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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 3726.04 | Exercise of rights by adult or minor pregnant woman.

...location other than one provided by the abortion facility. (2) If a pregnant woman does not desire to exercise the rights under division (A) of section 3726.03 of the Revised Code, the abortion facility shall determine whether final disposition shall be by cremation or interment. (B)(1) A pregnant woman who is under eighteen years of age, unmarried, and unemancipated shall obtain parental consent from one of the ...

Section 3726.09 | Payment of fetal remains disposition costs.

...ded in division (B) of this section, an abortion facility shall pay for and provide for the cremation or interment of the fetal remains from a surgical abortion performed at that facility. (B) If the disposition determination made under division (A)(1) of section 3726.04 or 3726.041 of the Revised Code identifies a location for final disposition other than one provided by the abortion facility, the pregnant woman i...

Section 3726.11 | Abortion facility maintain documentation of disposition date and method.

...An abortion facility shall maintain evidentiary documentation demonstrating the date and method of the disposition of fetal remains from surgical abortions performed or induced in the facility.

Section 3726.12 | Abortion facility written policy and procedures for cremation or interment.

...An abortion facility shall have written policies and procedures regarding cremation or interment of fetal remains from surgical abortions performed or induced in the facility.

Section 3726.13 | Abortion facility maintain list of disposition locations.

...An abortion facility shall develop and maintain a written list of locations at which it provides or arranges for the final disposition of fetal remains from surgical abortions.

Section 3901.87 | No coverage for nontherapeutic abortion.

...l provide coverage for a nontherapeutic abortion. (B) As used in this section: (1) "Nontherapeutic abortion" has the same meaning as in section 9.04 of the Revised Code. (2) "Qualified health plan" means any qualified health plan as defined in section 1301 of the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," 42 U.S.C. 18021, offered in this state through an exchange created under that act.

Section 5101.57 | Use of public facilities for nontheurapeutic abortions prohibited. this section: (1) "Nontherapeutic abortion" has the same meaning as in section 124.85 of the Revised Code. (2) "Political subdivision" means any body corporate and politic that is responsible for governmental activities in a geographic area smaller than the state, except that "political subdivision" does not include either of the following: (a) A municipal corporation; (b) A county that has adopted a cha...

Section 2151.421 | Reporting child abuse or neglect.

...lient's or patient's attempt to have an abortion without the notification of her parents, guardian, or custodian in accordance with section 2151.85 of the Revised Code. (4)(a) No cleric and no person, other than a volunteer, designated by any church, religious society, or faith acting as a leader, official, or delegate on behalf of the church, religious society, or faith who is acting in an official or professiona...

Section 2307.52 | Civil action for damages for terminating or attempting termination of pregnancy after viability.

...Revised Code. (B) A woman upon whom an abortion is purposely performed or induced or attempted to be performed or induced in violation of division (A) of section 2919.17 of the Revised Code has and may commence a civil action for compensatory damages, punitive or exemplary damages if authorized by section 2315.21 of the Revised Code, and court costs and reasonable attorney's fees against the person who purpose...

Section 2701.15 | Court may not order abortion.

...l be ordered by a court to submit to an abortion.

Section 2919.14 | Abortion trafficking.

...ever violates this section is guilty of abortion trafficking, a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Section 2919.19 | Definitions for ORC sections 2919.191 to 2919.1910.

...ority of states to prohibit or regulate abortion entirely or in part, or the effective date of an amendment to the United States Constitution restoring, expanding, or clarifying the authority of states to prohibit or regulate abortion entirely or in part, the attorney general may apply to the pertinent state or federal court for either or both of the following: (a) A declaration that any one or more sections speci...

Section 2919.198 | Immunity of pregnant woman.

...A pregnant woman on whom an abortion is performed or induced in violation of section 2919.193, 2919.194, or 2919.195 of the Revised Code is not guilty of violating any of those sections; is not guilty of attempting to commit, conspiring to commit, or complicity in committing a violation of any of those sections; and is not subject to a civil penalty based on the abortion being performed or induced in violation of an...

