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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

Drug Charge
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Section 1901.11 | Compensation. care, hearing aids, and prescription drugs, or any combination of those benefits or services, covering a judge of a municipal court and paid on the judge's behalf by a governmental entity.

Section 2151.354 | Orders of disposition of unruly child.

...bitual truant, may result in a criminal charge against the parent, guardian, or other person having care of the child for a violation of division (C) of section 2919.21 or section 2919.24 of the Revised Code. (d) Not later than ten days after a child is adjudicated an unruly child for being an habitual truant, the court shall provide notice of that fact to the school district in which the child is entitled to attend...

Section 2303.901 | Case documents.

... account numbers, including debit card, charge card, or credit card numbers; (c) Employer or employee identification numbers; (d) A juvenile's name in an abuse, neglect, or dependency case, except for the juvenile's initials or a generic abbreviation such as "CV" for "child victim." (B)(1) When submitting a case document to the court or filing a case document with the clerk of court, a party to an action or pro...

Section 2305.33 | Physician reporting to public transportation employer employee's use of a drug of abuse no liability.

...determined that the employee is using a drug of abuse dispensed pursuant to a prescription and that the employee's use of the drug of abuse represents a potential risk of harm to passengers on any aircraft, railroad train, school or other bus, taxicab, or other type of common carrier operated by the employee; (2) The physician has determined that the employee is using a drug of abuse otherwise than pursuant to a pre...

Section 2901.21 | Criminal liability, culpability.

...ulting from the ingestion of alcohol, a drug, or alcohol and a drug.

Section 2907.02 | Rape.

... victim. (G) It is not a defense to a charge under division (A)(2) of this section that the offender and the victim were married or were cohabiting at the time of the commission of the offense.

Section 2913.51 | Receiving stolen property.

...f the property involved is a dangerous drug, as defined in section 4729.01 of the Revised Code, if the value of the property involved is seven thousand five hundred dollars or more and is less than one hundred fifty thousand dollars, or if the property involved is a firearm or dangerous ordnance, as defined in section 2923.11 of the Revised Code, receiving stolen property is a felony of the fourth degree. If t...

Section 2921.22 | Failure to report a crime or knowledge of a death or burn injury.

... treatment or services for persons with drug dependencies or persons in danger of drug dependence, which program is maintained or conducted by a hospital, clinic, person, agency, or community addiction services provider whose alcohol and drug addiction services are certified pursuant to section 5119.36 of the Revised Code. (6) Disclosure would amount to revealing information acquired by the actor in the course of t...

Section 2923.126 | Duties of licensed individual.

...r another intoxicating or hallucinatory drug or substance. (c) The person is not prohibited by federal law from receiving firearms. (2) "Retired peace officer identification card" means an identification card that is issued pursuant to division (F)(2) of this section to a person who is a retired peace officer. (3) "Government facility of this state or a political subdivision of this state" means any of the f...

Section 2925.01 | Drug offense definitions.

... IV, or schedule V, if the defendant is charged with a violation of section 2925.11 of the Revised Code and the sentencing provisions set forth in divisions (C)(10)(b) and (C)(11) of that section will not apply regarding the defendant and the violation, the bulk amount of the controlled substance for purposes of the violation is the amount specified in division (D)(1), (2), (3), (4), or (5) of this section for the ot...

Section 2925.02 | Corrupting another with drugs.

... the Revised Code. (c) If a person is charged with any violation of this section that is a felony of the first, second, or third degree, posts bail, and forfeits the bail, the forfeited bail shall be paid by the clerk of the court pursuant to division (D)(1)(b) of this section as if it were a fine imposed for a violation of this section. (2) If the offender is a professionally licensed person, in addition to any ...

Section 2925.041 | Illegal assembly or possession of chemicals for manufacture of drugs.

...925.03 of the Revised Code. If a person charged with a violation of this section posts bail and forfeits the bail, the clerk shall pay the forfeited bail as if the forfeited bail were a fine imposed for a violation of this section. (2) If the offender is a professionally licensed person or a person who has been admitted to the bar by order of the supreme court in compliance with its prescribed and published rules, t...

Section 2925.05 | Funding, aggravated funding of drug or marihuana trafficking.

....03 of the Revised Code. If a person is charged with a violation of this section, posts bail, and forfeits the bail, the forfeited bail shall be paid as if the forfeited bail were a fine imposed for a violation of this section. (2) If the offender is a professionally licensed person, the court immediately shall comply with section 2925.38 of the Revised Code. (E) Notwithstanding the prison term otherwise authorized...

