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Ohio Revised Code Search

Misdemeanor Crimes
Results 26 - 50 of 1,288
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Section 5139.01 | Department of youth services - definitions.

...hat if committed by an adult would be a misdemeanor or a felony; (c) Children who satisfy all of the following: (i) They are at least ten years of age but less than eighteen years of age. (ii) They are adjudicated delinquent children for having committed acts that if committed by an adult would be a felony. (iii) They are committed to the department of youth services by the juvenile court of a county that has had...

Section 109.571 | National crime prevention and privacy compact.

..."Criterion offense" means any felony or misdemeanor offense not included on the list of nonserious offenses published periodically by the FBI. (10) "Direct access" means access to the national identification index by computer terminal or other automated means not requiring the assistance of or intervention by any other party or agency. (11) "Executive order" means an order of the president of the United States or t...

Section 113.041 | Employee criminal records check.

... of or pleaded guilty to any felony or misdemeanor offense set forth in the Revised Code that is not listed in division (C)(1)(b) of this section and that bears a direct and substantial relationship to the duties and responsibilities of the position the current employee holds in the office of the treasurer of state; (l) Any other extenuating circumstances relating to the current employee or the offense. (3) I...

Section 1322.21 | Conditions for issuing mortgage loan originator license; renewal.

...y time before the license was issued, a misdemeanor involving theft or any felony; (b) At any time between the date of the original license and the date of the renewal application, a felony involving an act of fraud, dishonesty, a breach of trust, theft, or money laundering. (5) The applicant's license is not subject to an order of suspension or an unpaid and past due fine imposed by the superintendent. (C)(...

Section 2151.311 | Procedure upon taking child into custody.

...he commission of an act that would be a misdemeanor if committed by an adult, is alleged to be a delinquent child for violating a court order regarding the child's adjudication as an unruly child for being an habitual truant, or is alleged to be an unruly child or a juvenile traffic offender; (ii) The child remains beyond the range of touch of all adult detainees; (iii) The child is visually supervised by jail or w...

Section 2151.357 | Response respecting sealed records - index - limited inspection.

...f divulging confidential information, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. (G) In any application for employment, license, or other right or privilege, any appearance as a witness, or any other inquiry, a person may not be questioned with respect to any arrest or taking into custody for which the records were sealed. If an inquiry is made in violation of this division, the person may respond as if the sealed arrest...

Section 2710.05 | Exceptions to privilege - partial admission of nonprivileged communication. (1) A court proceeding involving a misdemeanor; (2) Except as otherwise provided in division (C) of this section, a proceeding to prove a claim to rescind or reform or a defense to avoid liability on a contract arising out of the mediation. (C) A mediator may not be compelled to provide evidence of a mediation communication referred to in division (A)(6) or (B)(2) of this section. (D) If a mediation communica...

Section 2903.216

...f a tracking device or application is a misdemeanor of the first degree. (2) Illegal use of a tracking device or application is a felony of the fourth degree if any of the following applies: (a) The offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of this section or section 2903.211 of the Revised Code. (b) At the time of the commission of the offense, the offender was the subject of a...

Section 2917.31 | Inducing panic.

...8) of this section, inducing panic is a misdemeanor of the first degree. (3) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(4), (5), (6), (7), or (8) of this section, if a violation of this section results in physical harm to any person, inducing panic is a felony of the fourth degree. (4) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(5), (6), (7), or (8) of this section, if a violation of this section results in ...

Section 2917.32 | Making false alarms.

... this section, making false alarms is a misdemeanor of the first degree. (3) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(4) of this section, if a violation of this section results in economic harm of one thousand dollars or more but less than seven thousand five hundred dollars, making false alarms is a felony of the fifth degree. (4) If a violation of this section pertains to a purported, threatened, or actual ...

Section 2921.04 | Intimidation of attorney, victim or witness in criminal case or delinquent child action proceeding.

...n of division (A) of this section is a misdemeanor of the first degree. A violation of division (B) of this section is a felony of the third degree. (E) As used in this section, "witness" means any person who has or claims to have knowledge concerning a fact or facts concerning a criminal or delinquent act, whether or not criminal or delinquent child charges are actually filed.

Section 2921.21 | Compounding a crime.

...ion is guilty of compounding a crime, a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Section 2921.29 | Failure to disclose personal information.

... disclose one's personal information, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. (C) Nothing in this section requires a person to answer any questions beyond that person's name, address, or date of birth. Nothing in this section authorizes a law enforcement officer to arrest a person for not providing any information beyond that person's name, address, or date of birth or for refusing to describe the offense observed. (D)...

