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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3701-72 | Licensing of Radiation Handlers Operating in Medical Settings

Rule 3701-72-01 | Definitions.

As used in this chapter:

(A) "Chiropractor" means an individual licensed under Chapter 4734. of the Revised Code to practice chiropractic.

(B) "Cardiac catheterization" means all anatomic or physiological studies of intervention, both diagnostic and therapeutic, in which the heart or coronary arteries are entered via a systemic vein or artery using a catheter that is manipulated under fluoroscopic visualization.

(C) "Comprehensive scope of radiology procedures" means utilizing radiation-generating equipment to perform diagnostic imaging, localization, mobile or portable imaging, mammography, computed tomography, tomography, fluoroscopy, cinefluorography, contrast media studies, interventional procedures and does not include nuclear medicine or radiation therapy.

(D) "Computed Tomography Procedures" means diagnostic and interventional computed tomography imaging with the exception of computed tomography used for anatomic localization as part of positron emission and single photon emission computed tomography procedures.

(E) "Continuing education credit (CE credit)" means fifty to sixty minutes of instruction.

(F) "Department" means the Ohio department of health.

(G) "Direct supervision" means guidance and instruction provided to a general x-ray machine operator by a licensed practitioner who is present at the location, and in such immediate proximity so that the licensed practitioner can provide timely consultation and direction when the operator is performing radiologic procedures.

(H) "Director" means the director of health or the director's authorized representative or designee.

(I) "Fluoroscopy" means the use of a fluoroscopic type of radiation-generating equipment for visualizing and imaging internal structures for medical diagnosis.

(J) "General supervision" means guidance and instruction provided by a licensed practitioner to a nuclear medicine technologist, radiographer, radiation therapy technologist or a general x-ray machine operator, who is licensed under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code, to practice as a registered nurse and is providing occupational health nursing services in an industrial workplace. General supervision does not require the licensed practitioner to observe each radiologic procedure performed or to be present at the location where the procedure is being performed, but does require the licensed practitioner be readily available for purposes of consulting with and directing the individual while performing the procedures.

(K) "General x-ray machine operator" means an individual who operates ionizing radiation-generating equipment in order to perform standard, radiology procedures; whose performance of such procedures is limited to specific body sites; and who does not, to any significant degree, determine procedure positioning or the dosage of radiation to which a patient is exposed.

(L) "In-vitro" means in an artificial environment outside the living organism.

(M) "In-vivo" means within a living organism.

(N) "Ionizing radiation" means any electromagnetic or particulate radiation that interacts with atoms to produce ionization in matter. Ionizing radiation includes: X-rays, gamma rays, alpha and beta particles, high speed electrons, neutrons, and other nuclear particles.

(O) "Licensed practitioner" means a physician, chiropractor, podiatrist, or mechanotherapist.

(P) "Mobile imaging" means radiography performed with radiation-generating equipment on wheels, or installed in a van, trailer, or mobile vehicle.

(Q) "Mechanotherapist" means an individual who holds a certificate issued under section 4731.151 of the Revised Code that authorizes the practice of mechanotherapy.

(R) "Nuclear medicine technologist" means an individual, other than a licensed practitioner, who prepares and administers radio-pharmaceuticals to a patient and conducts in vivo or in vitro detection and measurement of radioactivity for medical purposes.

(S) "Patient" means any human being that receives radiation for diagnostic, therapeutic or medical purposes. "Patient" does not include the application of radiation to a human body in the course of an autopsy.

(T) "Personal supervision" means the supervisor must be in attendance in the room during the performance of the procedure.

(U) "Physician" means an individual authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery.

(V) "Podiatrist" means an individual authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice podiatric medicine and surgery.

(W) "Portable imaging" means radiography performed with radiation-generating equipment designed to be hand carried.

(X) "Radiation safety courses" means continuing education courses designed to enhance the professional's knowledge and skills in reducing unnecessary radiation exposure to the public, patients, or occupational personnel.

(Y) "Radiation therapist," or "radiation therapy technologist," means an individual who utilizes ionizing radiation-generating equipment including therapy simulator radiation-generating equipment for therapeutic purposes on human beings.

