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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 1501:31-9 | Use of Areas Under the Control of the Division of Wildlife

Rule 1501:31-9-01 | Special regulations applying to all properties owned, leased, or under control of the division of wildlife.

This rule shall not apply to authorized division employees or other persons designated by the chief of the division of wildlife or to private landowners conducting activities on their properties where hunting, trapping, or fishing is permitted because of an agreement with the division of wildlife.

(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to conceal or bury any property or to injure, remove, deface, damage, or destroy any tree, plant, lawn, embankment, decoration, poster, sign, fence, or artifacts valued at less than one thousand dollars on any area under agreement with and administered by or under control of the division of wildlife.

(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to disturb, remove, damage, destroy, molest or possess any equipment or property of the division of wildlife valued at less than five hundred dollars.

(C) It shall be unlawful for any person to commit any act by use or operation of any vehicle on any area under agreement with and under control and supervision of the division, which act if committed on a public highway or street in the state of Ohio would be prohibited and unlawful.

(D) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or park a vehicle, including any aerial drone or vehicle propelled by human power, or permit such vehicles to be operated or parked on any area under agreement with, and administered by, or under control of the division of wildlife, except:

(1) On designated roads, driveways and parking areas provided for such purpose.

(2) For any person who has first obtained written permission from the chief of the division of wildlife for such purposes.

(3) For any mobility impaired person who has been issued a permit by the chief of the division of wildlife or their designee, for all-purpose vehicle use, to operate in or park on any designated area.

(a) Each person issued a permit for all-purpose vehicle use will carry such permit on their person while operating in or parked on a designated area, and exhibit such permit to anyone upon request.

(b) "Designated Areas" as used in this rule shall be those areas within one hundred yards of an access lane posted with a sign indicating access for mobility impaired persons possessing an all-purpose vehicle permit only.

(4) For any mobility impaired person in a wheelchair.

(5) Bicycles may be ridden on the north turkeyfoot wildlife area trail that is part of the north country national scenic trail.

(E) It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a horse, mule, pony or any other animal, on any area owned, administered or controlled by the division including property managed by virtue of a lease or an agreement, except on public access roads and driveways. Persons receiving permission from the wildlife chief or his representative may ride horses while laying out a trial course and during a legal field trial. Horses shall not be ridden upon or along the banks of any pond, or on dams or dikes of water impoundments, or in any fields where agricultural crops have been planted.

(F) No person shall deposit rubbish, garbage, refuse, or debris from a personal residence in any refuse receptacle provided for users of state owned or controlled land.

(G) It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or plant any agricultural crop, ice, sand, gravel, stone, wood, fruits, plants, water, or other substances from any area under agreement with and administered by or under control of the division without first obtaining written permission from the chief of the division. This provision shall not apply to the picking of berries, nuts or mushrooms, picking up naturally shed deer antlers during the daylight hours or picking up litter for proper disposal during the daylight hours.

(H) It shall be unlawful for any person on any area under agreement with and under the supervision and control of the division to sell, or offer for sale or rent, any tangible property, without first obtaining written permission from the chief of the division.

(I) It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, post, or construct any placard, sign, notice, poster, billboard, building, fence, or other structure on any area under agreement with and administered or controlled by the division without the written permission of the chief of the division.

(J) The provisions of this rule shall not apply to persons regularly employed by the division while such persons are in the normal and lawful pursuit of their assigned duties or prevent concessionaires properly licensed by the department of natural resources from conducting the operations stipulated in their license agreements.

(K) It shall be unlawful for any person to swim or wade in any water area under agreement with, owned or controlled by the division of wildlife without written permission from the chief, except persons lawfully engaged in hunting, fishing or trapping.

(L) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or use any powered or wind-driven conveyance upon the frozen surface of any area owned or controlled, maintained or under agreement with the division of wildlife.

