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Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 5155.04 | Bond.

...Except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, before entering upon official duties, the superintendent or administrator of the county home shall give bond as the board of county commissioners or operator requires, with a surety acceptable to the board or operator, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of that office. The bond, with the approval of the board or operator and the oath...

Section 5155.16 | Annual report.

...The superintendent or administrator or, if operational control has been transferred to an operator under section 5155.011 of the Revised Code, the operator of the county home shall submit to the board of county commissioners an annual report. The report shall show all of the following: (A) The number of residents at the beginning of the year, the number admitted during the year, the number born in the home, and the ...

Section 5155.19 | Monthly report.

...The board of county commissioners or the operator may require the superintendent or administrator of the county home to submit to the board of county commissioners and, if applicable, to the operator a monthly report . The monthly report may contain any or all of the following: (A) The number of residents at the beginning of each month; (B) The number of residents admitted during the month; (C) The number of resid...

Section 5155.27 | Medical care contract.

...The board of county commissioners or operator may contract with one or more competent physicians to furnish medical relief and medicines necessary for the residents of the county home, but no contract shall extend beyond one year. Medical statistics shall be kept by the facility. Those statistics shall show the nature and extent of the services rendered, to whom they were rendered, and the character of the diseases ...

Section 5155.32 | Screening of residents after closing of home.

...After a county home has been closed as provided in section 5155.31 of the Revised Code, the board of county commissioners, or a person appointed by the board for that purpose, shall determine who is eligible for county care, and shall certify and convey persons determined eligible to the county home with which a contract has been made under such section, and shall perform all the duties of the superintendent or admin...

Section 5160.37 | Right of recovery for cost of medical assistance.

...(A) A medical assistance recipient's enrollment in a medical assistance program gives an automatic right of recovery to the department of medicaid and a county department of job and family services against the liability of a third party for the cost of medical assistance paid on behalf of the recipient. When an action or claim is brought against a third party by a medical assistance recipient, any payment, settlement...

Section 5162.211 | Lien against property of recipient or spouse as part of estate recovery program.

...(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section and section 5162.23 of the Revised Code, no lien may be imposed against the property of an individual before the individual's death on account of medicaid services correctly paid or to be paid on the individual's behalf. (B) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, the department of medicaid may impose a lien against the real property of a medi...

Section 5162.22 | Transfer of personal needs allowance account.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Commissioner" means a person appointed by a probate court under division (E) of section 2113.03 of the Revised Code to act as a commissioner. (2) "Home" has the same meaning as in section 3721.10 of the Revised Code. (3) "Personal needs allowance account" means an account or petty cash fund that holds the money of a resident of a residential facility or home and that the fac...

Section 5164.721 | Claims by freestanding birthing centers.

...A hospital or freestanding birthing center that is a medicaid provider may submit to the department of medicaid or the department's fiscal agent a medicaid claim that is both of the following: (A) For a long-acting reversible contraceptive device that is covered by medicaid and provided to a medicaid recipient during the period after the recipient gives birth in the hospital or center and before the recipient is di...

Section 5164.78 | Medicaid payment rates for certain neonatal and newborn services.

...(A) The medicaid payment rates for the following neonatal and newborn services shall equal not less than seventy-five per cent of the medicare payment rates for the services in effect on the date the services are provided to medicaid recipients eligible for the services: (1) Initial care for normal newborns; (2) Subsequent day, hospital care for normal newborns; (3) Same day, initial history and physical exa...

Section 5165.53 | Adoption of rules regarding change in operators.

...The medicaid director shall adopt rules under section 5165.02 of the Revised Code to implement sections 5165.50 to 5165.53 of the Revised Code, including rules applicable to an exiting operator that provides written notification under section 5165.50 of the Revised Code of a voluntary withdrawal of participation. Rules adopted under this section shall comply with the "Social Security Act," section 1919(c)(2)(F)...

Section 517.20 | Appointment of directors of township cemetery.

...The board of township trustees may appoint three directors to take charge of any cemetery in the township, the control of which is vested in such board. The first appointments shall be for one, two, and three years respectively. The order appointing a director shall designate, by name, the cemeteries over which he shall have supervision. Each year one director shall be appointed to serve for three years from the sec...

Section 5180.14 | [Former R.C. 3701.63, amended and renumbered by H.B. 33, 135th General Assembly, effective 1/1/2025] Shaken baby syndrome education program.

...(A) As used in this section and sections 5180.15, 5180.16, and 5180.17 of the Revised Code: (1) "Child care center," "type A family child care home," and "licensed type B family child care home" have the same meanings as in section 5104.01 of the Revised Code. (2) "Child care facility" means a child care center, a type A family child care home, or a licensed type B family child care home. (3) "Foster caregiv...

