Ohio Revised Code Search
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Section 2941.39 | Indictment of convict in a state correctional institution.
...When a convict in a state correctional institution is indicted for a felony committed while confined in the correctional institution, the convict shall remain in the custody of the department of rehabilitation and correction, subject to sections 2941.40 to 2941.46 of the Revised Code. |
Section 2941.40 | Convicts removed to county for sentence or trial.
...A convict in a state correctional institution, who escaped, forfeited his recognizance before receiving sentence for a felony, or against whom an indictment or information for felony is pending, may be removed to the county in which the conviction was had or the indictment or information was pending for sentence or trial, upon the warrant of the court of common pleas of the county. |
Section 2941.401 | Request for a final disposition on pending charges by prisoner.
...When a person has entered upon a term of imprisonment in a correctional institution of this state, and when during the continuance of the term of imprisonment there is pending in this state any untried indictment, information, or complaint against the prisoner, the prisoner shall be brought to trial within one hundred eighty days after the prisoner causes to be delivered to the prosecuting attorney and the appropriat... |
Section 2941.41 | Request for a final disposition on pending charges by prisoner - warrant.
...A warrant for removal specified in section 2941.40 of the Revised Code shall be in the usual form, except that it shall set forth that the accused is in a state correctional institution. The warrant shall be directed to the sheriff of the county in which the conviction was had or the indictment or information is pending. When a copy of the warrant is presented to the warden or the superintendent of a state correction... |
Section 2941.42 | Request for a final disposition on pending charges by prisoner - confinement.
...A convict removed as provided by section 2941.41 of the Revised Code shall be kept in jail subject to be taken into court for sentence or trial. If the case is continued or the execution of the sentence is suspended, the court may order him to be returned to the state correctional institution by the sheriff, who shall deliver him, with a certified copy of the order, to the warden, who shall again deliver the convict... |
Section 2941.43 | Request for a final disposition on pending charges by prisoner - disposition following trial.
...If the convict referred to in section 2941.40 of the Revised Code is acquitted, he shall forthwith returned by the sheriff to the state correctional institution to serve out the remainder of his sentence. If he is sentenced to imprisonment in a state correctional institution, he shall be returned to the state correctional institution by the sheriff to serve his new term. If he is sentenced to death, the death ... |
Section 2941.44 | Arrest of escaped convict - expense of return.
...Sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, marshals, deputy marshals, watchmen, police officers, and coroners may arrest a convict escaping from a state correctional institution and forthwith convey him to the institution and and deliver him to the warden of the institution. They shall be allowed ten cents per mile going to and returning from the institution and additional compensation that the warden finds reasonable for the nec... |
Section 2941.45 | Trial of person serving workhouse sentence.
...Any person serving a sentence in jail or the workhouse, who is indicted or informed against for another offense, may be brought before the court of common pleas upon warrant for that purpose, for arraignment and trial. Such person shall remain in the custody of the jailer or keeper of the workhouse, but may be temporarily confined in the jail, if a prisoner in the workhouse. If such prisoner is convicted and sentenc... |
Section 2941.46 | Arrest for violations of conditional pardon or parole.
...(A) If a convict has been conditionally pardoned or a prisoner has been paroled from any state correctional institution, any peace officer may arrest the convict or prisoner without a warrant if the peace officer has reasonable ground to believe that the convict or prisoner has violated or is violating any rule governing the conduct of paroled prisoners prescribed by the adult parole authority or any of the following... |
Section 2941.47 | Summons on informations and indictments against corporations.
...When an indictment is returned or information filed against a corporation, a summons commanding the sheriff to notify the accused thereof, returnable on the seventh day after its date, shall issue on praecipe of the prosecuting attorney. Such summons with a copy of the indictment shall be served and returned in the manner provided for service of summons upon corporations in civil actions. If the service cannot be mad... |
Section 2941.48 | Recognizance of witnesses for appearance at trial.