(Z) "Radiographer" means an individual who operates ionizing radiation-generating equipment, administers contrast, and determines procedure positioning and the dosage of ionizing radiation in order to perform a comprehensive scope of radiology procedures on human beings.

(AA) "Radiologic license" means a license issued by the director as one of the following:

(1) General x-ray machine operator;

(2) Radiographer;

(3) Nuclear medicine technologist; or

(4) Radiation therapist.

(BB) "Registered nurse" means an individual who holds a current, valid Ohio license issued under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code that authorizes the practice of nursing as a registered nurse as defined by division (B) of section 4723.01 of the Revised Code.

(CC) "Registered cardiovascular invasive specialist" means an individual who holds a valid certification as a registered cardiovascular invasive specialist with a specialty in invasive technology from "Cardiovascular Credentialing International."

(DD) "Standard radiology procedures" means utilizing radiation-generating equipment for one or more of the following diagnostic procedures limited to the licensed practitioner's scope of practice: chest and abdomen; extremity; skull and sinus; spine; podiatric radiography; or bone densitometry to include positioning the patient and setting the exposure parameters according to established technique charts. Standard radiology procedures do not include, unless otherwise specified in Chapter 3701-72 of the Administrative Code, the following procedures: localization; mobile or portable; mammography; computed tomography; tomography; fluoroscopy; cinefluoroscopy; the use of contrast material; or interventional procedures.

Last updated November 1, 2021 at 2:10 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: Ohio Revised Code 4773.08
Amplifies: Ohio Revised Code 4773.01
Five Year Review Date: 11/28/2023
Prior Effective Dates: 3/23/2004, 4/1/2012
Rule 3701-72-02 | Radiologic license application and renewal procedures.

(A) Except as provided in division (B) of section 4773.02 of the Revised Code, no person shall practice or hold self out as a general x-ray machine operator, radiographer, radiation therapist, or nuclear medicine technologist without a valid license issued under this chapter.

(B) An individual seeking a radiologic license shall apply to the department on forms prescribed by the director. Except as provided in paragraph (C) of this rule, a separate application and fee is required for each license category. The application for each license shall include at least the following:

(1) Name, street address, and email address of applicant;

(2) License category for which application is being made;

(3) A non-refundable, non-transferrable check, money order or electronic payment in the amount of sixty-five dollars made payable to "Treasurer, State of Ohio";

(4) A statement affirming that all the information submitted by the applicant is accurate and true;

(5) Evidence that the applicant successfully completed an educational program for the applicable license category accredited by the department under rule 3701-72-03 of the Administrative Code;

(6) An applicant for a general x-ray machine operator license shall submit evidence of satisfactory completion of one or more of the competency-based clinical training modules identified in paragraph (F) of rule 3701-72-04 of the Administrative Code;

(7) Applicants for a general x-ray machine operator license who are currently enrolled and in the last year of a two-year accredited radiography educational program or who have graduated from a two-year accredited radiography educational program and are within twelve months of their date of graduation, may submit a signed affidavit from the director of the educational program to meet one or more of the competency-based training modules identified in paragraph (F) of rule 3701-72-04 of the Administrative Code; and

(8) Evidence of having passed the Ohio examination for his or her license category by correctly answering at least the percentage of questions on the examination specified by the director, unless the examination is not required because one of the following applies:

(a) The individual is applying for a license as a general x-ray machine operator and holds certification as a radiographer from the "American Registry of Radiologic Technologists" or the "American Chiropractic Registry of Radiologic Technologists";

(b) The applicant holds a license issued under Chapter 4773. of the Revised Code for his or her area of practice and has completed the relevant continuing education requirements specified in paragraph (L) of this rule;

(c) The individual is applying for a license as a radiographer and holds certification as a radiographer from the "American Registry of Radiologic Technologists";

(d) The individual is applying for a license as a radiation therapist and holds certification as a radiation therapist from the "American Registry of Radiologic Technologists";

(e) The individual is applying for a license as a nuclear medicine technologist and holds certification as a nuclear medicine technologist from the "American Registry of Radiologic Technologists" or the "Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board"; or

(f) The applicant holds a valid license, certificate or other credential issued by another state that the department determines uses standards for radiologic professions that are at least equal to those standards established in Chapter 4773. of the Revised Code and Chapter 3701-72 of the Administrative Code.

