The board of township trustees may annually levy and collect a tax, not to exceed one mill on each dollar of the taxable property of the township, and pay it to a hospital association which maintains and furnishes a free public hospital for the benefit of the inhabitants of such township, or to a hospital association, which maintains a public hospital which is not free except to such inhabitants of the township as, in the opinion of the trustees of such hospital, are unable to pay or to a municipal corporation contracting to furnish hospital service to the inhabitants of such township.
Chapter 513 | Hospitals; Joint Hospital Districts
Section |
Section 513.01 | Tax for hospital purposes.
October 2, 1953
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 130 - 100th General Assembly
Section 513.02 | Compensation - annual report - unauthorized payment.
October 2, 1953
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 130 - 100th General Assembly
The payment to a hospital association or to a municipal corporation, as provided by section 513.01 of the Revised Code, shall be made as compensation for the use and maintenance of such hospital. Without change or interference with the organization thereof, the board of township trustees shall require the treasurer of such corporation or association to make an annual report, setting forth all the money and property which has come into its hands during the preceding year and the disposition thereof, with recommendations as to its future necessities. This section and section 513.01 of the Revised Code do not authorize or permit the payment of public funds to a religious or sectarian hospital association. |
Section 513.03 | Exemption from tax levy.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
In a township in which there is a municipal corporation, the legislative authority of which has already levied a tax for hospital purposes, the board of township trustees may make such levy only on the taxable property of the township outside of the limits of such municipal corporation. Last updated March 23, 2022 at 3:17 PM |
Section 513.04 | Certification by county auditor of amount collected from levy.
December 20, 2005
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 107 - 126th General Assembly
If a tax has been levied for hospital purposes, the county auditor shall certify, at the semiannual collection of taxes, the amount collected from the levy to the township fiscal officer, who shall forthwith draw a warrant for the amount on the township treasury, payable to the treasurer of the hospital association or to the municipal corporation. |
Section 513.05 | Agreement with nonprofit corporation or municipality for the erection and management of hospital.
April 6, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 281 - 134th General Assembly
The board of township trustees may agree with a corporation organized for charitable purposes and not for profit or with a municipal corporation for the erection and management of a hospital suitably located, for the treatment of persons of the township who are sick or have disabilities, or for an addition to such hospital, and for a permanent interest therein to such extent and upon such terms as are agreed upon between the board and such corporation. The board shall provide for the payment of the amount agreed upon for such interest, either in one payment or in annual installments, as agreed. Such agreement shall not become operative until approved by a vote of the electors of such township under section 513.06 of the Revised Code. Last updated March 10, 2023 at 11:01 AM |
Section 513.06 | Submission of question to electors.
July 2, 2010
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 48 - 128th General Assembly
Upon the execution of the agreement provided for in section 513.05 of the Revised Code, the board of township trustees shall submit the question of the ratification of such agreement to the electors of the township at the next general election occurring not less than ninety days after the certification of the resolution to the board of elections. If the sums to be paid by the township under such agreement are not available from current general revenue of such township, the board shall also submit to the electors, at the same election, the question of the issue of bonds of the township, in the amount specified in such agreement, for the purpose of providing funds for the payment thereof. The proceedings in the matter of such election and in the issuance and sale of such bonds shall be as provided by Chapter 133. of the Revised Code. Such agreement shall not be effective, and no bonds shall be issued, unless the electors approve both the agreement and the bond issue, if the question of the issue of bonds is submitted. |
Section 513.07 | Joint township district hospital board.
