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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

Misdemeanor Crimes
Results 326 - 350 of 1,286
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Section 2919.195 | Performance of abortion after detection of fetal heartbeat; penalty.

...(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, no person shall knowingly and purposefully perform or induce an abortion on a pregnant woman with the specific intent of causing or abetting the termination of the life of the unborn human individual the pregnant woman is carrying and whose fetal heartbeat has been detected in accordance with division (A) of section 2919.192 of the Revised Code. Whoever violat...

Section 2919.196 | Documentation of reasons for abortion.

...The provisions of this section are wholly independent of the requirements of sections 2919.192 to 2919.195 of the Revised Code. (A) A person who performs or induces an abortion on a pregnant woman shall do whichever of the following is applicable: (1) If a purported reason for the abortion is to preserve the health of the pregnant woman, the person shall specify in a written document the medical condition that t...

Section 2919.197 | Contraceptives.

...Nothing in sections 2919.19 to 2919.196 of the Revised Code prohibits the sale, use, prescription, or administration of a drug, device, or chemical for contraceptive purposes.

Section 2919.198 | Immunity of pregnant woman.

...A pregnant woman on whom an abortion is performed or induced in violation of section 2919.193, 2919.194, or 2919.195 of the Revised Code is not guilty of violating any of those sections; is not guilty of attempting to commit, conspiring to commit, or complicity in committing a violation of any of those sections; and is not subject to a civil penalty based on the abortion being performed or induced in violation of an...

Section 2919.199 | Civil action for wrongful death of unborn child.

...(A) A woman who meets either or both of the following criteria may file a civil action for the wrongful death of her unborn child: (1) A woman on whom an abortion was performed or induced in violation of division (A) of section 2919.193 or division (A) of section 2919.195 of the Revised Code; (2) A woman on whom an abortion was performed or induced who was not given the information described in divisions (A)(1) and...

Section 2919.1910 | Joint legislative committee on adoption promotion and support.

...(A) To ensure that citizens are informed of available options in this state, there is hereby created the joint legislative committee on adoption promotion and support. The committee may review or study any matter that it considers relevant to the adoption process in this state, with priority given to the study or review of mechanisms intended to increase awareness of the process, increase its effectiveness, or both. ...

Section 2919.1912 | Forfeiture for violations.

...(A) The state medical board may assess against a person a forfeiture of not more than twenty thousand dollars for each separate violation or failure of the person to comply with any of the requirements of sections 2919.171, 2919.192, 2919.193, 2919.194, 2919.195, or 2919.196 of the Revised Code. The board shall comply with the adjudication requirements of Chapter 119. of the Revised Code when assessing the forfeitur...

Section 2919.1913 | Human Rights and Heartbeat Protection Act.

...Sections 2919.171, 2919.19 to 2919.1913, and 4731.22 of the Revised Code, as amended or enacted by this act, shall be known as the "Human Rights and Heartbeat Protection Act."

Section 2919.20 | Definitions.

...As used in sections 2919.20 to 2919.204 of the Revised Code: (A) "Fertilization" means the fusion of a human spermatozoon with a human ovum. (B) "Medical emergency" means a condition that in the physician's reasonable medical judgment, based upon the facts known to the physician at that time, so complicates the woman's pregnancy as to necessitate the immediate performance or inducement of an abortion in order to...

Section 2919.201 | Abortion after gestational age of 20 weeks.

...(A) No person shall purposely perform or induce or purposely attempt to perform or induce an abortion on a pregnant woman when the probable post-fertilization age of the unborn child is twenty weeks or greater. (B)(1) It is an affirmative defense to a charge under division (A) of this section that the abortion was purposely performed or induced or purposely attempted to be performed or induced by a physician and tha...

Section 2919.202 | Report by physician.

... child abortion report falsification, a misdemeanor of the first degree. (D) Within ninety days of March 14, 2017, the department of health shall adopt rules pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code to assist in compliance with this section.

Section 2919.203 | Determination of gestational age; violation.

...bable post-fertilization age testing, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. (D) The state medical board shall suspend a physician's license to practice medicine in this state for a period of not less than six months if the physician violates this section.

Section 2919.204 | Ohio pain-capable unborn child protection act litigation fund.

...There is hereby created in the state treasury the Ohio pain-capable unborn child protection act litigation fund to be used by the attorney general to pay for any costs and expenses incurred by the attorney general in relation to actions surrounding defense of the provisions of ___.B. of the 131st general assembly. The fund shall consist of appropriations made to it and any donations, gifts, or grants made to the fu...

Section 2919.205 | Construction of laws.

...Sections 2307.54 and 2919.20 to 2919.205 and the provisions of section 2305.11 of the Revised Code as amended or enacted by this bill shall not be construed to repeal, by implication or otherwise, any law regulating or restricting abortion. An abortion that complies with the provisions of those sections as amended or enacted by this bill but violates the provisions of any otherwise applicable provision of state law s...

Section 2919.21 | Nonsupport or contributing to nonsupport of dependents.

...s guilty of nonsupport of dependents, a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of division (A)(2) or (B) of this section or if the offender has failed to provide support under division (A)(2) or (B) of this section for a total accumulated period of twenty-six weeks out of one hundred four consecutive weeks, whether or not the twenty-six weeks...

Section 2919.22 | Endangering children.

...)(2)(b), (c), or (d) of this section, a misdemeanor of the first degree; (b) If the offender previously has been convicted of an offense under this section or of any offense involving neglect, abandonment, contributing to the delinquency of, or physical abuse of a child, except as otherwise provided in division (E)(2)(c) or (d) of this section, a felony of the fourth degree; (c) If the violation is a violation of...

Section 2919.222 | Parental education neglect.

...guilty of parental education neglect, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

Section 2919.223 | Child and family day-care facilities - definitions.

...As used in sections 2919.223 to 2919.227 of the Revised Code: (A) "Child care," "child care center," "in-home aide," "type A family child care home," and "type B family child care home" have the same meanings as in section 5104.01 of the Revised Code. (B) "Child care center licensee" means the owner of a child care center licensed pursuant to Chapter 5104. of the Revised Code who is responsible for ensuring the...

Section 2919.224 | Misrepresentation relating to provision of child care.

...resentation by a child care provider, a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Section 2919.225 | Disclosure and notice regarding death or injury of child in facility.

...e death or serious injury of a child, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

Section 2919.226 | Child day-care disclosure form - immunity from prosecution.

...(A) If a child care provider accurately answers the questions on a child care disclosure form that is in substantially the form set forth in division (B) of this section, presents the form to a person identified in division (A)(1) or (2) of section 2919.224 of the Revised Code, and obtains the person's signature on the acknowledgement in the form, to the extent that the information set forth on the form is accurate, ...

Section 2919.227 | Information to be provided to prospective users - notice of death of child.

... death or serious injury of a child, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

Section 2919.23 | Interference with custody.

...of division (A)(1) of this section is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the child who is the subject of a violation of division (A)(1) of this section is removed from the state or if the offender previously has been convicted of an offense under this section, a violation of division (A)(1) of this section is a felony of the fifth degree. If the child who is the subject of a violation of division (A)(1) of this se...

Section 2919.231 | Interfering with action to issue or modify support order.

...n to issue or modify a support order, a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of this section or of section 3111.19 of the Revised Code, interfering with an action to issue or modify a support order is a felony of the fifth degree.

Section 2919.24 | Contributing to unruliness or delinquency of a child.

...unruliness or delinquency of a child, a misdemeanor of the first degree. Each day of violation of this section is a separate offense.