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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Section 3701.507 | [Repealed effective 4/9/2025 by H.B. 238, 135th General Assembly] Infant hearing screening subcommittee.


(A) To assist in implementing sections 3701.503 to 3701.509 of the Revised Code, the children and youth with special health care needs medical advisory council created in section 3701.025 of the Revised Code shall appoint a permanent infant hearing screening subcommittee. The subcommittee shall consist of the following members:

(1) One otolaryngologist;

(2) One neonatologist;

(3) One pediatrician;

(4) One neurologist;

(5) One hospital administrator;

(6) Two or more audiologists who are experienced in infant hearing screening and evaluation;

(7) One speech-language pathologist licensed under section 4753.07 of the Revised Code;

(8) Two persons who are each a parent of a hearing-impaired child;

(9) One geneticist;

(10) One epidemiologist;

(11) One adult who is deaf or hearing impaired;

(12) One representative from an organization for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired;

(13) One family advocate;

(14) One nurse from a well-baby neonatal nursery;

(15) One nurse from a special care neonatal nursery;

(16) One teacher of persons who are deaf who works with infants and toddlers;

(17) One representative of the health insurance industry;

(18) One representative of the program for children and youth with special health care needs;

(19) One representative of the department of education and workforce;

(20) One representative of the department of medicaid;

(21) One representative of the department of children and youth;

(22) Any other person the advisory council appoints.

(B) The infant hearing subcommittee shall:

(1) Consult with the director of health regarding the administration of sections 3701.503 to 3701.509 of the Revised Code;

(2) Advise and make recommendations regarding proposed rules prior to their adoption by the director under section 3701.508 of the Revised Code;

(3) Consult with the director of health and advise and make recommendations regarding program development and implementation under sections 3701.503 to 3701.509 of the Revised Code, including all of the following:

(a) Establishment under section 3701.504 of the Revised Code of the statewide hearing screening, tracking, and early intervention program to identify newborn and infant hearing impairment;

(b) Identification of locations where hearing evaluations may be conducted;

(c) Recommendations for methods and techniques of hearing screening and hearing evaluation;

(d) Referral, data recording and compilation, and procedures to encourage follow-up hearing care;

(e) Maintenance of a register of newborns and infants who do not pass the hearing screening;

(f) Preparation of the information required by section 3701.506 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 12, 2025 at 7:09 PM

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