(9) Individuals that submit with their applications, proof that they are a service member or veteran, or the spouse or surviving spouse of a service member or veteran will receive priority expedited licensure processing. Their applications will be reviewed within five business days of receipt and before all other applications for licensure.

(a) The acceptable proof of service member/veteran status documents are:

(i) Department of defense identification card (active, retired, temporary disability retirement list (TDRL));

(ii) DD214 military discharge certificate indicating disposition of discharge;

(iii) Report of separation from the national archives national personnel records center in St. Louis, Missouri; or

(iv) Veterans identification card from the department of veterans affairs.

(b) All acceptable proof documents, except veterans identification card, must show the veteran status as honorable, general, general under honorable conditions, or discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.

(C) Notwithstanding paragraph (B) of this rule, if a current general x-ray machine operator licensee is applying for a radiographer license, the application fee shall be fifteen dollars. A radiographer license issued in accordance with this paragraph shall expire on the original expiration date of the current general x-ray machine operator license.

(D) An applicant for a license shall be at least eighteen years of age and shall be of good moral character. In the event an applicant has ever been convicted of a felony, a certified copy of the conviction and indictment must be submitted with the license application for department review.

(E) An applicant shall be considered to have completed an educational program accredited by the department if the applicant provides proof that the course was taken, and is accredited by the "Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology" or accredited by the "Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology" or if the program is housed in a college accredited by the "North Central Association of Colleges and Schools" or other United States department of education approved regional accrediting agencies.

(F) An individual shall not be admitted to an Ohio examination without proof of successful completion of an educational program for the applicable license category accredited by the department under rule 3701-72-03 of the Administrative Code.

(G) The department shall mail or email a notice of request for additional information for an incomplete application for a license. The applicant shall respond to the department's notice of request for additional information within twenty business days of receipt of the notice. Subject to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the director may also refuse to issue, or may suspend or revoke any license if the applicant or licensee does not meet the requirements of Chapter 4773. of the Revised Code, or Chapter 3701-72 of the Administrative Code.

(H) The first license issued to an individual shall expire on the licensee's birthday two years after the issue date. Thereafter, a radiologic license expires biennially on the licensee's birthday. On or before thirty days prior to the expiration of a license, the department shall mail or email a notice and application for renewal to the licensee. The licensee shall complete the application according to the instructions on the notice and return it to the treasurer of state with a non-refundable, nontransferable check, money order, or electronic payment, payable to "Treasurer, State of Ohio", in the amount of forty-five dollars. The application for renewal shall be postmarked or received electronically on or before the expiration date of the licensee's license.

(I) All application fees received shall be deposited in the general operations fund specified in section 3701.83 of the Revised Code to be used for the administration and enforcement of Chapter 4773. of the Revised Code.

(J) Any individual applying to renew a general x-ray machine operator license shall have completed twelve CE credits before the license expiration date. Any individual applying to renew a radiographer, nuclear medicine technologist or radiation therapist license shall have completed twenty-four CE credits before the license expiration date. The CE credits must be approved in accordance with rule 3701-72-03 of the Administrative Code and specific to the license category held. Applicants with multiple licenses may use the same CE credits for the renewal of each license. Individuals in active military service during the license renewal period may have the CE period extended in accordance with section 5903.12 of the Revised Code.

(K) A radiographer, nuclear medicine technologist, or radiation therapist renewing a license who is currently certified and in good standings with the continuing education requirements of the "American Registry of Radiologic Technologists" may submit evidence of this certification as proof of meeting the continuing education requirement set forth in paragraph (J) of this rule. A nuclear medicine technologist renewing a license who is currently certified and in good standings with the continuing education requirements of the "Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board," may submit evidence of this certification, as proof of meeting the continuing education requirement set forth in paragraph (J) of this rule.

(L) The department may approve continuing education which has been approved by the "American Society of Radiologic Technologists," "Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging," "American Association of Medical Dosimetry" or "International Society for Clinical Densitometry" for continuing education courses.

(M) An individual who does not apply to renew his or her license by the expiration date shall be considered to have an expired license. An individual with an expired license that has applied for renewal within thirty calendar days of the license expiration date is considered to hold a lapsed license and can continue to work until the renewal application is approved or denied.

