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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 753.05 | Employment of prisoners.

...A person sentenced under section 753.04 of the Revised Code shall be received into the workhouse, and shall be kept and confined at labor therein, or if such labor cannot be furnished he may be employed at labor elsewhere when such employment is authorized by ordinance, and shall be subject to the rules, regulations, and discipline thereof until the expiration of his sentence, when he shall be discharged.

Section 755.23 | Compensation - oath - bond.

...The members of the board of park trustees shall serve without compensation. Before entering upon the discharge of their duties, they shall each take the oath of office prescribed by section 733.68 of the Revised Code, and, except as otherwise provided in the municipal charter or in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, shall give bond in the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, conditioned according to section 733.71 of ...

Section 759.31 | Control and management - compensation.

...A cemetery owned in common as provided by section 759.27 of the Revised Code, shall be under the control and management of the board of township trustees and the legislative authorities of the municipal corporations, and their authority over it and duties in relation thereto shall be the same as where the cemetery is the exclusive property of a single municipal corporation. A board of union cemetery trustees may fix...

Section 9.982 | Bond proceedings.

...(A) The bond proceedings for bonds referred to in division (A) or (B) of section 9.981 of the Revised Code may provide for one or more of the following: (1) Floating rate interest structures, which may, but need not be, limited to maximum rates, with interest periods which may be fixed or vary from time to time and which may contemporaneously differ for portions of the bonds; (2) Put arrangements, with times for pu...

Section 901.23 | Farmland preservation advisory board.

...(A) There is hereby created the farmland preservation advisory board consisting of twelve voting members appointed by the director of agriculture as follows: (1) One member who is a county commissioner or a representative of a statewide organization that represents county commissioners; (2) One member who is a township trustee or a representative of a statewide organization that represents township trustees; (3) O...

Section 901.24 | Legal adviser - furnishing of supplies.

...The attorney general is the legal adviser of the department of agriculture in all matters relating to its powers and duties. The department of administrative services shall furnish to the department such stationery as it requires for the proper discharge of its duties and all blankbooks necessary to record its transactions.

Section 901.27 | Investigations.

...For the purpose of making any investigation with regard to any company, firm, corporation, person, association, or copartnership, subject to the laws which the department of agriculture is required to administer, the director of agriculture may appoint, by an order in writing, an agent whose duty shall be prescribed in such order. In the discharge of his duties such agent shall have every power of an inquisitorial na...

Section 901.71 | Advisory committee on livestock exhibitions.

...(A) There is hereby created the advisory committee on livestock exhibitions consisting of not more than twenty-one members, as follows: (1) The director of agriculture, or the director's designee; (2) The state veterinarian, or the state veterinarian's designee; (3) A representative of the Ohio cattlemen's association, the Ohio purebred dairy cattle association, the Ohio pork producers council, the Ohio poul...

Section 903.17 | Adjudicative hearing on corrective actions and civil penalties [see Section 3 of H.B. 363 of the 128th General Assembly].

...(A) The director of agriculture may propose to require corrective actions and assess a civil penalty against an owner or operator of an animal feeding operation if the director or the director's authorized representative determines that the owner or operator is not in compliance with section 903.08 of the Revised Code, the terms and conditions of a NPDES permit, the NPDES provisions of a permit to operate, or rules a...

Section 903.30 | Violation of national pollutant discharge elimination system and livestock management duties; prosecution.

...(A) No person shall violate or fail to perform any duty required by division (B)(1), (C)(1), (F), (K), or (M)(1) or (2) of section 903.08 of the Revised Code or the NPDES provisions of a permit to operate, violate a rule adopted pursuant to those divisions, or violate an order issued pursuant to those divisions or a term or condition of an NPDES permit issued by the director of agriculture. (B) No person shal...

Section 905.57 | Confidentiality of information.

...(A) All information furnished to or procured by the director of agriculture under section 905.56 of the Revised Code is for the exclusive use and information of the director in the discharge of his official duties and is not open to the public nor to be used in any court in any action or proceeding therein unless the director is a party to such action or proceeding, but such information may be consolidated in statist...

Section 909.07 | Board of county commissioners may appropriate funds for inspections - deputy apiarist - report.

...The board of county commissioners may appropriate such funds as it deems sufficient for the inspection of apiaries in its county. It may appoint a deputy apiarist with the consent and concurrence of the director of agriculture, said deputy to serve during the pleasure of said board except as specified in this section. Such deputy shall be paid such salary as the county commissioners determine for each day, or for eac...

Section 926.021 | Lien on agricultural commodity assets of failed agricultural commodity handler.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Claimant" means a person to whom an agricultural commodity handler owes a financial obligation for agricultural commodities or the actual monetary proceeds from agricultural commodities that have been delivered to the handler. (2) "Failure" means any of the following involving an agricultural commodity handler: (a) An inability to satisfy claimants financially; (b) A public ...

Section 926.32 | Commodity advisory commission.

...(A) There is hereby created the commodity advisory commission consisting of seven members to be appointed by the director of agriculture. Not later than January 1, 1983, the director shall make appointments to the commission. Of the initial appointments, three shall be for terms ending January 1, 1984, two shall be for terms ending January 1, 1985, and two shall be for terms ending January 1, 1986. Thereafter, terms ...

Section 929.03 | Agricultural district land exempt from assessments.

...(A)(1) No public entity with authority to levy special assessments on real property shall collect an assessment for purposes of sewer, water, or electrical service on real property that is within an agricultural district as described in division (A)(2) of this section without the permission of the owner, except that any assessment may be collected on a lot surrounding a dwelling or other structure not used in a...

Section 939.10 | Agricultural pollution abatement fund.

...There is hereby created in the state treasury the agricultural pollution abatement fund, which shall be administered by the director of agriculture. The fund may be used to pay costs incurred by the department of agriculture under division (E) of section 939.07 of the Revised Code in investigating, mitigating, minimizing, removing, or abating any pollution of the waters of the state caused by agricultural pollution o...

Section 940.01 | Definitions.

...As used in this chapter: (A) "Soil and water conservation district" means a district organized in accordance with this chapter. (B) "Supervisor" means one of the members of the governing body of a district. (C) "Landowner," "owner," or "owner of land" means an owner of record as shown by the records in the office of the county recorder. With respect to an improvement or a proposed improvement, "landowner," "...

Section 940.06 | Supervisors of soil and water conservation district; additional powers.

...The board of supervisors of a soil and water conservation district have the following powers in addition to its other powers: (A) To conduct surveys, investigations, and research relating to the character of soil erosion, floodwater and sediment damages, and the preventive and control measures and works of improvement for flood prevention and the conservation, development, utilization, and disposal of water needed ...

Section 940.08 | Supervisors to employ assistants and personnel and acquire materials, equipment, supplies and offices.

...The board of supervisors of a soil and water conservation district may employ assistants and such other employees as it considers necessary and may provide for the payment of the reasonable compensation of such assistants and employees and expenses incurred by them in the discharge of their duties from the special fund established for the district pursuant to section 940.12 of the Revised Code. District employees a...