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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 2943.10 | Proceedings after verdict on plea in bar.

...If the issue on the plea in bar under section 2943.06 of the Revised Code is found for the defendant he shall be discharged. If the issue is found against the defendant the case shall proceed and be disposed of upon his other pleas.

Section 2945.25 | Challenges for cause.

...A person called as a juror in a criminal case may be challenged for the following causes: (A) That the person was a member of the grand jury that found the indictment in the case; (B) That the person is possessed of a state of mind evincing enmity or bias toward the defendant or the state; but no person summoned as a juror shall be disqualified by reason of a previously formed or expressed opinion with reference ...

Section 2945.32 | Oath to officers if jury sequestered.

...When an order has been entered by the court of common pleas in any criminal cause, directing the jurors to be kept in charge of the officers of the court, the following oath shall be administered by the clerk of the court of common pleas to said officers: "You do solemnly swear that you will, to the best of your ability, keep the persons sworn as jurors on this trial, from separating from each other; that you will no...

Section 2945.33 | Supervision of jury after case submitted to them.

...When a cause is finally submitted the jurors must be kept together in a convenient place under the charge of an officer until they agree upon a verdict, or are discharged by the court. The court, except in cases where the offense charged may be punishable by death, may permit the jurors to separate during the adjournment of court overnight, under proper cautions, or under supervision of an officer. Such officer shall...

Section 2945.39 | Expiration of the maximum time for treatment for incompetency.

...(A) If a defendant who is charged with an offense described in division (C)(1) of section 2945.38 of the Revised Code is found incompetent to stand trial, after the expiration of the maximum time for treatment as specified in division (C) of that section or after the court finds that there is not a substantial probability that the defendant will become competent to stand trial even if the defendant is provided with a...

Section 2947.04 | Effect of arresting judgment.

...When a judgment is arrested, it places the defendant in a like position with respect to the prosecution as before the indictment or information was found. If, from the evidence at the trial, there is reason to believe that the defendant is guilty of an offense, the trial court shall order him to enter into a recognizance with sufficient surety for his appearance at the first day of the next term of such court, or the...

Section 2947.14 | Hearing on ability to pay fine.

...(A) If a fine is imposed as a sentence or a part of a sentence, the court or magistrate that imposed the fine may order that the offender be committed to the jail or workhouse until the fine is paid or secured to be paid, or the offender is otherwise legally discharged, if the court or magistrate determines at a hearing that the offender is able, at that time, to pay the fine but refuses to do so. The hearing requir...

Section 2949.08 | Custody upon conviction - reduction of sentence for days served.

...(A) When a person who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a felony is sentenced to a community residential sanction in a community-based correctional facility pursuant to section 2929.16 of the Revised Code or when a person who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a felony or a misdemeanor is sentenced to a term of imprisonment in a jail, the judge or magistrate shall order the person into the custody of the she...

Section 2949.09 | Execution for fine and costs of prosecution.

...When a judge or magistrate renders judgment for a fine, an execution may issue for such judgment and costs of prosecution, to be levied on the property, or in default thereof, upon the body of the defendant for nonpayment of the fine. The officer holding such writ may arrest such defendant in any county and commit him to the jail of the county in which such writ issued, until such fine is paid or secured to be paid o...

Section 2949.10 | Execution for fine to issue to other county.

...An execution under section 2949.09 of the Revised Code may issue to the sheriff of any county in which the defendant resides, is found, or has property, and the sheriff shall execute the writ. If the defendant is taken, the sheriff shall commit him to the jail of the county in which the writ issued and deliver a certified copy of the writ to the sheriff of such county, who shall detain the offender until he is discha...

Section 2950.07 | Commencement date for duty to register.

...(A) The duty of an offender who is convicted of, pleads guilty to, has been convicted of, or has pleaded guilty to a sexually oriented offense or a child-victim oriented offense and the duty of a delinquent child who is or has been adjudicated a delinquent child for committing a sexually oriented offense or a child-victim oriented offense and is classified a juvenile offender registrant or who is an out-of-stat...

Section 2950.15 | Termination of duty to comply with sex registration laws.

...(A) As used in this section and section 2950.16 of the Revised Code, "eligible offender" means a person who is convicted of, pleads guilty to, was convicted of, or pleaded guilty to a sexually oriented offense or child-victim oriented offense, regardless of when the offense was committed, and is a tier I sex offender/child-victim offender or a child who is or was adjudicated a delinquent child for committing a ...

