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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3745-83 | Operational Requirements

Rule 3745-83-01 | Operational requirements.

(A) Except as otherwise noted, the definitions in rule 3745-81-01 of the Administrative Code shall apply to this chapter. For the purposes of this rule, "week" means a seven-day period beginning on Sunday and ending on the following Saturday.

(B) Except as otherwise noted, analyses required by this rule shall be conducted in accordance with methods as specified in rule 3745-81-27 of the Administrative Code. In addition, analysis for parameters listed in the table in this paragraph shall be conducted in a laboratory certified in accordance with Chapter 3745-89 of the Administrative Code:

Total alkalinityPrecipitative softening or membrane technology; daily monitoring.
Phenol alkalinity Precipitative softening; daily monitoring.
StabilityPrecipitative softening or membrane technology; weekly monitoring.
Copper All.
Iron For split sample or weekly analysis.
Manganese For split sample or weekly analysis.
pH Precipitative softening or membrane technology; daily monitoring. Surface water treatment plant; daily monitoring.
Total hardness Precipitative softening or membrane technology; daily monitoring.
Total phosphorusAll.

(C) Disinfection.

(1) Except as prescribed in rule 3745-81-72 of the Administrative Code, noncommunity public water systems serving a population of at least one thousand people and all community public water systems shall maintain a minimum chlorine residual of at least two-tenths milligram per liter (0.2 mg/L) free chlorine, or one milligram per liter combined chlorine measured at representative points throughout the distribution system. All other noncommunity public water systems that provide water treated with chlorine for disinfection purposes shall maintain the chlorine residual levels as described in this rule. The director may require higher residuals as necessary to compensate for pH, temperature, or other characteristics of the delivered water.

[Comment: Rule 3745-81-72 of the Administrative Code establishes similar but separate requirements for disinfection of systems using a surface water source. These two requirements are not inconsistent and failure to comply with either is considered a separate violation with different consequences. Contact your district office representative if you have questions or require clarification.]

(2) Noncommunity public water systems serving a population of at least one thousand people and all community public water systems shall install and place in operation equipment capable of meeting disinfection requirements of this rule.

(3) A system is exempt from maintaining a chlorine residual as required in paragraph (C)(1) of this rule if, with written approval of the director, it uses chlorine dioxide as a primary disinfectant in accordance with the terms of the approval.

[Comment: Plan approval requirements for a system treating with chlorine dioxide will include minimum chlorine dioxide residual requirements for the system and any consecutive systems.]

(4) At times of actual or threatened outbreak of waterborne disease as defined in rule 3745-81-01 of the Administrative Code, or water supply emergency as determined by the director in accordance with section 6109.05 of the Revised Code, the director may require a public water system subject to paragraph (C)(1) of this rule to maintain a minimum chlorine residual of at least one milligram per liter free chlorine, or six milligrams per liter combined chlorine measured at representative points throughout the distribution system, despite possible resulting tastes or odors in the delivered water.

(5) Finished water storage facilities serving noncommunity water systems serving a population of at least one thousand people and all community water systems, prior to being placed into service or being returned to service after repairs, inspections, painting, cleaning, or other activities that might lead to contamination, shall complete the following:

(a) Meet the requirements of "American Water Works Association Standard C652-02 Disinfection of Water-Storage Facilities" (2019).

(b) Be monitored for chlorine residual and comply with the minimum chlorine residual established in paragraph (C)(1) of this rule and the MRDL established in paragraph (C) of rule 3745-81-10 of the Administrative Code.

(6) Water mains serving noncommunity water systems serving a population of at least one thousand people and all community water systems, prior to being placed into service or being returned to service after repairs, inspections, or other activities that might lead to contamination, unless a minimum pressure of twenty pounds per square inch gauge at ground level is maintained at all points in the distribution system, shall complete the following:

(a) Meet the requirements of "American Water Works Association Standard C651-14 Disinfecting Water Mains" (2014).

(b) Be monitored for chlorine residual and comply with the minimum chlorine residual established in paragraph (C)(1) of this rule and the MRDL established in paragraph (C) of rule 3745-81-10 of the Administrative Code.

