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Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 2151.467 | Monthly agency visit to residential facility.

...(A) A public children services agency or private child placing agency with custody of a child who is under the care and supervision of a residential facility shall conduct a monthly in-person visit to the residential facility to determine the well-being of the child. The agency shall maintain documentation of each visit and report concerns about the child to the department of children and youth in accordance with rul...

Section 2151.468 | Mandatory review of child's placement.

...(A) A public children services agency or private child placing agency with custody of a child who is under the care and supervision of a residential facility shall review the placement of the child if any of the following occur: (1) The child presents to an emergency department or is admitted to a hospital for an injury or mental health crisis. (2) A police report is generated with regard to the child. (3) Duri...

Section 2151.469 | Agency 24-hour emergency on-call procedure.

...Each public children services agency and private child placing agency shall establish a twenty-four-hour emergency on-call procedure to respond to contact from emergency departments, hospitals, law enforcement officers, and first responders regarding emergencies involving a child in the agency's custody.

Section 2151.4610 | Community organization services - notification.

...(A) The operator of a residential facility shall notify a public children services agency or private child placing agency with custody of a child of any service that a community organization provides or seeks to provide to a child under the care and supervision of the residential facility. All services that a community organization provides to a child under this section shall receive prior approval from the public ch...

Section 2151.49 | Suspension of sentence.

...In every case of conviction under sections 2151.01 to 2151.54 of the Revised Code, where imprisonment is imposed as part of the punishment, the juvenile judge may suspend sentence, before or during commitment, upon such condition as the juvenile judge imposes. In the case of conviction for nonsupport of a child who is receiving aid under Chapter 5107. of the Revised Code, if the juvenile judge suspends sentence on co...

Section 2151.50 | Forfeiture of bond.

...When, as a condition of suspension of sentence under section 2151.49 of the Revised Code, bond is required and given, upon the failure of a person giving such bond to comply with the conditions thereof, such bond may be forfeited, the suspension terminated by the juvenile judge, the original sentence executed as though it had not been suspended, and the term of any sentence imposed in such case shall commence from th...

Section 2151.52 | Appeals on questions of law.

...The sections of the Revised Code and rules relating to appeals on questions of law from the court of common pleas shall apply to prosecutions of adults under this chapter, and from such prosecutions an appeal on a question of law may be taken to the court of appeals of the county under laws or rules governing appeals in other criminal cases to such court of appeals.

Section 2151.53 | Physical and mental examinations - records of examination - expenses.

...Any person coming within sections 2151.01 to 2151.54 of the Revised Code may be subjected to a physical examination by competent physicians, physician assistants, clinical nurse specialists, and certified nurse practitioners, and a mental examination by competent psychologists, psychiatrists, and clinical nurse specialists that practice the specialty of mental health or psychiatric mental health to be appointed by ...

Section 2151.54 | Fees and costs.

...The juvenile court shall tax and collect the same fees and costs as are allowed the clerk of the court of common pleas for similar services. No fees or costs shall be taxed in cases of delinquent, unruly, dependent, abused, or neglected children except as required by section 2743.70 or 2949.091 of the Revised Code or when specifically ordered by the court. The expense of transportation of children to places to which ...

Section 2151.541 | Computerizing court of paying cost of computerized legal research.

...(A)(1) The juvenile judge may determine that, for the efficient operation of the juvenile court, additional funds are required to computerize the court, to make available computerized legal research services, or both. Upon making a determination that additional funds are required for either or both of those purposes, the judge shall do one of the following: (a) If the judge is clerk of the court, charge one ad...

Section 2151.542 | Cancellation of uncollectible debts.

...If at any time the court finds that an amount owing to the court is due and uncollectible, in whole or in part, the court may direct the clerk of the court to cancel all or part of the claim. The clerk shall then effect the cancellation.

Section 2151.55 | Communicating intended placement to foster caregiver in another county and school district.

...When a private or governmental entity intends to place a child in a certified foster home in a county other than the county in which the child resided at the time of being removed from home, a representative of the placing entity shall orally communicate the intended placement to the foster caregiver with whom the child is to be placed and, if the child will attend the schools of the district in which the certified f...

Section 2151.551 | Contents of communication to foster caregiver in another county and school district.

