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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3701-49 | Fees for Laboratory Services

Rule 3701-49-01 | Fees for laboratory services.

(A) Unless exempted under paragraph (B) or (C) of this rule, the director of health shall charge a fee for each laboratory specimen or sample submitted according to the schedule in rule 3701-49-01.1 of the Administrative Code.

(B) The charging of fees for the following laboratory tests would significantly and adversely affect the public health and the fees shall not be charged for:

(1) Laboratory tests authorized by the director of health as part of an epidemiological investigation supervised by the department of health.

(2) Laboratory tests on specimens or samples submitted by the health commissioner of any city or general health district as part of an epidemiological investigation if the director of health determines that the charging of a fee would significantly and adversely affect the public health and prior arrangements are made with the director to make the tests.

(3) Specimens from food handlers involved in any food operation except in a private home, if the food handler is suspected of being infected with any disease.

(4) Specimens for salmonellosis, shigellosis, amebiasis or other enteric disease from individuals who are contacts with individuals suspected of having these diseases. This exemption shall be limited to one diagnostic specimen and shall not include repeat tests.

(5) Cultures received from other clinical laboratories in Ohio for identification, grouping or typing.

(6) Rabies examinations of animals involving possible human or animal exposure, or having symptoms suspicious of rabies but excluding rabies examinations of pet rodents or of rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels, voles, shrews, mice and rats unless specifically exempted by the public health veterinarian.

(7) Genetic, endocrine, and metabolictesting of newborn infant screening kits which are ordered by local health departments for newborns delivered at home.

(8) Testing of environmental biothreat/bioterrorism samples submitted by a law enforcement or local public health agency as part of a biothreat/bioterrorism investigation. This exemption will not be applicable when a court determines restitution by an individual(s) responsible for the biothreat/bioterrorism event is required.

(9) Other tests relative to which the director determines, on a case-by-case basis, that the charging of a fee would significantly and adversely affect the public health. In such a case, the director may exempt the test from the fee for a period of one hundred twenty days.

(C) Tests on the following laboratory specimens also shall be exempted from the fees required by this chapter:

(1) Tests on specimens or samples submitted by any employee or unit of the department of health as part of any official responsibility of the employee or unit for the department when prior arrangements are made with the department of health laboratory.

(2) Tests which are being charged for under a contract negotiated between the department and any party or are funded by the department through a grant or other financial arrangement.

(3) Tests performed by the department of health laboratory which are specifically exempted by any statute from a fee charged by the department.

(4) Tests on second or additional specimens which are required by the department of health laboratory because of the inability to make or complete the test or because the testing operation or procedure is unsatisfactory for any reason.

(5) Tests for which funds are included in appropriations to the department of health to pay the costs of the tests in lieu of charging laboratory test fees.

(6) Tests on any specimen or sample in connection with any enforcement action already filed or for which filing is imminent or for any administrative hearing or court proceeding for the enforcement of any rule of the department of health required by section 3701.56 of the Revised Code or any other provision of law, if prior arrangements are made with the director of health to make the tests.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3701.221
Amplifies: 3701.501, 3701.221
Five Year Review Date: 6/3/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 4/7/1989
Rule 3701-49-01.1 | Fees for laboratory services (variable fees).

(A) Unless exempted under paragraph (B) or (C) of rule 3701-49-01 of the Administrative Code, the director of health will charge and collect a fee for each parameter or group of parameters in the microbiological, chemical, or radiological analyses of environmental and human samples or the toxicological analysis of body fluid as set forth in this rule.

(1) Radiological testing of environmental samples

Radioactivity COST
Gross alpha (non-potablewater)$35.00
Gross alpha and beta smears (decommissioning projects,etc.)35.00
Gross alpha (air filter)100.00
Gross alpha (soil)100.00
Gross beta (non-potable water)100.00
Tritium (liquid scintillation counting)30.00
Gross alpha and beta (milk, soil, sediment, vegetation, etc.)85.00
Gamma scan (non-potable water, charcoal cartridge,airfilters) 75.00
Gamma scan (milk) 45.00
Gamma scan (soil, sediment, vegetation, fish, meat [boneless samples, not whole animals]) 95.00
Radium 226 and Radium 228 (Gamma scan following twenty-one day incubation period)150.00

(2) Genetic, endocrine and metabolic screening of newborn infants

Newborn screen $63.46 **

**This fee is in addition to the fee collected pursuant to rule 3701-55-20 of the Administrative Code.

(3) Microbiology testing

(a) General bacteriology unit

Stool-positive 15.00
Stool-negative 12.00
Food screen 50.00
Sero-group-Shigella 10.00
Sero-group- Salmonella25.00*
Sero-group- Neisseriameningitis20.00*

(b) Virus isolation unit

Rabies examination $ 30.00
HIV WesternBlot32.50

(c) Special microbiology unit

Botulism $ 40.00
Legionnaires-cultures 30.00*

(d) Mycology/parasitology unit

DFA for Giardia and Cryptosporidium$10.00
Stool-parasitology 15.00

(e) Mycobacteriology

Clinicalmaterial-mycobacteriology $ 20.00
Smear-mycobacteriology 7.50
Drug sensitivity (mycobac.) 20.00

* exempt for pure cultures

(B) In cases when it is necessary or desirable for the department of health laboratory to perform a test that falls within one of the general categories specified in paragraph (A)(1), (A)(2), or (A)(3) of this rule, but for which no fee has been established by this rule, the director of health may establish and charge a reasonable fee for the test. A fee established under this paragraph will remain in effect for no longer than one hundred eighty days or until a fee is established by rule of the director, whichever occurs first.

Last updated August 16, 2023 at 2:31 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3701.221
Amplifies: 3701.221, 3701.501
Five Year Review Date: 5/5/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 10/1/1982, 10/4/1991, 3/28/2011
Rule 3701-49-01.3 | When director may refuse to test.

The director of health or his authorized representative may refuse to accept any specimen for testing, unless the test is being performed under a contract negotiated between the department and any party or funded by a grant or other financial arrangement with the department, for any appropriate reason including but not limited to the following:

(A) The test is one not normally performed by the laboratory;

(B) The laboratory does not have the necessary equipment or facilities to perform the test; or,

(C) The specimen does not meet the required acceptance criteria.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3701.221
Amplifies: 3701.221
Five Year Review Date: 6/3/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 10/1/1982
Rule 3701-49-02 | Procedures for administration of laboratory fee.

The director of health shall develop as appropriate procedures for the administration of this laboratory fee charge program to include but to not be limited to the following:

(A) Systems for the payment and collection of fees charged by a department of health laboratory including prepurchased newborn screening kits or other system of payment as appropriate.

(B) Proper accounting procedures to insure all fees are collected and accounted for.

(C) Instructions for the submission of specimens including the protection of specimens during shipment.

(D) Forms necessary for making application to the laboratory for testing services, for the purchase of newborn screening kits and payment of fees, reporting of test results, and other forms as appropriate.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3701.03, 3701.221
Amplifies: 3701.221
Five Year Review Date: 6/3/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 8/15/1981, 3/28/2011