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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

"hazardous material" and railroad
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Section 4951.06 | Written consent of property owners required.

...No grant referred to in section 4951.02 of the Revised Code shall be made until there is produced to the legislative authority of a municipal corporation or the board of county commissioners the written consent of the owners of more than one half of the front footage of the lots and lands abutting on the street or public way along which it is proposed to construct such street railway or extension, and evidence that o...

Section 4951.07 | Written consent not required.

...hat such a street railway or interurban railroad be relocated or rerouted for a certain distance fixed by the court, it shall not be necessary to produce to the legislative authority or board any written consents from the owners of the lots and land abutting on such part of a street or public way. This section does not permit a person owning property abutting on a street along, in, or over which a street railway is ...

Section 4951.08 | Appropriating property.

...When the legislative authority of a municipal corporation or board of county commissioners makes a grant as provided in section 4951.02 of the Revised Code, the company or person to whom it is made may appropriate, in accordance with sections 163.01 to 163.22, inclusive, of the Revised Code, property necessary for the street railway if the owner fails expressly to waive his claim to damages by reason of the construc...

Section 4951.11 | Appropriation of property by directors.

...When it is deemed necessary by a majority of the directors of a domestic or foreign corporation owning or operating a street railway in a municipal corporation to appropriate private property in such municipal corporation, in order to avoid dangerous or difficult curves or grades or unsafe or unsubstantial ground or foundations, to extend or shorten its railway line, or to provide land on which to extend its power pl...

Section 4951.12 | Use of public highways.

...Companies incorporated under section 1701.04 of the Revised Code, for the purpose of owning or operating street railway companies, may construct, maintain, and operate street railways for the transportation of passengers, packages, express matter, United States mail, baggage, and freight upon the highways in this state outside of municipal corporations or upon private right of ways. Such companies may occupy and use...

Section 4951.13 | Consent of authority controlling public highway.

...If the public highway along which a street railway is to be constructed is owned by a person or company, or is within the control or management of the board of public works or other public officer, such owner or officer may agree with the person or company constructing the railway as to the conditions upon which the highway may be occupied.

Section 4951.14 | Crossings.

...Whenever it is deemed necessary by a majority of the board of directors of a street railway company to cross the streets, avenues, alleys, ways, or any part thereof, of any municipal corporation or any public highway outside of a municipal corporation, the legislative authority of such municipal corporation, or the public officers owning or having charge of such highways outside of municipal corporations, may agree w...

Section 4951.15 | Appropriation of private property.

...eet railways and interurban or suburban railroads using other than steam as motive power, when necessary, may enter upon and use private property in the construction, alteration, and operation of its railway or any part of it. For such purpose they have all rights and powers of appropriation that railroad companies possess and shall proceed in accordance with sections 163.01 to 163.22, inclusive, of the Revised Code.

Section 4951.16 | Appropriation of property for depots.

...Where the tracks of any street railway extend into or through any municipal corporation and the street railway company deems it necessary to enter upon and use any private property within such municipal corporation for the construction and maintenance of either passenger stations or freight depots to be used in the operation of such railway, such company may appropriate private property within municipal corporations ...

Section 4951.18 | Leases, purchases, and traffic arrangements.

...eet railway and suburban and interurban railroad companies may lease, purchase, or make traffic arrangements with any other street railway company as to so much of its tracks and other property as is necessary or desirable to enable them to enter or pass through a municipal corporation, upon the conditions applicable to other street railways. Any existing railway company owning or operating a railway shall receive th...

Section 4951.19 | Consolidation.

...erms applicable to the consolidation of railroad companies. No increase of fare shall be allowed on any street railway route by reason of such consolidation. Such companies shall be subject to the regulations provided for street railways and have all the powers, insofar as they are applicable, that other street railway companies possess.

Section 4951.20 | Consolidation of street railway companies.

...nd that of an inclined-plane railway or railroad company, or any railway operated by electricity conveniently may be connected, to be operated to mutual advantage, or when such line of a street railway company and that of an inclined-plane railway or railroad company or the railway of any company operated by electricity conveniently can be operated from one power house or power house owned, under lease, or operated b...

