This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and
Rule |
Rule 3357:3-3-01 | Annual budget.
September 11, 2020
Student organizations must be affiliated with the
college and authorized by the office of student life for recognition on
campus. (A) The annual operating budget shall
consist of a detailed statement of estimated revenue, expenses, and surplus of
the operating funds of the college for each year beginning July first and
ending June thirtieth. This statement shall be supported by such explanatory
comments and supplemental data as would clearly define the college's
financial condition. (B) The developed proposed annual
operating budget shall be presented to the board at a regular or special
meeting for its consideration and approval before June thirtieth of the
preceding fiscal year. Included in the annual operating budget will be a
capital budget to detail how income and expenses will be acquired and utilized
to support the physical development plan of the college. The capital budget
should take into consideration a review of facilities and capital equipment
needs. If the board of trustees does not approve an operational budget for a
fiscal year, it shall adopt an interim operational budget in order for funds to
be expended for the operation of the college. (C) The president is charged with
operating the college within the budget approved by the board. The budget, once
approved, may be revised by the board, if necessary and appropriate, upon
recommendation of the president or designee. (D) Expenditures of approved budget funds
shall support and advance the college's mission, and shall be made in
accordance with college policy and college procedures. (E) It is the responsibility of each vice
president, dean, director or unit budget manager to ensure, for all accounts
for which they are responsible, that expenditures remain in line with
authorized budgets during the fiscal year. (F) Exceptions to exceed the authorized
budget for individual departments may be granted by the vice president of
business and finance. (G) The board of trustees may accept
funds from another state or other agency or organization that are restricted
for specific purposes. (H) The board of trustees shall have the
authority to designate funds for specific purposes not provided for in the
college's annual operating budget. The president or designee is authorized by the
board of trustees to establish policies to implement these policies.
Rule 3357:3-3-02 | Depository bank account.
September 11, 2020
The following policies of the college are
established: The college may upon recommendation of the vice
president of business and finance or designee, establish such bank depositories
as are necessary for the efficient operation of the college. The president or designee is authorized by the
board of trustees to establish policies to implement these policies.
Rule 3357:3-3-03 | Campus safety.
September 11, 2020
The following policies of the college are
established: (A) Purpose. A secure and safe
environment on the college's campuses and sites is a shared
responsibility between the college's safety department and all employees.
Within available resources, the college will provide programs, systems and
processes that help employees, students and visitors create and maintain a safe
and secure environment while balancing the need to provide quality, convenient
and affordable higher education in a public setting. (B) Employees are responsible for
understanding safety-related policies, procedures and practices, and for
reporting unsafe situations to the college's safety
department. (C) Employees who fail to follow
established safety procedures and practices or who conduct themselves in an
unsafe manner or create unsafe circumstances will be subject to disciplinary
action up to and including termination. (D) The college shall abide by all
applicable federal, state and local laws in administering its safety
programs. The president or designee is authorized by the
board of trustees to establish policies to implement these policies.
Rule 3357:3-3-04 | College's Board Designated Account.
December 6, 2010
The following rules of the college are established: (A) The board of trustees may create a funding source to be separate from other operating and capital funds of the college. The source of income shall not include funds appropriated to the college by the state of Ohio or any form of student fees. (B) The purpose of the college's board designated account is to enhance the mission of the college and will include expenditures for, but not limited to, student support, faculty/staff development, and community relations. (C) Expenditures may be made from the college's board designated account to promote or enhance the image of the college, the college educational programs, college operations, to make appropriate non-political contributions, and to provide for entertainment, travel, gifts, employee rewards, and other appropriate expenditures not provided for in the operating budget. However, these funds cannot be used for the direct personal gain of any trustee or employee of the college. (D) During the annual operating budget development, the funds to be available for the board designated account will be established and approved by the board of trustees. The president or designee is authorized by the board of trustees to establish policies to implement these rules.
Last updated January 31, 2024 at 11:54 PM
Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Prior Effective Dates:
Rule 3357:3-3-05 | Donations.
The following rules of the college are established: (A) Purpose. Donations enable the college to supplement its state appropriations so that it may improve and increase its functions, enlarge its areas of service and become a more useful institution for a greater number of people. (B) The college shall only receive and accept gifts that are consistent with the overall mission of the college and which fully comply with any applicable federal or state law, and which give the college control, subject to legally expressed donor intentions, over decisions regarding how such gifts are utilized. (C) Proposed gifts of property and equipment must be evaluated to determine whether the costs to the college associated with receiving and maintaining the gift can be prudently accommodated. (D) After review and evaluation of proposed donated items, the college shall obtain appropriate board of trustees approval for acceptance of such items. The president or designee is authorized by the board of trustees to establish policies to implement rules.
Rule 3357:3-3-06 | Facilities use.