(D) Approval of chemicals and components. All chemicals, substances, and materials added to or brought in contact with water in or intended to be used in a public water system or used for the purpose of treating, conditioning, altering, or modifying the characteristics of such water shall be shown by either the manufacturer, distributor, or purveyor to be non-toxic and harmless to humans when used in accordance with the formulation and concentration as specified by the manufacturer, and shall be certified as meeting the "American National Standards Institute/National Sanitation Foundation/Standards Council of Canada (ANSI/NSF/CAN)" standards in paragraphs (D)(1) to (D)(3) of this rule. Certification shall be from an "ANSI" accredited product certification organization.

(1) All chemicals shall be certified as meeting the specification of "ANSI/NSF/CAN Standard 60 Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals - Health Effects (2020)."

(2) All components installed by a public water system shall be certified as meeting the specifications of "ANSI/NSF/CAN Standard 61 Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects (2020)." If certification to "ANSI/NSF/CAN Standard 61" is not available for a component, an alternate component with "ANSI/NSF/CAN Standard 61" certification must be used. In cases where no alternate "ANSI/NSF/CAN Standard 61" component exists, the director may accept another component on a case by case basis until the "ANSI/NSF/CAN Standard 61" certified component is available.

(3) Replacement of an existing component that is not certified to "ANSI/NSF/CAN Standard 61 Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects (2020)" may be required if the director determines the component may pose a risk to human health, safety or the environment.

(E) Minimum pressure. All water systems shall maintain a minimum pressure of twenty pounds per square inch gauge at ground level at all points in the distribution system under all conditions of flow other than conditions caused by line breaks, extreme fire flows, or other extraordinary circumstances.

[Comment: Required responses to conditions caused by line breaks, extreme fire flows, or other extraordinary circumstances are found in rule 3745-83-02 of the Administrative Code.]

(F) Operational analyses.

(1) Alkalinity.

(a) Total alkalinity.

(i) A public water system that provides precipitative softening as defined in rule 3745-7-01 of the Administrative Code or membrane technology to reduce hardness shall monitor for total alkalinity daily at each entry point to the distribution system.

(ii) A public water system that adjusts the alkalinity of the water for optimization of corrosion control pursuant to the lead and copper requirements in rules 3745-81-82 and 3745-81-87 of the Administrative Code shall monitor for total alkalinity at least once every two weeks at regular intervals at each entry point to the distribution system.

[Comment: In addition to the monitoring requirements above, public water systems exceeding the lead and copper action level that adjust the alkalinity of the water for the purpose of providing optimal corrosion control treatment pursuant to rules 3745-81-82 and 3745-81-87 of the Administrative Code shall also monitor in accordance with the requirements of those rules.]

(b) Phenolphthalein (or phenol) alkalinity. A public water system that provides precipitative softening as defined in rule 3745-7-01 of the Administrative Code shall monitor for phenolphthalein alkalinity daily at each entry point to the distribution system.

(c) Stability. A public water system that provides precipitative softening as defined in rule 3745-7-01 of the Administrative Code or membrane technology to reduce hardness shall monitor for stability at least weekly at each entry point to the distribution system.

(2) Chlorine residual.

(a) A public water system that provides water treated with chlorine shall monitor for free or combined chlorine at least once every day that water is available to the public at each entry point to the distribution system and a representative point or points in the distribution system unless otherwise specified by the director.

(i) A daily entry point sample is not required for a noncommunity ground water system that consists of a single building or any consecutive system receiving finished water that is not treated further by the consecutive water system unless otherwise specified by the director.

(ii) If the director determines a water system's distribution sampling location or locations do not result in representative distribution samples, the water system shall select additional or different locations that result in representative distribution samples.

(b) A public water system that uses chlorine solely for the oxidation of iron, manganese or hydrogen sulfide and is not required to maintain a residual in the distribution system does not have to perform the monitoring in paragraph (F)(2)(a) of this rule.

