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Ohio Revised Code Search

traffic violations
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Section 4509.101 | Operating of motor vehicle without proof of financial responsibility.

...person must submit proof to the traffic violations bureau with any payment of a fine and costs for the ticketed violation or, if the person is to appear in court for the violation, the person must submit proof to the court. (4)(a) If a person who has failed to produce proof of the maintenance of financial responsibility appears in court for a ticketed violation, the court may permit the defendant to present eviden...

Section 4521.08 | Hearing upon denial of parking infraction charge., joint parking violations bureau, or traffic violations bureau, or the juvenile court, that has jurisdiction shall conduct a hearing to determine if the person committed the parking infraction. Each hearing shall be conducted by a hearing examiner of the parking violations bureau or joint parking violations bureau, a hearing examiner or referee of the traffic violations bureau, or a referee of the juvenile court. ...

Section 4521.10 | Notice of unpaid or default judgments., joint parking violations bureau, or traffic violations bureau in which the judgment was entered may give notice of that fact to the registrar of motor vehicles. The notice, if given, shall be given not earlier than sixteen days nor later than three years after the date of entry of the judgment, and shall be in a form and manner, and contain such information, as the registrar prescribes. (2) If three or more jud...

Section 4510.71 | Nonresident violator compact.

...iction is permitted, except for certain violations, to accept the citation from the officer at the scene of the violation and to immediately continue on his way after promising or being instructed to comply with the terms of the citation. (5) The practice described in division (A)(1) of this article causes unnecessary inconvenience and, at times, a hardship for the motorist who is unable at the time to post collater...

Section 4521.05 | Jurisdiction.

...d by the provisions of this chapter. No traffic violations bureau established pursuant to Traffic Rule 13 that otherwise would have jurisdiction over such a parking infraction shall have jurisdiction over it. The operating costs of a parking violations bureau shall be paid by the municipal corporation or township that establishes it, and the operating costs of a joint parking violations bureau shall be paid by all o...

Section 4513.022 | Proof of financial responsibility produced at time of issuance of citation.

...person must submit proof to the traffic violations bureau with any payment of a fine and costs for the ticketed violation or, if the person is to appear in court for the violation, the person must submit proof to the court. (C)(1) If a person who has failed to produce proof of the maintenance of financial responsibility appears in court for a ticketed violation, the court may permit the defendant to present evidence...

Section 4506.16 | Violations - disqualification of driver or placement out-of-service.

... (5)(a) Upon conviction of two serious traffic violations involving the operation of a commercial motor vehicle by the person and arising from separate incidents occurring in a three-year period, the person shall be disqualified for sixty days, which disqualification shall be imposed consecutively to any other separate disqualification imposed under division (D)(5) or (6) of this section; (b) Upon conviction of t...

Section 4511.093 | Traffic law photo-monitoring devices.

...or the purpose of detecting traffic law violations. If the local authority is a county or township, the board of county commissioners or the board of township trustees may adopt such resolutions as may be necessary to enable the county or township to utilize traffic law photo-monitoring devices. (B) The use of a traffic law photo-monitoring device is subject to the following conditions: (1) A local authority shal...

Section 4521.09 | Liability of owner., joint parking violations bureau, or traffic violations bureau, or the juvenile court, that has jurisdiction over the parking infraction determines that the vehicle was being used without the owner's express or implied consent at that time. If the bureau or juvenile court does not so determine, it shall conduct the hearing concerning the infraction according to section 4521.08 of the Revised Code. (2) The owner a...

Section 2152.20 | Authorized dispositions for delinquent child or juvenile traffic offender.

... be disposed of by the juvenile traffic violations bureau serving the court under Traffic Rule 13.1 if the court has established a juvenile traffic violations bureau, require the child to make restitution to the victim of the child's delinquent act or juvenile traffic offense or, if the victim is deceased, to a survivor or the estate of the victim in an amount based upon the victim's economic loss caused by or relate...

Section 4521.06 | Answer to charge of parking infraction.

...ureau, joint parking violations bureau, traffic violations bureau, or juvenile court, whichever is applicable, or by mail. A local authority may, by ordinance, resolution, or regulation, also authorize the answer to a charge of a parking infraction that is a violation of any of its ordinances, resolutions, or regulations to be made by telephone, in which case the parking ticket adopted by the local authority shall in...

Section 2152.21 | Dispositions for child adjudicated juvenile traffic offender.

... be disposed of by the juvenile traffic violations bureau serving the court under Traffic Rule 13.1 if the court has established a juvenile traffic violations bureau, require the child to make restitution pursuant to division (A)(3) of section 2152.20 of the Revised Code; (5)(a) If the child is adjudicated a juvenile traffic offender for committing a violation of division (A) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code o...

Section 2929.28 | Financial sanctions - misdemeanor.

