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Ohio Revised Code Search

traffic violations
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Section 4506.06 | Issuance of temporary instruction permit.

...ny type of motor vehicle, for a serious traffic violation. (g) The applicant has not had any violation of a military, state, or local law relating to motor vehicle traffic control, other than a parking violation, arising in connection with any traffic accident and has no record of an accident in which the applicant was at fault. (2) The waiver established under division (C) of this section does not apply to a U...

Section 4506.09 | Rules for qualification and testing of applicants.

...any type of motor vehicle for a serious traffic violation. (v) The applicant has not had any violation of a state or local law relating to motor vehicle traffic control other than a parking violation arising in connection with any traffic accident and has no record of an accident in which the applicant was at fault. (c) In accordance with rules adopted by the director, the applicant certifies and also provides ...

Section 4511.094 | Signs required for photo-monitoring devices.

...(A) No local authority shall use traffic law photo-monitoring devices to detect or enforce any traffic law violation until after it has done both of the following: (1) Erected signs on every highway that is not a freeway that is part of the state highway system and that enters that local authority informing inbound traffic that the local authority utilizes traffic law photo-monitoring devices to enforce traffic law...

Section 4511.0911 | Traffic law photo-monitoring device maintenance records; accuracy; issuance of certain tickets prohibited. is used at an intersection to detect violations of section 4511.12 of the Revised Code based on the failure to comply with section 4511.13 of the Revised Code or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance, the local authority shall not issue a ticket for a violation based upon evidence recorded by a traffic law photo-monitoring device when a vehicle makes a legal right or left turn-on-red-signal if all of the ...

Section 5101.87 | Victims of human trafficking fund.

... treasury of state the victims of human trafficking fund consisting of money seized in connection with a violation of section 2905.32, 2907.21, or 2907.22 of the Revised Code or acquired from the sale of personal effects, tools, or other property seized because the personal effects, tools, or other property were used in the commission of a violation of section 2905.32, 2907.21, or 2907.22 of the Revised Code or deriv...

Section 5747.502 | Reports on fines resulting from traffic law photo-monitoring devices.

... that the local authority collected for violations that occurred within a school zone. (2) Annually, on or before the tenth day of August, the commissioner shall compute a local government fund adjustment for each local authority that files a report under division (B)(1) of this section or with respect to which a residual adjustment applies. Subject to division (B)(3) of this section, the LGF adjustment shall be use...

Section 109.745 | Training for investigating and handling crime of trafficking in persons.

...ency with an interest and expertise in trafficking in persons may submit information or materials to the attorney general regarding the development and presentation of the training required under this section. The attorney general, in developing the training required by this section, shall consider any information submitted pursuant to this division.

Section 1547.11 | Operation, control, or manipulation under influence of alcohol or drug.

...t have been set by the national highway traffic safety administration, that by their nature are not clearly inapplicable regarding the operation or physical control of vessels underway or the manipulation of water skis, aquaplanes, or similar devices, all of the following apply: (a) The officer may testify concerning the results of the field sobriety test so administered. (b) The prosecution may introduce the res...

Section 2151.23 | Jurisdiction of juvenile court.

...sed Code; (13) To hear and determine violations of section 3321.38 of the Revised Code; (14) To exercise jurisdiction and authority over the parent, guardian, or other person having care of a child alleged to be a delinquent child, unruly child, or juvenile traffic offender, based on and in relation to the allegation pertaining to the child; (15) To conduct the hearings, and to make the determinations, adjud...

Section 2746.02 | Court fees and costs in all courts of record; criminal actions.

... to be a delinquent child or a juvenile traffic offender for an act that, if committed by an adult, would be an offense other than a parking violation, additional costs and bail, if applicable, as provided in sections 2743.70 and 2949.091 of the Revised Code, but subject to waiver as provided in section 2949.092 of the Revised Code; (K) In a case in which a person is convicted of or pleads guilty to a moving violat...

Section 2905.32 | Trafficking in persons.

...ever violates this section is guilty of trafficking in persons, a felony of the first degree. For a violation committed prior to March 22, 2019, notwithstanding the range of definite terms set forth in division (A)(1)(b) of section 2929.14 of the Revised Code, the court shall sentence the offender to a definite prison term of ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, or fifteen years. For a violation committed on or a...

Section 2933.32 | Body cavity search, strip search - conducting unauthorized search - failure to prepare proper search report.

... alleged commission of a misdemeanor or traffic offense. (2) "Strip search" means an inspection of the genitalia, buttocks, breasts, or undergarments of a person that is preceded by the removal or rearrangement of some or all of the person's clothing that directly covers the person's genitalia, buttocks, breasts, or undergarments and that is conducted visually, manually, by means of any instrument, apparatus, or obj...

