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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

Criminal Traffic Misdemeanor
Results 126 - 150 of 385
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Section 4511.042 | Exceptions to traffic rules for coroner's vehicles.

...Sections 4511.25, 4511.26, 4511.27, 4511.28, 4511.29, 4511.30, 4511.31, 4511.32, 4511.33, 4511.35, 4511.36, 4511.37, 4511.38, and 4511.66 of the Revised Code do not apply to a coroner, deputy coroner, or coroner's investigator operating a motor vehicle in accordance with section 4513.171 of the Revised Code. This section does not relieve a coroner, deputy coroner, or coroner's investigator operating a motor vehicle f...

Section 4511.043 | Ticket, summons, or citation for secondary traffic offense.

...t, citation, or summons for a secondary traffic offense unless in the course of the checkpoint operation or safety inspection the officer first determines that an offense other than a secondary traffic offense has occurred and either places the operator or a vehicle occupant under arrest or issues a ticket, citation, or summons to the operator or a vehicle occupant for an offense other than a secondary offense. (2)...

Section 4511.05 | Persons riding or driving animals upon roadways.

...Every person riding, driving, or leading an animal upon a roadway is subject to sections 4511.01 to 4511.78, inclusive, 4511.99, and 4513.01 to 4513.37, inclusive, of the Revised Code, applicable to the driver of a vehicle, except those provisions of such sections which by their nature are inapplicable.

Section 4511.051 | Freeways - prohibited acts.

...uilty to one predicate motor vehicle or traffic offense, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. If, within one year of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of two or more predicate motor vehicle or traffic offenses, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree. If the offender commits the offense while distracted and the distr...

Section 4511.06 | Applicability and uniformity of traffic laws.

...Sections 4511.01 to 4511.78, 4511.99, and 4513.01 to 4513.37 of the Revised Code shall be applicable and uniform throughout this state and in all political subdivisions and municipal corporations of this state. No local authority shall enact or enforce any rule in conflict with such sections, except that this section does not prevent local authorities from exercising the rights granted them by Chapter 4521. of t...

Section 4511.07 | Local traffic regulations.

...olation of it shall not be considered a criminal offense, in which case the ordinance, resolution, or regulation shall be enforced in compliance with Chapter 4521. of the Revised Code.

Section 4511.071 | No liability for lessor under written lease.

...(A) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, the owner of a vehicle shall be entitled to establish nonliability for prosecution for violation of an ordinance, resolution, or regulation enacted under division (A)(1) of section 4511.07 of the Revised Code by proving the vehicle was in the care, custody, or control of a person other than the owner at the time of the violation pursuant to a written rental or l...

Section 4511.08 | Use of private property for vehicular travel.

...Sections 4511.01 to 4511.78, inclusive, 4511.99, and 4513.01 to 4513.37, inclusive, of the Revised Code do not prevent the owner of real property, used by the public for purposes of vehicular travel by permission of the owner and not as a matter of right, from prohibiting such use or from requiring additional conditions to those specified in such sections, or otherwise regulating such use as may seem best to such own...

Section 4511.09 | Manual for uniform system of traffic control devices.

...adopt a manual for a uniform system of traffic control devices, including signs denoting names of streets and highways, for use upon any street, highway, bikeway, or private road open to public travel within this state. Such uniform system shall correlate with, and so far as possible conform to, the system approved by the federal highway administration.

Section 4511.091 | Arrest or citation of driver based on radar, timing device or radio message from another officer.

...(A) The driver of any motor vehicle that has been checked by radar, or by any electrical or mechanical timing device to determine the speed of the motor vehicle over a measured distance of a highway or a measured distance of a private road or driveway, and found to be in violation of any of the provisions of section 4511.21 or 4511.211 of the Revised Code, may be arrested until a warrant can be obtained, provided the...

Section 4511.092 | Definitions.

... ticket based upon images recorded by a traffic law photo-monitoring device that indicate a traffic law violation, identifies as the person who was operating the vehicle of the registered owner at the time of the violation. (B) "Law enforcement officer" means a sheriff, deputy sheriff, marshal, deputy marshal, police officer of a police department of any municipal corporation, police constable of any township, or po...

Section 4511.093 | Traffic law photo-monitoring devices.

...(A) A local authority may utilize a traffic law photo-monitoring device for the purpose of detecting traffic law violations. If the local authority is a county or township, the board of county commissioners or the board of township trustees may adopt such resolutions as may be necessary to enable the county or township to utilize traffic law photo-monitoring devices. (B) The use of a traffic law photo-monitoring de...

Section 4511.094 | Signs required for photo-monitoring devices.