March 22, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 500 - 132nd General Assembly
The boards of township trustees of any two or more contiguous townships, whether or not within the same county, may, by a two-thirds favorable vote of each such board, form themselves into a joint township district hospital board for the purpose of establishing, constructing, and maintaining a joint township district general hospital or other hospital facilities as defined in section 140.01 of the Revised Code, and such townships shall be a part of a joint township hospital district. Such joint township district hospital board shall organize within thirty days after the favorable vote by the last board of trustees joining itself into the joint township district hospital board. The chairperson of the board of township trustees of the most populous township participating shall give notice of the time and place of organization to each member of the board of township trustees of each township comprising the district. Such notice shall be signed by the chairperson of the board of township trustees of the most populous township comprising the district, and shall be sent by registered mail to each member of the board of township trustees of the townships affected, at least five days prior to such organization meeting, which meeting shall be held in one of the participating townships. All members of the board of township trustees of the townships so participating shall comprise the joint township district hospital board. Two-thirds of all the township trustees of the townships constituting such district constitutes a quorum. Such members of the boards of township trustees shall, at the organization meeting of such joint township district hospital board, proceed with the election of a president, a secretary, and a treasurer, and such other officers as they deem proper and necessary, and shall transact such other business as properly comes before such board. In the formation of such a hospital district, such action may be taken by or on behalf of part of a township, by excluding that portion of the township lying within a municipal corporation. |
Section 513.071 | Municipal participation in formation of joint township district hospital board.
March 22, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 500 - 132nd General Assembly
A municipal corporation which is not at the time part of a joint township hospital district may, by a two-thirds favorable vote of its legislative authority, participate in the formation of a joint township district hospital board pursuant to section 513.07 of the Revised Code if it is contiguous to another municipal corporation contemplated to be included in the district, or contiguous to, or partly but not wholly within, a township contemplated to be included in the district, or may become a part of an established joint township hospital district pursuant to sections 513.11 and 513.18 of the Revised Code if it is contiguous to the district, or to a township or municipal corporation contiguous to the district which will at the same time become part of such district. So long as such municipal corporation remains a part of such district, it may not be included, as part of a township, in another joint township hospital district, but the remainder of such township may become part of a joint township hospital district pursuant to section 513.07, 513.11, or 513.18 of the Revised Code. Each such municipal corporation shall be represented on the joint township district hospital board by the presiding officer of its legislative authority, who shall act as chairperson of a board of township trustees for the purposes of section 513.07 of the Revised Code, and by two members of such legislative authority to be appointed from time to time by the legislative authority and to serve for such term or terms as it prescribes. For the purpose of such representation such presiding officer and members shall be considered as a board of township trustees; but for all other purposes of sections 513.07 to 513.18, inclusive, of the Revised Code, the legislative authority shall be considered as the board of township trustees and shall perform the duties imposed on that board by such sections. Any indebtedness incurred by a joint township hospital district shall not constitute an indebtedness of any municipal corporation or any township. Where a municipal corporation as a part of a township is territorially a part of a joint township hospital district and thereafter its corporate limits are made identical with those of a township, such municipal corporation shall as a township remain a part of such joint township hospital district and shall be bound by all agreements or obligations theretofore or thereafter entered into or assumed, and the taxable property therein shall be subject to all tax levies, including tax levies for bonds of the joint township hospital district, theretofore or thereafter imposed by the district pursuant to sections 513.07 to 513.18, inclusive, of the Revised Code. Such municipal corporation shall be entitled, as a new and separate township, to representation on the joint township district hospital board in the same manner as is provided in this section when a joint township district hospital board in the same manner as is provided in this section when a joint township hospital district is formed. |
Section 513.08 | Agreement for participation in construction and maintenance of municipal hospital - bond issue submitted to electors.
November 15, 1991
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 233 - 119th General Assembly
A joint township district hospital board, or a board of county commissioners may, in lieu of proceeding to establish, construct, and maintain a joint township hospital, or in the case of a county, a county-hospital, enter into an agreement with a municipal corporation, which proposes to establish, or has established, a municipal hospital, for participation by such district or county in the erection or enlargement of such municipal hospital, or in its maintenance and operation, or both. Such agreement may provide for the amounts to be contributed by the district or county for such construction or enlargement and for maintenance and operation, the rights and privileges to be enjoyed by the district or county and its inhabitants by virtue of such contributions, and the rights or representation by the district or county upon the municipal corporation's board of hospital commissioners or board of governors, or both. If, under such agreement, the district or county is obligated to contribute a sum for the erection or enlargement of the municipal hospital, the district hospital board shall submit to the electors of such joint township hospital district, voting as a subdivision, or the county shall submit to the electors of the county, the question of the issue of bonds of such district or county, in the amount necessary to provide such sum. The proceedings in the matter of such election and in the issuance and sale of such bonds, if authorized by the electors, shall conform to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code. The aggregate net indebtedness created or incurred by a joint township hospital district, or by a county, for the purposes of this section, shall not exceed two per cent of the tax valuation of such district or county. |
Section 513.081 | Agreement with county hospital commission.