Section 2949.094 | Additional court costs for moving violation - disposition. a child is found to be a juvenile traffic offender for an act that is a moving violation shall impose an additional court cost of ten dollars upon the juvenile traffic offender. The juvenile court shall not waive the payment of the ten dollars unless the court determines that the juvenile is indigent and waives the payment of all court costs imposed upon the indigent offender. The clerk of the c...

Section 2981.12 | Disposal of unclaimed or forfeited property.

...ll be deposited in the victims of human trafficking fund created by section 5101.87 of the Revised Code. (B) Unclaimed or forfeited property that is not described in division (A) of this section or division (A)(2) of section 2981.11 of the Revised Code, with court approval, may be used by the law enforcement agency in possession of it. If it is not used by the agency, it may be sold without appraisal at a public auc...

Section 307.515 | Allowance to law libraries from fines and penalties of municipal courts.

...4303. of the Revised Code and the state traffic laws in the county legal resources fund in that county that is created under section 307.514 of the Revised Code. The sum so deposited in that fund by each treasurer shall not exceed twelve hundred dollars per annum under Chapters 4301. and 4303. of the Revised Code, and when that amount has been deposited in that fund in accordance with this section, then no furt...

Section 3780.99 | Penalties.

... Revised Code, is guilty of the illegal trafficking in drugs under section 2925.03 of the Revised Code and the illegal manufacture of drugs under section 2925.04 of the Revised Code. (G) Any individual who violates divisions (B)(2) or (B)(3) of section 3780.36 of the Revised Code is guilty of the illegal trafficking in drugs under section 2925.03 of the Revised Code. (H) Any individual who violates division (B)...

Section 4510.037 | Warning letter - notice of suspension - remedial driving course. evidence that the person is a repeat traffic offender, and the registrar shall suspend the person's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating privilege pursuant to division (B) of this section. In hearing the petition and determining whether the person filing the petition has shown cause why the person's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit or nonresident operating p...

Section 4511.04 | Exception to traffic rules. exempt from criminal prosecution for violations of sections 4511.22, 4511.25, 4511.26, 4511.27, 4511.28, 4511.30, 4511.31, 4511.33, 4511.35, 4511.66, 4513.02, and 5577.01 to 5577.09 of the Revised Code. (C)(1) This section does not exempt a driver of a highway maintenance vehicle from civil liability arising from a violation of section 4511.22, 4511.25, 4511.26, 4511.27, 4511.28, 4511.30, 4511.31, 4511.33, 4511.3...

Section 4511.69 | Parking requirements.

...-five feet is available for free-moving traffic. (B) Local authorities by ordinance may permit parking of vehicles with the left-hand wheels adjacent to and within twelve inches of the left-hand curb of a one-way roadway. (C)(1)(a) Except as provided in division (C)(1)(b) of this section, no vehicle or trackless trolley shall be stopped or parked on a road or highway with the vehicle or trackless trolley facing...

Section 109.746 | Public awareness programs regarding trafficking in persons.

...gency with an interest and expertise in trafficking in persons may submit information or materials to the attorney general regarding the preparation of the programs and materials permitted under this section. The attorney general, in developing the programs and materials permitted by this section, shall consider any information submitted pursuant to this division.

Section 181.21 | State criminal sentencing commission - juvenile committee.

...children, unruly children, and juvenile traffic offenders; two peace officers of a municipal corporation or township, at least one of whom shall be experienced in the investigation of cases involving juveniles; one former victim of a violation of Title XXIX of the Revised Code; one attorney whose practice of law primarily involves the representation of criminal defendants; one member of the Ohio state bar association...

Section 1901.26 | Costs.

...iminal cause" does not include separate violations of the same statute or ordinance, or subsection of the same statute or ordinance, unless each charge is filed on a separate summons, citation, or complaint. (b) "Civil action or proceeding" means any civil litigation that must be determined by judgment entry. (C) The municipal court shall collect in all its divisions except the small claims division the sum of tw...

Section 1907.031 | Original jurisdiction.

...eding concerning a violation of a state traffic law or a municipal traffic ordinance. (B) A county court has original jurisdiction in civil actions as described in division (B)(1) of section 3767.41 of the Revised Code that relate to a public nuisance. To the extent any provision of this chapter conflicts or is inconsistent with a provision of that section, the provision of that section shall control in such a civil...

Section 2151.14 | Duties and powers of probation department - records - command assistance.

...a child has been found to be a juvenile traffic offender, the court may issue an order requiring boards of education, governing bodies of chartered nonpublic schools, public children services agencies, private child placing agencies, probation departments, law enforcement agencies, and prosecuting attorneys that have records related to the child in question to provide copies of one or more specified records, or speci...

Section 2151.35 | Procedure for hearings in juvenile court.

...nquent child, unruly child, or juvenile traffic offender, the court shall require the parent, guardian, or custodian of the child to attend all proceedings of the court regarding the child. If a parent, guardian, or custodian fails to so attend, the court may find the parent, guardian, or custodian in contempt. If the court finds from clear and convincing evidence that the child violated section 2151.87 of the Revi...