...(A) No local authority shall use traffic law photo-monitoring devices to detect or enforce any traffic law violation until after it has done both of the following: (1) Erected signs on every highway that is not a freeway that is part of the state highway system and that enters that local authority informing inbound traffic that the local authority utilizes traffic law photo-monitoring devices to enforce traffic law...

Section 4511.095 | Prerequisites for deployment of device.

...(A) Prior to deploying any traffic law photo-monitoring device, a local authority shall do all of the following: (1) Conduct a safety study of intersections or locations under consideration for placement of fixed traffic law photo-monitoring devices. The study shall include an accounting of incidents that have occurred in the designated area over the previous three-year period and shall be made available to the publ...

Section 4511.096 | Examination of evidence.

...ployed by a local authority utilizing a traffic law photo-monitoring device shall examine evidence of alleged traffic law violations recorded by the device to determine whether such a violation has occurred. If the image recorded by the traffic law photo-monitoring device shows such a violation, contains the date and time of the violation, and shows the letter and numerals on the license plate of the vehicle involved...

Section 4511.097 | Classification of violation as civil violation.

... imposed for a substantially equivalent criminal traffic law violation. (B) A local authority or its designee shall process such a ticket for a civil violation and shall send the ticket by ordinary mail to any registered owner of the motor vehicle that is the subject of the traffic law violation. The local authority or designee shall ensure that the ticket contains all of the following: (1) The name and address of ...

Section 4511.098 | Rights of those ticketed.

...license plates were stolen prior to the traffic law violation and therefore were not under the control or possession of the registered owner at the time of the violation, the registered owner shall submit proof that a report about the stolen motor vehicle or license plates was filed with the appropriate law enforcement agency prior to the violation or within forty-eight hours after the violation occurred. (b) A regi...

Section 4511.099 | Advance deposit for filing civil action.

...thority based on evidence recorded by a traffic law photo-monitoring device is filed with the municipal court or county court with jurisdiction over the civil action, the court shall require the local authority to provide an advance deposit for the filing of the civil action. The advance deposit shall consist of all applicable court costs and fees for the civil action. The court shall retain the advance deposit regar...

Section 4511.0910 | Violations for which civil penalty imposed.

...A traffic law violation for which a civil penalty is imposed under sections 4511.097 and 4511.098 of the Revised Code is not a moving violation and points shall not be assessed against a person's driver's license under section 4510.036 of the Revised Code. In no case shall such a violation be reported to the bureau of motor vehicles or motor vehicle registration bureau, department, or office of any other state, nor s...

Section 4511.0911 | Traffic law photo-monitoring device maintenance records; accuracy; issuance of certain tickets prohibited.

...A) Upon request, each manufacturer of a traffic law photo-monitoring device shall provide to a local authority utilizing its devices the maintenance record of any such device used in that local authority. (B)(1) Commencing January 2015, not later than the last day of January of each year, the manufacturer of a traffic law photo-monitoring device shall provide to the applicable local authority a certificate of proper...

Section 4511.0912 | Speeding tickets.

...limit based upon evidence recorded by a traffic law photo-monitoring device unless one of the following applies: (A) For a system location that is located within a school zone or within the boundaries of a state or local park or recreation area, the vehicle involved in the violation is traveling at a speed that exceeds the posted speed limit by not less than six miles per hour. (B) For a system location that is loc...

Section 4511.0913 | Applicable law.

...vised Code do not apply to the use of a traffic law photo-monitoring device that is placed on a school bus for the purpose of detecting violations of section 4511.75 of the Revised Code or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance.

Section 4511.0914 | Bans on use of traffic law photo-monitoring devices.

... ban on the use by a local authority of traffic law photo-monitoring devices to detect traffic law violations that is in effect on the effective date of this section, irrespective of the method or means by which such a ban took effect; (B) Any ban on the use by a local authority of traffic law photo-monitoring devices to detect traffic law violations that takes effect after the effective date of this section, irre...

Section 4511.10 | Placement and maintenance of traffic control devices.

...f transportation may place and maintain traffic control devices, conforming to its manual and specifications, upon all state highways as are necessary to indicate and to carry out sections 4511.01 to 4511.78 and 4511.99 of the Revised Code, or to regulate, warn, or guide traffic. No local authority shall place or maintain any traffic control device upon any highway under the jurisdiction of the department except by ...

Section 4511.101 | Placement of business logos on directional signs along interstates.

...(A) The director of transportation, in accordance with 23 U.S.C.A. 109(d), 131(f), and 315, as amended, and by rule adopted pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall establish a program for the placement of business logos for identification purposes on state directional signs within the rights-of-way of divided, multi-lane, limited access highways in both rural and urban areas. (B)(1) The director, ...