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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

Results 551 - 575 of 1,319
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Section 145.18 | Records kept by department heads.

...Under the direction of the public employees retirement board, the head of each department shall keep such records as will enable him to furnish information in such form as the board requires in the discharge of its duties.

Section 145.45 | Beneficiary may substitute other benefits.

...Except as provided in division (C)(1) of this section, in lieu of accepting the payment of the accumulated account of a member who dies before service retirement, a beneficiary, as determined in this section or section 145.43 of the Revised Code, may elect to forfeit the accumulated contributions and to substitute certain other benefits under division (A) or (B) of this section. (A)(1) Except as provided in divisi...

Section 145.48 | Rate of employer contribution.

...(A) Each employer shall pay to the public employees retirement system an amount that shall be a certain per cent of the earnable salary of all contributors to be known as the "employer contribution," except that the public employees retirement board may raise the employer contribution to a rate not to exceed fourteen per cent of the earnable salaries of all contributors. (B)(1) On the basis of regular intere...

Section 145.55 | Members deemed to consent to deductions.

...The deductions provided for in this chapter shall be made notwithstanding that the minimum compensation provided for by law for any contributor is reduced thereby. Every contributor is deemed to consent to the deductions made and provided for in this chapter. Payment less the deductions shall be a complete discharge and acquittance of all claims and demands whatsoever for the services rendered by such person during ...

Section 145.65 | Payment of deposits made by deceased contributor.

...(A) As used in this section, "child," "parent," and "surviving spouse" have the same meanings as in section 145.43 of the Revised Code. (B) Should a contributor die before commencement of a benefit under section 145.64 of the Revised Code, any deposits made under section 145.62 or the version of division (C) of section 145.23 of the Revised Code as it existed immediately prior to the effective date of this section p...

Section 147.04 | Seal.

...Before entering upon the discharge of official duties, a notary public shall obtain the seal of a notary public. The seal shall consist of the coat of arms of the state within a circle that is at least three-quarters of an inch, but not larger than one inch, in diameter and shall be surrounded by the words "notary public," "notarial seal," or words to that effect, the name of the notary public, and the words "Stat...

Section 147.13 | Removal for receiving excess fees.

...A notary public who charges or receives for an act or service done or rendered by the notary public a fee greater than the amount prescribed by law, or who dishonestly or unfaithfully discharges any official duties as notary public, shall be removed from office by the secretary of state, upon complaint filed and substantiated by the secretary of state. The person so removed shall be ineligible for reappointment to t...

Section 148.04 | Program for deferral of compensation.

...(A) The Ohio public employees deferred compensation board shall initiate, plan, expedite, and, subject to an appropriate assurance of the approval of the internal revenue service, promulgate and offer to all eligible employees, and thereafter administer on behalf of all participating employees and continuing members, and alter as required, a program for deferral of compensation, including a reasonable number of optio...

Section 1505.02 | Chief of the division.

...The chief of the division of geological survey may: (A) Negotiate and enter into contracts with agencies of the United States government or any other public or private agency or individual for the performance of portions of the prescribed duties of the division or for the prosecution of co-operative projects within the assigned duties of the division; (B) Receive, in behalf of the state, gifts of specimens, instrum...

Section 1505.06 | Temporary assistance of state employees.

...The chief of the division of geological survey in the discharge of official duties under sections 1505.01 to 1505.08 of the Revised Code may call to the chief's assistance, temporarily, any engineers or other employees in any state department, or in the Ohio state university, or other educational institutions financed wholly or in part by the state, for the purpose of making studies, surveys, maps, and plans fo...

Section 1506.02 | Designating department of natural resources as lead agency for development and implementation of coastal management program.

...(A) The department of natural resources is hereby designated the lead agency for the development and implementation of a coastal management program. The director of natural resources: (1) Shall develop and adopt the coastal management program document. The director shall cooperate and coordinate with other agencies of the state and its political subdivisions in the development of the document. Before adopting the do...

Section 1506.39 | Assistance of other state employees.

...The director of natural resources, in the discharge of the director's duties under sections 1506.38 to 1506.48 of the Revised Code, may call to the director's assistance, temporarily, any engineers or other employees in any state department, or in the Ohio state university or other educational institutions financed wholly or in part by the state, for the purpose of devising the most effective and economical met...

Section 1507.13 | Right of entry.

...The chief engineer of the department of natural resources or any employee in the service of the division of engineering may enter upon lands to make surveys and inspections in accordance with this chapter when necessary in the discharge of the duties specified in this chapter. Notice of such a proposed entry shall be given to the owner of the land to be surveyed or inspected or to the person in possession of it by su...

