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Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 2105.37 | Payor or third party not liable.

...(A) A payor or other third party is not liable for any of the following: (1) Having made a paymentor transferred an item of property or any other benefit to a person designated in a governing instrument who, under sections 2105.31 to 2105.40 of the Revised Code, is not entitled to the payment or item of property or other benefit, if the payment or transfer was made before the payor or other third party received writ...

Section 2107.56 | Liability in case of insolvency.

...When any of the persons liable to contribute toward the discharge of a testator's debt according to sections 2107.54 and 2107.55 of the Revised Code, is insolvent, the others shall be severally liable to each other for the loss occasioned by the insolvency, each being liable in proportion to the value of the property received by the person from the estate of the deceased. If any one of the persons liable dies w...

Section 2108.12 | Search for evidence of donor intent.

...(A) If any of the following persons, while acting in the course of the person's official duties, finds an individual and reasonably believes that the individual is dead or near death, the person shall make a reasonable search of the body of the individual for a document of gift or other information identifying the individual as a donor or as an individual who made a refusal: (1) A law enforcement offic...

Section 2109.04 | Bond.

...(A)(1) Unless otherwise provided by law, order, or local rule, every fiduciary, prior to the issuance of the fiduciary's letters as provided by section 2109.02 of the Revised Code, shall file in the probate court in which the letters are to be issued a bond with a penal sum in an amount that is fixed by the court, but in no event less than double the probable value of the personal property and of the annual rea...

Section 2109.05 | Bond - trust created by will.

...When considered necessary by the probate court and not otherwise directed in the will, a bond, as provided by sections 2109.01 to 2109.58 of the Revised Code, shall be required in all trusts created by will and not fully discharged, on the petition of an interested person and after notice to the trustee. If the trustee fails to give bond within the time ordered by the court, the court shall remove the trustee ...

Section 2109.10 | Bond when executor or administrator is sole residuary legatee or distributee.

...If an executor or administrator is sole residuary legatee or distributee and if division (A) of section 2109.07 or division (A) of section 2109.09 of the Revised Code does not apply, instead of giving the bond prescribed by section 2109.04 of the Revised Code, the executor or administrator may give a bond to the satisfaction of the probate court conditioned as follows: (A) To pay the costs of administration a...

Section 2109.35 | Effect of order settling account - vacation of order.

...The order of the probate court upon the settlement of a fiduciary's account shall have the effect of a judgment and may be vacated only as follows: (A) The order may be vacated for fraud, upon motion of any person affected by the order or upon the court's own order, if the motion is filed or order is made within one year after discovery of the existence of the fraud. Any person who is subject to any legal dis...

Section 2111.07 | Powers of guardian of person and estate.

...Each person appointed guardian of the person and estate of a minor shall have the custody of the ward, the obligation to provide for the education of the ward as required under section 3321.01 of the Revised Code, and the management of the ward's estate during minority, unless the guardian is removed or discharged from that trust or the guardianship terminates from any of the causes specified in Chapters 2101. ...

Section 2111.11 | Spouse may be appointed guardian.

...When a guardian is appointed for a person having a spouse, the court may appoint such spouse as the guardian, if it is made to appear to the satisfaction of the court that such spouse is competent to discharge the duties of such appointment.

Section 2111.18 | Claim for injury to ward or damage to property - settlement.

...If personal injury, damage to tangible or intangible property, or damage or loss on account of personal injury or damage to tangible or intangible property is caused to a ward by wrongful act, neglect, or default that would entitle the ward to maintain an action and recover damages for the injury, damage, or loss, and when any ward is entitled to maintain an action for damages or any other relief based on any claim o...

Section 2111.181 | Settlement of claim of emancipated minor.

...If personal injury, damage to tangible or intangible property, or damage or loss on account of personal injury or damage to tangible or intangible property is caused to a minor who claims to be emancipated, by wrongful act, neglect, or default that would entitle the minor to maintain an action and recover damages for the injury, damage, or loss, and if any minor who claims to be emancipated is entitled to maint...

Section 2111.28 | Parties.

...In an application for authority to lease real property of a ward under sections 2111.26 and 2111.27 of the Revised Code, the guardian may act for two or more wards and two or more guardians of different wards may unite if all the wards are jointly or in common interested in the real property. If the same person is guardian of two or more wards owning lands in common, the wards may be joined as defendants in the...

Section 2113.04 | Payment of wages of deceased employee without administration.

