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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 1521.23 | Applying for permit for major increase in withdrawal of waters of state.

...(A) Except as provided in divisions (D) and (E) of this section, no person shall allow a facility that the person owns or operates to withdraw waters of the state in an amount that would result in a new or increased consumptive use of more than an average of two million gallons of water per day in any thirty-day period without first obtaining a permit from the chief of the division of water resources under section 15...

Section 1521.26 | Accompanying documentation with hydrogeologic description.

...An applicant shall include all of the following with the hydrogeologic description required under division (B) of section 1521.24 of the Revised Code: (A) A detailed description of the geology within the proposed withdrawal and hydrologic study area down to the lowest level of any aquifer from which water is proposed to be withdrawn. The description must include the areal and structural geology of the withdrawal an...

Section 1522.12 | Program for issuance of withdrawal and consumptive use permits.

...(A) For purposes of the compact, the owner or operator of a facility within the Lake Erie watershed that is not otherwise exempt under section 1522.14 of the Revised Code shall obtain a withdrawal and consumptive use permit from the chief of the division of water resources if the facility meets any of the following threshold criteria: (1) The facility has a new or increased capacity for withdrawals or consumptive u...

Section 1522.123 | Documentation with hydrogeologic description.

...An applicant shall include all of the following with the hydrogeologic description required under division (B) of section 1522.121 of the Revised Code: (A) A detailed description of the geology within the proposed withdrawal and hydrologic study area down to the lowest level of any aquifer from which water is proposed to be withdrawn. The description must include the areal and structural geology of the withdrawal a...

Section 153.23 | Expenses of building commission.

...The necessary expenses for stationery, postage, correspondence, and travel out of the county required in the discharge of the duties of the building commission shall be paid from the county treasury on the order of the board of county commissioners and the warrant of the county auditor.

Section 1531.13 | Wildlife officers.

...The law enforcement officers of the division of wildlife shall be known as "wildlife officers." The chief of the division of wildlife, wildlife officers, and such other employees of the division as the chief of the division of wildlife designates, and other officers who are given like authority, shall enforce all laws pertaining to the taking, possession, protection, preservation, management, and propagation of wild ...

Section 1531.22 | Payment of costs.

...A person authorized by law to prosecute a case under a division rule or this chapter or Chapter 1533. of the Revised Code shall not be required to advance or secure costs therein. If the defendant is acquitted or discharged from custody, the costs shall be certified under oath by the court to the chief of the division of wildlife, who shall correct all errors therein and pay the person entitled to payment out of the ...

Section 1531.23 | Judgment for costs and fine or forfeiture - lien - failure to pay.

...If the defendant in a prosecution or condemnation proceeding under a division rule or this chapter or Chapter 1533. of the Revised Code is convicted, judgment shall be rendered against him for costs in addition to the fine imposed or forfeiture declared. The judgment shall be the first lien upon the property of the person convicted, and no exemption shall be claimed or allowed against that lien. If he fails to pay th...

Section 1533.04 | Use of suppressor.

...(A) A person who holds a valid hunting license issued under this chapter and who hunts game birds or wild quadrupeds may use a suppressor attached to a gun that is authorized to be used for hunting by section 1533.16 of the Revised Code while hunting, provided that the person is authorized to possess the suppressor under state and federal laws and has registered the suppressor in accordance with the "National Firearm...

Section 1547.27 | Required fire extinguishers.

...(A) Except those powercraft less than twenty-six feet in length designed for use with an outboard motor, of open construction that is not capable of entrapping explosive or flammable gases or vapors, and not carrying passengers for hire, all powercraft shall carry fire extinguishers as prescribed in this section. The fire extinguishers shall be capable of extinguishing a burning gasoline fire, shall be in such condit...

Section 1547.33 | Restrictions on sink, toilet or sanitary system.

..., or sanitary system that is capable of discharging urine, fecal matter, contents of a chemical commode, kitchen wastes, laundry wastes, slop sink drainage, or other household wastes into the waters in this state. Such a sink, toilet, or sanitary system shall be removed, sealed, or made to drain into a tank or reservoir that can be carried or pumped ashore for disposal in a sewage treatment works approved by the dire...

Section 1547.73 | Waterways safety council.

...There is hereby created in the division of parks and watercraft a waterways safety council composed of five members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. Not more than three of such appointees shall belong to the same political party. Terms of office shall be for five years, commencing on the first day of February and ending on the thirty-first day of January. Each member shall hold off...

Section 1548.06 | Application for certificate of title.

