Ohio Revised Code Search
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Section 2151.66 | Assessment of taxes for expense.
...The joint boards of county commissioners of district schools, forestry camps, or other facility or facilities created under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code, shall make annual assessments of taxes sufficient to support and defray all necessary expenses of such school, forestry camp, or other facility or facilities. |
Section 2151.67 | Receipt and use of gifts and bequests.
...The board of county commissioners of a county or the board of trustees of a district maintaining a school, forestry camp, or other facility established or to be established under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code may receive gifts, grants, devises, and bequests, either absolutely or in trust, and may receive any public moneys made available to it. Each of such boards shall use such gifts, grants, devises, bequests,... |
Section 2151.68 | Appointment of district boards of trustees by joint board of county commissioners.
...Immediately upon the organization of the joint board of county commissioners as provided by section 2151.65 of the Revised Code, or so soon thereafter as practicable, such joint board of county commissioners shall appoint a board of not less than five trustees, which shall hold office and perform its duties until the first annual meeting after the choice of an established site and buildings, or after the selection an... |
Section 2151.69 | Organization of district board of trustees.
...A majority of the trustees appointed under section 2151.68 of the Revised Code constitutes a quorum. Board meetings shall be held at least quarterly. The presiding juvenile court judge of each of the counties of the district organized pursuant to section 2151.65 of the Revised Code shall attend such meetings, or shall designate a member of his staff to do so. The members of the board shall receive no compensation for... |
Section 2151.70 | Superintendent and other personnel.
...The judge, in a county maintaining a school, forestry camp, or other facility or facilities created under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code, shall appoint the superintendent of any such facility. In the case of a district facility created under such section, the board of trustees shall appoint the superintendent. Except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, a superintendent, before entering up... |
Section 2151.71 | Operation of district facilities same as county facilities.
...District schools, forestry camps, or other facilities created under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code shall be established, operated, maintained, and managed in the same manner, so far as applicable, as county schools, forestry camps, or other facilities. |
Section 2151.72 | Site selection.
...When the board of trustees appointed under section 2151.68 of the Revised Code does not choose an established institution in one of the counties of the district, it may select a suitable site for the erection of a district school, forestry camp, or other facility or facilities created under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code. |
Section 2151.73 | Apportioned representation on board of trustees.
...Each county in the district, organized under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code, shall be entitled to one trustee, and in districts composed of but two counties, each county shall be entitled to not less than two trustees. In districts composed of more than four counties, the number of trustees shall be sufficiently increased so that there shall always be an uneven number of trustees constituting such board. The cou... |
Section 2151.74 | Removing a trustee.
...The joint board of county commissioners organized under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code may remove any trustee appointed under section 2151.68 of the Revised Code, but no such removal shall be made on account of the religious or political convictions of such trustee. The trustee appointed to fill any vacancy shall hold his office for the unexpired term of his predecessor. |
Section 2151.75 | Delegation of powers and duties to board of trustees.
...In the interim, between the selection and purchase of a site, and the erection and occupancy of a district school, forestry camp, or other facility or facilities created under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code, the joint board of county commissioners provided by section 2151.65 of the Revised Code may delegate to a board of trustees appointed under section 2151.68 of the Revised Code, such powers and duties as, in ... |
Section 2151.76 | Joint board of county commissioners has authority for choice, construction and furnishing of facility.
...The choice of an established site and buildings, or the purchase of a site, stock, implements, and general farm equipment, should there be a farm, the erection of buildings, and the completion and furnishing of the district school, forestry camp, or other facility or facilities for occupancy, shall be in the hands of the joint board of county commissioners organized under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code. Such joi... |
Section 2151.77 | Expenses paid by each county.
...When an established site and buildings are used for a district school, forestry camp, or other facility or facilities created under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code the joint board of county commissioners organized under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code shall cause the value of such site and buildings to be properly appraised. This appraisal value, or in case of the purchase of a site, the purchase price and th... |
Section 2151.78 | County withdrawing from district.
...The board of county commissioners of any county within a school, forestry camp, or other facility or facilities district may, upon the recommendation of the juvenile court of such county, withdraw from such district and dispose of its interest in such school, forestry camp, or other facility or facilities selling or leasing its right, title, and interest in the site, buildings, furniture, and equipment to any countie... |
Section 2151.79 | Fiscal officer of district.