(M) It shall be unlawful for any person to release or permit to be released livestock on any area under agreement with and owned or controlled by the division of wildlife without first receiving written permission from the chief of the division.

(N) It shall be unlawful for any person to build or use an open fire for any reason on any area under agreement with, owned, administered or controlled by the division of wildlife except in designated places.

(O) It shall be unlawful for any person to possess or use fireworks on any property owned, controlled, or under agreement with the division of wildlife.

(P) It shall be unlawful for any person to distribute, place, or scatter salt, grain, or other feed whatsoever capable of luring, enticing, or attracting wild birds or deer, on lands owned, controlled, or maintained by the wildlife division including those lands managed by the division by virtue of a lease or an agreement without first obtaining written permission from the wildlife chief.

(Q) It shall be unlawful to hunt or take wild birds or deer by the use of salt, grain, or any other feed whatsoever, capable of luring, enticing, or attracting wild birds or deer on lands owned, controlled, or maintained by the wildlife division including those lands managed by the division by virtue of a lease or an agreement without first obtaining written permission from the wildlife chief.

(R) It shall be unlawful for any person to be on a division of wildlife owned, leased or controlled wildlife area between eight p.m. and the following six a.m. from September first to the following May first; and between ten p.m. and the following six a.m. from May second to the following August thirty-first for any purpose without first obtaining written permission from the chief of the division of wildlife unless such person is hunting, fishing, or trapping.

(S) It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct any dog sledding activities on division of wildlife owned wildlife areas except on public access roads.

(T) The chief may issue permits for hunting, trapping, and fishing activities on all division of wildlife owned, controlled, or agreement lands; provided further it shall be unlawful for any person who receives said permit to not comply with all conditions listed on the permit. It shall be unlawful for any person to apply for any division of wildlife permit by falsification of any information required for the issuance of said permit.

(U) It shall be unlawful to sit, stand, or be in contact with oil wells, gas wells, transmission wells, pumps, tanks, pipes, and any other equipment which is on a wildlife area.

(V) It shall be lawful for physically handicapped persons to operate a motor vehicle and park in certain areas of Deer creek, Resthaven, La Su An, Grand river, Brush creek, Waterloo, Cooper hollow, east Fork, Fallsville, Berlin, Big island, Woodbury, Killdeer and Spring Valley wildlife areas. Areas shall be marked with signs reading "Physically Handicapped Access Area - road closed to all motor vehicles except physically handicapped persons carrying a physician's statement listing the illness which prohibits the individual from walking." Provided further, it shall be unlawful to shoot from any motorized vehicle whether a person is handicapped or not, while hunting in a handicapped access area, unless the handicapped person holds a valid all-purpose vehicle permit issued by the division of wildlife.

(W) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any paintball shooting activities or paintball games or any other combat simulation game or activities while on a public hunting area or wildlife area.

(X) It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to comply with any provision posted on a sign or buoy on any area owned, administered or controlled by the division of wildlife, including property managed by virtue of a lease or an agreement.

(Y) It shall be unlawful to construct, erect, or use any tree stand, or insert or place any device into a tree, on any area owned, administered or controlled by the division of wildlife except, a portable tree stand may be erected or used during the period from the first day of September through the last day of February. A portable or other tree stand that is on any area owned, administered or controlled by the division of wildlife outside of the dates contained in this paragraph is considered abandoned and will be disposed of as the chief of the division of wildlife directs.

(Z) The speed limit on division of wildlife roadways is thirty miles per hour except when otherwise designated or posted by the division. It shall be unlawful to operate a vehicle at a speed in excess of thirty miles per hour or at a speed in excess of the posted speed limit. This rule is in addition to and supplements any applicable state or local traffic laws in force.

