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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3337-42 | Policies Mail Service, Decorations and Solicitation

Rule 3337-42-01 | Mail service.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

This policy outlines the approach that Ohio university uses for dealing with the United States mail and the inter-office mail.

Ohio university operates a mailing service for the delivery and processing of U.S. mail to and from the United States post office, provides shipping services, and handles the exchange of inter-office communications. The volume of mail handled and the geographical expanse of the campus operations require an orderly and efficient distribution system.

(B) U.S. mail

(1) Incoming U.S. mail

All incoming express, priority, and first class mail is delivered to departments on the same day the mail is received by the university. Residence halls receive mail directly from the Athens post office.

Incoming mail to the university should be addressed in the format below. Please use this format for the return address on outgoing mail:

(a) Line 1: name of individual

(b) Line 2: department

(c) Line 3: building and room number

(d) Line 4: Ohio university

(e) Line 5: Athens, OH 45701-2979

University departments and individuals should also encourage individuals, institutions, or business firms to follow the above example when communicating with Ohio university. A department name on incoming mail is necessary to ensure delivery.

(2) Outgoing mail

University mail services provides all of the services that the United States postal service offers, except for C.O.D.'s. All outgoing mail, with the exception of "Standard A" bulk mailings, is processed and delivered to the post office on the same day. All shipments of parcels and express items are processed by university mail services and picked up by couriers (e.g., UPS) on the same day.

The following points are important for the addressing of U.S. mail. Using a specific addressing format will improve the efficiency of service. For addressing outgoing mail, please be sure to use the format below:

(a) First line: optional endorsement or "attention line"

(b) Second line: name of recipient

(c) Next-to-last line: delivery address or box number, followed by apartment number, suite number, or unit office number. (If, for example, the apartment number cannot fit on the next-to-last line, it should be placed on the line above.)

(d) Last line: should only include city, state, and ZIP code.

(3) Excluded mailings

The university cannot, financially or legally, condone the use of its employees, postage or materials for the preparation of any mailing that cannot be construed as official university business.

Examples of mailings that cannot be made and charged with university funds include:

(a) Communications of a personal nature, as opposed to official university business.

(b) Advertisements that are not official university business.

(c) Announcements related to the sale of personal property.

(d) Meeting notices or other business of groups and organizations that are not financially supported directly with university funds.

(C) Inter-office mail

(1) Delivery schedule

Inter-office mail, like U.S. mail, is delivered once a day. Inter-office mail collected on the daily route will be delivered the next business day.

(2) Types of inter-office mail

There are two types of inter-office mail:

(a) Mail addressed to an individual. This mail should be in campus envelopes or folded to business envelope size and marked "Campus Mail." Identify the mail with the individual's complete campus address:



Building and room number

(b) Official announcements or notices for mail distribution to all departments, faculty, and staff.

(3) Individual mail

Mail addressed to an individual should preferably enter the system in a standard inter-office mail envelope. The individual's name, department, and building should appear on the envelope. Any previous addresses on the envelope should be eliminated. The two sizes of available inter-office mail envelopes are 4" x 9" and 10" x 13". These envelopes, when available, can be obtained from mail services. They may also be ordered through any office supply store.

(4) Announcements and notices

The size of announcements and notices for general distribution to all offices and departments should be either 5.5" x 8.5" or 8.5" x 11". The Ohio university mail service should be given advance notice of the distribution requirements. The documents to be distributed should arrive at the mail service no later than the day prior to the date of requested distribution. Address labels for such mailing should be generated in department order to expedite delivery.

(5) Exclusions

The Ohio university mail service does not deliver inter-office mail to or from students. Delivery of U.S. mail to off-campus housing units and residence halls is made only by the Athens post office. Additionally, inter-office mail must be official university business. Communications of a personal nature, advertisements that are not university business, announcements related to the sale of personal property, meeting notices, or other mailings from businesses, groups, or organizations that are not financially supported with university funds are excluded from using the university inter-office mail system.

(6) Regional campus mail

All mail addressed to regional (branch) campuses must be sorted separately, by regional campus, with a regional campus mail slip attached to each campus' bundle. All departments' mail for each regional campus will be combined and sent via next day delivery.