Section 4951.21 | Exceptions.

...rovided by law for the consolidation of railroad companies.

Section 4951.22 | Consolidation of electric railway companies.

...rovided by law for the consolidation of railroad companies. Companies owning and operating competing railways shall not consolidate under this section, but this limitation does not apply to companies whose railways are nearby or wholly situated in a municipal corporation of this state.

Section 4951.23 | Interurban railroad may contract for use of tracks in cities.

...When an interurban railroad company is incorporated and organized under the laws of this state for the purpose of building, acquiring, owning, leasing, operating, and maintaining a railroad to be operated by electricity or other motive power from one municipal corporation or point in this state to another municipal corporation or point in this state, it may agree with a street railway company owning or operating a st...

Section 4951.24 | Privileges and obligations of street railways apply to interurban railroads.

... corporation, the cars of an interurban railroad company are entitled to the privilege enjoyed by and subject to the obligations imposed upon the cars of such street railway company owning or operating its cars in such municipal corporation. They shall be operated only by the motive power which operates the cars of such street railway company. When authorized by not less than two thirds in amount of the stockholders ...

Section 4951.25 | Additional grant unnecessary.

...It is not necessary for an interurban railroad company, in case it uses in a municipal corporation only the tracks of a street railway company owning or operating a street railway in such municipal corporation, to obtain an additional grant, franchise, or right, except by the agreement referred to by section 4951.23 of the Revised Code with such street railway company.

Section 4951.26 | Fare charged within city.

...The fare charged by an interurban railroad company which has contracted for the use of tracks as provided by section 4951.23 of the Revised Code for transporting passengers within the municipal corporation shall not be greater than that fixed in the franchise held or owned by the street railway company. When there is a public park or cemetery on the line of such railway, within one mile of, and owned by, such municip...

Section 4951.27 | Lease or purchase of electric or gas light, heat, power, or fuel company. and operating a street railway or a railroad operated by electricity may lease or purchase all the property, franchises, rights, and privileges of any company organized for the purpose of supplying either electricity or natural or artificial gas, or both, for power, light, heat, or fuel purposes, or which has been engaged in such business in whole or part in any municipal corporation within this state, the latter...

Section 4951.28 | Liabilities of the company leased or purchased.

...A company leasing or purchasing the property, rights, and franchises of an electric light and power company, natural or artificial gas company, or electric light and power and natural or artificial gas company, as provided in section 4951.27 of the Revised Code, has all the rights, power, and authority of the company whose property, rights, and franchises are so leased or purchased. The liability of the electric ligh...

Section 4951.29 | Railway company may acquire property of other companies.

...ease or purchase any street railway, or railroad operated as such and by electric power, or inclined-plane railway, together with all the property, franchises, rights, and privileges respecting the use and operation of such railway, situated or existing in whole or part in this state, constructed and held by any other company, the latter being hereby invested with corresponding power to let or sell on such conditions...

Section 4951.30 | Agreements with other companies.

...lder dissenting to a sale or lease of a railroad.

Section 4951.31 | Fare cannot be increased.

...When a lease or purchase is made as provided in sections 4951.29 and 4951.30 of the Revised Code, there shall be no increase of the existing rates of fare by reason of such lease or purchase, nor shall any fare be charged upon any of the separate routes so leased or purchased in excess of the fare charged over such separate routes prior to the lease or purchase of them. When a lease or purchase is made, the fare char...

Section 4951.32 | Construction of inclined-plane railways.

...An inclined-plane railway company may construct, operate, and maintain an inclined-plane railway for the conveyance of passengers and freight, or either, with such offices, depots, and other buildings as it deems necessary. Such company may establish and maintain a park or pleasure grounds and for such purpose acquire and hold real estate.

Section 4951.33 | Construction of street crossings.

...When the part of the railway of an inclined-plane railway company which is operated by steam power crosses a public street or highway, it must pass either over or under such street or highway, and shall be constructed in a manner and at such distance above or below it as not to obstruct the ordinary use of the street or highway.