...nse could be disposed of by the traffic violations bureau serving the court under Traffic Rule 13, restitution by the offender to the victim of the offender's crime or the victim's estate, in an amount based on the victim's economic loss. The court may not impose restitution as a sanction pursuant to this division if the offense could be disposed of by the traffic violations bureau serving the court under Traffic Rul...

Section 2930.01 | Definitions.

...igible to be disposed of by the traffic violations bureau. (B) "Custodial agency" means one of the following: (1) The entity that has custody of a defendant or an alleged juvenile offender who is incarcerated for a criminal offense, is under detention for the commission of a delinquent act, or who is detained after a finding of incompetence to stand trial or not guilty by reason of insanity relative to a criminal...

Section 4511.0914 | Bans on use of traffic law photo-monitoring devices.

...onitoring devices to detect traffic law violations that is in effect on the effective date of this section, irrespective of the method or means by which such a ban took effect; (B) Any ban on the use by a local authority of traffic law photo-monitoring devices to detect traffic law violations that takes effect after the effective date of this section, irrespective of the method or means by which such a ban takes e...

Section 4521.07 | Failure to answer parking infraction charge., joint parking violations bureau, or traffic violations bureau, or the juvenile court, that has jurisdiction over the parking infraction shall send notifications of infraction as follows: (1) If the person who fails to answer was the operator of the vehicle involved in the parking infraction at the time of the commission of the parking infraction and was personally served with the parking ticket, a notification o...

Section 4511.01 | Traffic laws - operation of motor vehicles definitions.

...egulate traffic, or to make arrests for violations of traffic regulations. (AA) "Local authorities" means every county, municipal, and other local board or body having authority to adopt police regulations under the constitution and laws of this state. (BB) "Street" or "highway" means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way open to the use of the public as a thoroughfare for purposes of vehicul...

Section 5501.27 | Increased penalties for traffic violations in construction zone.

...sed penalties apply for certain traffic violations occurring on streets or highways in a construction zone; (2) Rules governing the posting of signs to be used pursuant to section 2903.081 of the Revised Code giving notice to motorists of the prohibitions set forth in sections 2903.06 and 2903.08 of the Revised Code regarding the death of or injury to any person in a construction zone as a proximate result of a reck...

Section 2949.091 | Additional court costs - additional bail.

...t a moving violation, excluding parking violations. (b) All moneys collected pursuant to division (A)(1)(a) of this section during a month shall be transmitted on or before the twentieth day of the following month by the clerk of the court to the treasurer of state and deposited by the treasurer of state to the credit of the indigent defense support fund established under section 120.08 of the Revised Code. The...

Section 2929.21 | Purposes of misdemeanor sentencing.

...ffense that is disposed of by a traffic violations bureau of any court pursuant to Traffic Rule 13 and shall not apply to any violation of any provision of the Revised Code that is a minor misdemeanor and that is disposed of without a court appearance. Divisions (A) to (C) of this section do not affect any penalties established by a municipal corporation for a violation of its ordinances.

Section 4506.13 | Examiner's commercial examinations passed form; Information obtained from and posted to commercial driver's license information system and other sources; medical certification.

...pal ordinances related to motor vehicle traffic control, other than parking violations for all persons who hold a commercial driver's license or operate a motor vehicle for which a commercial driver's license is required; (7) Post an applicant's status of medically non-certified on the applicant's commercial driver's license information system driver record and downgrade the applicant's commercial driver's license ...

Section 4506.01 | Commercial driver's licensing definitions.

...king, vehicle weight, or vehicle defect violations; (3) A determination by the federal motor carrier safety administration that a person is not qualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle under 49 C.F.R. 391. (H) "Domiciled" means having a true, fixed, principal, and permanent residence to which an individual intends to return. (I) "Downgrade" means any of the following, as applicable: (1) A change in the...

Section 4511.096 | Examination of evidence.

...examine evidence of alleged traffic law violations recorded by the device to determine whether such a violation has occurred. If the image recorded by the traffic law photo-monitoring device shows such a violation, contains the date and time of the violation, and shows the letter and numerals on the license plate of the vehicle involved as well as the state that issued the license plate, the officer may use any lawfu...

Section 4511.19 | Operating vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs - OVI.

...n convicted of or pleaded guilty to two violations of division (A) of this section or other equivalent offenses is guilty of a misdemeanor. The court shall sentence the offender to all of the following: (i) If the sentence is being imposed for a violation of division (A)(1)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), or (j) of this section, a mandatory jail term of thirty consecutive days. The court shall impose the thirty-day mandato...

Section 1905.01 | Jurisdiction in ordinance cases and traffic violations.

...ll criminal causes involving any moving traffic violation occurring on a state highway located within the boundaries of the municipal corporation, subject to the limitations of sections 2937.08 and 2938.04 of the Revised Code. (B)(1) In Georgetown in Brown county, in Mount Gilead in Morrow county, in any municipal corporation located entirely on an island in Lake Erie, and in all other municipal corporations havin...