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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4713-3 | Schools

Rule 4713-3-01 | Application for a new school license.

(A) An application for a new school license shall be submitted at least forty-five days prior to the opening of the school. The applicant shall complete the online application and shall include the following.

(1) A floor plan that meets the requirements of rule 4713-3-02 of the Administrative Code.

(2) A proposed school calendar with schedule of classes both clinic and non-clinic for the first year.

(3) A list of all equipment.

(4) A list of reference materials available to the students.

(5) A copy of the school's course outline, syllabus and a sample of lesson plans for each program to be taught at the school. A complete copy of all lesson plans shall be available at the school at all times.

(6) Copies of the school's contracts, catalogue and/or handbook, policies of the school as set forth in the catalogue and/or handbook, refund policies, assessments used for transfer of students, rules for governing students, monthly reports, and time sheets for student's daily records.

(7) The school shall present to the board a letter from a bonding company certifying that the statutory bonding requirements of division (B)(5) of section 4709.10 or division (A)(8) of section 4713.44 of the Revised Code, as applicable, have been met. The surety bond shall remain effective for the term of licensure with the board. Surety bonds are subject to audit by the board during random inspections. The school shall be provided five working days to send a copy of a current surety bond to the board if the bond is not available during the random inspection.

(8) A certification from the state department of industrial relations or local building inspection authority approving the plumbing, and a copy of the final occupancy permit for the building, and

(9) An opening inspection must be passed prior to the issuance of the license.

(B) A school shall follow the advertising policy set forth in rule 4713-3-05 of the Administrative Code.

(C) Preliminary approval for a school will not be granted more than sixty days prior to its expected construction completion date. Final approval shall be granted as set forth in rule 4713-3-08 of the Administrative Code.

(D) To ensure compliance with opening standards, each school shall submit to the board and shall maintain in its own files for five years from the date of hiring a copy of a board provided form for each instructor and administrator.

(1) Schools shall provide this information within fourteen days of the opening date of the school.

(2) Schools shall employ and maintain sufficient instructors to cover all programs scheduled or being taught.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 2:10 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4713.08, 4709.05
Amplifies: 4709.10, 4713.45, 4713.44
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 11/19/1987, 2/24/1991, 1/26/1997
Rule 4713-3-02 | Floor plan requirements for schools.

(A) The applicant for a new school shall file with the board a copy of the floor plan of the new school.

(1) The applicant shall submit a copy of the architectural drawings on lettersized paper or shall submit a copy of the blueprint for the building.

(a) The document submitted shall be prepared by a licensed architect and have a seal or copy of said verifying the document's authenticity.

(b) The drawing or blueprint shall show that the proposed school complies with local zoning requirements of the area in which the school is located and shall show compliance with the board's rules and laws as well as with the laws of Ohio.

(c) The name and address of the school shall be on the drawings.

(2) Electronic submission of the architectural drawings or the blueprint is preferred.

(B) An existing school desiring to alter its floor plan may amend a copy of the plan on file with the board with the floor plan reasonably to scale, unless zoning or other local requirements for construction mandate the creation of a new plan.

(1) If a new plan is required for any reason, the existing school shall submit a copy of the new drawing or blueprint prepared by a licensed architect.

(2) The copies of the new drawings or new blueprint shall also have the seal of the architect as it is on the original drawing or blueprint along with the name and address of the school.

(C) When the ownership of an existing school changes, and the new owner makes no significant structural or plumbing changes to the existing school so that the floor plan in the school's file at the board remains accurate, the school may submit a copy of the existing floor plan.

(D) Every school shall have at least three thousand square feet of contiguous floor space. Such minimum floor space shall be comprised of restrooms, reception area(s), classrooms, facial areas or rooms, practice/demonstration rooms, and a clinic.

(E) Every school shall have sufficient facilities noted on the floor plan to accommodate the training of a minimum of twenty students at any given time.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 2:10 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4709.05, 4709.10, 4713.08
Amplifies: 4709.10, 4713.44
Five Year Review Date: 2/12/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 2/15/1968, 9/5/1977, 11/19/1987, 2/24/1991, 8/9/2002, 2/12/2024
Rule 4713-3-03 | School layout.

(A) Every school shall be well lit, with proper ventilation and exhaust systems sufficient to remove any chemical fume hazards. The ventilation system shall be sufficient to maintain suitable room temperature, and shall be kept free of contaminants. The HVAC system shall meet state building code and/or local zoning or building codes for the use of the space as a school.

(B) Every school shall maintain a practice/demonstration room, as well as a clinic. Public schools may be excepted from this requirement if the school system mandates a separation of each grade, in which case the public school may use the same room for both the clinic and the practice room.

