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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

Misdemeanor Crimes
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Section 2967.02 | Administration by adult parole authority.

...(A) The adult parole authority created by section 5149.02 of the Revised Code shall administer sections 2967.01 to 2967.28 of the Revised Code, and other sections of the Revised Code governing pardon, community control sanctions, post-release control, and parole. (B) The governor may grant a pardon after conviction, may grant an absolute and entire pardon or a partial pardon, and may grant a pardon upon conditions...

Section 2967.021 | Application of chapter before and after 7-1-96.

...(A) Chapter 2967. of the Revised Code, as it existed prior to July 1, 1996, applies to a person upon whom a court imposed a term of imprisonment prior to July 1, 1996, and a person upon whom a court, on or after July 1, 1996, and in accordance with law existing prior to July 1, 1996, imposed a term of imprisonment for an offense that was committed prior to July 1, 1996. (B) Chapter 2967. of the Revised Code, as it e...

Section 2967.03 | Duties and powers as to pardon, commutation, reprieve or parole.

...The adult parole authority may exercise its functions and duties in relation to the pardon, commutation of sentence, or reprieve of a convict upon direction of the governor or upon its own initiative. It may exercise its functions and duties in relation to the parole of a prisoner who is eligible for parole upon the initiative of the head of the institution in which the prisoner is confined or upon its own initiative...

Section 2967.04 | Pardons and commutations.

...(A) A pardon or commutation may be granted upon such conditions precedent or subsequent as the governor may impose, which conditions shall be stated in the warrant. Such pardon or commutation shall not take effect until the conditions so imposed are accepted by the convict or prisoner so pardoned or having a sentence commuted, and the convict's or prisoner's acceptance is indorsed upon the warrant, signed by the pris...

Section 2967.05 | Release as if on parole of dying prisoner.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Imminent danger of death" means that the inmate has a medically diagnosable condition that will cause death to occur within a short period of time. As used in division (A)(1) of this section, "within a short period of time" means generally within six months. (2)(a) "Medically incapacitated" means any diagnosable medical condition, including mental dementia and severe, permane...

Section 2967.06 | Form of warrants of pardon and commutation.

...Warrants of pardon and commutation shall be issued in triplicate, one to be given to the convict, one to be filed with the clerk of the court of common pleas in whose office the sentence is recorded, and one to be filed with the head of the institution in which the convict was confined, in case he was confined. All warrants of pardon, whether conditional or otherwise, shall be recorded by said clerk and the officer ...

Section 2967.07 | Written applications for pardon, commutation of sentence, or reprieve.

...All applications for pardon, commutation of sentence, or reprieve shall be made in writing to the adult parole authority. Upon the filing of such application, or when directed by the governor in any case, a thorough investigation into the propriety of granting a pardon, commutation, or reprieve shall be made by the authority, which shall report in writing to the governor a brief statement of the facts in the case, to...

Section 2967.08 | Reprieve for definite time to person under sentence of death.

...The governor may grant a reprieve for a definite time to a person under sentence of death, with or without notices or application.

Section 2967.09 | Filing warrant of reprieve with sentencing court.

...On receiving a warrant of reprieve, the head of the institution, sheriff, or other officer having custody of the person reprieved, shall file it forthwith with the clerk of the court of common pleas in which the sentence is recorded, who shall thereupon record the warrant in the journal of the court.

Section 2967.10 | Confinement during reprieve.

...When the governor directs in a warrant of reprieve that the prisoner be confined in a state correctional institution for the time of the reprieve or any part thereof, the sheriff or other officer having the prisoner in custody shall convey him to the state correctional institution in the manner provided for the conveyance of convicts, and the warden shall receive the prisoner and warrant and proceed as the warrant di...

Section 2967.12 | Notice of pendency of pardon, commutation, or parole sent to prosecutor and court.

...(A) Except as provided in division (G) of this section, at least sixty days before the adult parole authority recommends any pardon or commutation of sentence, or grants any parole, the authority shall provide a notice of the pendency of the pardon, commutation, or parole, setting forth the name of the person on whose behalf it is made, the offense of which the person was convicted or to which the person pleaded guil...

Section 2967.121 | Notice of early release of certain felons sent to prosecutorand sheriff.

...(A) Subject to division (D) of this section, at least two weeks before any convict who is serving a sentence for committing aggravated murder, murder, or a felony of the first, second, or third degree or who is serving a sentence of life imprisonment is released from confinement in any state correctional institution pursuant to a pardon, commutation of sentence, parole, or completed prison term, the adult parole auth...

Section 2967.13 | Eligibility for parole.