(AA) On any area owned, leased, or under control of the division of wildlife, it shall be unlawful to use a rifle, pistol, revolver, shotgun, firearm or other gun at any time except while lawfully trapping, or hunting wild animals, or lawfully target practicing on a designated division of wildlife target range. Provided further, it shall be unlawful to:

(1) Shoot a fully automatic firearm;

(2) Use any trigger assisting devices to alter a firearm to shoot like a fully automatic firearm;

(3) To use tracer ammunition.

(BB) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code apply to this rule.

Last updated February 1, 2024 at 9:10 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Five Year Review Date: 2/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 6/1/1980, 5/31/1981, 6/1/1986, 9/15/1987, 6/1/1988, 5/16/1994, 6/1/1997, 6/1/1999, 7/22/2001, 11/13/2002, 5/28/2004, 1/1/2006
Rule 1501:31-9-02 | Regulations governing camping on certain division of wildlife areas.

(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to camp on any property owned, administered or controlled by the division of wildlife except within posted designated camping areas on lands listed in this rule and other lands as permitted by the chief of the division of wildlife.

(B) On any designated camping area, it shall be unlawful to:

(1) Camp, except within the designated camping sites at the posted designated camping areas.

(2) Build or use an open fire for any reason, except in designated places.

(3) Violate any rules established and posted at any division of wildlife camping area.

(4) Cause, create, or contribute in any way to noise that disturbs the peace and quiet of other persons between the quiet hours of ten p.m. to seven a.m.

(5) Operate or bring into any camping area, any vehicle used for camping, and having plumbing fixtures with provision for outside drainage, which does not include a suitable, non-spilling holding tank which will not overflow and is connected with leak-proof couplings to a drain(s) that is controllable and will not allow any contents to be drained except into suitable off-site drainage facilities. Drain(s) from the sink, wash basin, and shower may be drained into a suitable external holding device with a capacity of at least five gallons provided such device is not spilled, overflowed or drained onto a camping site.

(C) The Tri-Valley wildlife area is hereby designated as a camping area. On the Tri-Valley wildlife area, it shall be unlawful to:

(1) Camp or stay in a fixed location for more than twenty-four hours on the Tri-Valley wildlife area except for individuals participating in field trials on the Tri-Valley wildlife area who have first complied with the requirements of rule 1501:31-9-06 of the Administrative Code.

(2) Camp on the Tri-Valley wildlife area except when camping in a car trailer or vehicle built or modified for camping use.

(3) Leave a camping unit unattended for more than twenty-four hours.

(4) Have a dog off leash, except when participating in a field trial stake.

(D) The Woodbury wildlife area is hereby designated as a camping area. On the Woodbury wildlife area, it shall be unlawful to:

(1) Camp on the Woodbury wildlife area, except for individuals that possess a valid Ohio hunting license, fishing license or fur taker permit.

(2) Camp or stay in a fixed location for more than twenty-four hours on the Woodbury wildlife area at any time except from the last Friday in September to the Friday immediately preceding Memorial day, or camp in any designated camping area for a period of time longer than fourteen days within a thirty-day period from the last Friday in September to the Friday immediately preceding Memorial day.

(3) Use more than one designated camping site at the designated camping area.

(4) Park more than two motor vehicles on one designated camping site at the designated camping area.

(E) The Appalachian Hills wildlife area is hereby designated as a camping area. On the Appalachian Hills wildlife area, it shall be unlawful for any person to:

(1) Camp in any designated camping area for a period of time longer than fourteen days within a thirty-day period.

(2) Use more than one designated camping site at a designated camping area.

(3) Park more than two motor vehicles on one designated camping site at a designated camping area.

(4) Camp at a designated equine camping area unless said persons have a horse on-site or are accompanying persons with horses and are participating in equine activities.

(F) It shall be unlawful for any person to use any electrical outlet plug provided by the division of wildlife on any property administered or controlled by the division of wildlife without first having complied with the requirements of rule 1501:31-9-06 of the Administrative Code.