...The county auditor of the county having the greatest population, or, with the unanimous concurrence of the county auditors of the counties composing a facilities district, the auditor of the county wherein the facility is located, shall be the fiscal officer of a district organized under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code or a combined district organized under sections 2152.41 and 2151.65 of the Revised Code. The co... |
Section 2151.80 | Expenses of board members.
...Each member of the board of county commissioners who meets by appointment to consider the organization of a district school, forestry camp, or other facility or facilities shall, upon presentation of properly certified accounts, be paid his necessary expenses upon a warrant drawn by the county auditor of his county. |
Section 2151.81 | Independent living services definitions.
...As used in sections 2151.82 to 2151.84 of the Revised Code: (A) "Independent living services" means services and other forms of support designed to aid children and young adults to successfully make the transition to independent adult living and to achieve emotional and economic self-sufficiency. "Independent living services" may include the following: (1) Providing housing; (2) Teaching decision-making skills; (... |
Section 2151.82 | Services to be based on evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of child.
...A public children services agency or private child placing agency, that has temporary or permanent custody of, or is providing care in a planned permanent living arrangement to, a child who is fourteen years of age or older, shall provide independent living services to the child. The services to be provided shall be determined based on an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the child, completed or obtained ... |
Section 2151.83 | Jointly prepared written agreement with young adult to provide independent living services.
...(A) A public children services agency or private child placing agency, on the request of a young adult, shall enter into a jointly prepared written agreement with the young adult that obligates the agency to ensure that independent living services are provided to the young adult and sets forth the responsibilities of the young adult regarding the services. The agreement shall be developed based on the young adu... |
Section 2151.84 | Department of children and youth to establish model agreements.
...The department of children and youth shall establish model agreements that may be used by public children services agencies and private child placing agencies required to provide services under an agreement with a young adult pursuant to section 2151.83 of the Revised Code. The model agreements shall include provisions describing the specific independent living services to be provided, the duration of the services an... |
Section 2151.85 | Unmarried, unemancipated minor may seek abortion without notice to parent, guardian or custodian.
...(A) A woman who is pregnant, unmarried, under eighteen years of age, and unemancipated and who wishes to have an abortion without the notification of her parents, guardian, or custodian may file a complaint in the juvenile court of the county in which she has a residence or legal settlement or in the juvenile court of any county that borders to any extent the county in which she has a residence or legal settlem... |
Section 2151.87 | Prohibiting child from possessing, using, purchasing or receiving tobacco products.
...(A) As used in this section: "Tobacco product" has the same meaning as in section 2927.02 of the Revised Code. (B) No child shall do any of the following unless accompanied by a parent, spouse, or legal guardian of the child, each of whom shall be twenty-one years of age or older: (1) Use, consume, or possess tobacco products; (2) Purchase or attempt to purchase tobacco products; (3) Order, pay for, or shar... |
Section 2151.88 | Immunity from liability for damage resulting from forcible entry of a motor vehicle for purpose of removing a minor.
...(A) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, a person shall be immune from civil liability for any damage resulting from the forcible entry of a motor vehicle for the purpose of removing a minor from the vehicle if the person does all of the following: (1) Determines the vehicle is locked or there is otherwise no reasonable method for the minor to exit the vehicle. (2) Has a good faith belief that forcib... |
Section 2151.90 | Definitions for R.C. 2151.90 to 2151.9011.
...(A) As used in sections 2151.90 to 2151.9011 of the Revised Code: (1) "Host family" means any individual who provides care in the individual's private residence for a child or single-family group, at the request of the child's custodial parent, guardian, or legal custodian, under a host family agreement. The individual also may provide care for the individual's own child or children. The term "host family" exclude... |
Section 2151.901 | Alteration by court of host family agreement.
...Upon the request of the child's parent, guardian, legal custodian, host family, or the qualified organization that arranged the host family agreement, a juvenile court may alter the period during which a host family agreement is in effect if the court determines there are extenuating circumstances. |
Section 2151.902 | Hosting may not be basis of complaint by agency.
...A public children services agency shall not file a complaint under section 2151.27 of the Revised Code because a child is hosted by a host family in compliance with section 2151.90 of the Revised Code, unless the agency determines that factors other than the hosting warrant filing the complaint. |