(N) An individual who applies to reinstate an Ohio radiologic license after thirty days following the expiration of the license must submit the following:

(1) Sixty-five dollar application fee, unless the individual's or spouse of an individual's active service in the armed forces precluded renewal, in which case, the fee is forty-five dollars;

(2) Evidence of completing the required number of CE credits under paragraph (J) of this rule within the last two years;

(3) Evidence of completing the educational requirements as required by paragraphs (B)(5) and (B)(6) of this rule; and

(4) Evidence of passing the state examination. The examination provision of this rule will not apply to individuals who hold a current registration with the "American Registry of Radiologic Technologists," specific to the appropriate license category, or to individuals who hold a current certification with the "Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board" for nuclear medicine technologists or to individuals or spouses of individuals whose license renewal did not occur due to active service in the armed forces.

Last updated November 1, 2021 at 2:10 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4773.08
Amplifies: 4773.02, 4773.03, 4773.08, 4773.99
Five Year Review Date: 11/28/2023
Prior Effective Dates: 10/16/1995, 8/1/2007
Rule 3701-72-03 | Standards for accreditation of educational programs and approval of continuing education courses.

(A) Any person may apply to the director for approval to conduct an educational program for general x-ray machine operators, radiographers, radiation therapists, or nuclear medicine technologists. Any person desiring to conduct an accredited educational program for a specific course of study shall complete an application prescribed by the director and submit the completed application to the director with the non-refundable application fee at least sixty days prior to initiating the program. The application fee shall be paid by check or money order, payable to "Treasurer, State of Ohio" in the amount of five hundred dollars. The director shall return an incomplete application to the applicant for completion. An approval to conduct an educational program does not expire but may be suspended or revoked in accordance with paragraph (L) of this rule. An application for approval as an accredited educational program shall contain the following:

(1) Name, address, and telephone number of applicant;

(2) Title of program, length of program, target audience, specific program objectives, and the instructional techniques or strategies that will be used to obtain the intended learning outcomes;

(3) Name, address, telephone number, and curriculum vitae of all instructors; and

(4) A statement certifying that the program complies and will remain in compliance with the requirements of this rule.

(B) Any national certifying organization that certifies nuclear medicine technologists or radiation therapists for computed tomography may apply to the director for approval to accept the national organization's certification in computed tomography. An approval does not expire but may be suspended or revoked in accordance with paragraph (L) of this rule. The application shall contain the following:

(1) Name, address, and telephone number of the organization;

(2) The certification requirements;

(3) Verification of accreditation by the "National Commission for Certifying Agencies"; and

(4) A statement certifying that the national certifying organization complies and will remain in compliance with the requirements of this rule.

(C) The director may approve a national certifying organization that certifies nuclear medicine technologists or radiation therapists for computed tomography if the national certifying organization is accredited by the "National Commission for Certifying Agencies" and the computed tomography certification requires, at a minimum, the following:

(1) Sixteen credit hours of didactic education, with at least one credit hour in each of the following categories, and the remaining twelve credit hours distributed across the following categories:

(a) Patient care

(b) Radiation safety

(c) Image production; and

(d) Computed tomography procedures;

(2) Clinical experience of at least:

(a) Ten different types of computed tomography procedures; and

(b) Fifty repetitions distributed across the different types of computed tomography procedures.

(D) The director shall not approve an application for a radiographer educational program unless the program meets the following requirements:

(1) Appendix A of 42 CFR 75 (as published in the October 1, 2005, Code of Federal Regulations); or

(2) The program is accredited by the "Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology;" or

(3) The program is housed in a college accredited by the "North Central Association of Colleges and Schools" or other United States department of education approved regional accrediting agencies.

(E) The director shall not approve an application for a nuclear medicine technologist educational program unless the program meets the following requirements:

(1) Appendix D of 42 CFR 75 (as published in the October 1, 2005, Code of Federal Regulations); or

(2) The program is accredited by the "Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology"; or

(3) The program is housed in a college accredited by the "North Central Association of Colleges and Schools" or other United States department of education approved regional accrediting agencies.