[Comment: In addition to the requirements in this paragraph, a public water system that uses a surface source, in whole or in part, shall also conduct disinfection monitoring in accordance with rule 3745-81-74 of the Administrative Code. A public water system that uses a ground water source and provides 4-log inactivation of viruses shall also conduct disinfection monitoring in accordance with rule 3745-81-43 of the Administrative Code.]

(3) Copper. A public water system that intends to apply a copper compound to the water supply source shall notify the director of their intent to apply the compound, and monitor for copper at least weekly, at each entry point to the distribution system for at least one month after the compound has been applied.

(4) Fluoride.

(a) A public water system that adds fluoride to the water supply shall monitor for fluoride in accordance with the following:

(i) At least once every day that water is available to the public at each entry point to the distribution system.

(ii) Prior to fluoridation at least once per month.

(b) Samples shall be analyzed as soon as possible, but in no case later than forty-eight hours after the time of collection.

(5) Iron.

A community public water system that provides treatment to reduce iron shall monitor for iron at least at each entry point to the distribution system.

(a) Community systems serving up to and including two hundred fifty persons shall monitor either of the following:

(i) Weekly with an in-house test kit in accordance with paragraph (F)(5)(c) of this rule and one split sample monthly by a state certified laboratory.

(ii) Weekly by a state certified laboratory.

(b) Community systems serving greater than two hundred fifty persons shall monitor either of the following:

(i) A minimum of five days per week with an in-house test kit in accordance with paragraph (F)(5)(c) of this rule and one split sample monthly by a state certified laboratory.

(ii) Weekly by a state certified laboratory.

(c) An iron test kit shall have a minimum detection level of 0.2 milligrams per liter. Furthermore, the deviation of the split sample shall not be greater than 0.2 milligrams per liter. If the deviation is greater, then the public water system shall cease monitoring with the test kit and substitute with weekly monitoring at a state certified laboratory. A public water system may resume monitoring with their test kit once the deviation of a split sample is no greater than 0.2 milligrams per liter. The director may accept an alternate collection frequency and deviation from in-house test kits for split sampling requirements.

(6) Manganese.

All community and nontransient noncommunity public water systems that add manganese as part of the treatment process or provide treatment for manganese, shall monitor for manganese at least at each entry point to the distribution system at the frequency in paragraph (F)(6)(a) and (F)(6)(b) of this rule. Public water systems that add manganese as part of the treatment process but do not provide treatment for manganese are only required to comply with this paragraph when manganese is added.

(a) Community systems serving up to and including two hundred and fifty persons and all nontransient noncommunity systems shall monitor either of the following:

(i) Weekly with an in-house test kit in accordance with paragraph (F)(6)(c) of this rule and one split sample monthly by a certified laboratory.

(ii) Weekly by a state certified laboratory.

(b) Community systems serving greater than two hundred fifty persons shall monitor either of the following:

(i) A minimum of five days per week with an in-house test kit in accordance with paragraph (F)(6)(c) of this rule and one split sample monthly by a certified laboratory.

(ii) Weekly by a state certified laboratory.

(c) A manganese test kit shall have a minimum detection level of 0.02 milligrams per liter. Furthermore, the deviation of the split sample shall be no greater than 0.04 milligrams per liter. If it is greater, then the public water system shall cease monitoring with the test kit and substitute with weekly monitoring at a state certified laboratory. A public water system may resume monitoring with their test kit once a deviation of the split sample is no greater than 0.04 milligrams per liter. The director may accept an alternate collection frequency and deviation from in-house test kits for split sampling requirements.

(7) Orthophosphate.

A public water system that adds orthophosphate to the water for the purpose of providing corrosion control treatment for purposes other than compliance with the lead and copper rules shall monitor for orthophosphate at least monthly at each entry point to the distribution system.

[Comment: Additional monitoring requirements for public water systems that add orthophosphate to the water for the purpose of providing optimal corrosion control treatment can be found in rules 3745-81-82 and 3745-81-87 of the Administrative Code.]

(8) pH.

A public water system that adjusts the pH of the water supply for stabilization or that employs precipitative softening as defined in rule 3745-7-01 of the Administrative Code or membrane technology to reduce hardness shall monitor for pH at least once every day that water is available to the public at each entry point to the distribution system.