...(A)(1) Application for a certificate of title for a watercraft or outboard motor shall be made upon a form prescribed by the chief of the division of parks and watercraft and shall be sworn to before a notary public or other officer empowered to administer oaths. The application shall be filed with the clerk of any court of common pleas. An application for a certificate of title may be filed electronically by any ele...

Section 1551.01 | Energy definitions.

...As used in this chapter: (A) "Governmental agency" means the United States government or any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof; any department, agency, or instrumentality of a state government; any municipal corporation, county, township, board of education, or other political subdivision or any other body corporate and politic of a state; or any agency, commission, or authority established under an in...

Section 1561.01 | Division of mineral resources management - mine and quarry definitions.

...As used in this chapter and Chapters 1563., 1565., and 1567. of the Revised Code, and in other sections of the Revised Code relating to the mining law, unless other meaning is clearly apparent in the language and context: (A) "Mine" means an underground or surface excavation or development with or without shafts, slopes, drifts, or tunnels for the extraction of coal, gypsum, asphalt, rock, or other materials contain...

Section 1571.08 | Use of alternate methods or materials - filing of objections.

...r, the method or material to be used in discharging any obligations imposed by this chapter is specified, an alternative method or material may be used if approved by the gas storage well inspector or the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management. A person desiring to use such alternative method or material shall file with the division of oil and gas resources management an application for permission ...

Section 161.10 | Governor to adjudicate disputes.

...Any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under sections 161.01 to 161.29, inclusive, of the Revised Code, with respect to an office in the executive branch of the state government, except a dispute of fact relative to the office of governor, shall be adjudicated by the governor, or other official authorized under the constitution, or otherwise by law, to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the of...

Section 163.14 | Determination of ownership rights.

...(A) In appropriation proceedings the jury shall be sworn to impartially assess the compensation and damages, if any, without deductions for general benefits as to the property of the owner. (B) The jury, in its verdict, shall assess the compensation for the property appropriated and damages, if any, to the residue, to be paid to the owners. When a building or other structure is on the property appropriated or ...

Section 167.02 | Membership.

...g the problems of local government, and discharging the responsibilities and duties of local government in the most efficient possible manner. (E) Any county, municipal corporation, township, special district, school district, or other political subdivision which has become a member of the council may withdraw by formal action of its governing board and upon sixty days notice to council after such action, or in the...

Section 169.03 | Report of unclaimed funds.

...(A)(1) Every holder of unclaimed funds and, when requested, every person that could be the holder of unclaimed funds, under this chapter shall report to the director of commerce with respect to the unclaimed funds as provided in this section. The report shall be verified. (2) With respect to items of unclaimed funds each having a value of fifty dollars or more, the report required under division (A)(1) of this sect...

Section 1701.11 | Adopting, amending, and repealing regulations.

...emporarily or permanently incapable of discharging the duties of the office, the next ranking officer who is available shall assume the duties and authority of the office of the deceased, missing, or incapacitated chief executive officer until such time as the directors otherwise order. (6) The offices of secretary and treasurer shall be deemed to be of equal rank, and, within the same office and as between the...

Section 1701.69 | Amendments to articles.

...(A) The articles may be amended from time to time in any respect if the articles as amended set forth all such provisions as are required in, and, except for an amendment to the articles described in division (B)(11) of this section, only such provisions as may properly be in, original articles filed at the time of adopting the amendment, and, if a change in issued shares is to be made, or if as the result of...

Section 1701.74 | Dissenting shareholders.

...(A) If an amendment does any of the following, then shareholders are entitled to relief to the extent provided in division (B) of this section: (1) Changes issued shares of a particular class that have preference in dividends or distributions or on liquidation over shares of any other class into shares of any other class, or changes any of the express terms of issued shares of such particular class, and the h...

Section 1701.89 | Jurisdiction of court over winding up of affairs of voluntarily dissolved corporation.

...(A) Without limiting the generality of its authority, the court of common pleas of the county in this state in which the principal office of a voluntarily dissolved corporation is located, in which the principal office was to be located, or in which the principal office of a corporation whose articles have been canceled or whose period of existence has expired is located, upon the complaint of the corporation, ...

Section 1701.90 | Receiver for winding up affairs of corporation.

...(A) Whenever, after a corporation is dissolved voluntarily or the articles of a corporation have been cancelled or the period of existence of a corporation has expired, a receiver is appointed to wind up the affairs of the corporation, all the claims, demands, rights, interests, or liens of creditors, claimants, and shareholders shall be determined as of the day on which the receiver was appointed unless those ...