Section 5180.15 | [Former R.C. 3701.64, amended and renumbered by H.B. 33, 135th General Assembly, effective 1/1/2025] Distribution of shaken baby syndrome educational materials.

...(A) A copy of the shaken baby syndrome educational materials developed under section 5180.14 of the Revised Code shall be distributed in the following manner: (1) By childbirth educators and the staff of obstetricians' offices, to an expectant parent who uses their services; (2) By the staff of pediatric physicians' offices, to any of the following who use their services: an infant's parent, guardian, or other ...

Section 5301.07 | Delivery and acceptance of real property instrument; presumptions.

...(A) As used in this section, "real property instrument" means a deed, mortgage, and installment contract, lease, memorandum of trust, power of attorney, or any instrument accepted by the county recorder under section 317.08 of the Revised Code. (B)(1) When a real property instrument is delivered to and accepted by the county recorder of the county in which the real property is situated, and is signed and acknowledge...

Section 5303.28 | Trustees for entailed estates.

...The court of common pleas shall appoint competent trustees to invest and manage the money referred to in section 5303.27 of the Revised Code. Such trustees, from time to time, must report to the court their proceedings and the condition of the fund. The court shall require of such trustees security for the faithful discharge of their duties, from time to time may require additional security, remove them for cause or...

Section 5305.21 | Dower of incompetent person may be barred.

...t shall enter a judgment releasing and discharging the real estate from the encumbrance of such right of dower, and adjudge the holder of the legal title, or other party liable, to pay to the petitioner any sum withheld or retained as indemnity against such dower right.

Section 5309.031 | Maintain registered land records by use of photographic, magnetic, electronic, or certain other processes means, or displays.

...(A) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter or Chapter 5310. of the Revised Code to the contrary, and in accordance with the rules adopted by the county recorder under division (C) of this section, the recorder may perform any of the following functions by nonpaper means: (1) Transcribe a certified copy of a decree of registration sent by the clerk of a probate court pursuant to section 5309.25 of the Revised ...

Section 5309.04 | Examiners of titles - qualifications, bond, duties.

...The court of common pleas in each county shall appoint, subject to removal at any time by said court, one or more examiners of titles, who shall be officers of the court and competent attorneys at law with skill and experience in the examination of titles to real estate. Each examiner, before entering on the discharge of his duties, shall give a bond payable to this state for the use of whom it may concern, in an amo...

Section 5310.04 | Powers of courts.

...The county recorder and the probate court and the court of common pleas on the application of any party in interest, in any matter, suit, or proceeding in any way relating to registered land, or to any estate or interest therein, or lien or charge thereon, may compel by punishment as for a contempt the production and delivery to said recorder or courts of any duplicate or owner's certificate of title, duplicate or or...

Section 5311.14 | Repair or restoration of damages - sale.

...(A) Unless provided otherwise in the declaration, damage to or destruction of all or any part of the common elements of a condominium property shall be promptly repaired and restored by the board of directors of the unit owners association. The cost of the repairs and restoration shall be paid from the proceeds of insurance, if any, payable because of the damage or destruction, and the balance of that cost is a...

Section 5501.25 | Bond of employees.

...Each employee or appointee under Chapters 5501., 5503., 5511., 5512., 5513., 5515., 5516., 5517., 5519., 5521., 5523., 5525., 5527., 5528., 5529., 5531., 5533., and 5535. of the Revised Code in cases other than where the amount of the bond is fixed, may be required to give bond in such sum as the director of transportation may determine. All bonds shall be conditioned upon the faithful discharge of the duties of thei...

Section 5502.34 | Disqualification for subversive activities - registration and oath required.

...No person shall be employed or associated in any capacity in any position or agency established under sections 5502.21 to 5502.51 of the Revised Code who advocates or has advocated a change by force or violence in the constitutional form of the government of the United States or of this state or who has been convicted of or is under indictment or information charging any subversive act against the United States or th...

Section 5502.701 | Mobile training team officer qualifications.

...(A) As used in this section, "veteran" means any person who has completed service in the armed forces of the United States and who has been honorably discharged under honorable conditions from the armed forces, or who has been transferred to the reserve with evidence of satisfactory service. (B) No person is eligible for appointment to the position of chief mobile training officer or the position of regional mobile...

Section 5505.045 | Filing of statements - prohibited campaign activities.

...(A) No person shall knowingly fail to file a complete and accurate campaign finance statement or independent expenditure statement in accordance with section 5505.044 of the Revised Code. (B) No person, during the course of a person seeking nomination for, and during any campaign for, election to the state highway patrol retirement board, shall knowingly and with intent to affect the nomination or the outcome of the...