[Comment: Additional monitoring requirements for water systems that adjust the pH of water can be found in rules 3745-81-43, 3745-81-74, 3745- 81-82 and 3745-81-87 of the Administrative Code.

(9) Total hardness.

(a) A community public water system serving up to and including two hundred fifty persons that provides cation exchange treatment to reduce hardness shall monitor for total hardness at least monthly at each entry point to the distribution system.

(b) A community public water system serving greater than two hundred fifty persons that provide ion exchange treatment to reduce hardness shall monitor for total hardness at least weekly at each entry point to the distribution system.

(c) A public water system that provides precipitative softening treatment as defined in rule 3745-7-01 of the Administrative Code or that provides membrane technology to reduce hardness shall monitor for total hardness at least daily at each entry point to the distribution system.

(10) Total phosphorus. A public water system that adds phosphate to the water supply, shall monitor for total phosphorus at least monthly at each entry point to the distribution system.

(G) The director may require additional monitoring as needed to assess operational performance than is otherwise specified in this rule, including but not limited to operational monitoring required to assess the effectiveness of treatment for contaminants regulated in Chapter 3745-81 of the Administrative Code. The director shall notify the public water system of additional monitoring required under this paragraph in writing or via plan approval issued in accordance with Chapter 3745-91 of the Administrative Code.

(H) Maintenance of facilities and equipment.

(1) The owner and operator shall ensure that all facilities and equipment necessary for the treatment and distribution of water shall be maintained, at a minimum so as to function as intended.

(2) In the event that the treatment facilities or equipment no longer function as intended, corrective action (which may include additional maintenance or modifications of the public water system) shall be taken by the owner.

(3) The owner and operator shall document the completion of the above referenced maintenance in accordance with Chapter 3745-7 of the Administrative Code.

(I) Reports.

(1) In addition to any other reporting requirement of Chapter 3745-81 of the Administrative Code, the owner or operator of a public water system required to monitor under paragraphs (F) and (G) of this rule shall prepare and submit an operation report for each month of operation on forms acceptable to the director and in accordance with instructions provided by the director. The director may require that the report include the following:

(a) General operation data, including but not limited to, identification of the operating source at a given time, number of hours of operation, filter run times, backwash duration, filter backwash recycle percentages, head loss, membrane pressure drop, cartridge filter pressure drop, permeate and concentrate flow, interruptions in treatment, equipment inspection/maintenance dates, minimum system pressure, pre and intermediate tap sampling results, and deviations from normal day-to-day operations.

(b) A summary of samples analyzed, including distribution system sampling and chlorine residual sampling.

(c) Information on daily water treatment and system pumpage.

(d) Information on chemical application, including but not limited to, chemical feed pump ranges, chemical dosages, chemical feed rates, pre, intermediate or post treatment application changes in chemical type, location, and dosage due to emergencies, and seasonal variations.

(e) Analysis of general parameters relating to the quality of the treated drinking water.

(f) Source water levels, including but not limited to, low and high levels in flowing in streams, lakes and reservoirs, static and drawdown levels in production and monitoring wells under any conditions including flooding and drought periods.

(g) Such other information as may be necessary or desirable for the director to carry out the director's duties under Chapter 6109. of the Revised Code.

(2) The operation report shall be signed by the operator of record designated in accordance with rule 3745-7-02 of the Administrative Code. If an operator of record is not required by rule 3745-7-02 of the Administrative Code, the operation report shall be signed by an individual designated by the public water system owner.

(3) The operation report shall be submitted electronically via a method acceptable to the director no later than the tenth of the month following the month for which the report was prepared.

(4) The owner or operator shall report to the appropriate Ohio environmental protection agency district office as soon as possible, but within twenty-four hours, the discovery of any serious plant or distribution system breakdown or condition causing or likely to cause any of the following:

(a) Any discharge of water not in accordance with Chapter 6109. of the Revised Code or the rules adopted thereunder.

(b) Any major interruption in service or disinfection.

(c) Any hazard for employees, consumers, the public or the environment.

