Ohio Revised Code Search
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Section 5160.10 | Expending funds.
...The medicaid director may expend funds appropriated or available to the department of medicaid from persons and government entities. For purposes of this section, the director may enter into contracts or agreements with persons and government entities and make grants to persons and government entities. To the extent permitted by federal law, the director may advance funds to a grantee when necessary for the gra... |
Section 5160.11 | State health care grants fund.
...The state health care grants fund is hereby created in the state treasury. Money the department of medicaid receives from private foundations in support of pilot projects that promote exemplary programs that enhance programs the department administers shall be credited to the fund. The department may expend the money on such projects, may use the money, to the extent allowable, to match federal financial parti... |
Section 5160.12 | Seeking federal financial participation for costs incurred by entity implementing program administered by department.
...(A) As used in this section, "entity" includes an agency, board, commission, or department of the state or a political subdivision of the state; a private, nonprofit entity; a school district; a private school; or a public or private institution of higher education. (B) This section does not apply to contracts entered into under section 5162.32 or 5162.35 of the Revised Code. (C) At the request of any public ... |
Section 5160.13 | Maximizing receipt of federal revenue.
...The department of medicaid may enter into contracts with private entities to maximize federal revenue without the expenditure of state money. In selecting private entities with which to contract, the department shall engage in a request for proposals process. The department, subject to the approval of the controlling board, may also directly enter into contracts with public entities providing revenue maximizati... |
Section 5160.16 | Appointment of agents.
...The department of medicaid may appoint and commission any competent person to serve as a special agent, investigator, or representative to perform a designated duty for and on behalf of the department. Specific credentials shall be given by the department to each person so designated, and each credential shall state the following: (A) The person's name; (B) The agency with which the person is connected; (C) ... |
Section 5160.20 | Audits and investigations; authority of department.
...(A) The department of medicaid may conduct any audits or investigations that are necessary in the performance of the department's duties, and to that end, the department has the same power as a judge of a county court to administer oaths and to enforce the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of books or papers. The department shall keep a record of the department's audits and investigatio... |
Section 5160.21 | Audit of medical assistance recipient.
...or of state may conduct an audit of any medical assistance recipient. If the auditor decides to conduct an audit under this section, the auditor shall enter into an interagency agreement with the department of medicaid that specifies that the auditor agrees to comply with section 5160.45 of the Revised Code with respect to any information the auditor receives pursuant to the audit. |
Section 5160.22 | Examination of records regarding medical assistance programs.
...r of job and family services, regarding medical assistance programs. The auditor of state and attorney general shall do both of the following regarding the records: (1) Provide safeguards that restrict access to the records to purposes directly connected with an audit or investigation, prosecution, or criminal or civil proceeding conducted in connection with the administration of the programs; (2) Comply, and... |
Section 5160.23 | Audit costs.
...The auditor of state is responsible for the costs the auditor incurs in carrying out the auditor's duties under sections 5160.21 and 5160.22 of the Revised Code. |
Section 5160.29 | Verification of eligibility for medical assistance program.
...ining an individual's eligibility for a medical assistance program, at least all of the following information about the individual shall be verified: (1) Identity; (2) Citizenship and alien eligibility; (3) Social security number; (4) State residency status; (5) Disability status; (6) Gross nonexempt income; (7) Household status ; (8) Medical expenses; (9) Enrollment status in other state-administer... |
Section 5160.291 | Changes affecting eligibility.
...ances that may affect eligibility for a medical assistance program; (b) Take appropriate action. ( 2) Division (A)(1) of this section applies only to the extent information described in division (A) of section 5160.29 of the Revised Code is available to the department or entity. (B) If the department of medicaid or an entity with which the department has entered into an agreement under section 5160.30 of the R... |
Section 5160.292 | Medicaid eligibility fraud.
...ocess of determining or redetermining a medical assistance recipient's eligibility, the case shall be referred for investigation to the county prosecutor of the county in which the medical assistance recipient resides, referred for an administrative disqualification hearing, or both. |
Section 5160.293 | Construction.
...lated to individuals' eligibility for a medical assistance program beyond the information specified in division (A) of section 5160.29 of the Revised Code; (B) Contracting with one or more independent vendors to provide such additional information for such purpose. |
Section 5160.30 | Administrative activities for medical assistance programs.