Section 1513.31 | Grants from mining regulation and safety fund - application - determination.

...For the purpose of promoting local or regional economic or community development, the chief of the division of mineral resources management, with the approval of the director of natural resources, may make grants of money from the mining regulation and safety fund created by section 1513.30 of the Revised Code for the payment by the state of up to seventy-five per cent of the reasonable and necessary expenses incurre...

Section 1513.32 | Agreements for state entry and use of funds to reclaim land.

...For the purpose of promoting local or regional economic or community development, the chief of the division of mineral resources management, with the approval of the director of natural resources, may enter into a written agreement, which may be in the form of a contract, with a political subdivision, community improvement corporation incorporated under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code, or other nonprofit corporatio...

Section 1513.33 | Grant constitutes loan by state to community improvement or nonprofit corporation.

...The amount of any grant to a community improvement corporation or nonprofit corporation made under section 1513.31 of the Revised Code or the state's expenses incurred in reclaiming unreclaimed land owned by a community improvement corporation or nonprofit corporation under section 1513.32 of the Revised Code shall constitute a loan by the state to the corporation. Entry into a grant contract under section 1513.31 of...

Section 1513.37 | Abandoned mine reclamation fund.

...(A) There is hereby created in the state treasury the abandoned mine reclamation fund, which shall be administered by the chief of the division of mineral resources management. The fund shall consist of grants from the secretary of the interior from the federal abandoned mine reclamation fund established by Title IV of the "Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977," 91 Stat. 445, 30 U.S.C.A. 1201, regulatio...

Section 1513.39 | Retaliation against employees prohibited.

...(A) No person shall discharge, or in any other way discriminate against or cause to be fired or discriminated against, any employee or any authorized representative of employees by reason of the fact that the employee or representative has filed, instituted, or caused to be filed or instituted any proceeding under this chapter or has testified or is about to testify in any proceeding resulting from the administration...

Section 1514.02 | Surface or in-stream mining permit - application contents.

...(A) After the dates the chief of the division of mineral resources management prescribes by rule pursuant to section 1514.08 of the Revised Code, but not later than July 1, 1977, nor earlier than July 1, 1975, no operator shall engage in surface mining or conduct a surface mining operation without a surface mining permit issued by the chief. No person shall engage in in-stream mining or conduct an in-stream m...

Section 1514.50 | Right of entry to perform inspections or reclamation.

...(A) The chief of the division of mineral resources management or an authorized employee of the division of mineral resources management may enter on lands to make inspections in accordance with this chapter and rules adopted under it when necessary in the discharge of the duties specified in this chapter and the rules. No person shall prevent or hinder the chief or an authorized employee of the division in the perfor...

Section 1519.06 | Clean Ohio trail advisory board.

...(A) There is hereby created the clean Ohio trail advisory board consisting of nine voting members. Not later than sixty days after the effective date of this section, the director of natural resources shall appoint all of the following members to the board: (1) One member who is a county commissioner and who is recommended by a statewide organization that represents county commissioners; (2) One member who is a to...

Section 1520.01 | Canal lands definitions.

...As used in this chapter: (A) "Canal lands" includes any part of the bed, berm, bank, or slope of any canal, canal basin, or canal reservoir or of any lock, aqueduct, dam, culvert, tunnel, feeder, or side cut formerly a part of any canal system in this state, whether or not abandoned; the outer slope of any towing path embankment formerly a part of any canal system in this state; and any tract of land that was a part...

Section 1520.03 | Powers and duties of director of natural resources over canal lands.

...(A) The director of natural resources may appropriate real property in accordance with Chapter 163. of the Revised Code for the purpose of administering this chapter. (B)(1) The director shall operate and maintain all canals and canal reservoirs owned by the state except those canals that are operated by the Ohio history connection on July 1, 1989. (2) On behalf of the director, the division of parks and watercraft...

Section 1521.07 | Right of entry.

...The chief of the division of water resources or any employee in the service of the division may enter upon lands to make surveys and inspections in accordance with this chapter, when necessary in the discharge of the duties enumerated in this chapter.

Section 1521.16 | Registering facilities capable of withdrawing more than 100,000 gallons a day - rules for ground water stress areas.

...(A) Any person who owns a facility that has the capacity to withdraw waters of the state in an amount greater than one hundred thousand gallons per day from all sources and whose construction is completed before January 1, 1990, shall register the facility by January 1, 1991, with the chief of the division of water resources, and any person who owns a facility that has the capacity to withdraw waters of the state in ...