Section 2919.199 | Civil action for wrongful death of unborn child.

...r unborn child: (1) A woman on whom an abortion was performed or induced in violation of division (A) of section 2919.193 or division (A) of section 2919.195 of the Revised Code; (2) A woman on whom an abortion was performed or induced who was not given the information described in divisions (A)(1) and (2) of section 2919.194 of the Revised Code or who did not sign a form described in division (A)(3) of section 291...

Section 3314.0310 | Child sexual abuse prevention.

...motes, counsels, or makes referrals for abortion or abortion-related services. Upon written request of the student's parent or guardian, a student shall be excused from taking instruction in child sexual abuse prevention. (B)(1) If a community school serves students in any of grades seven through twelve, the school's curriculum for those grades shall include developmentally appropriate instruction in sexual violenc...

Section 3326.091 | Child sexual abuse prevention.

...motes, counsels, or makes referrals for abortion or abortion-related services. Upon written request of the student's parent or guardian, a student shall be excused from taking instruction in child sexual abuse prevention. (B)(1) If a STEM school serves students in any of grades seven through twelve, the school's curriculum for those grades shall include developmentally appropriate instruction in sexual violence pre...

Section 3701.511 | Use of program funds to counsel or refer for abortion.

...e shall be used to counsel or refer for abortion, except in the case of a medical emergency.

Section 3726.02 | Fetal remains disposition by cremation or interment.

...sition of fetal remains from a surgical abortion at an abortion facility shall be by cremation or interment. (B) The cremation of fetal remains under division (A) of this section shall be in a crematory facility, in compliance with Chapter 4717. of the Revised Code. (C) As used in this section, "crematory facility" has the same meaning as in section 4717.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 3726.03 | Pregnant woman rights for fetal remains disposition.

...(A) A pregnant woman who has a surgical abortion has the right to determine both of the following regarding the fetal remains: (1) Whether the final disposition shall be by cremation or interment; (2) The location for the final disposition. (B) A pregnant woman who has a surgical abortion shall be provided with a notification form described in division (A) of section 3726.14 of the Revised Code.

Section 3726.05 | Release of fetal remains after disposition determination.

...An abortion facility may not release fetal remains from a surgical abortion, or arrange for the cremation or interment of such fetal remains, until it obtains a final disposition determination made, and if applicable, the consent made, under section 3726.04 or 3726.041 of the Revised Code.

Section 3726.14 | Rulemaking authority of Director of Health.

...orming pregnant women who seek surgical abortions of the following: (1) The right to determine final disposition of fetal remains under division (A) of section 3726.03 of the Revised Code; (2) The available options for locations and methods for the disposition of fetal remains. (B) The consent form for purposes of section 3726.04 or 3726.041 of the Revised Code; (C)(1) A detachable supplemental form to the fo...

Section 4501.21 | License plate contribution fund.

... and shall not use any of the money for abortion information, counseling, services, or other abortion-related activities. The registrar shall pay the contributions the registrar receives pursuant to section 4503.492 of the Revised Code to the organization cancer support community central Ohio, which shall deposit the money into the Sheryl L. Kraner Fund of that organization. Cancer support community central Ohio s...

Section 4723.151 | Unlicensed practice.

... drug or device to perform or induce an abortion, or to otherwise perform or induce an abortion.

Section 4723.28 | Disciplinary actions.

... drug or device to perform or induce an abortion, or otherwise performing or inducing an abortion; (31) Failure to establish and maintain professional boundaries with a patient, as specified in rules adopted under section 4723.07 of the Revised Code; (32) Regardless of whether the contact or verbal behavior is consensual, engaging with a patient other than the spouse of the registered nurse, licensed practical ...

Section 4723.44 | Unauthorized practice.

... drug or device to perform or induce an abortion, or otherwise perform or induce an abortion. (C) No person shall knowingly employ a person to engage in the practice of nursing as an advanced practice registered nurse unless the person so employed holds a current, valid license and designation issued by the board under this chapter to practice as an advanced practice registered nurse in the specialty indicated by th...