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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

Drug Charge
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Section 109.65 | Missing children clearinghouse - missing children fund.

... shall determine a reasonable fee to be charged for providing to any person or entity other than a state or local law enforcement agency of this or any other state, a law enforcement agency of the United States, a board of education of a school district in this state, a nonpublic school in this state, a governmental entity in this state, or a public library in this state, pursuant to division (A)(3) of this section, ...

Section 124.82 | Health insurance benefits.

...edical care, hearing aids, prescription drugs, group life insurance, sickness and accident insurance, group legal services or other benefits, or any combination of those benefits, to employees paid directly by warrant of the director of budget and management through a jointly administered trust fund. The employer's contribution for the cost of the benefit care shall be mutually agreed to in the collectively bargained...

Section 140.03 | Hospital facility agreements.

...f one of the hospital agencies to have charge of the details of acquisition, construction, or improvement pursuant to the contracting procedures prescribed under the law applicable to one of the participating public hospital agencies; (3) The management or administration of any such programs, projects, activities, or services, which may include management or administration by one of said hospital agencies or a ...

Section 1751.69 | Cancer chemotherapy; coverage for orally and intravenously administered treatments. cent in the annual premiums or rates charged by the health insuring corporation for the coverage of basic health care services. (3)(a) The superintendent of insurance makes the following determinations from the documentation and opinion submitted pursuant to divisions (E)(1) and (2) of this section: (i) Compliance with division (B)(1) of this section for a period of at least six months independently caused the h...

Section 1901.111 | Group health care coverage for municipal court judges.

... The portion of the costs, premiums, or charges for the group health care coverage procured pursuant to division (B) of this section that is not paid by the judges of the municipal court, or all of the costs, premiums, or charges for the group health care coverage if the judges will not be paying any such portion, shall be paid as follows: (1) If the municipal court is a county-operated municipal court, the portion ...

Section 1907.161 | Group health care coverage for county court judges.

... The portion of the costs, premiums, or charges for the group health care coverage procured pursuant to division (B) of this section that is not paid by the judges of the county court, or all of the costs, premiums, or charges for the group health care coverage if the judges will not be paying any portion of those costs, premiums, or charges, shall be paid out of the county treasury.

Section 2152.021 | Complaint of delinquency or juvenile traffic offender.

...e following might apply: (a) The act charged would be a violation of section 2907.24, 2907.241, or 2907.25 of the Revised Code if the child were an adult. (b) The child is a victim of a violation of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code, regardless of whether any person has been convicted of a violation of that section or of any other section for victimizing the child. (2) The child, the child's attorney, the ch...

Section 2152.20 | Authorized dispositions for delinquent child or juvenile traffic offender.

...ommitted by an adult, would be a felony drug abuse offense. (C) The court may hold a hearing if necessary to determine whether a child is able to pay a sanction under this section. (D) If a child who is adjudicated a delinquent child is indigent, the court shall consider imposing a term of community service under division (A) of section 2152.19 of the Revised Code in lieu of imposing a financial sanction under th...

Section 2929.025 | Sentencing for aggravated murder when offender had serious mental illness at time of offense.

...ects of any use of alcohol or any other drug of abuse does not, standing alone, constitute a "serious mental illness" for purposes of division (A)(1) of this section. (3) "Examiner" means a person who makes an evaluation ordered under division (F)(1) of this section. (4) "Prosecutor" means a prosecuting attorney who has authority to prosecute a charge of aggravated murder that is before the court. (B) The diagn...

Section 2935.03 | Authority to arrest without warrant - pursuit outside jurisdiction.

...e specifically consent to the filing of charges against the person who has committed the offense or sign a complaint against the person who has committed the offense. (ii) If a person is arrested for or charged with committing the offense of domestic violence or the offense of violating a protection order and if the victim of the offense does not cooperate with the involved law enforcement or prosecuting authorities...

Section 2945.25 | Challenges for cause.

...the person has chronic alcoholism, or a drug dependency; (I) That the person has been convicted of a crime that by law disqualifies the person from serving on a jury; (J) That the person has an action pending between the person and the state or the defendant; (K) That the person or the person's spouse is a party to another action then pending in any court in which an attorney in the cause then on trial is an at...

Section 2945.371 | Evaluations and reports of the defendant's mental condition.

...n, a probate court, a board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services, and any mental health professional who performs a subsequent mental health evaluation of the defendant or who is involved in the treatment of the defendant, but the report shall not be open to public inspection. A person who is not among those permitted to inspect the report as described in this division may file a motion with the cou...