(G) It shall be unlawful for any juvenile to camp on any designated camping area, except:

(1) When accompanying a parent or guardian; or

(2) When a juvenile is part of a youth group that is supervised by at least one adult for each ten juveniles; or

(3) When the juvenile furnishes to any officer written consent from a parent or guardian that contains all of the following:

(a) The full name and residence of their parent or guardian.

(b) The telephone number at which a parent or guardian may reached at all times.

(c) The inclusive dates.

(d) The applicable designated camping area.

(H) It shall be unlawful to dispose of wastewater on any area owned, leased or controlled by the division of wildlife.

(I) It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, create, or contribute in any way to noise, including but not limited to, playing a radio or other electronically amplified device, or a musical instrument, or operating a motorized generator in any way that disturbs the peace and quiet of other persons in any manner on any area owned, leased or controlled by the division of wildlife.

(J) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code apply to this rule.

Last updated February 24, 2025 at 8:38 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 5/1/1976, 6/1/1979, 6/1/1984, 1/1/2019, 7/1/2019, 7/1/2022
Rule 1501:31-9-03 | Division-owned or controlled target ranges.

(A) General provisions.

On any designated division of wildlife target range, it shall be unlawful for any person to:

(1) Enter into, remain upon, or use a division of wildlife target range when designated closed;

(2) Target practice at any time other than from sunrise to sunset daily or outside of the posted hours of operation;

(3) Shoot in any direction other than from the firing line down range to the target on any division of wildlife target range;

(4) Use any type of target other than a single sheet of paper on a division of wildlife target range, or a stationary reactive or self healing polymer target, except:

(a) Clay targets may be used on division of wildlife target ranges equipped for trap and skeet only;

(b) Steel or metal targets placed by the division of wildlife on pistol and rifle ranges.

(5) Fail to leave a division of wildlife shooting range when so ordered by a division of wildlife employee;

(6) Violate any range rule established and posted at any division of wildlife target range;

(7) Use any explosive target that when shot will cause another explosion to occur;

(8) Fire any weapon in a repeated manner that causes the person firing the weapon to fail to completely control the muzzle of the weapon;

(9) Shoot a fully automatic firearm;

(10) Use any trigger assisting devices to alter a firearm to shoot like a fully automatic firearm;

(11) Use tracer ammunition;

(12) Shoot a cannon;

(13) Leave target materials, other than clay pigeons.

(B) "Range Permits."

Unless otherwise authorized by the chief of the division of wildlife, it shall be unlawful:

(1) For persons age eighteen or older to use a class A, class B, or class C target range without first obtaining a division of wildlife "Range Permit";

(2) For persons seventeen and under to use a class A, class B, or class C target range unless they are accompanied by an adult holding a valid "Range Permit."

(C) Class A target ranges. Supervised rifle and pistol ranges are designated as class A target ranges. Class A ranges are located at the following wildlife areas: Spring Valley, Grand river, and Delaware.

On any class A target range, it shall be unlawful to:

(1) Enter or use the range without first registering with the range attendant;

(2) Use, place, or shoot at any target except targets placed in the designated target area;

(3) Shoot from any place except the firing line;

(4) Use any shotgun or rifle loaded with any projectile other than single projectiles, except the patterning of shotguns using shot is permitted on designated ranges.

(D) Class B target ranges. Unsupervised rifle and pistol target ranges are designated as class B target ranges.

On any class B target range, it shall be unlawful to:

(1) Use, place, or shoot at any target except targets placed in the designated target area;

(2) Shoot from any place except the firing line;

(3) Use any shotgun or rifle loaded with any projectile other than single projectiles, except the patterning of shotguns using shot is permitted on designated ranges.

(E) Class C target ranges. Unsupervised shotgun ranges where clay targets are used are designated as class C target ranges.

On any class C target range, it shall be unlawful to:

(1) Use a shotgun or rifle loaded with any projectile other than shot;

(2) Use any shot size larger than number 6 lead or number 4 steel.

