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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 5123.28 | Handling funds belonging to residents.

...(A) Except as otherwise provided in this division, money or property deposited with managing officers of institutions under the jurisdiction of the department of developmental disabilities by any resident under the department's control or by relatives, guardians, conservators, and others for the special benefit of such resident, as well as all other funds and all other income paid to the resident, to the resi...

Section 5123.31 | Confidentiality.

...(A) The department of developmental disabilities shall keep a record showing the name, residence, sex, age, nativity, occupation, condition, and date of entrance or commitment of every resident in the institutions governed by it, the date, cause, and terms of discharge and the condition of such person at the time of leaving, and also a record of all transfers from one institution to another, and, if such person dies ...

Section 5123.61 | Reporting abuse, neglect, and other major unusual incidents.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Law enforcement agency" means the state highway patrol, the police department of a municipal corporation, or a county sheriff. (2) "Abuse" has the same meaning as in section 5123.50 of the Revised Code, except that it includes a misappropriation, as defined in that section. (3) "Neglect" has the same meaning as in section 5123.50 of the Revised Code. (B) The department of develop...

Section 5123.75 | Probable cause hearing.

...A respondent who is involuntarily placed in an institution or other place as designated in section 5123.77 of the Revised Code or with respect to whom proceedings have been instituted under section 5123.71 of the Revised Code shall, on request of the respondent, the respondent's guardian, or the respondent's counsel, or upon the court's own motion, be afforded a hearing to determine whether there is probable cause to...

Section 5123.851 | Procedure upon discharge.

...When a resident institutionalized pursuant to this chapter is discharged from the institution, the managing officer of the institution may provide the resident with all personal items that were purchased in implementing the resident's habilitation plan established pursuant to section 5123.85 of the Revised Code. The personal items may be provided to the resident, regardless of the source of the funds that were used t...

Section 5139.01 | Department of youth services - definitions.

...(A) As used in this chapter: (1) "Commitment" means the transfer of the physical custody of a child or youth from the court to the department of youth services. (2) "Permanent commitment" means a commitment that vests legal custody of a child in the department of youth services. (3) "Legal custody," insofar as it pertains to the status that is created when a child is permanently committed to the department of yout...

Section 5139.06 | Disposition of child.

...(A) When a child has been committed to the department of youth services, the department shall do both of the following: (1) Place the child in an appropriate institution under the condition that it considers best designed for the training and rehabilitation of the child and the protection of the public, provided that the institutional placement shall be consistent with the order committing the child to its custody; ...

Section 5139.10 | Final discharges ends control by department.

...Unless the child has already received a final discharge, the control by the department of youth services of a child committed as a delinquent shall cease when the child reaches the age of twenty-one years.

Section 5149.05 | Training requirements for permission to carry firearm.

...The chief of the adult parole authority may grant an employee permission to carry a firearm in the discharge of the employee's official duties if the employee has successfully completed a basic firearm training program that is approved by the executive director of the Ohio peace officer training commission. In order to continue to carry a firearm in the discharge of the employee's official duties, the employee annual...

Section 5155.25 | Balance paid resident upon discharge.

...When a resident of a county home is discharged from a county home, and his property or effects have been disposed of and the proceeds applied as provided by sections 5155.23 and 5155.24 of the Revised Code, any balance due in favor of such person on the books of the facility shall be paid to him by the superintendent or administrator of such facility, or, in case of his death, shall be paid to his legal representativ...

Section 5162.21 | Medicaid estate recovery program.

...(A) As used in this section and section 5162.211 of the Revised Code: (1) "Estate" includes both of the following: (a) All real and personal property and other assets to be administered under Title XXI of the Revised Code and property that would be administered under that title if not for section 2113.03 or 2113.031 of the Revised Code; (b) Any other real and personal property and other assets in which an in...

Section 5165.33 | No payment for discharge date.

...No medicaid payment shall be made to a nursing facility provider for the day a medicaid recipient is discharged from the nursing facility.

Section 5165.89 | Hearing on transfer or discharge of resident who medicaid or medicare beneficiary.

...The department of health shall be the designee of the department of medicaid for the purpose of conducting a hearing pursuant to section 3721.162 of the Revised Code concerning a nursing facility's decision to transfer or discharge a resident if the resident is a medicaid recipient or medicare beneficiary.

