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Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 309.11 | Official bonds.

...The prosecuting attorney shall prepare, in legal form, the official bonds for all county officers, and shall see that the acceptance of such bonds by the proper authorities, the signing thereof, and all the indorsements thereon, are in conformity to law, and that they are deposited with the proper officer. No bond shall be accepted or approved for any county officer by the person or tribunal authorized to approve it,...

Section 311.15 | Process, goods, and prisoners to be delivered to successor.

...When the term of office for which a sheriff has been elected expires, or he resigns or moves outside the county, such sheriff shall deliver all writs of execution and all other processes, of whatever description, whether executed or not, and all goods and chattels taken by him, in execution or on attachment, which remain in his hands, together with all bonds, to the person elected or appointed and qualified to discha...

Section 3121.037 | Contents of withholding or deduction notice.

...rmined under the law of this state for discharging the obligor from employment, refusing to employ the obligor, or taking any disciplinary action against the obligor because of the withholding requirement; (6) A statement that, if the payor fails to withhold in accordance with the notice, the payor is liable for the accumulated amount the payor should have withheld from the obligor's income; (7) A statement t...

Section 3121.39 | Employer not to take adverse action against employee subject to child support withholding.

...No payor that is an employer may use a requirement to withhold personal earnings contained in a withholding notice issued under section 3121.03 of the Revised Code as a basis for a discharge of, or for any disciplinary action against, an employee, or as a basis for a refusal to employ a person.

Section 3121.45 | Payments deemed to be gifts.

...Any payment of money by the person responsible for the support payments under a support order to the person entitled to receive the support payments that is not made to the office of child support, or to the child support enforcement agency administering the support order under sections 3125.27 to 3125.30 of the Revised Code, shall not be considered a payment of support under the support order and, unless the payment...

Section 3123.20 | Employer may not penalize employee for being subject to support order.

...No employer shall discharge an employee for reason of any order issued under the Revised Code to collect support due from the employee under a support order.

Section 313.04 | Absence, service, disability, or vacancy.

...When the coroner is absent temporarily from the county, or when on duty with the armed services of the United States, the state militia, or the American red cross, or when unable to discharge the duties of the office of coroner, such coroner may appoint a person with the necessary qualifications to act as coroner during such absence, service, or disability. When there is a vacancy in the coroner's office as a resu...

Section 313.17 | Subpoenas - oath and testimony of witnesses.

...The coroner or deputy coroner may issue subpoenas for such witnesses as are necessary, administer to such witnesses the usual oath, and proceed to inquire how the deceased came to his death, whether by violence to self or from any other persons, by whom, whether as principals or accessories before or after the fact, and all circumstances relating thereto. The testimony of such witnesses shall be reduced to writing a...

Section 315.11 | Office of county engineer.

...(A) The county engineer shall keep the engineer's office in the county seat, or at another location as provided in division (B) of this section, in such rooms as are provided by the board of county commissioners, and which shall be furnished with all necessary cases and other suitable articles at the expense of the county. Such office shall also be furnished with all tools, instruments, books, blanks, and stationery ...

Section 317.02 | Bond of county recorder - oath.

...Except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, before entering upon the duties of office, the county recorder shall give a bond, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties, signed by a bonding or surety company authorized to do business in this state, or, at the recorder's option, by two or more freeholders having real estate in the value of double the amount of the bond over and above ...

Section 317.05 | Deputies.

...The county recorder may appoint deputies to aid in the performance of the county recorder's duties. Such an appointment or removal shall be in writing and filed with the county treasurer. The county recorder and the recorder's sureties shall be responsible for the deputies' neglect of duty or misconduct in office. Before entering upon the discharge of their duties, the deputies shall take the oath of office as ...

Section 317.08 | Records to be kept by county recorder.

...(A) The county recorder shall record all instruments in one general record series to be known as the "official records." The county recorder shall record in the official records all of the following instruments that are presented for recording, upon payment of the fees prescribed by law: (1) Deeds and other instruments of writing for the absolute and unconditional sale or conveyance of lands, tenements, and heredi...

Section 317.11 | Names printed or typed on instruments before recording when signatures illegible.

...No instrument by which the title to real estate or personal property or any interest therein or lien thereon, is conveyed, created, encumbered, assigned, discharged, canceled or otherwise disposed of, shall be received for record or filing by the county recorder, if the signatures of the persons signing such instrument are illegibly written, unless the name of each person who in any capacity signed such instrument, a...

