(A) Purpose
Shawnee state university (SSU), created pursuant to Chapter 3362. of the Revised Code, serves as the regional state university for southern Ohio. SSU is an open access university for all students who have successfully completed a high school education. This rule serves to identify SSU's requirements for admission to the university's degree and non-degree programs -- including undergraduate, graduate, online, and non-credit -- and the credit requirements for those programs, where applicable.
(B) Admission requirements for baccalaureate and associate degree programs
(1) Admission to university baccalaureate or associate degree programs is determined by an applicant's earned high school diploma, as defined by the state of Ohio, level of "college preparedness" as defined by the state of Ohio's uniform statewide standards for remediation-free status (see link to state standards web page in paragraph (B)(2) of this rule), and ability to meet the requirements of a specific selective-admission program.
(a) Non-college prepared students. Applicants not meeting the college preparedness standard will only be admitted into a non-selective admission associate degree program and be required to participate in university programs and courses for underprepared college students.
(b) International applicants. Admission requirements for international applicants also include meeting a university-established minimum test score on the test of English as a foreign language (TOEFL) or equivalent for applicants whose native language is not English and proof of sufficient financial resources.
(c) Transfer students. Applicants applying for admission to associate or baccalaureate programs who have earned credit post high school from other regionally accredited colleges or universities are considered transfer students and are admitted under the same standards described in paragraphs (B)(2) and (B)(3) of this rule and may be subject to additional requirements.
(2) Associate degrees. The university offers both selective and non-selective admission associate degree programs. All associate degree programs will require a minimum of sixty hours of undergraduate credit and completion of university requirements and a curriculum specified for the particular program prescribed in the Shawnee state university catalog at the time of the applicant's matriculation.
(3) Baccalaureate degrees. The university offers both selective and non-selective admission baccalaureate degree programs. All bachelor's degree programs shall require a minimum of one hundred twenty hours of undergraduate credit and completion of university requirements and a curriculum specified for the particular program prescribed in the Shawnee state university catalog at the time of the applicant's matriculation.
(C) Admission requirements for graduate degree programs
(1) Master's degree programs shall require a minimum of thirty hours of credit at graduate level and completion of university requirements and a curriculum specified for the particular program prescribed in the Shawnee state university catalog at the time of the applicant's matriculation.
(a) Applicants are only admitted to selective admission master's degree programs.
(b) Applicants to an SSU master's degree program must present evidence of an earned bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution and meet the requirements for the program for which they are applying.
(c) International applicants are subject to additional requirements established by the university's graduate school.
(2) Doctoral degrees generally require the successful completion of at least ninety semester credit hours (or one hundred thirty-five quarter credit hours) of work beyond the bachelor's degree or at least sixty semester credit hours (or ninety quarter credit hours) beyond the master's degree. Deviations from these credit hour guidelines require proper justification and state approval.
(a) Applicants are only admitted to selective admission doctoral degree programs.
(b) Applicants to an SSU doctoral degree program must present evidence of an earned master's degree from a regionally accredited institution and meet the requirements for the program for which they are applying.
(c) International applicants are subject to additional requirements established by the university's graduate school.
(D) Non-degree seeking applicants
Individuals who enroll at the university who are not seeking a degree for reasons or circumstances such as personal enrichment, guest status, dual credit enrollments, college credit plus, or other early college programs will be admitted as non-degree students. Credits earned as a non-degree seeking student may be applied upon admission to a degree program.
(E) Applicant criminal history and background information
(1) All applicants to the university shall be required to provide information regarding their criminal history and background information as part of the admissions process. Failure to disclose criminal history as required, or providing false or misleading information, may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
(2) In recognition that depriving all past offenders of access to higher education may not always align with the university mission, past criminal or disciplinary action will not automatically bar admission to the university. Providing education to these applicants will be balanced against the university's need to determine if admission of the applicant poses an undue or unreasonable risk to safety, security, or welfare of the university or the university community.
(3) In all cases where an applicant to the university has a criminal conviction, pending criminal charges, or has been dismissed or denied admission from an institution of higher education, additional information, including a criminal background check, will be requested. The information will be reviewed by the Shawnee state director of public safety and the dean of students. The dean of students will determine if the applicant will be admitted, denied admission, or required to interview with the dean of students prior to an admissions decision.
(4) The following, unless reversed on appeal, will disqualify an applicant from admission to the university:
(a) A plea of guilty or nolo contendre to, a finding of guilty by a jury or court, or conviction of any of the following felonies or misdemeanors:
(i) A sex offense, as defined in Chapter 2907. of the Revised Code;
(ii) An offense of violence, as defined in division (A)(9)(a) of section 2901.01 of the Revised Code;
(iii) An offense substantially comparable to those described in paragraphs (E)(4)(a)(i) and paragraph (E)(4)(a)(ii) of this rule, under the laws of the United States or a state other than Ohio;
(b) An applicant is also disqualified from admission to the university if they have:
(i) Been found responsible for an offense as a juvenile that would be a felony if committed by an adult;
(ii) Been found responsible for or admitted responsibility to sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking at another school or institution of higher education; or
(iii) Been removed from another institution for disciplinary reasons prior to their application for admission at Shawnee state university.
(c) Applicants disqualified under paragraph (E)(4)(a) or (E)(4)(b) of this rule or any subsection of either, may file an appeal for disqualified applicant admission that will be reviewed by the Shawnee state director of public safety and the dean of students. The dean of students will determine in their sole discretion if the applicant will be admitted or denied admission, according to the disqualified applicant admission procedure.
(5) Following review of applicant's criminal history and any required interview under paragraph (E)(3) or (E)(4)(c) of this rule, the admission decision and any conditions of admission will be delivered to the applicant in writing. The dean of students' decision is final.
(6) Applicants with criminal history who are admitted to the university may not be eligible for licensures associated with certain programs of study, and admission to the university does not grant admission to selective admissions programs at the undergraduate or graduate level. Once admitted to the university, applicants with a criminal history are subject to rule 3.20, university housing, which may prohibit them from living in or visiting university-owned or managed residential facilities.
(7) Admissions procedures may be developed and adopted to allow exceptions to paragraph (E) of this rule for applicants seeking admission to Shawnee state university second chance programs, including prison education programs and/or rehabilitation and recovery programs delivered exclusively online or off-campus at Shawnee state university second chance program sites.
Important links:
University catalog: https://www.shawnee.edu/registrar/academic-catalog
State of Ohio's uniform statewide standards for remediation-free status: https://highered.ohio.gov/static/files/uploads/college-readiness/2021%20Uniform%20Remediation%20Free%20Standards.pdf
Last updated February 28, 2025 at 7:51 AM