November 15, 1991
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 233 - 119th General Assembly
A joint township district hospital board may, in lieu of proceeding to establish, construct, and maintain a joint township hospital, enter into an agreement with a county hospital commission which has constructed or is in the process of constructing general hospital facilities pursuant to section 339.14 of the Revised Code, for participation by the joint township hospital district in the construction, enlargement, equipment, maintenance, and operation of such hospital facilities. Such agreement may provide for the amount to be contributed by the district for such construction, enlargement, equipment, maintenance, and operation, the rights and privileges to be enjoyed by the district and its inhabitants by virtue of such contribution, the rights of representation by the district on the county hospital commission, and payment to the participating joint township hospital district of a portion of rentals or other revenue received by the county hospital commission pursuant to leases made under section 339.14 of the Revised Code. Any vacancy on the county hospital commission representing an appointee of the joint township district hospital board shall be filled by the board. The agreement may provide that if the lease is terminated and control and management of the hospital facilities revert to the county under division (I) of section 339.14 of the Revised Code, the district may participate in the maintenance and operation of the hospital facilities under county management, or may provide that, if the lease is terminated and control and management revert to the county, the county hospital commission shall pay to the joint township hospital district an amount equal to the district's contribution. The contribution of funds to the county hospital commission shall, in the event of the sale of hospital facilities pursuant to division (B) of section 339.14 of the Revised Code, be treated as part of the actual cost to the county of the hospital facilities so sold, and the agreement shall provide for the payment to the joint township hospital district of that portion of the proceeds from the sale of such hospital facilities attributable to the district's contribution. If, under such agreement, the joint township hospital district is obligated to contribute a sum for the construction, enlargement, and equipment of hospital facilities by the county hospital commission, the joint township district hospital board shall submit to the electors of such district, voting as a subdivision, the question of the issue of bonds of such district in the amount necessary to provide such sum. The proceedings in the matter of such election and in the issuance and sale of such bonds shall conform to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code. The aggregate net indebtedness created or incurred by a joint township hospital district for the purposes of this section shall not exceed three per cent of the total district tax valuation. Funds contributed by the joint township hospital district for the construction, enlargement, and equipment of hospital facilities shall be deposited in the county hospital facility fund created by division (G) of section 339.14 of the Revised Code. A joint township district hospital board which participates in the maintenance and operation of hospital facilities administered, maintained, and operated by a lessee corporation or by the county under section 339.14 of the Revised Code, may submit to the electors of the district, the question of a tax levy, not to exceed one mill on each dollar of the taxable property of the district and if the levy is approved, may make payments from receipts from such tax levy as compensation for the use and maintenance of such hospital facilities. If the hospital facilities are operated by a lessee corporation, such compensation shall be paid to the corporation, and if the facilities are operated by the county, such compensation shall be paid to the hospital operating fund. |
Section 513.09 | Contributions by district - appropriation - tax levy.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Where an agreement under section 513.08 of the Revised Code provides for contributions to be made, from time to time, by a joint township hospital district, or by the county, for the maintenance and operating charges of a municipal hospital, the boards of township trustees of the townships comprising such district, or the board of county commissioners of such county, may appropriate unencumbered funds for such purpose as provided in section 513.12, or sections 5705.38 to 5705.47, inclusive, of the Revised Code. The joint township hospital board may, in the manner provided in sections 513.13 and 513.14 of the Revised Code, and the board of county commissioners may, in the manner provided in sections 5705.01 to 5705.26, inclusive, of the Revised Code, submit the question of levying a tax for such purpose. |
Section 513.10 | District or county representatives on municipal hospital board.