...During the oral communication described in section 2151.55 of the Revised Code, the representative of the placing entity shall do the following: (A) Discuss safety and well-being concerns regarding the child and, if the child attends school, the students, teachers, and personnel of the school; (B) Provide the following information: (1) A brief description of the reasons the child was removed from home; (2) Servic...

Section 2151.552 | Written information to foster caregiver in another county and school district.

...No later than five days after a child described in section 2151.55 of the Revised Code is enrolled in school in the district described in that section, the placing entity shall provide in writing the information described in division (B) of section 2151.551 of the Revised Code to the school district and the child's foster caregiver.

Section 2151.553 | School district procedure for receiving information.

...Each school district board of education shall implement a procedure for receiving the information described in section 2151.552 of the Revised Code.

Section 2151.554 | Information to juvenile court in county other than county of residence.

...When a private or governmental entity places a child who has been adjudicated to be an unruly or delinquent child in a certified foster home in a county other than the county in which the child resided at the time of being removed from home, the placing entity shall provide the following information in writing to the juvenile court of the county in which the certified foster home is located: (A) The information list...

Section 2151.56 | Interstate compact for juveniles.

...The "interstate compact for juveniles" is hereby ratified, enacted into law, and entered into by the state of Ohio as a party to the compact with any other state that has legally joined in the compact as follows: INTERSTATE COMPACT FOR JUVENILES Article I -- Purpose The compacting states to this interstate compact for juveniles recognize that each state is responsible for the proper supervision or return of juveni...

Section 2151.57 | Definitions for R.C. sections 2151.57 to 2151.59.

...(A) As used in sections 2151.57 to 2151.59 of the Revised Code: (1) "Interstate compact for juveniles" means the interstate compact for juveniles ratified, enacted into law, and entered into by this state pursuant to section 2151.56 of the Revised Code. (2) "Bylaws," "commissioner," "compact administrator," and "interstate commission for juveniles" have the same meanings as in section 2151.56 of the Revised C...

Section 2151.58 | Appointment of compact administrator.

...(A) The governor shall appoint the director of youth services as the compact administrator for the interstate compact for juveniles. (B) The governor shall appoint the compact administrator or shall allow the compact administrator to appoint a designee to serve as the commissioner from this state on the interstate commission for juveniles.

Section 2151.59 | Administration by department of youth services.

...(A) The department of youth services is the state agency responsible for administering the interstate compact for juveniles in this state. (B) The department of youth services shall pay all of the following: (1) The annual assessment charged to this state for participating in the interstate compact for juveniles; (2) All fines, fees, or costs assessed against this state by the interstate commission for juven...

Section 2151.65 | Single-county and joint-county juvenile facilities for training, treatment, and rehabilitation.

...Upon the advice and recommendation of the juvenile judge, the board of county commissioners may provide by purchase, lease, construction, or otherwise a school, forestry camp, or other facility or facilities where delinquent children, as defined in section 2152.02 of the Revised Code, dependent children, abused children, unruly children, as defined in section 2151.022 of the Revised Code, or neglected children or juv...

Section 2151.651 | Application for state assistance for juvenile facilities.

...The board of county commissioners of a county which, either separately or as part of a district, is planning to establish a school, forestry camp, or other facility under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code, to be used exclusively for the rehabilitation of children between the ages of twelve to eighteen years, other than psychotic children or children with intellectual disabilities, who are designated delinquent chi...

Section 2151.653 | Program of education for youths admitted to school, forestry camp, or other facility.

...The board of county commissioners of a county or the board of trustees of a district maintaining a school, forestry camp, or other facility established under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code, shall provide a program of education for the youths admitted to such school, forestry camp, or other facility. Either of such boards and the board of education of any school district may enter into an agreement whereby such b...

Section 2151.654 | Agreement other county.

...The board of county commissioners of a county or the board of trustees of a district maintaining a school, forestry camp, or other facility established under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code, may enter into an agreement with the board of county commissioners of a county which does not maintain such a school, forestry camp, or other facility, to admit to such school, forestry camp, or other facility a child from th...

Section 2151.655 | Issuing general obligation securities - joint district financing agreements.

...(A) The taxing authority of a county may issue general obligation securities of the county under Chapter 133. of the Revised Code to pay such county's share, either separately or as a part of a district, of the cost of acquiring schools, detention facilities, forestry camps, or other facilities, or any combination thereof, under section 2152.41 or 2151.65 of the Revised Code, or of acquiring sites for and constructin...