(F) Class D target ranges. Unsupervised archery target ranges are designated as class D archery target ranges.

On any class D target range, it shall be unlawful to:

(1) Use any firearm or gun for target practice;

(2) Use an arrow tipped with a broadhead, except that arrows tipped with broadheads may be used in designated target areas specially provided for their use.

(G) This rule does not apply to authorized division employees or other persons designated by the chief of the division of wildlife.

(H) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code apply to this rule.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 8:57 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.08, 1531.06, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 8/25/1975, 8/30/1978, 4/20/1987, 10/1/1993, 3/1/2002, 11/13/2002, 1/1/2013, 7/1/2014
Rule 1501:31-9-04 | Field trials.

(A) Except as herein provided, field trials for dogs and raptors may be conducted on state public hunting areas administered by the division of wildlife from the first day of September through the last day of October and from February twenty-eighth through the last day of April. If the last day of April is a Saturday, then field trials may be conducted on the first day of May.

Field trials are permitted on the following public hunting areas:

(1) Delaware, Tri-Valley, and Woodbury wildlife areas;

(2) Other public hunting areas when approved by the chief of the division of wildlife, or the chief's designee.

(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to use any area owned, administered, or controlled by a division of the Ohio department of natural resources for field trial purposes without first making application for and receiving a permit to do so from the chief of the division of wildlife or the chief's designee.

(1) An application may be declined if it is not received at least ten days prior to the date of the field trial.

(2) Permits for the spring season will not be issued prior to the first of October of the preceding year. Permits for the fall season will not be issued prior to the first of April of the year involved. However, beginning at noon on the last Sunday in August, or as otherwise agreed by the division and interested field trial participants, a priority scheduling meeting will be held at division headquarters, Columbus, or another mutually agreeable site for the purpose of establishing an annual schedule of dates for field trials on public lands.

(C) It shall be unlawful for any person to release wild animals on any area open to field trials unless such release was previously approved by an authorized agent of the division of wildlife.

(D) It shall be unlawful for any person to use any area for field trial purposes which is administered or controlled by the division of wildlife without first having complied with the requirements of rule 1501:31-9-06 of the Administrative Code.

(E) The following conditions must be adhered to when conducting a field trial on state lands:

(1) No admission fee may be charged for spectators.

(2) Activities of the field trial, including spectators, must be confined to the approved site as indicated on the permit.

Horses must be confined to the immediate trial area or as otherwise designated. Horses shall not be ridden or led across standing crops, pond fills, dikes, or other areas designated by the area manager.

(3) The field trial club assumes all responsibility for personal injuries, handling of traffic, parking, cleaning up trash, papers, etc. and other occurrences resulting from the trial.

(4) If a concession stand is permitted, acceptable standards of sanitation and food quality must be maintained.

(5) A scheduled field trial date may be changed, including requests for extensions beyond the approved ending date, pending receipt of written notification to the wildlife district office in which the field trial is located under the following conditions:

(a) Notification is received at least fourteen days prior to the original trial date; and

(b) No conflict exists with another approved field trial or division activity.

(F) Quails, chukar partridges, ducks, pheasants, and other game birds approved for release in conjunction with an authorized field trial on a public hunting area listed in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule may be released unbanded.

(G) Clubs are not required to release replacement birds for those unbanded birds that are shot in conjunction with a field trial held on a public hunting area.

(H) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code apply to this rule.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 8:58 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10, 1533.19, 1533.20
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 11/12/1982, 10/25/1991, 8/15/1995, 7/1/2015, 1/1/2018
Rule 1501:31-9-05 | Training dogs.

(A) On all properties owned, leased, or under control of the division of wildlife, it shall be unlawful:

(1) For any person to train, work, or exercise any dog on any property that is posted with signs reading "Public Hunting Area" or "Wildlife Area" between the first day of May and the thirty-first day of August, both dates inclusive, except:

(a) On such portions of these lands that are marked with state signs which read "Dog Training is Permitted All Year Only In This Posted Unit";

(b) At field trials approved by the chief of the division of wildlife or the chief's designee.

