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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

Results 451 - 475 of 1,319
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Section 5903.10 | Renewal of license or certificate.

...(A) A holder of an expired license or certificate from this state or any political subdivision or agency of the state to practice a trade or profession shall be granted a renewal of the license or certificate by the issuing board or authority at the usual cost without penalty and without re-examination if not otherwise disqualified because of mental or physical disability and if either of the following applies:...

Section 5905.06 | Limitation of guardianship - exception.

...No person other than a bank or trust company shall be guardian of more than five wards at one time, unless all the wards are members of one family. Upon presentation of a petition by an attorney of the veterans' administration or other interested person alleging that a guardian is acting in a fiduciary capacity for more than five wards and requesting his discharge for that reason, the probate court, upon proof substa...

Section 5905.19 | Termination of guardianship.

...In addition to any other sections of the Revised Code relating to judicial restoration and discharge of a guardian, a certificate by the veterans' administration showing that a minor ward has attained majority, or that an incompetent ward has been rated competent by the veterans' administration upon examination in accordance with law shall be prima-facie evidence that the ward has attained majority or has recovered h...

Section 5919.22 | Publications governing discharge of enlisted person.

...No enlisted person may be discharged from the Ohio national guard except as provided by publications of the department of the army or air force and the national guard bureau.

Section 5920.11 | Resignation - discharge - commission of officers vacated.

...The governor may accept the resignation of any officer or grant a discharge to any enlisted man of the Ohio military reserve at any time. Commissions of officers of the military reserve shall be vacated by resignation or absence without leave for three months, upon recommendation of an efficiency board, pursuant to sentence of a court-martial, or if such officer has been convicted of an infamous crime.

Section 5921.04 | Selection and rank - oath of office.

...Commissioned officers and warrant officers of the Ohio naval militia shall be chosen, commissioned, and take rank as provided for the Ohio national guard, following the regulations and customs of the United States navy. Commissioned officers and warrant officers of the Ohio naval militia shall take and subscribe to the following oath of office: "I,____________________, do solemnly swear that I will support and defe...

Section 5921.13 | Resignation - discharge.

...The governor may accept the resignation of any commissioned officer or warrant officer or grant a discharge to any enlisted member of the Ohio naval militia at any time. Commissions or warrants of officers of the naval militia shall be vacated by resignation or absence without leave for three months, upon recommendation of an efficiency board, pursuant to sentence of a court martial or if such officer has been convic...

Section 5924.19 | Jurisdiction of special courts-martial; punishments.

...Subject to section 5924.17 of the Revised Code, special courts-martial have jurisdiction to try persons subject to this code for any offense for which they may be punished under this code. A special court-martial may adjudge any punishment a general court-martial may adjudge, except that a special court-martial may not impose a fine of more than one thousand dollars, confinement for more than one hundred eighty...

Section 5924.506 | Finding of not guilty by reason of insanity; hearing.

...(A) If an accused person is found not guilty by reason of insanity, the verdict shall state that finding, and the trial court shall conduct a full hearing to determine whether the person is a person with a mental illness subject to hospitalization by court order. Prior to the hearing, if the military judge believes that there is probable cause that the person found not guilty by reason of insanity is a person with a ...

Section 5924.54 | Record of proceedings.

...(A) Each general court-martial shall keep a separate record of the proceedings in each case brought before it, and the record shall be authenticated by the signature of the military judge. If the record cannot be authenticated by the military judge by reason of death, disability, or absence, it shall be authenticated by the signature of the trial counsel or by that of a member if the trial counsel is unable to ...

Section 5924.58 | Execution of sentence of confinement.

...(A) Subject to regulations prescribed by the adjutant general, a sentence of confinement adjudged by a court-martial or other military tribunal, whether or not the sentence includes discharge or dismissal, and whether or not the discharge or dismissal has been executed, may be carried into execution by confinement in any jail or correctional facility in this state. Persons so confined are subject to the same di...

Section 5924.581 | Reduction in pay for enlisted members.

...(A) Except as otherwise provided in regulations made by the adjutant general, a court-martial sentence of an enlisted member in a pay grade above E-1 that includes a dishonorable or bad-conduct discharge, confinement, or hard labor without confinement reduces the member to pay grade E-1, effective on the date the convening authority approves the sentence. (B) If the sentence of a member who is reduced in pay g...

Section 5924.582 | Forfeiture of pay and allowances.

...(A) A member who receives a court-martial sentence that includes confinement for more than six months or confinement for six months or less and a dishonorable or bad-conduct discharge or dismissal forfeits pay, or pay and allowances, during any period of confinement or parole. The forfeiture takes effect on the date determined under section 5924.57 of the Revised Code and may be deferred as provided by that se...