(D) Delivery and collection schedules

Ohio university mail services delivers mail once a day to all departments on campus. All U.S. mail that is received from the Athens post office is sorted and delivered the same day to all university departments.

Departments who have parcels, large quantities of first class mail, or bulk mailings should contact mail services to make arrangements to have the mail collected and handled with special attention.

(E) Bulk mailings

The U. S. postal service requires that all bulk mailings be processed in a manner that meets specific rules and regulations prior to being accepted for delivery by the U.S. postal service. Failure to meet these processing rules and requirements may delay delivery or result in the mail being returned.

University mail services provides an automated bulk mail preparation service for all departments who utilize this classification of mail. Mail services can prepare bulk mailings to meet all USPS requirements, including presorting and address barcoding. These automated services provide postage discounts to the departments and improve delivery time. Mail services can generate barcoded address labels from departmental address files, or can print the barcoded address directly on the mail-piece if the piece is designed to meet certain specifications.

In addition to the automated bulk mail preparation service, mail services does provide an address labeling service that includes labeling multiple pieces for inter-office distribution and direct impression printing of inter-office addresses on specifically designed pieces. Contact mail services for information on these and other available services.

(F) Postage chargebacks

University mail services provides an accurate and detailed accounting of departmental postage costs.

(1) All outgoing U.S. mail must have a "Departmental U.S. Mail Charges" form attached; a "Shipping Request Form" can be used for parcels.

(2) The form must be secured or banded to each bundle of mail that is collected by the mail services staff. Please be sure the correct account number appears on the form. Outgoing mail that does not have the charge form attached may be delayed or incorrectly billed.

(3) All questions should be directed to mail services.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Last updated March 18, 2025 at 11:50 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 111.15
Rule 3337-42-501 | Decorations in university buildings.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Scope

This policy establishes the conditions for safe use of decorations in university buildings, including classroom, administrative, and residence buildings.

(B) Open flames and flame resistance

All decoration materials used in any area must be flame resistant. It is best to use foil or crepe papers that are purchased as flame resistant. No candles or open flames are permitted in university buildings with the exception of candles and "sterno" food warmers to be used for special occasions in dining facilities under conditions approved by environmental health and safety. Candles and food warmers in dining rooms must not be left unattended by staff, and a fire extinguisher must be available and ready in the immediate vicinity. Environmental health and safety will not approve candles or open flames to be located where occupants stand, nor in an aisle or exit. Questions concerning any other type of decorations should be directed to the department of environmental health and safety.

The use of live (or formerly living) trees or boughs is prohibited. They cannot be made safe with flame retardant materials. Artificial trees must be made of flame resistant materials.

(C) Lights and electrical devices

Electric lights and other types of electrical devices are to be in good repair and safely installed and operated. All electrical devices must be UL approved.

(D) Residence halls

(1) Student room decorations

Student room decorations will not include any additional electric lights, or additional electrical equipment, or cut (formerly live) greenery, but live houseplants are acceptable. This will eliminate such items as window wreaths and other lighted window decorations. If an individual residence hall has a proposal concerning window decorations for the entire hall, a plan should be submitted to the associate director of residential housing, who will forward it for approval by the director of environmental health and safety, prior to installing the decorations.

(2) Approved locations for decorations

No decorations will be permitted in public areas of the residence halls other than in the lounge areas, dining rooms, individual room doors, and bulletin boards. Decorations on hallway bulletin boards may not extend beyond the perimeter of the board. This prohibits decorations in hallways other than on doors to individual rooms.

(E) Additional regulations for all buildings

Light levels and colors for emergency egress, exits, and fire alarms shall not be reduced, nor shall those fixtures be covered or obscured.

If there are questions, phone the department of environmental health and safety, at 593-1666.

(F) Methods of attaching decorations in residence halls

Methods of attaching decorations are governed by one word - "damage." It is obvious that the results from a few nailings, thumbtackings, or the like, would soon call for repairs, so the policy is, "don't." Most adhesives will either pull off the wall paint or leave a sticky residue which is extremely hard to clean. Again the policy is "don't."

Masking tape is the only adhesive permitted, and it may be used only on the following surfaces and only for a limited time:

(1) Glass - such as windows and mirrors. (Avoid potential warm surfaces, such as light bulbs even though you don't intend to turn them on.)