(2) For any person who is engaged in the business of training or boarding dogs for financial gain to train, work, or exercise any dog on the aforementioned areas except when participating in a field trial authorized by the division of wildlife. Professional dog trainers may exercise dogs on state lands not more than two days prior to an authorized field trial when such dogs will be participating in that trial.

(3) For any person to train, work, or exercise any dog on the Magee marsh public hunting area at any time, except in conjunction with authorized hunting.

(4) For any person to release game birds, except a person may release and shoot pheasants, chukar partridge, quail, and mallard ducks propagated under authority of section 1533.71 of the Revised Code from sunrise to sunset while training dogs within areas on state public hunting areas posted with signs reading "Dog Training is Permitted All Year Only in This Posted Unit" provided:

(a) Each pheasant or mallard duck is banded with a lock-type band prior to its release;

(b) Each chukar partridge or quail is banded with a lock-type or butt-end type band prior to its release;

(c) This rule in no way alters or affects hunting license requirements.

(B) The training, working, or exercising of dogs may be limited to designated areas or parts thereof within a public hunting area at the discretion of the chief of the division of wildlife or the chief's designee.

(C) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code apply to this rule.

Last updated January 3, 2023 at 9:37 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 6/25/1975, 6/1/2006
Rule 1501:31-9-06 | User fee schedule.

(A) The following fees are hereby established under authority of Chapters 119., 1531., and 1533. of the Revised Code:

(1) The daily fee for Tri-Valley wildlife area when used for field trials is two hundred and thirty-five dollars per day. Persons who pay this fee are entitled to use the field trial grounds, horse corral, parking facilities, meeting room, and dog kennels.

(2) The daily fee for any property used for field trial purposes which is administered or controlled by the division of wildlife is fifty dollars.

(3) The annual use permit fee for watercraft mooring at tie up boat stakes is two hundred and sixty dollars. The annual use permit fee for watercraft mooring at private tie up boat stakes is one hundred dollars. The permit expires on the last day of December of each year.

(4) There is a non-refundable application fee for hunting, fishing and trapping control permits administered by the division of wildlife headquarters office. The non-refundable fee is three dollars when submitted by internet application and up to a five dollar fee when submitted by any other method.

(5) The annual fee for a "Range Permit" is twenty-three dollars and a one dollar writing fee, unless the person also obtains an annual resident hunting license in the same transaction, then the annual fee for a "Range Permit" will be ten dollars and a four per cent writing fee. The annual "Range Permit" is valid on the date of purchase and expires one year from the date of purchase, unless it is purchased in the same transaction with an annual resident hunting license, then the discounted "Range Permit" expires on the same date as the hunting license.

(6) The daily fee for a "Range Permit" is four dollars and a one dollar writing fee. A daily "Range Permit" is valid for only one day of use.

(7) There is a four-dollar fee for reissuing any "Range Permit."

(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to use any of the facilities or participate in any of the activities for which fees have been established under this rule without first having paid said fees and received proof of payment.

(C) It shall be unlawful for any person, except those authorized by the wildlife chief, to sublease, or charge, or accept a fee for any facility on property owned, administered, or operated by the division of wildlife.

(D) The chief of the division of wildlife is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with an individual for the purpose of operating concessions at a facility owned, controlled, or maintained by the division of wildlife. Such fees will be set by the chief in accordance to the service provided to the public.

(E) It shall be unlawful for any person to anchor, dock, moor, beach or tie up any watercraft at a dock space or tie up stake other than that designated on the mooring permit issued by the division of wildlife.

(F) The division of wildlife may produce, acquire, or sell conservation related items which promote wildlife conservation. The chief of the division of wildlife may waive all or any portion of any listed fee for items used in division sponsored programs.