Section 5924.74 | Remission and suspension by adjutant general, state judge advocate, or convening authority.

...(A) The adjutant general, the state judge advocate when authorized by the adjutant general, or a convening authority may remit or suspend any part or amount of the unexecuted part of any sentence, including all uncollected forfeitures, other than a sentence approved by the governor or a superior convening authority. (B) The adjutant general may, for good cause, substitute an administrative form of discharge f...

Section 6111.032 | Primary authority to reside in legislative authority or governing board.

...rial water pollution control facilities discharging into its sewerage systems, treatment works, and disposal systems; (4) The establishment, operation, administration, and enforcement of its publicly owned treatment works pretreatment program, including inspection, monitoring, and reporting programs and activities. (B) The rules adopted by the legislative authority or governing board pursuant to division (A) of thi...

Section 6111.045 | Waste minimization and treatment plan for class I injection well facility.

...ecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, or discharging into the environment of any industrial waste or other wastes, including the abandonment or discarding of barrels, containers, or other closed receptacles that contained an industrial waste or other waste. (4) "Source reduction" means any practice that reduces the amount of any industrial waste or other wastes entering any waste stream or otherwise released into the...

Section 6111.313 | Mitigation of impacts to ephemeral features.

...(A) For the purposes of division (B)(1) of this section, the AMIT and VMIT shall be calculated as follows: (1) First, calculate the area of the streamway (ASW). The ASW is the WSW multiplied by the LV. (2) Next, calculate the AMIT as follows: (a) For streams with a slope that is less than or equal to two per cent, the AMIT is equal to the ASW divided by two. (b) For streams with a slope that is greater than t...

Section 6111.44 | Plans for installation or changes to sewerage systems to be submitted to director of environmental protection.

...(A) Except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section, in section 6111.14 of the Revised Code, or in rules adopted under division (G) of section 6111.03 of the Revised Code, no municipal corporation, county, public institution, corporation, or officer or employee thereof or other person shall provide or install sewerage or treatment works for sewage, sludge, or sludge materials disposal or treatment or mak...

Section 6117.02 | Sanitary rates, charges, or penalties fixed or established.

...(A) The board of county commissioners shall fix reasonable rates, including penalties for late payments, for the use, or the availability for use, of the sanitary facilities of a sewer district to be paid by every person and public agency whose premises are served, or capable of being served, by a connection directly or indirectly to those facilities when those facilities are owned or operated by the county and may c...

Section 705.28 | Oath of office.

...Every officer of a municipal corporation and every employee holding a position upon an annual salary, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe to an oath or affirmation, which shall be filed and kept in the office of the clerk of the municipal corporation, that he will: (A) Support the constitution of the United States and of this state, and the charter and ordinances of the municipal...

Section 705.29 | Transfer of powers and duties of abolished office or department.

...The powers which are conferred and the duties which are imposed upon any office or department of a municipal corporation under the laws of the state, or any ordinance which is in force on August 9, 1913, shall, if such office or department is abolished in pursuance of sections 705.01 to 705.92, inclusive, of the Revised Code, be thereafter exercised and discharged by the officer, board, or department upon which ...

Section 718.99 | Violations; penalties.

...(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, whoever violates section 718.35 of the Revised Code, division (A) of section 718.13 of the Revised Code, or section 718.03 of the Revised Code by failing to remit municipal income taxes deducted and withheld from an employee, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be subject to a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or imprisonment ...

Section 733.15 | Certificate as to election of certain officers.

...The city auditor or village clerk shall certify to the court of common pleas, the election of every officer of the municipal corporation having power to discharge the duties of a judge of a county court, to take the acknowledgement of deeds, or to certify depositions or affidavits to be used within such municipal corporation, with the date of such election, and the time when such officer became legally qualified to d...

Section 737.31 | Disposition to claimant.

...If, within thirty days, the money or property recovered under section 737.29 of the Revised Code is claimed by any other person, it shall be retained by the custodian thereof until after the discharge or conviction of the person from whom it was taken and so long as it is required as evidence in any case in court. If such claimant establishes to the satisfaction of the court that he is the rightful owner, the money o...

Section 742.37 | Rules for disbursement of benefits and pensions.

...The board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund shall adopt rules for the management of the fund and for the disbursement of benefits and pensions as set forth in this section and section 742.39 of the Revised Code. Any payment of a benefit or pension under this section is subject to the provisions of section 742.461 of the Revised Code. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, no pension o...