Section 2950.151 | Review of eligible offender's continued compliance with R.C. 2950.04, 2950.05, and 2950.06.

...(A) As used in this section, "eligible offender" means either of the following: (1) An offender who was convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of section 2907.04 of the Revised Code to whom all of the following apply: (a) The sentencing court found the offender to be at low risk of reoffending based on a presentence investigation report that included a risk assessment, assessed by the single validated risk...

Section 2953.07 | Powers of appellate court.

...(A) Upon the hearing of an appeal other than an appeal from a mayor's court, the appellate court may affirm the judgment or reverse it, in whole or in part, or modify it, and order the accused to be discharged or grant a new trial. The appellate court may remand the accused for the sole purpose of correcting a sentence imposed contrary to law, provided that, on an appeal of a sentence imposed upon a person who is con...

Section 2953.21 | Post conviction relief petition.

...(A)(1)(a) A person in any of the following categories may file a petition in the court that imposed sentence, stating the grounds for relief relied upon, and asking the court to vacate or set aside the judgment or sentence or to grant other appropriate relief: (i) Any person who has been convicted of a criminal offense or adjudicated a delinquent child and who claims that there was such a denial or infringement of ...

Section 2961.01 | Forfeiture of rights and privileges by convicted felons.

...(A)(1) A person who pleads guilty to a felony under the laws of this or any other state or the United States and whose plea is accepted by the court or a person against whom a verdict or finding of guilt for committing a felony under any law of that type is returned, unless the plea, verdict, or finding is reversed or annulled, is incompetent to be an elector or juror or to hold an office of honor, tr...

Section 2963.13 | Confining fugitive pending demand for extradition.

...If from the examination before the judge or magistrate it appears that the person held under section 2963.11 or 2963.12 of the Revised Code is the person charged with having committed the crime alleged and that he has fled from justice, the judge or magistrate must, by a warrant reciting the accusation, commit him to the county jail for such a time, not to exceed thirty days and specified in the warrant, as will ena...

Section 2963.17 | Pending criminal prosecution in this state.

...If a criminal prosecution has been instituted under the laws of this state against a person sought by another state under sections 2963.01 to 2963.27, inclusive, of the Revised Code, and is still pending, the governor may surrender him on demand of the executive authority of another state or hold him until he has been tried and discharged or convicted and punished in this state.

Section 3.04 | Removal or suspension of appointee by governor.

...When not otherwise provided by law, an officer who holds his office by appointment of the governor with the advice and consent of the senate may be removed from office by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate, if it is found that such officer is inefficient or derelict in the discharge of his duties, if the ethics commission created by section 102.05 of the Revised Code has found, based upon a prepon...

Section 3.22 | Oath of office.

...Each person chosen or appointed to an office under the constitution or laws of this state, and each deputy or clerk of such officer, shall take an oath of office before entering upon the discharge of his duties. The failure to take such oath shall not affect his liability or the liability of his sureties.

Section 301.21 | Compensation of commissioner.

... dollars for each day he is employed in discharging the duties required of him by sections 301.14, 301.15, 301.16, 301.19, 301.20, and 301.22 of the Revised Code, and his actual expenses while engaged in such duties, to be paid from the county treasury of the county where such proceedings are returned, and to which the new county is attached, the amount of which, with the interest thereon, shall be refunded by the ne...

Section 305.03 | Absence of certain county officers; office deemed vacant.

...(A)(1) Whenever any county officer, except the county auditor or county treasurer, fails to perform the duties of office for ninety consecutive days, except in case of sickness or injury as provided in divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the office shall be deemed vacant. (2) Whenever any county auditor or county treasurer fails to perform the duties of office for thirty consecutive days, except in case of sickne...

Section 305.13 | Appointment of clerk.

...If the board of county commissioners finds it necessary for the clerk of the board to devote his entire time to the discharge of the duties of such position, it may appoint a full time clerk, in place of the county auditor, and such necessary assistants to the clerk as the board deems necessary. Such clerk shall perform the duties required by sections 305.10 and 305.11 of the Revised Code and by the board.

Section 305.21 | May administer oaths.

...Any county commissioner may administer any oath necessary in the discharge of the duties of the board of county commissioners.

Section 306.43 | Contracts - competitive bidding.

...(A) The board of trustees of a regional transit authority or any officer or employee designated by such board may make any contract for the purchase of goods or services, the cost of which does not exceed one hundred thousand dollars. When an expenditure, other than for the acquisition of real estate, the discharge of claims, or the acquisition of goods or services under the circumstances described in division ...