January 18, 2007
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 375 - 126th General Assembly
If an agreement under section 513.08 of the Revised Code provides for representation of a joint township hospital district, or of a county, on the board of hospital commissioners or board of governors of a municipal hospital, or both, the representatives of the district shall be appointed by the joint township district hospital board and shall be electors of the district; in the case of a county, the representatives of the county shall be appointed by the board of county commissioners and shall be electors of the county or of an adjacent county; and, in the case of membership on the board of governors, at least one elector, so appointed, shall be a doctor of medicine. In the case of a joint township hospital district, not more than one elector from any township included in the district shall be appointed to either board unless each township has first had an elector of that township appointed to that board. District or county representatives appointed to a board of hospital commissioners shall serve until the duties of the board, pursuant to sections 749.06 to 749.14 of the Revised Code, have terminated. District or county representatives on the board of governors of a municipal hospital shall be appointed in the following manner: (A) When the terms of the members presently holding office expire, of those first appointed thereafter: (1) One shall be appointed for a term of one year. (2) One shall be appointed for a term of two years. (3) One shall be appointed for a term of three years. (4) If more than three are to be appointed, the remaining appointments shall be for a term of four years. (B) Thereafter, as the respective terms expire, appointments shall be made in each case for a term of four years. (C) Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment in like manner for the unexpired term of the original appointment. The joint township district hospital board or the board of county commissioners, by a majority vote of its members, may remove any appointee to either board, for good and sufficient cause, after a hearing upon written charges. |
Section 513.11 | Contiguous township may join with municipal hospital.
June 17, 1970
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 570 - 108th General Assembly
Any contiguous township, desiring to become a part of a joint township hospital district which has effected an agreement under section 513.08 or section 513.081 of the Revised Code, may, if the terms of such agreement so permit, and subject to such terms, become a part of the district upon compliance with section 513.18 of the Revised Code, including, if required, the submission to the electors of such township, in the manner provided in such section, of the question of levying a tax for the purpose of sharing the existing obligations of the district imposed by such agreement. |
Section 513.12 | Issuance of bonds.
November 15, 1991
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 233 - 119th General Assembly
Upon the establishment of a joint township hospital district and after the organization of such joint township district hospital board, under section 513.07 of the Revised Code, the hospital board of the district shall determine the amount of bonds to be issued and such other matters as pertain thereto, and shall, when approved by the vote of the electorate of the district voting as a subdivision, issue, and sell such bonds to the extent and in the amount so determined, to pay the costs of hospital facilities as defined in section 140.01 of the Revised Code. Such bonds shall be issued and sold as provided by Chapter 133. of the Revised Code. All necessary expenses for the operation of such hospital facilities may be paid out of any moneys derived from the special levy approved for such purposes by such voters, or out of any other moneys received from hospital income or services rendered, or from unencumbered funds from any other source. The board of township trustees of the townships participating in such district may appropriate and pay over to the joint township hospital board, for maintenance of such hospital facilities, any unencumbered funds of the township. Moneys received from hospital income or services rendered, or funds from any other source, including the issuance of bonds, except moneys derived from the special levy for operation and funds appropriated by township trustees for maintenance, may be used for the replacement of necessary equipment, the purchase of a site, construction, equipping, or furnishing of additions to the hospital facilities, or the purchase or construction of capital improvements to the hospital facilities, and to pay other costs of hospital facilities as defined in section 140.01 of the Revised Code. Such necessary expenses as are incurred by the board of township trustees in meeting with other boards of township trustees for the consideration of proposals to proceed under sections 513.07 to 513.18 of the Revised Code, shall be paid from the general fund of the township incurring such expenses. When such hospital board has funds of its own, derived from the special levy approved by the electors of the district, as provided in section 513.13 of the Revised Code, or unencumbered funds from any other source, then the expenses incidental to such hospital facilities shall be paid by the hospital board. |
Section 513.13 | Submission of tax levy for operation of hospital facilities.
July 2, 2010
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 48 - 128th General Assembly
The board of elections of the county in which a joint township hospital district, or the most populous portion of such district, lies shall, by resolution approved by a two-thirds vote of the joint township district hospital board, place upon the ballot for submission to the electorate of such district, at the next primary or general election, occurring not less than ninety nor more than one hundred thirty-five days after the request is received from such joint township district hospital board, the question of levying a tax, not to exceed one mill outside the ten-mill limitation, for a period not to exceed five years, to provide funds for the payment of necessary expenses incurred in the operation of hospital facilities or, if required by agreement made under section 140.03 of the Revised Code, for costs of hospital facilities or current operating expenses of hospital facilities, or both. Such resolution shall be certified to the board of elections not later than four p.m. of the ninetieth day before the day of the election. If a majority of the electors in such district voting on the proposition, vote in favor thereof, the county auditor of each county in which such district lies shall annually place a levy on the tax duplicate against the property in such district, in the amount required by the joint board of trustees of the district, but not to exceed one mill. |
Section 513.14 | Advertisement of proposed question.