Section 317.112 | Further requirements for instruments.

...(A) Each instrument and its contents by which the title to real estate or personal property, or by which any interest in or lien on real estate or personal property, is conveyed, created, encumbered, assigned, discharged, canceled, or otherwise disposed of, and that is presented to the county recorder for recording or filing shall be of a quality that permits the legible reproduction of the instrument, and the ...

Section 317.25 | Records of soldiers' graves.

...The county recorder shall be the custodian of all records which are provided for the county and furnished under the laws of this state, providing for the registration of the graves of all persons who served in any war in which the United States had a part and who were honorably discharged from the United States army, navy, or marine or nurse corps. The recorder shall provide the necessary and proper equipment to pres...

Section 319.06 | Oaths.

...The county auditor and his deputies may administer any oath necessary in the discharge of the duties of their respective offices, or proper in the authentication of any return, voucher, or document to be filed in the auditor's office.

Section 321.263 | County land reutilization fund.

...A county land reutilization fund shall be established in the county treasury of each county in which a county land reutilization corporation has been organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code and in which the county treasurer has made advance payments under section 321.341 of the Revised Code. The county treasurer shall credit all penalties and interest on the current year unpaid taxes and t...

Section 323.07 | County treasurer authorized to accept bonds - no cash refunds - distribution.

...The county treasurer may accept special assessment bonds as provided in section 323.06 of the Revised Code when offered in an amount equal or greater than the amount of the assessment owing, in full payment of such special assessment. The treasurer shall not refund in cash or in any other form to the special assessment taxpayer the difference between the value of the bonds offered and the amount of the special assess...

Section 323.151 | Valuation of homestead property definitions.

...As used in sections 323.151 to 323.159 of the Revised Code: (A)(1) "Homestead" means either of the following: (a) A dwelling, including a unit in a multiple-unit dwelling and a manufactured home or mobile home taxed as real property pursuant to division (B) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code, owned and occupied as a home by an individual whose domicile is in this state and who has not acquired ownership from ...

Section 323.74 | Disposition of abandoned land not sold at auction.

...(A) If a public auction is held for abandoned land pursuant to section 323.73 of the Revised Code, but the land is not sold at the public auction, the county board of revision may order the disposition of the abandoned land in accordance with division (B) or (C) of this section. (B) The abandoned land offered for sale at a public auction as described in section 323.73 of the Revised Code, but not sold ...

Section 323.78 | Invocation of alternative redemption period.

...(A) Notwithstanding anything in Chapters 323., 5721., and 5723. of the Revised Code, a county treasurer may elect to invoke the alternative redemption period in any petition for foreclosure of abandoned lands under section 323.25, sections 323.65 to 323.79, or section 5721.18 of the Revised Code. (B) If a county treasurer invokes the alternative redemption period pursuant to this section, and if a municipal co...

Section 325.071 | Allowance for expenses that sheriff incurs in performance of sheriff's official duties and in furtherance of justice.

...There shall be allowed annually to the sheriff, in addition to all salary and allowances otherwise provided by law, an amount equal to one-half of the official salary allowed under division (A) of section 325.06 and section 325.18 of the Revised Code, to provide for expenses that the sheriff incurs in the performance of the sheriff's official duties and in the furtherance of justice. Upon the order of the sheriff, th...

Section 325.12 | Additional allowance to prosecuting attorneys.

...(A) Except for the prosecuting attorney of a county with a population of less than seventy thousand one, there shall be allowed annually to the prosecuting attorney, in addition to the prosecuting attorney's salary provided by sections 325.11 and 325.18 of the Revised Code and to the allowance provided for by section 309.06 of the Revised Code, an amount equal to one-half of the official salary the prosecuting attorn...

Section 325.17 | Appointing and hiring employees - compensation - bond.

...The officers mentioned in section 325.27 of the Revised Code may appoint and employ the necessary deputies, assistants, clerks, bookkeepers, or other employees for their respective offices, shall fix the compensation of those employees and discharge them, and shall file certificates of that action with the county auditor. The employees' compensation shall not exceed, in the aggregate, for each office, the amount fixe...

Section 329.01 | County department of job and family services - director, assistants, bonds.

...In each county, except as provided in section 329.40 of the Revised Code, there shall be a county department of job and family services which, when so established, shall be governed by this chapter. The department shall consist of a county director of job and family services appointed by the board of county commissioners, and such assistants and other employees as are necessary for the efficient performance of the fu...