Section 2945.39 | Expiration of the maximum time for treatment for incompetency.

...ent shall send to the board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services or the community mental health board serving the county in which the charges against the defendant were filed a copy of all reports of the defendant's current mental condition and a copy of the other relevant information provided by the prosecutor under this division, including, if provided, a transcript of the hearing held pursuant to...

Section 307.93 | Joint establishment of a multicounty correctional center. that person, or the fee for a random drug test assessed under division (E) of section 341.26 of the Revised Code. (F)(1) The corrections commission of a center established under this section may establish a commissary for the center. The commissary may be established either in-house or by another arrangement. If a commissary is established, all persons incarcerated in the center shall receive commissary privile...

Section 3113.31 | Domestic violence definitions; hearings.

...s a continuing involvement with illegal drugs or alcohol; (vii) Whether the respondent has been convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or been adjudicated a delinquent child for an offense of violence since the issuance of the protection order or approval of the consent agreement; (viii) Whether any other protection orders, consent agreements, restraining orders, or no contact orders have been issued against the respon...

Section 341.14 | Weekly advance deposit of prisoner costs.

... that prisoner, or the fee for a random drug test assessed under division (E) of section 341.26 of the Revised Code. (D) If a county in this state receives pursuant to section 341.12 of the Revised Code for confinement in its jail a person who has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to an offense and has been sentenced to a term in a jail or a person who has been arrested for an offense, who has been denied bai...

Section 341.19 | Reimbursing county for its expenses incurred by reason of person's confinement. times the sheriff or other person in charge of the operation of the jail determines to be appropriate, the sheriff or other person in charge of the operation of the jail may cause the convicted or accused offender to be examined and tested for tuberculosis, HIV infection, hepatitis, including but not limited to hepatitis A, B, and C, and other contagious diseases. The sheriff or other person in charge of the opera...

Section 341.21 | Confinement of federal or state prisoners in county jail.

...o that person, or the fee for a random drug test assessed under division (E) of section 341.26 of the Revised Code. (D) If a sheriff receives into custody a prisoner convicted of crime by the United States as described in division (A) of this section, if a person who has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to an offense is incarcerated in the jail in the manner described in division (B) of this section, if a sherif...

Section 341.23 | Confinement of county or municipal prisoners in county jail.

...eption and at other times the person in charge of the operation of the workhouse determines to be appropriate, the person in charge of the operation of the workhouse may cause the convicted offender to be examined and tested for tuberculosis, HIV infection, hepatitis, including but not limited to hepatitis A, B, and C, and other contagious diseases. The person in charge of the operation of the workhouse may cause a c...

Section 3701.74 | Patient or patient's representative to submit request to examine or obtain copy of medical record.

...part 2, "Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records," or by 42 C.F.R. 483.10. (2) Nothing in this section is intended to supersede the confidentiality provisions of sections 2305.24, 2305.25, 2305.251, and 2305.252 of the Revised Code.

Section 3702.57 | Rules for certificate of need.

...conducted by the United States food and drug administration or clinical trials sponsored by the national institutes of health. (3) The criteria for reviews of applications shall include a formula for determining each county's long-term care bed need for purposes of section 3702.593 of the Revised Code and may include other formulas for determining need for beds. Any rules prescribing criteria that establish rat...

Section 3719.141 | Peace officer may sell controlled substance in performance of official duties.

... or (ii) of this section, no person is charged with any criminal offense or any delinquent act based upon the sale unless both of the following apply: (i) The person also is charged with a criminal offense or a delinquent act that is based upon an act or omission that is independent of the sale but that either is connected together with the sale, or constitutes a part of a common scheme or plan with the sale, ...

Section 3905.36 | Taxing firms dealing with unauthorized foreign insurers; waiver of penalty and interest charges; surplus lines brokers.

... Revised Code; a joint-county alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health service district; a drainage improvement district created under section 6131.52 of the Revised Code; a union cemetery district; a county school financing district; a city, local, exempted village, cooperative education, or joint vocational school district; or a regional student education district created under section 3313.83 of the Revis...

Section 4112.01 | Civil rights commission definitions.

... the commission to a person who files a charge under section 4112.051 of the Revised Code that states that the person who filed the charge may bring a civil action related to the charge pursuant to section 4112.052 or 4112.14 of the Revised Code, in accordance with section 4112.052 of the Revised Code. (B) For the purposes of divisions (A) to (F) of section 4112.02 of the Revised Code, the terms "because of sex" an...

Section 4123.34 | Solvency of funds - premium rates.

... in the bureau of workers' compensation drug free workplace and workplace safety programs.