...m related administrative activities for medical assistance programs. (B) The department may enter into agreements with one or more agencies of the federal government, the state, other states, and local governments of this or other states to accept applications, determine eligibility, redetermine eligibility, and perform related administrative activities on behalf of the department with respect to medical assi... |
Section 5160.31 | Appeals regarding determination of eligibility for medical assistance program.
...(A) A medical assistance recipient may appeal a decision regarding the recipient's eligibility for a medical assistance program or services available to the recipient under a medical assistance program. (B) Regarding appeals authorized by this section, the department of medicaid shall do one or more of the following: (1) Administer an appeals process similar to the appeals process established under section 51... |
Section 5160.34 | Medical assistance programs with prior authorization requirements.
...ction: (1) "Chronic condition" means a medical condition that has persisted after reasonable efforts have been made to relieve or cure its cause and has continued, either continuously or episodically, for longer than six continuous months. (2) "Clinical peer" means a health care provider in the same, or in a similar, specialty that typically manages the medical condition, procedure, or treatment under review. (3) ... |
Section 5160.35 | Recovery of medical support definitions.
...on 5160.43 of the Revised Code. (B) "Medical support" means support specified as support for the purpose of medical care by order of a court or administrative agency. (C)(1) Subject to division (C)(2) of this section, and except as provided in division (C)(3) of this section, "third party" means all of the following: (a) A person authorized to engage in the business of sickness and accident insurance under T... |
Section 5160.37 | Right of recovery for cost of medical assistance.
...(A) A medical assistance recipient's enrollment in a medical assistance program gives an automatic right of recovery to the department of medicaid and a county department of job and family services against the liability of a third party for the cost of medical assistance paid on behalf of the recipient. When an action or claim is brought against a third party by a medical assistance recipient, any payment, settlement... |
Section 5160.371 | Disclosure of third-party payer information.
...partment of job and family services, a medical assistance recipient and the recipient's attorney, if any, shall cooperate with each medical provider of the recipient. Cooperation with a medical provider shall consist of disclosing to the provider all information the recipient and attorney, if any, possess that would assist the provider in determining each third party that is responsible for the payment or proc... |
Section 5160.38 | Assignment of rights to department.
...e application for, or enrollment in, a medical assistance program constitutes an automatic assignment of rights specified in division (B) of this section to the department of medicaid. This assignment includes the rights of the medical assistance recipient and also the rights of any other member of the assistance group for whom the recipient can legally make an assignment. (B) Pursuant to this section, a medi... |
Section 5160.39 | Third-party cooperation regarding liability information.
...lishing third party liability regarding medical assistance programs. (B) In furtherance of the requirement in division (A) of this section and to allow the department to determine any period that the individual or the individual's spouse or dependent may have been covered by the third party and the nature of the coverage, a third party shall provide, as the department so chooses, information or access to info... |
Section 5160.40 | Third-party duties; medicaid managed care organizations.
...ment regarding a claim for payment of a medical item or service that was submitted to the third party not later than six years after the date of the provision of such medical item or service; (3) Respond to the department's request for payment of a claim described in division (B)(2) of this section not later than sixty business days after receipt of written proof of the claim, either by paying the claim or issuing... |
Section 5160.401 | Finality of payments.
...evised Code on a claim for payment of a medical item or service provided to a medical assistance recipient is final on the date that is two years after the payment was made to the department of medicaid or the applicable medicaid managed care organization. After a claim is final, the claim is subject to adjustment only if an action for recovery of an overpayment was commenced under division (B) of this section before... |
Section 5160.41 | Excluded considerations for third-party medical assistance.
...vidual is eligible for or enrolled in a medical assistance program when either of the following applies: (A) The individual seeks to obtain a policy or enroll in a plan or program operated or administered by the third party; (B) The individual, or a person or governmental entity on the individual's behalf, seeks payment for a medical item or service provided to the individual. |
Section 5160.42 | Sanctions against third parties for violations.
...(A) If a third party violates section 5160.39, 5160.40, or 5160.41 of the Revised Code, a governmental entity that is responsible for issuing a license, certificate of authority, registration, or approval that authorizes the third party to do business in this state may impose a fine against the third party or deny, revoke, or terminate the third party's license, certificate, registration, or approval to do busi... |