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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

Criminal Traffic Misdemeanor
Results 51 - 75 of 385
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Section 177.05 | Law enforcement trust fund.

...on incurred in the investigation of the criminal activity through a task force. There is hereby created in the state treasury the organized crime law enforcement trust fund. The fund shall consist of moneys paid to the treasurer of the state for purposes of this section. All investment earnings on moneys in the fund shall be credited to the fund. The organized crime investigations commission shall use the moneys i...

Section 181.21 | State criminal sentencing commission - juvenile committee.

...children, unruly children, and juvenile traffic offenders; two peace officers of a municipal corporation or township, at least one of whom shall be experienced in the investigation of cases involving juveniles; one former victim of a violation of Title XXIX of the Revised Code; one attorney whose practice of law primarily involves the representation of criminal defendants; one member of the Ohio state bar association...

Section 181.23 | Studies to recommend comprehensive criminal sentencing structure.

...(A) The state criminal sentencing commission shall study the existing criminal statutes and law of this state, sentencing patterns throughout the state, and available correctional resources. The commission shall use the results of its study to develop and recommend to the general assembly a comprehensive criminal sentencing structure. As part of its study, the commission shall do all of the following: (1) Evaluate t...

Section 181.24 | Comprehensive criminal sentencing structure.

...) No later than July 1, 1993, the state criminal sentencing commission shall recommend to the general assembly a comprehensive criminal sentencing structure for the state that is consistent with the sentencing policy developed pursuant to division (B) of section 181.23 of the Revised Code and the conclusions of the study conducted pursuant to division (A) of that section. The sentencing structure shall be designed to...

Section 181.25 | Commission duties - comprehensive criminal sentencing structure.

...(A) If the comprehensive criminal sentencing structure that it recommends to the general assembly pursuant to section 181.24 of the Revised Code or any aspects of that sentencing structure are enacted into law, the state criminal sentencing commission shall do all of the following: (1) Assist the general assembly in the implementation of those aspects of the sentencing structure that are enacted into law; (2...

Section 181.26 | [Repealed effective April 12, 2021, by S.B. 331, 133rd General Assembly] Additional duties concerning juveniles.

...quent child, unruly child, and juvenile traffic offender dispositions in this state; (2) Review state and local resources, including facilities and programs, used for delinquent child, unruly child, and juvenile traffic offender dispositions and profile the populations of youthful offenders in the facilities and programs; (3) Report to the general assembly no later than October 1, 1999, a comprehensive plan contain...

Section 181.27 | Commission designated a criminal justice agency.

...o 181.26 of the Revised Code, the state criminal sentencing commission is hereby designated a criminal justice agency, as defined in section 109.571 of the Revised Code, and as such is authorized by this state to apply for access to the computerized databases administered by the national crime information center or the law enforcement automated data system in Ohio, and to other computerized databases administered for...

Section 2152.01 | Purpose of juvenile dispositions.

... the delinquent child's or the juvenile traffic offender's conduct and its impact on the victim, and consistent with dispositions for similar acts committed by similar delinquent children and juvenile traffic offenders. The court shall not base the disposition on the race, ethnic background, gender, or religion of the delinquent child or juvenile traffic offender. (C) To the extent they do not conflict with this ch...

Section 2152.02 | Delinquent children - juvenile traffic offender definitions.

...udicated a delinquent child or juvenile traffic offender prior to attaining eighteen years of age until the person attains twenty-one years of age, and, for purposes of that jurisdiction related to that adjudication, except as otherwise provided in this division, a person who is so adjudicated a delinquent child or juvenile traffic offender shall be deemed a "child" until the person attains twenty-one years of age. I...

Section 2152.021 | Complaint of delinquency or juvenile traffic offender.

... child committed an act that would be a criminal offense if committed by an adult, that the child was sixteen years of age or older at the time of the commission of the alleged act, and that the alleged act is any of the following: (1) A violation of section 2923.122 of the Revised Code that relates to property owned or controlled by, or to an activity held under the auspices of, the board of education of that scho...

Section 2152.022 | Mandatory and discretionary transfers - meaning of case.

...(A) If a complaint or multiple complaints have been filed in juvenile court alleging that a child is a delinquent child for committing an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult and if the juvenile court under section 2152.10 and division (A)(1) or (B) of section 2152.12 of the Revised Code is required to transfer the "case" or is authorized to transfer the "case" and decides to do so, as used in all prov...

Section 2152.03 | Cases involving child originate in juvenile court.

...idavit, or indictment for a felony or a misdemeanor, proceedings regarding the child initially shall be in the juvenile court in accordance with this chapter. If the child is taken before a judge of a county court, a mayor, a judge of a municipal court, or a judge of a court of common pleas other than a juvenile court, the judge of the county court, mayor, judge of the municipal court, or judge of the court of common...

Section 2152.04 | Confining delinquent child for purposes of preparing social history.