September 29, 2011
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 153 - 129th General Assembly
The board of elections shall advertise the proposed tax levy question mentioned in section 513.13 of the Revised Code in a newspaper of general circulation in the proposed township hospital district, once a week for two consecutive weeks, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, prior to the election. If the board operates and maintains a web site, the board also shall advertise that proposed tax levy question on its web site for thirty days prior to the election. |
Section 513.15 | Title and interest - appropriation of lands - devise - bequest.
November 15, 1991
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 233 - 119th General Assembly
The ownership of a joint township district hospital, including all right, title, and interest in and to all property, both real and personal, pertaining thereto, shall vest in the joint township district hospital board. In the selection and acquisition of a site for such hospital, the board shall have the same powers for the appropriation of lands as are conferred upon state departments, institutions, boards, or commissions. Such board may receive and hold in trust for the benefit of the hospital, any grant or devise of land, and any donation or bequest of money or other personal property that is made for the establishment or support thereof. |
Section 513.16 | Board of hospital governors.
July 31, 1980
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 276 - 113th General Assembly
The joint township district hospital board, as soon as possible after its organization, shall appoint one elector from each township represented and three electors-at-large from the district, one of whom shall be a doctor of medicine, to constitute a board to be known as "the board of hospital governors" and control the operation of such hospital and perform such other duties as are provided by section 513.17 of the Revised Code, except that, if a lease of the hospital is made pursuant to section 513.171 of the Revised Code, control of the operation of the hospital shall be vested in the lessee thereunder. Each of the governors shall be appointed for a term of three years, except that at the initial appointment of the board of hospital governors, one of the governors-at-large shall be appointed for a term of one year, and one of the governors-at-large shall be appointed for a term of two years. Any vacancy shall be filled by an appointment, in like manner, for the unexpired term of the original appointment. The joint township district hospital board may, by a majority vote of its members, remove any hospital governor for good and sufficient cause, after a hearing upon written charges. |
Section 513.17 | Operation of joint township general hospital.
January 1, 2018
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) The board of hospital governors shall, with the consent and approval of the joint township district hospital board and as provided by sections 513.07 to 513.18 of the Revised Code, prepare plans and specifications, and may employ technical assistance if necessary, and proceed to erect, furnish, and equip necessary buildings for a joint township general hospital. Except where the hospital of the district is leased pursuant to section 513.171 of the Revised Code, such board of governors shall appoint and fix the compensation of a suitable person to be superintendent of the hospital for such period of time as it determines, and shall employ and fix the compensation for such nurses and other employees as are necessary for the proper conduct of the hospital. Subject to the direction of the board of governors and to the rules prescribed by it, any such superintendent shall have complete charge and control of the operation of such hospital. The superintendent shall prepare and submit to the board of governors, quarterly, a statement showing the average daily per capita cost for the current expense of maintaining and operating such hospital, including the cost of ordinary repairs. (B)(1) For purposes of division (B)(2) of this section, "bank" has the same meaning as in section 1101.01 of the Revised Code. (2) The board of hospital governors may enter into a contract for a secured line of credit with a bank if the contract meets all of the following requirements: (a) The term of the contract does not exceed one hundred eighty days. (b) The contract provides that any amount extended must be repaid in full before any additional credit can be extended. (c) The contract provides that the bank shall not commence a civil action against the joint township district hospital board, any member of the board, board of township trustees, township, or board of county commissioners to recover the principal, interest, or any charges or other amounts that remain outstanding on the secured line of credit at the time of any default by the board of hospital governors. (d) The contract provides that