Section 2925.13 | Permitting drug abuse.

... be used for the commission of a felony drug abuse offense. (B) No person who is the owner, lessee, or occupant, or who has custody, control, or supervision, of premises or real estate, including vacant land, shall knowingly permit the premises or real estate, including vacant land, to be used for the commission of a felony drug abuse offense by another person. (C)(1) Whoever violates this section is guilty of perm...

Section 2925.32 | Trafficking in harmful intoxicants - improperly dispensing or distributing nitrous oxide.

... (E) It is an affirmative defense to a charge of a violation of division (A)(2) or (B)(2) of this section that: (1) An individual exhibited to the defendant or an officer or employee of the defendant, for purposes of establishing the individual's age, a driver's license or permit issued by this state, a commercial driver's license or permit issued by this state, an identification card issued pursuant to section 450...

Section 2925.51 | Evidence in drug offense cases.

... record or unless the accused person is charged with a minor misdemeanor, in which case the prosecuting attorney shall provide the accused's analyst with the sample portion at least three days prior to trial. If the prosecuting attorney determines that such a sample portion cannot be preserved and given to the accused's analyst, the prosecuting attorney shall so inform the accused person or his attorney. In such a ci...

Section 2925.62 | Illegally selling dextromethorphan.

...jority and identity is a defense to any charge of a violation of division (B) of this section. (D) A retailer or employee of a retailer is not liable for damages in a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person or property that allegedly arises from an act or omission associated with a failure to prevent the sale of a product containing dextromethorphan to a person under eighteen years of age, unless the act ...

Section 2927.02 | Illegal distribution of or permitting children to use cigarettes or other tobacco or alternative nicotine products.

...following are affirmative defenses to a charge under division (B)(1) of this section: (1) The person under twenty-one years of age was accompanied by a parent, spouse who is twenty-one years of age or older, or legal guardian of the person under twenty-one years of age. (2) The person who gave, sold, or distributed cigarettes, other tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, or papers used to roll cigaret...

Section 2929.20 | Sentence reduction through judicial release.

...ional education programs, or alcohol or drug treatment programs; or involvement in meaningful activity; (c) The inmate's assignments and whether the inmate consistently performed each work assignment to the satisfaction of the department staff responsible for supervising the inmate's work; (d) The inmate transferred to and actively participated in core curriculum programming at a reintegration center prison; ...

Section 2929.37 | Confinement cost policy.

...l treatment costs, the fee for a random drug test assessed under division (E) of section 341.26 and division (E) of section 753.33 of the Revised Code, and a one-time reception fee for the costs of processing the prisoner into the facility at the time of the prisoner's initial entry into the facility under the confinement in question, minus any fees deducted under section 2929.38 of the Revised Code. Any policy adop...

Section 2931.02 | Criminal jurisdiction - county courts.

...f dairy products and other food, drink, drugs, and medicines; (B) Prevention of cruelty to animals and children; (C) The abandonment, nonsupport, or ill treatment of a child under eighteen years of age by the child's parents; (D) The abandonment, or ill treatment of a child under eighteen years of age by the child's guardian; (E) The employment of a child under fourteen years of age in public exhibitions or v...

Section 2945.37 | Competency to stand trial definitions - hearing.

... receiving or has received psychotropic drugs or other medication, even if the defendant might become incompetent to stand trial without the drugs or medication. (G) A defendant is presumed to be competent to stand trial. If, after a hearing, the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that, because of the defendant's present mental condition, the defendant is incapable of understanding the nature and objec...

Section 2945.40 | Acquittal by reason of insanity.

...ent shall send to the board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services or the community mental health board serving the county in which the charges against the person were filed a copy of all reports of the person's current mental condition and a copy of the other relevant information provided by the prosecutor under this division, including, if provided, a transcript of the hearing held pursuant to divis...

Section 2945.401 | Incompetency finding or insanity acquittal continuing jurisdiction of court.

...e with which the defendant or person is charged or in relation to which the defendant or person was found not guilty by reason of insanity; (c) The trial court enters an order terminating the commitment under the circumstances described in division (J)(2)(a)(ii) of this section. (2)(a) If a defendant is found incompetent to stand trial and committed pursuant to section 2945.39 of the Revised Code, if neither of t...

Section 2967.01 | Pardon - parole - probation definitions.

...nature under that section. (R) "Random drug testing" has the same meaning as in section 5120.63 of the Revised Code. (S) "Non-life felony indefinite prison term" has the same meaning as in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.