(5) Records of operation reports for each month of operation shall be kept for not less than ten years, except for lead and copper data which shall be kept for not less than twelve years.

[Comment: This rule incorporates the "American Water Works" standards C651-14 and C652-19 by reference. Copies may be obtained from the "AWWA Bookstore, 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, Co, 80235, 1-800-926-7337," These standards are available for review at "Ohio EPA, Lazarus Government Center, 50 W. Town Street, Suite 700, Columbus, OH, 43215."]

[Comment: This rule incorporates the ANSI/NSF/CAN standards 60 and 61 by reference. Copies may be obtained from "NSF International, 789 Dixboro Road, P.O. Box 130140, Ann Arbor, MI, 48113-0140, (734) 769-8010," These standards are available for review at "Ohio EPA, Lazarus Government Center, 50 W. Town Street, Suite 700, Columbus, OH, 43215."]

Last updated May 3, 2023 at 9:04 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 6109.04
Amplifies: 6109.04, 6109.13
Five Year Review Date: 8/29/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 11/26/1980, 9/13/1993, 1/1/1999
Rule 3745-83-02 | Water distribution system disruption of service.

(A) Definitions for this rule.

For the purpose of this rule, the following terms are defined as follows:

(1) "Affected area" means the portion of a distribution system where the pressure of the system has dropped below twenty pounds per square inch (psig) at ground level.

(2) "Contamination intrusion" includes, but is not limited to sewage, unintended chemical waste or other waste in the pit or pipe, or muddy water or other unintended material entering the pipe.

(3) "Disruption of service" means an event during which minimum pressure at any point in the distribution system of a public water system falls below twenty psig at ground level.

(4) "Impacted service area" means any service line that has been moved, replaced, or reconnected to the main during a main replacement.

(5) "Major disruption event" means any disruption of service that is not a "Type 1" or "Type 2" event.

(6) "Positive pressure" means the water pressure is above zero psig at ground level in the distribution system and positive flow is maintained.

(7) "Special purpose total coliform samples" or "special purpose samples," means those samples taken to determine whether disinfection practices are sufficient following a disruption of service event.

(8) "Type 1" event means a disruption of service where positive pressure is continuously maintained in the affected area, and there are no signs of contamination intrusion.

(9) "Type 2" event means a disruption of service where positive pressure is maintained in the affected area until the affected area has been isolated from the rest of the distribution system, and there are no signs of contamination intrusion.

(10) "Water use advisory" means a notification issued to alert affected persons of potential water quality issues within the potable water.

(B) Nontransient noncommunity systems with a population less than one thousand people and all transient noncommunity systems that experience a disruption of service shall comply with the following:

(1) Close, provide bottled water, or implement a remedy acceptable to the director or authorized representative within twenty-four hours of the beginning of the disruption of service.

(2) Collect special purpose total coliform samples at locations representative of the affected area in accordance with table 1 of this rule after repairs are made and pressure has been restored to twenty psig or above.

(a) If any special purpose sample is total coliform positive, consult with the Ohio environmental protection agency (Ohio EPA) and continue to monitor with an additional set of special purpose total coliform samples in accordance with table 1 of this rule until total coliforms are not detected in one complete set of samples.

(b) If all special purpose samples in the current set are negative for E. coli, the public water system may cease the activity required in paragraph (B)(1) of this rule.

(c) If any special purpose sample in the current set is positive for E. coli, there is an acute risk to human health. The public water system shall issue a water use advisory that will remain in effect until the public water system meets the requirements for removing the water use advisory established in paragraph (B)(2)(b) of rule 3745-81-32 of the Administrative Code. Consult with Ohio EPA to withdraw the water use advisory.

(3) Nontransient noncommunity systems serving less than one thousand people shall comply with the applicable requirements in paragraph (C)(6) of this rule if the system experiences a disruption of service event which results in an emergency main replacement in an area known or likely to contain lead service lines.

(C) Nontransient noncommunity systems serving a population of at least one thousand people and all community water systems shall comply with the following:

(1) Monitoring.

