Section 1782.50 | Acceptance of application by secretary of state.
July 29, 1998
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 579 - 122nd General Assembly
(A) Upon receipt of an application for registration of a foreign limited partnership as described in section 1782.49 of the Revised Code and all filing fees required by law, the secretary of state shall accept the application for filing and shall make a copy of the application by microfilm or by any authorized photostatic or digitized process. Evidence of the filing shall be returned to the person who filed it.
(B) Upon having been filed as provided in division (A) of this section, an application for registration as a foreign limited partnership shall be deemed to be the applicant's certificate of registration as a foreign limited partnership in this state.
Available Versions of this Section
- July 29, 1998 – House Bill 579 - 122nd General Assembly [ View July 29, 1998 Version ]