...(A) Any employer, including the state or a political subdivision, at any time after the death of an employee, may pay all wages or personal earnings due to the deceased employee to the following, preference being given in the order named, without requiring letters testamentary or letters of administration to be issued upon the estate of the deceased employee, and without requiring an Ohio estate tax release if ...

Section 2113.06 | To whom letters of administration shall be granted.

...(A) Administration of the estate of an intestate shall be granted to persons mentioned in this division, in the following order: (1) To the surviving spouse of the deceased, if resident of the state; (2) To one of the next of kin of the deceased, resident of the state. (B) If the persons entitled to administer the estate under division (A) of this section fail to take or renounce administration voluntaril...

Section 2113.311 | Management and rental of real property by executor or administrator.

...(A) If, within a reasonable time after the appointment of the executor or administrator, no one in authority has taken over the management and rental of any real property of which the decedent died seized, the executor or administrator, or an heir or devisee may, unless the will otherwise provides, make application to the probate court for an order authorizing the executor or administrator to assume those dutie...

Section 2113.35 | Commissions.

...(A) Executors and administrators shall be allowed fees upon the amount of all the personal property, including the income from the personal property, that is received and accounted for by them and upon the proceeds of real property that is sold, as follows: (1) For the first one hundred thousand dollars, at the rate of four per cent; (2) All above one hundred thousand dollars and not exceeding four hundred thousand...

Section 2113.61 | Application for certificate of transfer of real property.

...(A)(1) When real property passes by the laws of intestate succession or under a will, the administrator or executor shall file in probate court, at any time after the filing of an inventory that includes the real property but prior to the filing of the administrator's or executor's final account, an application requesting the court to issue a certificate of transfer as to the real property. Real property sold b...

Section 2113.73 | Security for distributees and indemnification for sureties.

...If a foreign administrator or executor has wasted, misapplied, or converted assets of an estate, or has insufficient property to discharge the foreign administrator's or executor's liability on account of the trust, or the foreign administrator's or executor's sureties are irresponsible, the distributees, heirs, or legatees, in any court of common pleas or probate court may compel the foreign administrator or e...

Section 2115.06 | Appraisers - compensation - fees may be charged against the estate.

...The real property and personal property comprised in the inventory required by section 2115.02 of the Revised Code, unless an appraisement of that real property or personal property has been dispensed with by an order of the probate court, shall be appraised by one suitable disinterested person appointed by the executor or administrator, subject to the approval of the court and sworn to a faithful discharge of ...

Section 2121.06 | Descent of real property.

...Upon the signing of the decree establishing the death of the presumed decedent, the real property of the presumed decedent passes and devolves as in the case of actual death, and the persons entitled by will, or under Chapter 2105. of the Revised Code, may enter and take possession. Persons taking the real property may sell or mortgage it and the purchaser or mortgagee takes a good title, free and discharged of...

Section 2121.08 | Administering estate when decree vacated.

...(A) The probate court may at any time within a three-year period from the date of the decree establishing the death of a presumed decedent, upon proof satisfactory to the court that the presumed decedent is in fact alive, vacate the decree establishing the presumption of death. After the decree has been vacated all the powers of the executor or administrator of the presumed decedent cease, but all proceedings h...

Section 2123.07 | Effect of determination.

...Any fiduciary may make a final distribution of an estate or take any other appropriate action respecting a trust, upon the determination set forth in section 2123.05 of the Revised Code, and shall thereupon, together with the surety, be discharged from liability arising from such determined interest, and the title to any property thereupon purchased from such fiduciary shall be free from such determined interest.

Section 2127.05 | Guardian may sell.

...Whenever necessary for the education, support, or the payment of the just debts of the ward, or for the discharge of liens on the real property of the ward, whenever the real property of the ward is suffering unavoidable waste, or a better investment of its value can be made, or whenever it appears that a sale of the real property will be for the benefit of the ward or the ward's children, the guardian of the person ...

Section 2127.24 | Vacancy in appraisers.

...If a person appointed by the court under section 2127.22 of the Revised Code as an appraiser fails to discharge the person's duties, the probate judge on the judge's own motion or on the motion of the executor, administrator, or guardian may appoint another appraiser.

Section 2127.27 | Additional bond before sale.

...Upon the return and approval of the appraisement provided for by section 2127.22 of the Revised Code, the court shall require the executor, administrator, or guardian to execute a bond with two or more personal sureties, or one or more corporate sureties, whose qualifications shall be those provided by section 2109.17 of the Revised Code. The bond shall be payable to the state in an amount that the court consid...