September 11, 2020
The following policies of the college are
established: (A) Purpose. As a publicly-supported
institution of higher education, central Ohio technical college is responsible
to its students and taxpayers for the appropriate and effective use of its
facilities. The college shall allocate these resources for college and
community functions that advance the college's mission. No person or
organization shall be excluded from rental or use of college facilities for
reasons of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, ancestry, nationality, sexual
orientation, age, disability, veteran status, or other impermissible
basis. (B) Use of the facilities, at a
reasonable cost, is permitted provided space is available. (C) Users of college facilities that are
unaffiliated with the college may use the college's name only for
reference to event location unless written approval for its use in some other
way has been expressly granted by the president or designee. The president or designee is authorized by the
board of trustees to establish policies to implement these policies.
Rule 3357:3-3-07 | Financial reports.
September 11, 2020
The following policies of the college are
established: (A) Periodically throughout the fiscal
year, the vice president of business and finance shall provide each member of
the board of trustees with a copy of the institutions unrestricted fund
financial statement. (B) Such report will be discussed at the
board of trustees meeting and accepted and approved by the board. Such
acceptance will be noted in the minutes. Upon review, the board may accept the
report and such acceptance will be noted in the meeting minutes. The president or designee is authorized by the
board of trustees to establish policies to implement rules.
Rule 3357:3-3-08 | Grant proposals and grant administration.
September 11, 2020
The following policies of the college are
established: (A) The college may seek grants that will
advance the college's mission, including the quality of the
college's curriculum and instruction, workforce development, and service
to the community. (B) The college shall abide by all
federal, state, and other grantor requirements. Conflicts between such
requirements and college policies or procedures shall be resolved by the
president. (C) The president has sole authority to
commit the college to the terms and conditions of grant for which the college
receives moneys for a particular programmatic purpose. The president or designee is authorized by the
board of trustees to establish policies to implement rules.
Rule 3357:3-3-09 | Investments.
December 6, 2010
The following rules of the college are established: (A) The board of trustees of central Ohio technical college (COTC) shall be responsible for the proper investment of endowed funds held by the central Ohio technical college development fund as required in section 3357.10 of the Revised Code. The developed policies and procedures will establish the investment guidelines for COTC and therefore COTC is not bound by section 2109.37 of the Revised Code. The board may choose to appoint a sub-committee for the oversight of the investment function but the ultimate responsibility of the performance and stewardship shall rest with the board of trustees. (B) The board of trustees at COTC recognizes that investment of these funds is for the purpose of supporting and promoting the mission of COTC, supporting Ohio state Newark, or to support both schools. (C) All investments held in the COTC development fund are held in perpetuity or for a board of trustees designated purpose. Therefore, it is essential that the principal be preserved and investments are selected on the basis of strong fundamental values. (D) Although this attempts to provide guidance toward the identified objective, nothing contained herein shall serve as a substitute for good judgment on the part of the responsible parties. The board of trustees shall be responsible for selecting investment managers and monitoring investment performance as well as investment safety to assure that the objectives are maintained at all times. (E) The board hereby appoints the vice president of business and finance of COTC as the person principally responsible for coordinating board approval and monitoring the terms of the investment policy. The president or designee is authorized by the board of trustees to establish policies to implement these rules.
Last updated January 31, 2024 at 11:54 PM
Rule 3357:3-3-10 | Payroll.
September 11, 2020
The following policies of the college are
established: (A) Based on the type of employee
appointed (faculty, staff or student) a payroll authorization employment
agreement/appointment letter will be delivered to the accounting/payroll
office. This payroll authorization shall be the only instrument by which an
employee's pay can be initiated. This payroll authorization shall be in
accordance with procedures adopted by the college for the various appointment
types. (B) Employee pay shall be in the format
of either bank checks or direct deposit into a bank of the employee's
choosing. Payroll will be processed and distributed in accordance with the
procedures adopted by the college. The president or designee is authorized by the
board of trustees to establish policies to implement rules.
Rule 3357:3-3-11 | Purchasing and Procurement.
December 6, 2010
The following rules of the college are established: (A) When required under applicable sections of the Revised Code, the college will follow a competitive procurement process for the purchase of supplies, equipment, and services necessary for its operations. (B) Expenditure of all college funds (except discretionary funds) from all accounts and all revenue sources that are used to purchase supplies, equipment, and services shall be made in accordance with procedures adopted pursuant to this policy. (C) The president may establish bid limits for goods and services in amounts not to exceed the bid limits established by the state of Ohio. (D) Adherence to all applicable federal laws of the, laws of the state of Ohio, college policies and sound business practice will be observed. (E) Any commitment made by an employee of the college other than through the procedures adopted pursuant to this policy is the personal responsibility of the person making the purchase. (F) Purchases from a vendor in which a central Ohio technical college employee has significant proprietary interest are prohibited unless full disclosure would allow the purchase in accordance with Ohio ethics law. {division (A)(4) of section 2921.42 of the Revised Code} The president or designee is authorized by the board of trustees to establish policies to implement these rules.
