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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

Drug Charge
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Section 2981.01 | Purposes of forfeiture.

...nd for the purpose of investigating any drug abuse offense, as defined in section 2925.01 of the Revised Code. (iii) If it is used to purchase contraband under division (B)(11)(a)(ii) of this section, the property continues to be considered the property of the law enforcement agency if the agency establishes a clear chain of custody of it. (b) In cases involving lawful goods or services that are sold or provided in...

Section 305.171 | Group insurance coverage for county officers and employees.

...ocure, and pay the costs, premiums, or charges for, group health care coverage for the judges, and group health care coverage for the clerk and deputy clerks, in accordance with section 1901.111 or 1901.312 of the Revised Code. (J) As used in this section: (1) "County officer or employee" includes, but is not limited to, a member or employee of the county board of elections. (2) "County-operated municipal cour...

Section 313.131 | Autopsy contrary to deceased person's religious beliefs.

...ceased person to determine the alcohol, drug, or alcohol and drug content of the blood, when required by division (B) of section 313.13 of the Revised Code, and does not limit the coroner, deputy coroner, or pathologist in the performance of his duties in administering a chemical test under that division.

Section 3304.31 | Bureau may deny, revoke, or suspend licenses.

...therwise discipline a licensee, written charges must be filed by the director of the bureau and a hearing shall be held as provided in Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Section 3333.125 | Commercial truck driver student aid program.

...commercial driver training school that charges employers recruiting fees shall be certified under this division. (3) "Employed in this state" means either of the following: (a) An individual is employed as a truck driver by an entity that has a valid mailing address in the state. (b) An individual is self-employed as a truck driver using a valid mailing address in the state. (4) "Moving violation" has th...

Section 340.04 | Executive director.

...nd the executive director, upon written charges, after an opportunity has been afforded the director for a hearing before the board on request. The board may delegate to its executive director the authority to act in its behalf in the performance of its administrative duties. As used in this section, "mental health professional" and "addiction services professional" mean an individual who is qualified to work w...

Section 3701.046 | Grants for women's health services - application.

...gram of the service provider; (D) Any charges for services provided by the program shall be based on the patient's ability to pay and priority in the provision of services shall be given to persons from low-income families. In distributing these grant funds, the director shall give priority to grant requests from local departments of health for women's health services to be provided directly by personnel of the l...

Section 3715.04 | Certificate of health and freesale - inspection - fee.

... certificate issued, the director shall charge the establishment or manufacturer a fee in the amount of twenty dollars. The director shall deposit all fees collected under this section to the credit of the food safety fund created in section 915.24 of the Revised Code.

Section 3715.64 | Misbranded drug or device.

...tor has informed the appropriate bodies charged with the revision of those compendiums of the need for packaging or labeling requirements and those bodies have failed within a reasonable time to prescribe such requirements. (10)(a) It is a drug and its container is so made, formed, or filled as to be misleading. (b) It is an imitation of another drug. (c) It is offered for sale under the name of another drug. (d)...

Section 3715.71 | Publication of reports - dissemination of information.

...minated any information regarding food, drugs, devices, and cosmetics that the director or board deems necessary in the interest of public health and the protection of the consumer against fraud. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the director or board from collecting, reporting, and illustrating the results of investigations conducted by the director or board.

Section 3715.871 | Drugs must be donated at pharmacy, hospital, or nonprofit clinic participating in program. participating in the program may charge individuals receiving donated or given drugs a nominal handling fee established in accordance with rules adopted under section 3715.873 of the Revised Code. Except for occasional sales at wholesale by charitable pharmacies, hospitals, and nonprofit clinics, as authorized in rules adopted under section 3715.873 of the Revised Code, drugs that are donated or given to the p...

Section 3719.012 | Minor may give consent to diagnosis or treatment of condition caused by drug or alcohol abuse.

...on is not liable for the payment of any charges made for medical or surgical services rendered such minor, unless the parent or legal guardian has also given consent for the diagnosis or treatment.

Section 3719.11 | Controlled substances forfeited and destroyed.

...ction by all federal and state officers charged with the enforcement of federal and state narcotic and drug abuse control laws.

Section 3902.54 | Out-of-network care arbitrator requirements.; (9) The fee the applicant would charge for an arbitration. (C)(1) The superintendent shall require the contracted arbitration entity to submit to the superintendent on an annual basis the disclosure described in division (B) of this section. (2) The superintendent shall require the contracted arbitration entity to submit to the superintendent on an annual basis, and the superintendent shall issue, a repor...