...A child who is alleged to be, or who is adjudicated, a delinquent child may be confined in a place of juvenile detention provided under section 2152.41 of the Revised Code for a period not to exceed ninety days, during which time a social history may be prepared to include court record, family history, personal history, school and attendance records, and any other pertinent studies and material that will be of assist...

Section 2152.10 | Mandatory and discretionary transfers.

...ld's case, to the appropriate court for criminal prosecution. In determining whether to transfer the child for criminal prosecution, the juvenile court shall follow the procedures in section 2152.12 of the Revised Code. If the court does not transfer the child and if the court adjudicates the child to be a delinquent child for the act charged, the court shall issue an order of disposition in accordance with section 2...

Section 2152.11 | Dispositions for child adjudicated delinquent.

...(A) A child who is adjudicated a delinquent child for committing an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult is eligible for a particular type of disposition under this section if the child's case was not transferred under section 2152.12 of the Revised Code. If the complaint, indictment, or information charging the act includes one or more of the following factors, the act is considered to be enhanced, an...

Section 2152.12 | Transfer of cases.

...ony in a case that was transferred to a criminal court. (b) A complaint is filed against a child who is domiciled in another state alleging that the child is a delinquent child for committing an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult, and, if the act charged had been committed in that other state, the child would be subject to criminal prosecution as an adult under the law of that other state without t...

Section 2152.121 | Retention of jurisdiction for purposes of making disposition.

...(A) If a complaint is filed against a child alleging that the child is a delinquent child and the case is transferred pursuant to division (A)(1)(a)(i) or (A)(1)(b)(ii) of section 2152.12 of the Revised Code, the juvenile court that transferred the case shall retain jurisdiction for purposes of making disposition of the child when required under division (B) of this section. (B) If a complaint is filed against a c...

Section 2152.13 | Serious youthful dispositional sentence and serious youthful offender dispositional sentence.

... Title XXIX of the Revised Code and the Criminal Rules shall apply in the case and to the child. The juvenile court shall afford the child all rights afforded a person who is prosecuted for committing a crime including the right to counsel and the right to raise the issue of competency. The child may not waive the right to counsel. (D)(1) If a child is adjudicated a delinquent child for committing an act under...

Section 2152.14 | Motion to invoke adult portion of dispositional sentence.

...partment of youth services facility, or criminal charges are pending against the person. (c) The person engaged in the conduct or acts charged under division (A), (B), or (C) of this section, and the person's conduct demonstrates that the person is unlikely to be rehabilitated during the remaining period of juvenile jurisdiction. (2) The court may modify the adult sentence the court invokes to consist of any lesser...

Section 2152.16 | Committing delinquent child to youth services department for secure confinement.

...(A)(1) If a child is adjudicated a delinquent child for committing an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult, the juvenile court may commit the child to the legal custody of the department of youth services for secure confinement as follows: (a) For an act that would be aggravated murder or murder if committed by an adult, until the offender attains twenty-one years of age; (b) For a violation of sect...

Section 2152.17 | Committing delinquent child to youth services department if guilty of specification.

...would apply to an adult accomplice in a criminal proceeding. (C) If a child is adjudicated a delinquent child for committing an act that would be aggravated murder, murder, or a first, second, or third degree felony offense of violence if committed by an adult and if the court determines that, if the child was an adult, the child would be guilty of a specification of the type set forth in section 2941.142 of the Rev...

Section 2152.18 | No designation of institution of commitment.

...of the Revised Code and that would be a misdemeanor if committed by an adult; (b) A violation of section 2923.12 of the Revised Code or of a substantially similar municipal ordinance that would be a misdemeanor if committed by an adult and that was committed on property owned or controlled by, or at an activity held under the auspices of, the board of education of that school district; (c) A violation of divis...

Section 2152.19 | Disposition orders.

...47.06 or 2951.03 of the Revised Code or Criminal Rule 32.2 a presentence investigation report pertaining to a person, the court shall make available to the officer, for use in preparing the report, a copy of any victim impact statement regarding that person. The copies of a victim impact statement that are made available to the adjudicated delinquent child or the adjudicated delinquent child's counsel and the prosecu...

Section 2152.191 | Delinquent child subject to sex offender registration and notification law.

...If a child is adjudicated a delinquent child for committing a sexually oriented offense or a child-victim oriented offense, if the child is fourteen years of age or older at the time of committing the offense, and if the child committed the offense on or after January 1, 2002, both of the following apply: (A) Sections 2152.82 to 2152.86 and Chapter 2950. of the Revised Code apply to the child and the ad...

Section 2152.192 | Notice that child has committed sexually oriented offense.

...If a court or child welfare agency places a delinquent child in an institution or association, as defined in section 5103.02 of the Revised Code, that is certified by the department of job and family services pursuant to section 5103.03 of the Revised Code and if that child has been adjudicated delinquent for committing an act that is a sexually oriented offense in either a prior delinquency adjudication or in the mo...