(G) The division may accept bids for trapping rights on properties owned, controlled, or maintained by the division where limited access is maintained, or where animal removal is needed for management or research purposes. The division will advertise each year that trapping by bidding is available through digital media. If any provision of the bid form or contract is violated, the contract will terminate and any fees paid to the state will be forfeited to the state.

(H) The division may accept bids for boat stakes or docks at division facilities on an annual basis when such would be of benefit to the public. The division will determine the number necessary for each lake, and the bid per stake cannot be less than is provided in paragraph (A)(3) of this rule. The successful bidder can dock boats on these facilities and rent the same. The division will advertise each year that boat rental opportunities by bidding will be available. This advertisement will be through digital media. If any provision of the bid form or contract is violated, the contract will terminate and any fees paid to the state will be forfeited to the state.

(I) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code apply to this rule.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 8:58 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 3/3/1973, 11/27/2009
Rule 1501:31-9-07 | Wild animal hunting preserves.

(A) Methods of take:

(1) It shall be unlawful to take any game, captive white-tailed deer or nonnative wildlife from a wild animal hunting preserve by any method other than hunting:

(a) With a gun,

(b) With a gun and dog,

(c) With a bow and arrow,

(d) With a shotgun that is ten gauge or smaller or,

(e) By falconry as defined in Administrative Code.

(B) It shall be unlawful to place any type of game, captive white-tailed deer or nonnative wildlife in a wild animal hunting preserve which would not contain the animal and allow the animal to escape into the wild.

(C) It shall be unlawful to release any game, captive white-tailed deer or nonnative wildlife from a cage or holding pen and immediately shoot or attempt to take said game, captive white-tailed deer or nonnative wildlife.

(D) It shall be unlawful to release any game, captive white-tailed deer or nonnative wildlife on a wild animal hunting preserve which is untagged or improperly tagged.

(E) It shall be unlawful to transport or possess any game, captive white-tailed deer or nonnative wildlife taken from a wild animal hunting preserve without a tag as described in division (C) of section 1533.731 of the Revised Code except captive white-tailed deer must be tagged according to rules adopted under section 943.24 of the Revised Code.

(F) It shall be unlawful for the holders of a wild animal hunting preserve license to fail to keep accurate daily records of the information required by divisions (E) and (F) of section 1533.731 of the Revised Code. All required information shall be recorded on forms supplied by the division of wildlife or the Ohio department of agriculture or in any manner that documents the required information and is available for review and inspection.

(G) Escaped game, captive white-tailed deer or nonnative wildlife.

(1) It shall be unlawful for the operator of a wild animal hunting preserve to fail to notify by telephone the chief of the division of wildlife or his representative of the escape of any game, captive white-tailed deer or nonnative wildlife within twenty-four hours of becoming aware of the escape.

(2) It shall be unlawful for the operator of a wild animal hunting preserve to fail to immediately upon becoming aware of an escape of any game, captive white-tailed deer or nonnative wildlife, make repairs to the enclosure to prevent addditional escapes of any game, captive white-tailed deer or nonnative wildlife.

(H) It shall be unlawful to fail to clearly define the boundaries of each wild animal hunting preserve enclosure with signs. These signs must:

(1) Be constructed of a durable, weather resistant material;

(2) Be at least ten inches by fourteen inches is size;

(3) Read "Licensed Hunting Preserve" in the English language,

(4) Be placed at a height above the ground of no less than four feet,

(5) Be secured to the outside of the fenced enclosure,

(6) Be placed along the perimeter of the fenced enclosure at intervals that do not exceed four hundred feet.

(I) All definition set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code shall apply to this rule.

Last updated December 5, 2023 at 11:44 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1533.721, 1533.731
Five Year Review Date: 11/22/2028
Rule 1501:31-9-08 | All-purpose vehicle permits.