Section 3902.72 | Health plan issuer disclosure of drug data.

...nish the following data for any and all drugs covered under a related health benefit plan: (1) The covered person's eligibility information for any and all covered drugs; (2) Cost-sharing information for any and all covered drugs, including a description of any variance in cost-sharing based on pharmacy, whether retail or mail order, or health care provider dispensing or administering the drugs; (3) Any applica...

Section 3959.01 | Third-party administrator definitions.

...with life, dental, health, prescription drugs, or disability insurance or self-insurance programs. "Administrator" includes a pharmacy benefit manager. "Administrator" does not include any of the following: (1) An insurance agent or solicitor licensed in this state whose activities are limited exclusively to the sale of insurance and who does not provide any administrative services; (2) Any person who administe...

Section 3959.111 | Access to information regarding maximum allowable cost pricing.

...mount paid to a pharmacy and the amount charged to a plan sponsor. (2) The disclosures required under division (B)(1) of this section shall be made within ten days of a pharmacy benefit manager and a plan sponsor signing a contract or on a quarterly basis. (3)(a) Division (B) of this section does not apply to plans governed by the "Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974," 29 U.S.C. 1001, et seq. or medi...

Section 3959.20 | Prohibited acts regarding cost-sharing, pharmacy claims for reimbursement, fees.

...benefit manager, or administrator shall charge a fee related to a claim unless the amount of the fee can be determined at the time of claim adjudication. (D) The department of insurance shall create a web form that consumers can use to submit complaints relating to violations of this section.

Section 4112.02 | Unlawful discriminatory practices.

...has successfully completed a supervised drug rehabilitation program and no longer is engaging in the illegal use of any controlled substance, or the employee, applicant, or other person otherwise successfully has been rehabilitated and no longer is engaging in that illegal use. (ii) The employee, applicant, or other person is participating in a supervised drug rehabilitation program and no longer is engaging in the...

Section 4121.121 | Bureau of workers' compensation - appointment, powers and duties of administrator - chief operating officer.

...nsation payments for medical, hospital, drug, and nursing services; (e) Perform other duties assigned to it by the administrator. (16) Appoint, as the administrator determines necessary, panels to review and advise the administrator on disputes arising over a determination that a health care service or supply provided to a claimant is not covered under this chapter or Chapter 4123., 4127., or 4131. of the Revised...

Section 4123.026 | Costs of post-exposure medical diagnostic services after peace officer, firefighter, emergency medical worker, or detention facility employees' exposure to blood or other body fluid.

...ce used for the confinement of a person charged with or convicted of any crime in this state or another state or under the laws of the United States or alleged or found to be a delinquent child or unruly child in this state or another state or under the laws of the United States.

Section 4503.234 | Order of criminal forfeiture of vehicle.

... twenty-five per cent is paid into the drug abuse resistance education programs fund created by division (F)(2)(e) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code and shall be used only for the purposes authorized by division (F)(2)(e) of that section, and twenty-five per cent is applied to the appropriate funds in accordance with divisions (B) and (C) of section 2981.13 of the Revised Code. The proceeds deposited into...

Section 4510.13 | Restrictions on suspending suspension periods or granting limited driving privileges.

... the Revised Code had the offender been charged with and convicted of a violation of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code instead of a violation of the municipal OVI ordinance, the judge or mayor shall impose as a condition of the privileges that the offender must display on the vehicle that is driven subject to the privileges restricted license plates that are issued under section 4503.231 of the Revised Code, except...

Section 4510.61 | Driver license compact.

...ce of intoxicating liquor or a narcotic drug, or under the influence of any other drug to a degree that renders the driver incapable of safely driving a motor vehicle; (3) Any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle is used; (4) Failure to stop and render aid in the event of a motor vehicle accident resulting in the death or personal injury of another. (b) As to other convictions, reported pursuant to Ar...

Section 4511.19 | Operating vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs - OVI. out of one incident, a person may be charged with a violation of division (A)(1)(a) or (A)(2) and a violation of division (B)(1), (2), or (3) of this section, but the person may not be convicted of more than one violation of these divisions. (D)(1)(a) In any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding for a violation of division (A)(1)(a) of this section or for an equivalent offense that is vehicle-related...