During a water line repair or other incident, monitor and record pressure upstream and downstream of the area to determine if a disruption of service has occurred and the extent of the affected area. Methods of monitoring can be in-line pressure monitors, hydrant pressure recorders, storage tank or tower water level, or any other method approved by the director. Public water systems which maintain functioning and accurate hydraulic models may utilize these models to identify the affected area from a line break in lieu of using pressure gauges, storage tank water levels, or pump station records. Public water systems that use a hydraulic model for a particular event shall ensure personnel knowledgeable in running the model are available during all times of the particular event to ensure timely use of the models. In the event a water system chooses not to monitor pressure in accordance with this rule, the system shall treat the event as a major disruption event and follow the response requirements in paragraph (C)(4) of this rule.

(2) "Type 1" event response. During this type of event, a water use advisory, sampling for total coliform, and notification to the Ohio EPA are not required if the public water system completes the following actions:

(a) Excavate the pit to below the area to be repaired.

(b) Maintain the water level in the pit below the area to be repaired.

(c) Disinfect the line in accordance with American water works association (AWWA) standard C651-14, section

(d) Complete the repair under positive pressure.

(e) After completion of repair, test or verify disinfectant presence by either conducting a chlorine residual analysis or comparing a 0.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) free chlorine standard to an appropriately sized sample with free chlorine reagent added.

(f) Document all activities and events using a form or method acceptable to the director to demonstrate the public water system followed the "Type 1" event response as established in this rule.

(g) If the public water system does not complete the "Type 1" event response in accordance with this rule, the incident is elevated to a "Type 2" event and the public water system shall comply with the requirements of paragraph (C)(3) of this rule.

(3) "Type 2" event response. During this type of event, a water use advisory, sampling for total coliform and notification to the Ohio EPA are not required if the public water system completes the following actions:

(a) In addition to complying with the requirements of paragraphs (C)(3)(b) to (C)(3)(g) of this rule, public water systems conducting waterline or appurtenance repairs or replacements shall complete the following:

(i) Excavate the pit to below the area to be repaired.

(ii) Maintain the water level in the pit below the area to be repaired.

(iii) Disinfect, repair, and flush the waterline in accordance with AWWA standard C651-14 section

(iv) For emergency water main replacements in areas known or likely to contain lead service lines, follow the applicable requirements in paragraph (C)(6) of this rule.

(b) Notify critical users, as established in the contingency plan in accordance with rule 3745-85-01 of the Administrative Code, within the affected area as soon as possible, but within twenty-four hours. Efforts should be made to notify critical users in advance of beginning the repair.

If the public water system does not have a contingency plan, the system shall notify customers who have a critical need of water as soon as possible, but within twenty-four hours.

(c) Perform a controlled shutdown of the affected area.

(d) Complete the repair.

(e) After completion of the repair, test or verify disinfectant presence by either conducting a chlorine residual analysis or comparing a 0.5 mg/L free chlorine standard to an appropriately sized sample with free chlorine reagent added.

(f) Document all activities and events using a form or method acceptable to the director to demonstrate that the public water system followed the "Type 2" event response as established in this rule.

(g) If the public water system does not complete the "Type 2" event response in accordance with this rule, the incident is elevated to a major disruption event and the system shall comply with the requirements of paragraph (C)(4) of this rule.

(4) Major disruption event response. A public water system that experiences a major disruption event shall comply with the following, as applicable:

(a) Notify the appropriate Ohio EPA district representative or the Ohio EPA's environmental response hotline in accordance with rule 3745-85-01 of the Administrative Code as soon as possible, but within twenty-four hours of the beginning of the disruption of service if all of the following criteria are met:

(i) Repairs will not be complete within twenty-four hours of the beginning of the disruption of service.

(ii) The public water system anticipates the affected area will be without water provided through the distribution system for more than twenty-four hours.

(iii) The affected area includes more than two hundred fifty service connections, or more than twenty-five per cent of the public water system's customers, whichever is least.

(b) Ensure that the public water system speaks with a person when notifying as required in paragraph (C)(4)(a) of this rule. The use of email or voicemail does not satisfy this notification requirement.