(A) It shall be unlawful to possess or use an all-purpose vehicle permit unless the holder meets one of the following requirement, as documented by a licensed physician:

(1) Has a permanent or irreversible physical disability that prevents the ability to ambulate without prolonged use of a wheelchair, walker, crutches, one leg brace or external prosthesis above the knee, two leg braces or external prosthesis below the knee for mobility, or:

(2) Has lung disease to the extent that forced expiratory volume for one second when measured by spirometry is less than one liter or the arterial oxygen tension is less than sixty millimeters of mercury on room air at rest, or:

(3) Has cardiovascular disease to the extent that functional limitations are classified in severity as class three or four, according to standards accepted by the American heart association on May 3, 1988 and where ordinary physical activity causes palpitation, dyspnea or anginal pain.

(B) Anyone meeting the requirements set forth in paragraph (A) of this rule and seeking such a permit shall apply on a form provided by the division of wildlife for such a permit. The issued permit shall be valid on an annual or multi-year basis as determined appropriate by the chief. Such a permit and application shall be free.

(C) The holder of an all-purpose vehicle permit may hunt, take, or shoot at wild quadrupeds or game birds from a motor vehicle or an all-purpose vehicle while on or along a road that is owned or administered by the division of wildlife subject to the following conditions:

(1) The road or designated area, as provided for in rule 1501:31-9-01 of the Administrative Code, is identified by an all-purpose vehicle sign;

(2) It shall be unlawful for anyone other than the holder of an all-purpose vehicle permit, or a person assisting such a permit holder, to operate an all-purpose vehicle or motor vehicle on or along a designated access road, except as provided in rule 1501:31-9-01 of the Administrative Code;

(3) It shall be unlawful to park an all-purpose vehicle or motor vehicle used under the authorization of an all-purpose vehicle permit in a manner that obstructs vehicular traffic on designated state wildlife area access roads;

(4) It shall be unlawful to operate or park a motor vehicle other than an all-purpose vehicle, more than ten feet off of a designated access road edge;

(5) It shall be unlawful to operate an all-purpose vehicle more than one hundred yards perpendicular from the nearest designated access road edge.

(D) The holder of an all-purpose vehicle permit may hunt, take, or shoot at wild quadrupeds or game birds from a motor vehicle or an all-purpose vehicle while on or along a road that is owned or administered by the division of forestry subject to the following conditions:

(1) The road or designated area is identified by an all-purpose vehicle sign;

(2) It shall be unlawful to park an all-purpose vehicle or motor vehicle used under the authorization of an all-purpose vehicle permit in a manner that obstructs vehicular traffic on designated access roads;

(3) It shall be unlawful to operate or park a motor vehicle other than an all-purpose vehicle, more than ten feet off of a designated access road edge or operate an all-purpose vehicle more than one hundred yards perpendicular from the nearest designated access road edge.

(E) The holder of an all-purpose vehicle permit may hunt, take, or shoot at wild quadrupeds or game birds from an all-purpose vehicle or a motor vehicle while on private property.

(F) The holder of an all-purpose vehicle permit shall carry and exhibit upon demand such permit to any person while hunting from or with the aid of an all-purpose vehicle or motor vehicle.

(G) It shall be unlawful for a holder of an all-purpose vehicle permit to possess or use a loaded firearm unless the all-purpose vehicle or motor vehicle they occupy is at a complete stop with the motor or engine turned off.

(H) It shall be unlawful for persons accompanying the holder of an all-purpose vehicle permit to use the all-purpose vehicle or motor vehicle for a hunting blind or shooting platform or to discharge a firearm, bow or crossbow from such a vehicle.

(I) A person may accompany and aid a holder of an all-purpose vehicle permit without possessing a hunting license or deer or turkey permit or wetlands habitat stamp, provided said person does not carry or use a hunting implement or engage in hunting.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10, 1533.103
Amplifies: 1533.103, 1531.06, 1531.10
Five Year Review Date: 7/1/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 7/7/2018