no assets other than those of the hospital can be used to secure the line of credit. (e) The terms and conditions of the contract comply with all state and federal statutes and rules governing the extension of a secured line of credit. (3) Any obligation incurred by a board of hospital governors under this division is an obligation of that board only and not a general obligation of the joint township district hospital board, board of county commissioners, county, board of township trustees, or township within the meaning of division (Q) of section 133.01 of the Revised Code. (4) No board of hospital governors shall at any time have more than one secured line of credit under this section. (C) The board of hospital governors may grant to its employees such of the following as it determines to be customary and usual in the nonprofit hospital field in its community: (1) Paid vacation and holiday leave, for holidays listed in section 511.10 of the Revised Code, and other benefits for full-time employees; (2) Vacation leave and holiday pay for part-time employees on a pro rata basis; (3) Leave with full pay due to death in the employee's immediate family, which shall not be deducted from the employee's accumulated sick leave; (4) Premium pay for working on holidays listed in section 511.10 of the Revised Code; (5) Moving expenses for new employees; (6) Discounts on purchases from the hospital pharmacy; (7) Discounts on hospital supplies and services. The board of hospital governors may provide employee recognition awards and hold employee recognition dinners. The board of hospital governors may provide scholarships for education in the health care professions, tuition reimbursement, and other staff development programs to enhance the skills of health care professionals for the purpose of recruiting or retaining qualified employees. The board of hospital governors may pay reasonable expenses for recruiting physicians into the district or for retaining them if all or part of the district has been designated as an area with a shortage of personal health services under the "Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973," 87 Stat. 914, 42 U.S.C. 300e, as amended. (D) The members of the board of governors shall serve without compensation, but their necessary expenses, when engaged in the business of the hospital board, shall be paid by the joint township district hospital board. (E) The board of hospital governors with the approval of the county commissioners may employ counsel and institute legal action in its own name for the collection of delinquent accounts. The board may also employ any other lawful means for the collection of delinquent accounts. Counsel employed under this section shall be paid from the hospital's funds. |
Section 513.171 | Lease of hospital to charitable organization.
November 15, 1991
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 233 - 119th General Assembly
In lieu of vesting the control and operation of the hospital owned by a joint township hospital district in the board of hospital governors pursuant to sections 513.16 and 513.17 of the Revised Code, a joint township district hospital board may, upon such terms as are agreed upon between such board and a constituted and empowered nonsectarian Ohio corporation, organized for charitable purposes and not for profit, a majority of whose members reside in the county or counties in which said joint township hospital district is located, lease to such corporation for use as a general hospital, the lands, buildings, and equipment of any such joint township district general hospital, including any enlargements thereof. Such lease may be from year to year or may provide for a term of not more than thirty years and may provide that such board has the option to renew such lease at the expiration thereof for a further term of not more than thirty years upon such terms as are provided for in such lease. Such leasing agreement shall also make provisions for rendering at least annually to the board of hospital governors an accounting of all receipts and expenditures of such nonprofit corporation, for filing with said board of rules and regulations prescribed from time to time by said corporation, and for the due provision and maintenance of the facilities of such general hospital. In the event that the nonprofit corporation fails faithfully and efficiently to administer, maintain, and operate such hospital as a public general hospital, admitting patients without regard to race, creed, or color, then, after an opportunity is given to be heard upon written charges, such agreement may be terminated and the control and management of such hospital, together with all additions, improvements, and equipment, shall revert to and become the property of the joint township hospital district board to be operated as provided by law. |
Section 513.172 | Authority for board to form or acquire corporation, LLC, or participate in nonprofit enterprise or venture.