(F) The director shall not approve an application for a radiation therapist educational program unless the program meets the following requirements:

(1) Appendix E in 42 CFR 75 (as published in the October 1, 2005, Code of Federal Regulations); or

(2) The program is accredited by the "Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology"; or

(3) The program is housed in a college accredited by the "North Central Association of Colleges and Schools" or other United States department of education approved regional accrediting agencies.

(G) The director shall not approve an application for a general x-ray machine operator educational program unless:

(1) The program is accredited by the "Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology"; or

(2) The program is housed in a college accredited by the "North Central Association of Colleges and Schools"; or

(3) The program is accredited by an organization recognized by the United States department of education; or

(4) The program:

(a) Is a professional association of, and recognized by, licensed practitioners, and

(b) Has a curriculum with a didactic training section that includes the following:

(i) Radiographic equipment and often-used terms/terminology;

(ii) The nature of x-rays, their relative energy spectrum, and their fundamental properties when traveling in space and interacting with matter;

(iii) The components of the x-ray tube and their basic functions;

(iv) How x-rays are produced by the x-ray machine;

(v) The essential factors controlling the quality and quantity of x-ray beam intensity, specifically what kilovoltage peak (kVp) and milliamperes (mA) do to the x-ray beam;

(vi) The functions of the x-ray tube, control panel, table, and grid devices;

(vii) The three potential interactions of x-rays with matter, how these combine to produce a useful image, along with their potential negative effects on both the image clarity and radiation safety. However, the student is not required to conceptualize how these interactions occur using atomic models or their relative probabilities of interaction;

(viii) X-ray image formation and the different processing techniques for both film/screen and digital image receptors;

(ix) Major factors that control and affect image quality forming the basis of technique chart development;

(x) The applicable units of measurement used in dosimetry, the methods to monitor occupational exposure, and when dosimetry is required;

(xi) The acute biologic effects of radiation, with an emphasis on their limited relevance in diagnostic radiology;

(xii) The long term biologic effects of x-rays as a foundation to understanding the principles of safe practice;

(xiii) The cardinal rules of safety, along with standard safe practices in protecting both patients and operators from ionizing radiation;

(xiv) The initial clinical approach to identifying the patient and explaining the procedure;

(xv) Proper patient assessment and patient care skills when performing radiographic procedures;

(xvi) Methods of patient safety;

(xvii) Methods of operator safety; and

(xviii) Patient assessment and patient care - "Prelude to Clinical Training"; or

(5) The program:

(a) Has one or more of the clinical training modules specified in the appendix to this rule, and the competency based clinical assessment is conducted in a laboratory setting to include digital image receptors, or DXA scanners for bone densitometry, and include the following minimum requirements:

(i) Evaluating and assessing the patient with respect to:

(a) Verification of the correct patient;

(b) Categorizing key factors, such as patient age and body habitus, for purposes of determining technique;

(c) Basic patient history and underlying medical issues (such as age, osteoporosis, spinal osteoarthritis) pertinent to radiography;

(d) Patient concerns regarding radiation exposure or the procedure;

(e) Communication problems;

(f) Prior studies;

(g) Pregnancy status, last menstrual cycle;

(h) Mobility and ambulatory status of patient (e.g., post op, post trauma, wearing a cast);

(ii) Explaining the radiologic procedure to the patient;

(iii) Measuring part thickness (excluding podiatric and extremities) with calipers;

(iv) Comparing the technique chart with the patient characteristics and setting the exposure factors on the unit;

(v) Properly placing or employing the image receptor identification labels;

(vi) Competently positioning patients for all routine procedures associated with the category of interest identified in the appendix to this rule, to include:

(a) Appropriate immobilization and use of positioning aids;

(b) Visualization of pertinent anatomy;

(c) Correct object-image distance (OID), source-to-image distance (SID), image receptor size, grid use, and compensating filters, as applicable;

(d) Proper collimation of the radiation beam; and

(e) Appropriate breathing instructions to patient;

(vii) Operating equipment safely by keeping radiation exposures "as low as reasonably achievable" (ALARA) to the patient by using optimal technique factors. This also entails routinely employing the cardinal safety principles of time, distance and shielding for both patient and operator;

(viii) Processing the image; and

(ix) Assessing the image for basic quality control; and

(b) Is conducted by an instructor with a minimum of two years of professional experience and proficiency in instructing, and is qualified through academic preparation evidenced by a degree in radiological science, or completion of core course work in the radiological sciences, or demonstrates equivalent standards of experience and education.