Section 2929.13 | Sanction imposed by degree of felony.

...een convicted of or pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor offense of violence that the offender committed within two years prior to the offense for which sentence is being imposed. (b) The court has discretion to impose a prison term upon an offender who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a felony of the fourth or fifth degree that is not an offense of violence or that is a qualifying assault offense if any of the foll...

Section 2929.14 | Definite prison terms.

...pleaded guilty to one or more felony or misdemeanor violations of section 2907.22, 2907.23, 2907.24, 2907.241, or 2907.25 of the Revised Code and also was convicted of or pleaded guilty to a specification of the type described in section 2941.1421 of the Revised Code regarding one or more of those violations, an additional prison term of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, or twelve mon...

Section 2929.32 | Additional fines for certain offenses.

...o is convicted of or pleads guilty to a misdemeanor, the fines prescribed in section 2929.31 of the Revised Code for an organization that is convicted of or pleads guilty to an offense, and the fines prescribed in any other section of the Revised Code for a person who is convicted of or pleads guilty to an offense, a sentencing court may impose upon the offender a fine of not more than one million dollars if any of t...

Section 2937.011 | Pretrial release.

...blish a bail bond schedule covering all misdemeanors including traffic offenses, either specifically, by type, by potential penalty, or by some other reasonable method of classification. The court also may include requirements for release in consideration of divisions (D) and (E)(5) of this section. The sole purpose of a bail schedule is to allow for the consideration of release prior to the defendant's initial appea...

Section 2969.14 | Payment of money remaining in separate account of crime victims recovery fund. was imprisoned or incarcerated for a misdemeanor, to the treasurer of the political subdivision that operates the facility in which the offender was imprisoned or incarcerated, to cover the costs of the imprisonment or incarceration. If more than one political subdivision operated a facility in which the offender was confined, the clerk shall equitably apportion the money among each of those political subdivisions...

Section 309.15 | Annual report to attorney general.

...costs collected. (B) Under the head of misdemeanors: (1) The number convicted; (2) The number acquitted; (3) The amount of fines imposed; (4) The amount of fines collected; (5) The amount of costs incurred; (6) The amount of costs collected. (C) Such other information as the attorney general requires. The attorney general may prepare and forward to the prosecuting attorney the necessary blanks and instructio...

Section 3707.50 | Warning concerning anabolic steroids to be conspicuously posted in athletic facility locker rooms.

...sion (C) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

Section 3770.021 | Employment by commission - prohibitions - internal rules.

...n any jurisdiction of a felony, or of a misdemeanor of the first, second, or third degree, involving gambling, fraud or misrepresentation, theft, or any crime of moral turpitude, as long as the record of the conviction has not been sealed or expunged pursuant to Chapter 2953. of the Revised Code or pursuant to a statute of another jurisdiction that governs the sealing or expungement of criminal records. The director ...

Section 4303.202 | F-2 permit.

...guilty of the crime of falsification, a misdemeanor of the first degree. In ruling on an application, the division shall consider, among other things, the past activities of the association, corporation, or local unit and any D-permit holder while operating under other F-2 permits, the location of the event for which the current application is made, and any objections of local residents or law enforcement autho...

Section 4510.037 | Warning letter - notice of suspension - remedial driving course.

...ving under a twelve-point suspension, a misdemeanor of the first degree. The court shall sentence the offender to a minimum term of three days in jail. No court shall suspend the first three days of jail time imposed pursuant to this division. (K) The registrar, in accordance with specific statutory authority, may suspend the privilege of driving a motor vehicle on the public roads and highways of this state that i...

Section 4723.11 | Nurse licensure compact.

...ntered into an agreed disposition, of a misdemeanor offense related to the practice of nursing as determined on a case-by-case basis; 9. Is not currently enrolled in an alternative program; 10. Is subject to self-disclosure requirements regarding current participation in an alternative program; and 11. Has a valid United States Social Security number. d. All party states shall be authorized, in accordance wit...

Section 4729.16 | Disciplinary actions.; (d) Has been convicted of a misdemeanor related to, or committed in, the practice of pharmacy; (e) Violated, conspired to violate, attempted to violate, or aided and abetted the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, sections 3715.52 to 3715.72 of the Revised Code, Chapter 2925. or 3719. of the Revised Code, or any rule adopted by the board under those provisions; (f) Permitted someone ot...