...(A) Except as provided in division (G) of this section or section 2967.132 of the Revised Code, a prisoner serving a sentence of imprisonment for life for an offense committed on or after July 1, 1996, is not entitled to any earned credit under division (A)(2) or (3) of section 2967.193 or 2967.194 of the Revised Code and becomes eligible for parole as follows: (1) If a sentence of imprisonment for life was imposed...

Section 2967.131 | Conditions of post-release control.

...(A) In addition to any other terms and conditions of a conditional pardon or parole, of transitional control, or of another form of authorized release from confinement in a state correctional institution that is granted to an individual and that involves the placement of the individual under the supervision of the adult parole authority, and in addition to any other sanctions of post-release control of a felon impose...

Section 2967.132 | Parole eligibility when offense is committed by a minor.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Aggravated homicide offense" means any of the following that involved the purposeful killing of three or more persons, when the offender is the principal offender in each offense: (a) Aggravated murder; (b) Any other offense or combination of offenses that involved the purposeful killing of three or more persons. (2) "Homicide offense" means a violation of section 2903.02, 2...

Section 2967.14 | Halfway houses or community residential centers.

...(A) The department of rehabilitation and correction or the adult parole authority may require or allow a parolee, a releasee, or a prisoner otherwise released from a state correctional institution to reside in a halfway house or other suitable community residential center that has been licensed by the division of parole and community services pursuant to division (C) of this section during a part or for the entire pe...

Section 2967.141 | Violation sanction centerS.

...(A) The department of rehabilitation and correction may operate or contract for the operation of one or more violation sanction centers. A violation sanction center operated under authority of this division is a prison as defined in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code. A violation sanction center operated under authority of this division may be used for either of the following purposes: (1) Service of a prison term ...

Section 2967.15 | Violating condition of conditional pardon, parole, other form of authorized release, transitional control, or post-release control.

...(A) If an adult parole authority field officer has reasonable cause to believe that a person who is a parolee or releasee, who is under transitional control, or who is under another form of authorized release and who is under the supervision of the adult parole authority has violated or is violating the condition of a conditional pardon, parole, other form of authorized release, transitional control, or post-rele...

Section 2967.16 | Certificate of final release.

...(A) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, when a paroled prisoner has faithfully performed the conditions and obligations of the paroled prisoner's parole and has obeyed the rules and regulations adopted by the adult parole authority that apply to the paroled prisoner, the authority may grant a final release and thereupon shall issue to the paroled prisoner a certificate of final release that shall serv...

Section 2967.17 | Administrative release.

...(A) The adult parole authority, in its discretion, may grant an administrative release to any of the following: (1) A parole violator, release violator, or releasee serving another felony sentence in a correctional institution within or without this state for the purpose of consolidation of the records or if justice would best be served; (2) A parole violator at large or release violator at large whose case has b...

Section 2967.18 | Overcrowding emergency - early releases and sentence reductions.

...(A) Whenever the director of rehabilitation and correction determines that the total population of the state correctional institutions for males and females, the total population of the state correctional institutions for males, or the total population of the state correctional institutions for females exceeds the capacity of those institutions and that an overcrowding emergency exists, the director shall notify the ...

Section 2967.191 | Reduction of prison term or parole eligibility date for related days of confinement.

...(A) The department of rehabilitation and correction shall reduce the prison term of a prisoner, as described in division (B) of this section, by the total number of days that the prisoner was confined for any reason arising out of the offense for which the prisoner was convicted and sentenced, including confinement in lieu of bail while awaiting trial, confinement for examination to determine the prisoner's competenc...

Section 2967.193 | Earning days of credit.

...(A)(1) The provisions of this section apply until April 4, 2024, to persons confined in a state correctional institution or in the substance use disorder treatment program. On and after April 4, 2024, the provisions of section 2967.194 of the Revised Code apply to persons so confined, in the manner specified in division (G) of that section. (2) Except as provided in division (C) of this section and subject to the ...

Section 2967.194 | Earning days of credit.

...(A)(1) Beginning April 4, 2024, the provisions of this section shall apply, in the manner described in division (G) of this section, to persons confined on or after that date in a state correctional institution or in the substance use disorder treatment program. (2) Except as provided in division (C) of this section and subject to the maximum aggregate total specified in division (A)(4) of this section, a person c...

Section 2967.21 | Transfer of prisoner does not affect term.

...Any prisoner sentenced or committed to a state correctional institution may be transferred from that institution to another state correctional institution, but the prisoner shall continue to be subject to the same conditions as to the stated prison term, parole, and release as if the prisoner were confined in the institution to which the prisoner originally was sentenced or committed.