(2) Metal - which has no paint or enamel. The door knob, hinge plates on doors, and bare metal window dividers are permissible surfaces.

(3) Doors - it is permissible to use the top and bottom edges of doors. Do not run electric lines through sides of doors or where they can be pinched.

(G) Removal of decorations in residence halls

It is the responsibility of all students to dismantle and remove all decorations from the residence halls before checking out of their rooms at the end of the academic year (or when vacating their room, such as a room change or withdrawal). All such materials must be disposed of properly. The residence hall and housekeeping staffs have the responsibility and authority to remove or take down any decorations that in any way violate this policy.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 111.15
Rule 3337-42-550 | Solicitation.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

(A) Overview

This policy places certain restrictions on solicitation of employees (including student employees) and distribution of literature within the buildings and facilities of Ohio university campuses to ensure that university employees have the opportunity to perform their duties free from intrusions.

This policy does not apply to official, university-supported solicitations that are intended to address the university's broader mission to serve the community, such as the Ohio university foundation, united appeal, or red cross blood drives. This policy governs all facilities and property on the university's campuses or under the operating authority of the university.

No solicitation of employees or distribution of literature (electronic or hard copy) by employees or non-employees will be permitted within buildings on campus, unless the solicitation or distribution of literature is in accordance with the content, requirements, and restrictions of this policy.

(B) Solicitation or distribution by employees

(1) Soliciting by one employee of another employee, using any media form or means, for any purpose is prohibited during either employee's work time. Solicitation may occur in work areas during non-work times of the employees involved.

(2) An employee may distribute literature only in a non-work area and only if all employees involved are on non-work time.

(3) Use of the university internal campus mail system or campus electronic mail system by employees for solicitation purposes is prohibited.

(C) Leaves of absence to conduct an organization's business

Any requests by employees for leaves of absence in order to conduct an organization's business must be made in accordance with the normal university leave policies and shall be subject to the operational needs of the university as determined by the appropriate department head. (See Policy 41.128 and Policy 40.033.)

(D) Solicitation by non-employees and non-university organizations

(1) Any non-employee or organization who intends to physically solicit employees or distribute literature for any purpose must request permission, in writing, at least one business day prior to each proposed visit; the request should be submitted to

"Chief Human Resource Officer

Human Resources and Training Center

169 West Union Street

Ohio University

Athens, Ohio 45701"

or to the chief human resource officer's designee, stating the purpose of the proposed visit and the name of any person(s) who desire access to any campus of Ohio university.

(2) The chief human resource officer or the chief human resource officer's designee will attempt to locate an appropriate designated area or meeting space for use by the non-employee or organization submitting the request, and will then issue a permit designating the appropriate location and the date and time it may be used. In the event two or more requests for access to an appropriate designated area or meeting space for the same or overlapping times have been received, the university will attempt to provide an alternate appropriate designated area or meeting space. In the event that no alternate designated area or meeting space is available, the university will grant access to the available designated area or meeting space on a rotating basis with equal time for its use. If the designated areas or meeting spaces are unavailable due to a prior reservation, then the university will immediately notify the requesting party of such conflict.

(3) An organization or non-employee may not physically or electronically distribute literature or solicit employees in any work area on either the solicited employees' work time or non-work time.

(4) Any solicitation and distribution of literature by any organization or non-employee shall be limited to the designated area(s) or meeting space(s), date(s), and time(s) pursuant to paragraph (D)(2) of this policy, except:

(a) employees may be solicited outside of buildings and facilities if they are on non-work time;

(b) an organization or non-employee may solicit or distribute literature in designated parking lots after notifying the chief human resource officer.

(c) University property, including university-owned vehicles, may not be used to post any signage for solicitation purposes.

(5) The use of the Ohio university internal campus mail system for solicitation purposes is prohibited, except for charitable solicitations that may be approved as defined under Chapter 1716. of the Revised Code (see Policy 42.001).

(6) Use of outdoor space on the Athens campus for "protest and other expression" must follow Policy 24.016.

(E) Bulletin board posting

(1) Employees of the university and non-employees may post notices, literature, or other appropriate information on employee bulletin boards designated as such by the university. If a notice contains information about an on-campus solicitation by an organization, it must conform to the permission granted to the organization (in terms of designated area, time, and date) for such solicitation.