...In any case pending in the court of common pleas, the court, either before or after indictment, may require any witness designated by the prosecuting attorney to enter into a recognizance, with or without surety, in such sum as the court thinks proper for his appearance to testify in such cause. A witness failing or refusing to comply with such order shall be committed to the county jail until he gives his testimony ... |
Section 2941.49 | Service of indictments.
...Within three days after the filing of an indictment for felony and in every other case when requested, the clerk of the court of common pleas shall make and deliver to the sheriff, defendant, or the defendant's counsel, a copy of such indictment. The sheriff, on receiving such copy, shall serve it on the defendant. A defendant, without his assent, shall not be arraigned or called on to answer to an indictment until o... |
Section 2941.51 | Counsel for indigents.
...(A) Counsel appointed to a case or selected by an indigent person under division (E) of section 120.16 or division (E) of section 120.26 of the Revised Code, or otherwise appointed by the court, except for counsel appointed by the court to provide legal representation for a person charged with a violation of an ordinance of a municipal corporation, shall be paid for their services by the county the compensation and e... |
Section 2941.53 | Methods of excepting an indictment.
...An accused may except to an indictment by: (A) A motion to quash; (B) A plea in abatement; (C) A demurrer. |
Section 2941.54 | Motion to quash indictment.
...A motion to quash may be made when there is a defect apparent upon the face of the record, within the meaning of sections 2941.02 to 2941.35, inclusive, of the Revised Code, including defects in the form of indictment and in the manner in which an offense is charged. |
Section 2941.55 | Plea in abatement to indictment.
...Plea in abatement may be made when there is a defect in the record shown by facts extrinsic thereto. |
Section 2941.56 | Fail to indict in true name.
...If the accused pleads in abatement that he is not indicted by his true name, he must plead his true name which shall be entered on the minutes of the court. After such entry, the trial and proceedings on the indictment shall be had against him by that name, referring also to the name by which he is indicted, as if he had been indicted by his true name. |
Section 2941.57 | Demurrer.
...The accused may demur: (A) When the facts stated in the indictment do not constitute an offense punishable by the laws of this state; (B) When the intent is not alleged and proof thereof is necessary to make out the offense charged; (C) When it appears on the face of the indictment that the offense charged is not within the jurisdiction of the court. |
Section 2941.58 | Resubmission to grand jury.
...When a motion to quash or a plea in abatement is adjudged in favor of the accused, the trial court may order the case to be resubmitted to the grand jury, if then pending, or to the next succeeding grand jury. The accused then may be committed to jail or held to bail in such sum as the trial court requires for his appearance to answer at a time to be fixed by the court. |
Section 2941.59 | Waiver of defects which may be excepted to.
...The accused waives all defects which may be expected to by a motion to quash or a plea in abatement, by demurring to an indictment, or by pleading in bar or the general issue. |
Section 2941.60 | Prosecuting attorney may demur to plea in abatement.
...The prosecuting attorney may demur to a plea in abatement if it is not sufficient in substance, or he may reply, setting forth any facts which may show there is no defect in the record as charged in the plea. |
Section 2941.61 | Overruling demurrer to plea in abatement.
...After a demurrer to an indictment is overruled, the accused may plead under section 2943.03 of the Revised Code. |
Section 2941.62 | Immediate hearing on motions to quash, pleas in abatement, and demurrers.
...Motions to quash, pleas in abatement, and demurrers shall be heard immediately upon their filing, unless the trial court, for good cause shown, sets another time for such hearing. |
Section 2941.63 | Appointment of counsel to assist prosecutor when public interest requires it.
...The court of common pleas, or the court of appeals, whenever it is of the opinion that the public interest requires it, may appoint an attorney to assist the prosecuting attorney in the trial of a case pending in such court. The board of county commissioners shall pay said assistant to the prosecuting attorney such compensation for his services as the court approves. |
Section 2943.01 | Arraignment and plea definitions.
...The definition of "magistrate" set forth in section 2931.01 of the Revised Code applies to Chapter 2943. of the Revised Code. |