Last updated January 31, 2024 at 11:54 PM
Rule 3357:3-3-12 | Surplus property.
September 11, 2020
The following policies of the college are
established: (A) Proper resource management is
essential to maintaining the public's trust in the college's
ability to administer its resources. This rule is intended to address the
transfer or disposal of property. Other aspects of acquisition and record
keeping are addressed by other college policies and procedures. (B) All property purchased by, donated
to, or otherwise acquired by central Ohio technical college is considered
property of the college. Property that is no longer needed to meet the mission
of the college and is declared to be surplus property shall be responsibly and
properly disposed of following the asset management policy 3.1.04 adopted by
the college and in compliance with applicable law. This policy applies to the
disposal of surplus equipment, materials, furniture and related supplies. It
does not apply to the disposal of real estate. The president or designee is authorized by the
board of trustees to establish policies to implement rules.
Rule 3357:3-3-13 | Suspected or known fraud, abuse or other illegal acts; identity theft prevention.
September 11, 2020
The following policies of the college are
established: (A) Suspected or known fraud, abuse or
other illegal act. (1) The college maintains
an environment where fraud, abuse and other illegal acts are not tolerated. All
employees of the college are responsible for: (a) Complying with the college's policies that govern their
conduct (b) Ensuring that all resources entrusted to them are used
ethically, prudently, and as designated (2) To ensure college
resources are used appropriately, managers and supervisors are responsible for
educating employees about proper conduct by creating an environment that deters
dishonesty and maintains internal controls. Managers and supervisors must be
cognizant of the risks and exposures inherent in their area(s) of
responsibility and aware of symptoms of fraud, abuse or other illegal
acts. (B) Identity theft prevention, detection
and mitigation. The vice president of business and finance or
designee has the responsibility for developing, implementing and maintaining an
identity theft prevention, detection and mitigation process in accordance with
16 C.F.R. section 681. The president or designee is authorized by the
board of trustees to establish policies to implement rules.
Rule 3357:3-3-14 | Travel.
The following rules of the college are
established: (A) Employees shall be reimbursed for
reasonable travel expenses necessary to support and advance the college's
mission. (B) Reasonable travel expenses incurred
by consultants, guest speakers, and employment-seeking candidates may be
reimbursed provided the travel supports and advances the college's
mission. (C) Commuting expenses for college
employees may be reimbursable only as listed in the travel related
policies. The president or designee is authorized by the
board of trustees to establish policies to implement rules.
Last updated June 28, 2024 at 4:36 PM
Rule 3357:3-3-15 | Tuition, fees, refunds, financial aid.
September 11, 2020
The following policies of the college are
established: (A) Tuition and fees. (1) Students shall be
charged fees and/or tuition and other fees in accordance with schedules adopted
by the board. The proper amount thereof shall be assessed by the student
financial services department and collected from each student by the student
financial services department in cash, checks, authorized credit cards or
approved financial aid (including third party payees, e.g. employers). All
fees, e.g. instructional, general, etc. are subject to change. (2) Payment of
nonresident tuition surcharge is required of any student who does not qualify
as a resident of Ohio as defined by the Ohio board of regents. (B) Refunds of tuition and fees. Tuition
and fees shall be refunded according to the policies and processes currently in
place at the time of request. Registration does not automatically carry with it
the right to a refund or reduction of indebtedness in cases of failure,
inability to attend class or in cases of withdrawal. The student assumes the
risk of all changes in business or personal affairs. Amount of refund is determined in accordance with
the policies and procedures established and published by the college. (C) Financial aid in the form of grants,
scholarships, loans, and employment, will be made available to qualified
applicants without discrimination against an individual for reasons of race,
ethnicity, gender, religion, ancestry, nationality, sexual orientation, age,
disability, veteran status, or other impermissible basis. (1) Applications for
financial aid can be obtained and filed in accordance with procedures adopted
by the college. (2) A student who applies
for student financial aid has the right to expect confidentiality regarding all
personal information. (3) It is the
student's responsibility to notify the student financial services
department of any changes in name and address. A student must also report any
outside scholarships received. (4) It is the
student's responsibility to be aware of the types and amounts of aid
received and the impact of changes to course schedules, e.g. failures,
non-attendance, non-withdrawal, etc. (5) It is the
student's responsibility to understand the requirements for satisfactory
academic progress that may be required to receive financial aid whether through
government programs or scholarships. The president or designee is authorized by the
board of trustees to establish policies to implement rules.
Rule 3357:3-3-16 | Insurance.
September 11, 2020
(A) The college shall have an active risk
management program that includes a comprehensive insurance package. This will
ensure the viability and continued operations of central Ohio technical
college. (B) Central Ohio technical college shall maintain adequate
insurance against general liability, as well as coverage for building,
contents, computers, fine arts, equipment, and machinery.