this section is due to the recipient's death or discharge from the national guard due to disability.

(H) On or before the first day of each academic term, the adjutant general shall provide an eligibility roster to the chancellor and to each institution of higher education at which one or more scholarship recipients have applied for enrollment. The institution shall use the roster to certify the actual full-time or part-time enrollment of each scholarship recipient listed as enrolled at the institution and return the roster to the adjutant general and the chancellor. Except as provided in division (J) of this section, the chancellor shall provide for payment of the appropriate number and amount of scholarships to each institution of higher education pursuant to division (D) of this section. If an institution of higher education fails to certify the actual enrollment of a scholarship recipient listed as enrolled at the institution within thirty days of the end of an academic term, the institution shall not be eligible to receive payment from the Ohio national guard scholarship program or from the individual enrollee. The adjutant general shall report on a semiannual basis to the director of budget and management, the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, and the chancellor the number of Ohio national guard scholarship recipients, the size of the scholarship-eligible population, and a projection of the cost of the program for the remainder of the biennium.

(I) The chancellor and the adjutant general may adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code governing the administration and fiscal management of the Ohio national guard scholarship program and the procedure by which the chancellor and the department of the adjutant general may modify the amount of scholarships a member receives based on the amount of other state financial aid a member receives.

(J) The adjutant general, the chancellor, and the director, or their designees, shall jointly estimate the costs of the Ohio national guard scholarship program for each upcoming fiscal biennium, and shall report that estimate prior to the beginning of the fiscal biennium to the chairpersons of the finance committees in the general assembly. During each fiscal year of the biennium, the adjutant general, the chancellor, and the director, or their designees, shall meet regularly to monitor the actual costs of the Ohio national guard scholarship program and update cost projections for the remainder of the biennium as necessary. If the amounts appropriated for the Ohio national guard scholarship program and any funds in the Ohio national guard scholarship reserve fund and the Ohio national guard scholarship donation fund are not adequate to provide scholarships in the amounts specified in division (D)(1) of this section for all eligible applicants, the chancellor shall do all of the following:

(1) Notify each private institution of higher education, where a scholarship recipient is enrolled, that, by accepting the Ohio national guard scholarship program as payment for all or part of the institution's tuition, the institution agrees that if the chancellor reduces the amount of each scholarship, the institution shall provide each scholarship recipient a grant or tuition waiver in an amount equal to the amount the recipient's scholarship was reduced by the chancellor.

(2) Reduce the amount of each scholarship under division (D)(1)(a) of this section proportionally based on the amount of remaining available funds. Each state institution of higher education shall provide each scholarship recipient under division (D)(1)(a) of this section a grant or tuition waiver in an amount equal to the amount the recipient's scholarship was reduced by the chancellor.

(K) Notwithstanding division (A) of section 127.14 of the Revised Code, the controlling board shall not transfer all or part of any appropriation for the Ohio national guard scholarship program.

(L) The chancellor and the adjutant general may apply for, and may receive and accept grants, and may receive and accept gifts, bequests, and contributions, from public and private sources, including agencies and instrumentalities of the United States and this state, and shall deposit the grants, gifts, bequests, or contributions into the national guard scholarship donation fund.

Last updated January 23, 2025 at 11:58 AM

Section 5919.341 | National guard scholarship reserve fund.

There is hereby created in the state treasury the national guard scholarship reserve fund. As soon as possible following the end of each fiscal year, the chancellor of higher education shall certify to the director of budget and management the unencumbered balance of the general revenue fund appropriations made in the immediately preceding fiscal year for purposes of the Ohio national guard scholarship program created under division (B) of section 5919.34 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt of the certification, the director of budget and management may transfer an amount not exceeding the certified amount from the general revenue fund to the national guard scholarship reserve fund. Moneys in the national guard scholarship reserve fund shall be used to pay scholarship obligations in excess of the general revenue fund appropriations made for that purpose.

The director of budget and management may transfer any unencumbered balance from the national guard scholarship reserve fund to the general revenue fund.

If it is determined that general revenue fund appropriations are insufficient to meet the obligations of the national guard scholarship in a fiscal year, the director of budget and management may transfer funds from the national guard scholarship reserve fund to the general revenue fund in order to meet those obligations. The amount transferred is hereby appropriated. If the funds transferred from the national guard scholarship reserve fund are not needed, the director of budget and management may transfer the unexpended balance from the general revenue fund back to the national guard scholarship reserve fund.

Section 5919.342 | National guard scholarship donation fund.

The national guard scholarship donation fund is created in the state treasury. The fund shall consist of gifts, bequests, grants, and contributions made to the fund under division (L) of section 5919.34 of the Revised Code. Investment earnings of the fund shall be deposited into the fund. The fund shall be used to operate the Ohio national guard scholarship program created under section 5919.34 of the Revised Code.

Section 5919.35 | Applicability of drug laws.

(A) The stockage, accountability, issuance, and dispensing of any drug, as defined in section 4729.02 of the Revised Code, that is issued to any unit or member of the Ohio national guard is governed exclusively by regulations or other directives prescribed by the United States army or air force and the national guard bureau. Ohio national guard units and personnel are not subject to Chapter 4729. or 3715. of the Revised Code or other statutes or regulations in conflict with military regulations or other directives when acting in furtherance of their official duties.

(B) This section applies despite the order of Ohio national guard units or personnel to state active duty under section 5923.22 of the Revised Code or the fact that accountable officers or employees of the Ohio national guard are employed in a civilian status.

Section 5919.36 | Ohio national guard facility maintenance fund.

There is hereby created in the state treasury the Ohio national guard facility maintenance fund. The fund shall consist of all amounts received from revenue from leases of sites, including towers and wells, and other revenue received from reimbursements for services related to Ohio national guard programs. The moneys in the fund shall be used for service, maintenance, and repair expenses, and for equipment purchases for programs and facilities of the adjutant general. Investment earnings of the fund shall be credited to the general revenue fund.