(H) Any person may apply to the director for approval to conduct a continuing education course for general x-ray machine operators, radiographers, radiation therapists, or nuclear medicine technologists. Any person desiring to apply for approval to conduct a specific course of study shall complete one application per subject prescribed by the director and submit the completed application to the director with the application fee at least sixty days prior to initiating the program. The non-refundable application fee shall be paid by check or money order, payable to "Treasurer, State of Ohio" in the amount of seventy-five dollars per subject. The director shall return an incomplete application to the applicant for completion. An approval to conduct a continuing education course does not expire but may be suspended or revoked in accordance with paragraph (L) of this rule. An application for approval of a continuing education course shall contain the following:

(1) Name, address, and telephone number of applicant;

(2) Title of course, number of CE credits, target audience, specific program objectives, and the instructional techniques or strategies that will be used to obtain the intended learning outcomes;

(3) Name, address, telephone number, and curriculum vitae of all instructors;

(4) A statement certifying that the course complies and will remain in compliance with the requirements of this rule; and

(5) A sample copy of the certificate that will be given to each participant that successfully completes the continuing education course which includes the following information:

(a) The title of the program and the department approval number;

(b) Date of the course;

(c) Number of approved CE credits;

(d) Name of the approved sponsor;

(e) Signature space for the instructor or authorized representative of the sponsor; and

(f) Name of the participant.

(I) The director shall not approve an application for approval of a continuing education course unless the course meets the following requirements:

(1) The course is conducted by an instructor who has a minimum of two years of professional experience and proficiency in instructing, and is qualified through academic preparation evidenced by a degree in radiological science, or completion of core course work in the radiological sciences, or demonstrates equivalent standards of experience and education; and

(2) Includes one of the following subjects:

(a) Quality control, quality assurance, or quality management practices;

(b) Principles of radiographic imaging;

(c) Radiographic, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine or bone densitometry equipment, instrumentation, positioning, or procedures; or

(d) Radiation safety and protection.

(J) Except in the case of a course approved pursuant to paragraph (L) of rule 3701-72-02 of the Administrative Code, an approved continuing education provider shall notify the department of any changes in curricula or instructors at least fourteen days prior to commencing the program or course. The department may audit any educational program or continuing education course accredited or approved under this rule.

(K) Except in the case of a course approved pursuant to paragraph (L) of rule 3701-72-02 of the Administrative Code, an accredited education program or approved continuing education provider shall maintain records of individuals enrolled in the program for a period of at least three years from the date of providing the course.

(L) The department, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, may deny, suspend, or revoke accreditation of an educational program, or may deny, suspend, or revoke approval of a continuing education course if the program or course fails at any time to meet the requirements of Chapter 4773. of the Revised Code or Chapter 3701-72 of the Administrative Code.

View Appendix

Last updated November 1, 2021 at 2:10 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4773.08
Amplifies: 4773.07
Five Year Review Date: 11/28/2023
Prior Effective Dates: 9/4/2000, 3/23/2004
Rule 3701-72-04 | Licensee authorizations and requirements.

(A) Each radiologic licensee shall operate ionizing radiation-generating equipment or use radiopharmaceuticals in accordance with the documented quality assurance and radiation protection programs required under the rules adopted pursuant to Chapter 3748. of the Revised Code. The director may at any time during business hours evaluate operator competency in regard to the safe operation of ionizing radiation-generating equipment or use of radioactive sources to determine compliance with Chapter 4773. of the Revised Code or any rules adopted pursuant to Chapter 3748. of the Revised Code.

(B) Radiographers, nuclear medicine technologists, radiation therapists, and general x-ray machine operators who are registered nurses providing occupational health nursing services in an industrial workplace shall work under general supervision.

(C) General x-ray machine operators, other than those registered nurses who provide occupational health nursing services in an industrial workplace, shall work under the direct supervision of a licensed practitioner.