Section 5180.17 | [Former R.C. 3701.67, amended and renumbered by H.B. 33, 135th General Assembly, effective 1/1/2025] Infant safe sleep screening procedure.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Contractor" means a person who provides personal services pursuant to a contract. (2) "Critical access hospital" means a facility designated as a critical access hospital by the director of health under section 3701.073 of the Revised Code. (3) "Crib" includes a portable play yard or other suitable sleeping place. (B) Each hospital and freestanding birthing center shall i...

Section 5301.34 | Release of mortgage on certificate of mortgagee or assignee.

...A mortgage shall be discharged upon the record of the mortgage by the county recorder when there is presented to the county recorder a certificate executed by the mortgagee or the mortgagee's assigns, acknowledged as provided in section 5301.01 of the Revised Code, or when there is presented to the recorder a deed of release executed by the governor as provided in section 5301.19 of the Revised Code, certifying...

Section 5305.18 | Petition to discharge land of dower of incompetent person.

...A person owning real property in this state, encumbered by the contingent or vested right of dower of an incompetent person, may apply, by petition to the court of common pleas of the county in which the real estate, or any part thereof, is situated, making defendants thereto such incompetent person, and the spouse and guardian, if such incompetent person has either or both, for leave to sell any part of such rea...

Section 5309.58 | Action or proceeding lis pendens.

...No suit, action, or proceeding, pending in any court, affecting registered land or any interest therein or charge upon such land is lis pendens, or notice to any person dealing with such land, until a certificate of the pendency of such suit, bill, or proceeding, under the hand and official seal of the clerk of the court in which it is pending, is filed with the county recorder, and a memorial thereof entered by him ...

Section 5309.79 | References required in instruments transferring title or creating or discharging liens. thereon, or assigning, releasing, or discharging any lien or charge, in whole or in part, and every certificate or other paper filed with the county recorder for the purpose of acquiring or creating an involuntary lien, interest, or charge upon registered land, shall at least refer by number to the certificate of title covering such land or containing a memorial of such interest, lien, or charge. Such reference sh...

Section 5311.13 | Liens and encumbrances procedure.

...(A) Liens and encumbrances arise with respect to and affect a unit of a condominium property and the undivided interest in the common elements appurtenant to it in the same manner and under the same conditions as liens and encumbrances arise with respect to and affect any other real estate, except as provided in this section. (B) Any person who does work or labor upon or furnishes machinery, material, or fuel fo...

Section 5502.66 | Metropolitan county criminal justice services agency - administrative planning district, criminal or juvenile justice coordinating council.

...(A) In counties in which a metropolitan county criminal justice services agency does not exist, the division of criminal justice services shall discharge the division's duties that the director of public safety requires it to administer by establishing administrative planning districts for criminal justice programs. An administrative planning district shall contain a group of contiguous counties in which no county h...

Section 5703.09 | Compensation of board members.

...Each member of the board of tax appeals shall receive a salary fixed pursuant to division (J) of section 124.15 of the Revised Code for each day spent in the discharge of his official duties and shall be reimbursed for his actual and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of such duties.

Section 5709.12 | Exemption of property used for public or charitable purposes.

...(A) As used in this section, "independent living facilities" means any residential housing facilities and related property that are not a nursing home, residential care facility, or residential facility as defined in division (A) of section 5701.13 of the Revised Code. (B) Lands, houses, and other buildings belonging to a county, township, or municipal corporation and used exclusively for the accommodation or suppor...

Section 5709.20 | Air or noise pollution control certificate - definitions.

...As used in sections 5709.20 to 5709.27 of the Revised Code: (A) "Air contaminant" means particulate matter, dust, fumes, gas, mist, smoke, vapor, or odorous substances, or any combination thereof. (B) "Air pollution control facility" means any property designed, constructed, or installed for the primary purpose of eliminating or reducing the emission of, or ground level concentration of, air contaminants generate...

Section 5719.07 | Certificate of release of lien - partial discharge.

...Subject to the rules prescribed by the tax commissioner, a county treasurer charged with the collection of delinquent taxes may issue a certificate of release of the lien provided for in section 5719.04 of the Revised Code if the amount secured thereby has been paid or omitted from the delinquent tax list and duplicate pursuant to section 5719.06 of the Revised Code. The treasurer shall issue a certificate of partial...

Section 5901.01 | Veterans' services definitions.

...As used in sections 5901.01 to 5901.37 of the Revised Code: (A) Except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section, "veteran" means either of the following: (1) A former member of the armed forces of the United States who served on active military duty and received an honorable discharge or honorable separation, a member of the armed forces of the United States who died on active military duty, or a membe...