(2) Postings shall be no larger than 8.5 x 14 inches and shall not be posted in such a manner as to cover any other posted material.

(3) Material posted on any bulletin board must be dated from the first day of posting and may remain on the bulletin boards for a maximum of fourteen calendar days from the date of posting.

(4) No posted material shall contain derogatory remarks or personal attacks against any university employee. Such material shall constitute grounds for immediate cancellation of bulletin board posting privileges and shall be cause for discipline of university employees who post such materials. (See Policy 23.050.)

(5) Each planning unit head will delegate to his or her department heads the responsibility to monitor bulletin boards within their respective buildings.

(F) Disruptive conduct

(1) The university reserves the right to regulate any solicitation or distribution activities by any non-employee, organization, or employee that disrupts or interferes with the normal work activity of Ohio university employees.

(2) Any organization (on its own or through its employee supporters) or any non-employee violating any rule or policy contained herein shall be asked to leave the campus. Repeated violations shall be cause for banning an organization or non-employee from the campus. (See Policy 02.002.)

(3) Any employee who (in his or her personal capacity or acting as an agent for any organization or non-employee) violates any rule or policy contained herein shall be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.

(G) Procurement and cost of facilities, equipment, and miscellaneous services for purposes of solicitation

An employee, non-employee, or any organization shall be subject to the policies and procedures of Ohio university and individual departments within the university with regard to procurement, and the normal cost thereof, of university facilities, equipment, and miscellaneous services (e.g. - labor costs; rental fees and charges; food; utilities; etc.) for purposes of solicitation. Upon procurement, the responsibility for any damages or misuse of facilities or equipment shall be the sole responsibility of the employee, non-employee, or organization. (See Policy 24.005, Policy 24.016, and Policy 01.025.)

(H) Usual and normal business

All solicitation must be conducted so that campus pedestrians and automobile traffic are unobstructed, so that members of the university community are able to proceed with their normal activities.

(I) Definitions

(1) "Charitable contribution" means a pledge or grant of anything of value to a charitable organization, when the value of the pledge or grant exceeds the value of anything received in return.

(2) "Charitable Organization" means an entity within the definition of section 1716.01 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Designated area or meeting space" means a building or facility or room to be determined by the Chief Human Resource Officer or his or her designee.

(4) "Designated parking lot" means an area to be determined by the chief human resource officer or his or her designee where employees or visitors park motor vehicles.

(5) "Designee" means a person designated by the chief human resource officer to administer and regulate solicitation pursuant to this policy or the person identified to regulate other relevant policies regarding solicitation (e.g., solicitation at Baker center, Templeton-Blackburn alumni memorial auditorium, or the West Portico of Templeton-Blackburn alumni memorial auditorium).

(6) "Distributing literature" means the dissemination or posting physically or electronically of any written or graphic material, including flyers, notices, or any other written information or forms.

(7) "Employee bulletin board" means any non-student bulletin board that is not under glass and is not specifically designated for a particular use.

(8) "Non-employee" means any person not employed at Ohio university or any person not in active work status.

(9) "Non-work area" means areas to be determined by the chief human resource officer or his or her designee and generally includes lobbies, employee lunch rooms, public areas, or designated parking lots.

(10) "Non-work time" means approved vacation, approved leaves, scheduled lunch breaks, scheduled rest breaks, and before and after scheduled work hours.

(11) "Organization" means a body of persons established for a specific purpose.

(12) "Soliciting" means any oral, written, or electronic advocacy of an organization or cause, or request for contribution or support thereof; any activity conducted for the purpose of advertising, promoting, or selling any product or service, or encouraging membership in any group, association or organization.

(13) "Work area" means areas to be determined by the chief human resource officer or his or her designee, where employees perform their official duties, including Ohio university buildings, work stations, offices, conference rooms, and corridors leading directly thereto that are used as an integral part of performing work. In the case of faculty, work area means the assigned offices and other areas in which the faculty conduct teaching, research, and service responsibilities in keeping with their assigned duties.

(14) "Work time" means the time when employees' duties require that they be engaged in work tasks as determined by the university. In the case of faculty, work time means the time reasonably expected to be used conducting the business of the university as required by their assigned duties.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 111.15