September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 222 - 134th General Assembly
(A) A joint township district hospital board may do either of the following: (1) Form, or acquire control of, a domestic nonprofit corporation or a domestic nonprofit limited liability company; (2) Be a partner, member, owner, associate, or participant in a nonprofit enterprise or nonprofit venture. (B) A joint township district hospital board forming, acquiring, or becoming involved with a nonprofit corporation, limited liability company, enterprise, or venture under division (A) of this section shall do so in furtherance of any of the following: (1) To support the joint township hospital district's mission; (2) To provide for any or all health care or medical services, whether inpatient or outpatient services, diagnostic, treatment, care, or rehabilitation services, wellness services, services involving the prevention, detection, and control of disease, home health services or services provided at or through various facilities, education, training, and other necessary and related services for the health professions; (3) The management or operation of any hospital facility as defined in division (E) of section 140.01 of the Revised Code; (4) The management, operation, or participation in programs, projects, activities, and services useful to, connected with, supporting, or otherwise related to the health, wellness, and medical services and wellness programs provided in divisions (B)(2) and (3) of this section; (5) Any other activities that are in furtherance of the joint township hospital district or the persons served by the joint township hospital district or are necessary to perform the joint township hospital district's mission and functions and respond to change in the health care industry as determined by the joint township district hospital board. (C) A nonprofit corporation, limited liability company, enterprise, or venture that a joint township district hospital board forms, acquires, or becomes involved with under this section shall be considered an entity separate for all purposes from the joint township district hospital, a township, or other public entity and shall not be considered to be an agency, division, or department of a township or other public entity. Last updated July 14, 2021 at 8:42 AM |
Section 513.18 | Contiguous township may become part of joint township hospital district.
September 13, 2022
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 140 - 134th General Assembly
In the event any township, contiguous to a joint township hospital district, desires to become a part of such district in existence under sections 513.07 to 513.18 of the Revised Code, its board of township trustees, by a two-thirds favorable vote of the members of such board, after the existing joint township hospital board has, by a majority favorable vote of the members thereof, approved the terms under which such township proposes to join the district, shall become a part of the joint township district hospital board under such terms and with all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities enjoyed by and extended to the existing members of the hospital board under such sections, including representation on the board of hospital governors by the appointment of an elector of such township as a member thereof. If the terms under which such township proposes to join the hospital district involve a tax levy for the purpose of sharing the existing obligations, including bonded indebtedness, of the district or the necessary operating expenses of such hospital, such township shall not become a part of the district until its electors have approved such levy as provided in this section. In such a case, the board of township trustees and the county auditor shall proceed in the same manner as required for a tax levy under section 5705.03 of the Revised Code, except that the levy's annual collections shall be estimated assuming that the township has been added to the hospital district. Upon request of the board of township trustees of the township proposing to join such district, by resolution approved by a two-thirds vote of its members, the board of elections of the county in which the township lies shall place upon the ballot for submission to the electorate of such township at the next primary or general election occurring not less than ninety nor more than one hundred thirty-five days after such request is received from the board of township trustees the question of levying a tax, not to exceed one mill outside the ten-mill limitation, for a period of not to exceed five years, to provide funds for the payment of the township's share of the necessary expenses incurred in the operation of such hospital, or the question of levying a tax to pay the township's share of the existing obligations, including bonded indebtedness, of the district, or both questions may be submitted at the same primary or general election. The question appearing on the ballot shall read: "Shall _____ (name of township) be added to the _____ (name of joint township hospital district), and property tax be levied for the purpose of _____ (purpose of tax), that the county auditor estimates will collect $______ annually, at a rate not exceeding _____ mills for each $1 of taxable value, which amounts to $_____ (rate or estimated effective rate, as applicable) for each $100,000 of the county auditor's appraised value, to be in effect for _____ (number of years the tax is to be in effect)?" If a majority of the electors voting on the propositions vote in favor thereof, the county auditor shall place such levies on the tax duplicate against the property in the township, which township shall thereby become a part of said joint township hospital district. As used in this section, "the county auditor's appraised value" and "estimated effective rate" have the same meanings as in section 5705.01 of the Revised Code. Last updated February 13, 2025 at 8:22 PM |
Section 513.19 | When code sections apply.
September 24, 1971
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 343 - 109th General Assembly
Sections 140.03 and 140.05 of the Revised Code are alternatives to sections 513.05, 513.06, 513.071, 513.08, 513.081, 513.09, 513.10, and 513.15 to 513.171, inclusive, of the Revised Code. Those sections of Chapter 513. of the Revised Code shall not be applicable with respect to hospital facilities and services provided for under leases and agreements entered into pursuant to section 140.03 or 140.05 of the Revised Code, except to the extent made applicable by section 140.03 or 140.05 of the Revised Code and the leases and agreements made thereunder. |