(c) Activate the notification procedures in the public water system's contingency plan as required in paragraph (D)(12) of rule 3745-85-01 of the Administrative Code.

(d) Document any potential contamination.

(e) Issue a precautionary water use advisory to all potentially affected consumers as soon as possible but no later than twenty-four hours after the beginning of the event.

(f) For emergency water main replacements in areas known or likely to contain lead service lines, follow the applicable requirements in paragraph (C)(6) of this rule.

(g) In the case of water main repairs or replacements, disinfect, repair, and flush in accordance with AWWA standard C651-14 section

(h) Test for chlorine residual and comply with the minimum chlorine residual established in paragraph (C)(1) of rule 3745-83-01 of the Administrative Code and the maximum residual disinfectant level established in paragraph (C) of rule 3745-81-10 of the Administrative Code.

(i) Collect special purpose total coliform samples at locations representative of the affected area in accordance with table 1 of this rule after repairs are made, pressure has been restored to twenty psig or above and the chlorine residual is within acceptable limits.

(i) If any special purpose sample is total coliform positive, consult with Ohio EPA and continue to monitor with an additional set of special purpose total coliform samples in accordance with table 1 of this rule until total coliforms are not detected in one complete set of samples.

(ii) If any special purpose sample is E. coli positive, there is an acute risk to human health and the water use advisory shall remain in effect until the public water system meets the requirements for removing the water use advisory established in paragraph (B)(2)(b) of rule 3745-81-32 of the Administrative Code. The public water system shall consult with Ohio EPA to withdraw the water use advisory.

(j) Document activities and events on a form approved by the director to demonstrate the major disruption event response was followed. The form shall be submitted to Ohio EPA within forty-eight hours or the next business day, whichever is later, of the disruption of service being corrected.

(5) A community water system that experiences a "Type 2" or a major disruption event shall provide water from an alternate source to customers in the affected area, as required in paragraph (D)(8) of rule 3745-85-01 of the Administrative Code, if the public water system is not capable of providing water through the distribution system within twenty-four hours of the start of the disruption of service.

(6) Public water systems that move, replace, or reconnect any service line to a main that is being replaced or repaired associated with a "Type 2" event or a major disruption event in areas that are known or likely to contain lead service lines shall complete the following:

(a) Issue a water use advisory to service connections in the affected area in accordance with paragraph (B)(1) of rule 3745-81-84 of the Administrative Code, including the lead language.

(b) If service lines in the impacted service area are known or likely to contain lead:

(i) Issue a water use advisory to all service connections in the impacted service area in accordance with paragraph (B)(1) of rule 3745-81-84 of the Administrative Code, including the lead language and the filter language.

(ii) Offer to provide drinking water treatment unit filters to all service connections in the impacted service area in accordance with paragraph (D) of rule 3745-81-84 of the Administrative Code.

(c) Follow the requirements in rule 3745-81-84 of the Administrative Code if any lead service lines will be replaced in the impacted service area.

Service Connections AffectedMinimum Number of Total Coliform Samples Required
0 - 151
16 - 1,0002
1,001 - 2,0004
2,001 - 3,0006
3,001 - 4,0008
4,001 - 5,00010
5,001 - 6,00012
6,001 - 7,00014
7,001 - 8,00016
8,001 - 9,00018
9,001 - 10,000 *20

*After ten thousand service connections, an additional two samples shall be added for every one thousand service connections up to the maximum one hundred samples. Public water systems that have multiple treatment plants may use a proportional sampling method if established in the contingency plan or in the initial distribution system evaluation.

[Comment: "AWWA Standard C651-14, Disinfecting Water Mains," effective date Feb. 1, 2015. This rule incorporates this standard or specification by reference. A copy may be obtained from "AWWA Bookstore 6666 W. Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235," (303) 794-7711, This standard is available for review at "Ohio EPA, Lazarus Government Center, 50 West Town Street, Suite 700, Columbus, OH 43215."]

Last updated December 12, 2024 at 8:11 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 6109.04
Amplifies: 6109.04
Five Year Review Date: 12/12/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 11/1/2018