(D) The following radiologic procedure tasks shall be performed only by an Ohio licensed practitioner, radiographer, nuclear medicine technologist, radiation therapist or general x-ray machine operator within his/her scope of practice:

(1) Adjust or set technique factors;

(2) Move or position equipment;

(3) Move or position the patient;

(4) Expose the patient to radiation;

(5) Reset the audible signal on the cumulative radiation exposure timer;

(6) Assure adequate radiation protection to the patient and individuals in the procedure room from unnecessary radiation; and

(7) Process and post process digital image at the time of the procedure.

(E) Provided that all radiation safety training required by rules adopted pursuant to Chapter 3748. of the Revised Code have been completed, registered nurses, registered cardiovascular invasive specialists, and general x-ray machine operators licensed prior to September 30, 1995, who have been continuously licensed in accordance with this chapter to practice in the area of fluoroscopy pursuant to the conditional license requirements of section 4773.05 of the Revised Code, may perform, under the personal supervision of a licensed practitioner present in the room, the following tasks of a cardiac catheterization fluoroscopic procedure:

(1) Move or position the patient;

(2) Move or position the fluoroscopic unit; and

(3) Reset the audible signal on the cumulative radiation exposure timer.

(F) General x-ray machine operators licensed after August 1, 2008, shall complete one or as many of the following competency-based clinical training modules from an accredited competency-based clinical training program needed to meet the requirements to work within the scope of practice of their supervising practitioner:

(1) Chest and abdomen,

(2) Extremities,

(3) Skull and sinus,

(4) Spine,

(5) Podiatric radiography, or

(6) Bone densitometry.

(G) Effective August 1, 2008, general x-ray machine operators changing employment to a different licensed practitioner within a new area of clinical practice, shall, prior to practicing in the new area, complete the appropriate competency-based clinical training module as required by paragraph (F) of this rule and submit evidence of completion of the clinical training to the department.

(H) General x-ray machine operators initially licensed prior to August 1, 2008, who want to perform standard, diagnostic radiologic procedures using digital equipment, shall complete the corresponding competency-based clinical training module as listed in paragraph (F) of this rule and submit evidence of completion of the clinical training to the department.

(I) A licensee shall make his or her license available immediately upon the request of any person.

(J) Each licensee shall notify the department in writing within thirty days if there is a change in the licensee's name, street address or email address.

(K) Positron emission tomography-computed tomography and single photon emission computed tomography-computed tomography fusion procedures shall be performed by a licensed nuclear medicine technologist or a licensed radiographer, who has obtained training and demonstrated competency with the equipment and procedures. Radiopharmaceuticals shall be injected only by a licensed nuclear medicine technologist or other competent licensed individuals acting within their scope of practice as authorized by the Revised Code.

(L) Licensed radiographers or licensed radiation therapists, who have obtained training and demonstrated competency with the computerized tomography (CT) equipment and CT protocols, may operate CT units for radiation therapy simulation procedures. CT simulation procedures shall be overseen by a radiation therapist.

(M) A licensed nuclear medicine technologist or radiation therapist who is certified in computed tomography by a national certifying agency approved by the director may perform computed tomography procedures if the licensed nuclear medicine technologist or radiation therapist has received the training described in paragraphs (C)(1) and (C)(2) of rule 3701-72-03 of the Administrative Code.

A licensed nuclear medicine technologist or radiation therapist may perform computed tomography procedures as part of a documented prerequisite clinical experience program leading to certification in computed tomography by a national certifying agency approved by the director provided:

(1) The computed tomography procedures and program are conducted under personal supervision of, and documented by an individual fully qualified to perform computed tomography procedures; and

(2) The computed tomography clinical experience program is completed within twenty-four months from the initial start date of the documented prerequisite clinical experience program.

(N) A licensee shall perform computed tomography procedures in accordance with acceptable professional standards.

(O) A radiologic licensee shall not expose an individual to the useful beam unless ordered by a licensed practitioner, as defined in Chapter 4773. or 3748. of the Revised Code, acting within his or her scope-of-practice for dental, medical or radiation therapy purposes. Exposing an individual for training, demonstration or other purposes is prohibited unless otherwise specified in rules promulgated under Chapter 4773. or 3748. of the Revised Code.

Last updated November 1, 2021 at 2:10 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4773.08
Amplifies: 4773.06, 4773.061, 4773.08
Five Year Review Date: 11/28/2023
Prior Effective Dates: 5/17/2004, 8/1/2007, 4/1/2012