(C) The following clinic requirements shall be met for a licensed school:

(1) The clinic shall contain stations for instruction of students. Schools offering cosmetology, barbering, hair design, or natural hair styling shall be equipped with two shampoo bowls for every fifteen students in attendance at each session. Schools offering esthetic or manicuring programs shall have one sink with hot and cold running water per fifteen students.

(2) The clinic rooms shall not be partitioned into booths; however, the clinic shall be separated from the practice/demonstration room by a partition at least eight feet high.

(3) Every school offering cosmetology, barber, hair design or natural hair styling programs shall have one clinic station for every two students in attendance at each clinic session. Such clinic stations shall be equipped with mirrors, adjustable height chairs or hydraulic reclining chairs as applicable to the program, and accommodations for student's equipment and supplies for clinic practice.

(4) Every school offering esthetic and manicuring programs shall have at least one clinic station for every two students in attendance at each clinic session. Such clinic stations shall be equipped with appropriate tables, chairs and accommodations for student's supplies and equipment.

(D) The practice rooms for schools shall contain practice stations, and, for schools offering cosmetology, barber, hair design, or natural hair styling programs, equipped with at least one shampoo bowl for every fifteen students. Each esthetic and manicuring only school shall have at least one sink for sanitary reasons in the practice room.

(E) A school offering cosmetology, barber, hair design or natural hair styling programs may meet the shampoo bowl requirements of this rule by establishing a shampoo area separate from both clinic and practice rooms. The shampoo area shall meet the number of shampoo bowls per student ratios as set forth in this rule for both the clinic and the practice room. Should a school use a shampoo area, the design of the facility shall allow access to the shampoo area from both the clinic and practice room without the need to go through the other room.

(F) Facial areas and body treatment rooms shall have the following requirements:

(1) Every school offering cosmetology, barbering, or esthetics shall have a facial area or body treatment room that is properly equipped to provide a complete skin care service.

(a) The school may meet the facial area or body treatment room requirements of this rule by making available a properly equipped area that provides client privacy when the client receives body treatment services.

(b) A properly equipped area or room shall include a sink with hot and cold running water.

(2) The body treatment room shall be separated from other rooms by partitions sufficient to provide client privacy. Each such room shall be within forty feet of a sink with hot and cold running water.

(3) Schools offering esthetic programs shall have at least one body treatment room.

(4) Additional facial areas or body treatment rooms in schools offering cosmetology programs shall have either a sink with hot and cold running water in the room or a sink outside the room within forty feet of the room.

(G) All chemicals used in the practice of barbering or a branch of cosmetology stored in a licensed school shall be stored in a safe location that is not readily accessible to members of the public. Every school shall have containers for soiled linens and towels. Every school shall maintain sufficient supplies for teaching purposes.

(H) Every school shall maintain a clean restroom facility, equipped with a flush toilet, running water, a soap dispenser, and a paper towel dispenser or equipment for hand-drying. The facilities shall be kept clean, sanitary, and functional.

(I) Every school shall provide locker facilities or other secured enclosures to enable students to safely store their personal items temporarily while they are in school. A school shall provide a minimum of one locker or other secured enclosure for every two students.

(J) Every school shall maintain a secure storage system for the school's records.

(K) Every school shall have a timekeeping system in place to track student hours.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 2:10 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4709.05, 4709.10, 4713.08
Amplifies: 4709.10, 4713.44
Five Year Review Date: 2/12/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 11/19/1987, 8/9/2002, 2/21/2019, 11/23/2020, 2/12/2024
Rule 4713-3-04 | Additional campus facilities.

(A) Should a school need additional theory and/or practice rooms in which to train students, a school may use space in a building or facility that is located within two miles of the original facility of the licensed school.

(1) A school is responsible and accountable to the board for its additional campus facilities.

(2) An additional campus facility must bear the same name as the original licensed school.

(3) Its advertising sign must indicate its status as an additional location of the school.

(4) An additional campus facility shall only be approved for theory and/or practice rooms.

(5) An additional campus facility shall meet the requirements set forth for school layout in rule 4713-3-03 of the Administrative Code.

(B) Approval procedure: A school seeking to have an additional facility approved as part of the main school shall formally notify the board in writing of such a request thirty days prior to the start of classes in the facility.

(C) The board shall inspect the facility before it opens for use.

Last updated December 6, 2023 at 11:49 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4709.05(E)(4), 4709.05(E)(6), 4713.08(A)(13), 4713.08(A)(14), 4713.08(A)(20)
Amplifies: 4709.10, 4713.44, 4713.45
Five Year Review Date: 11/21/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 2/28/2014
Rule 4713-3-05 | Signs and advertisements.

(A) The following sign requirements shall be met:

(1) Every school shall have a sign at the entrance of the school as set forth in rule 4713-1-12 of the Administrative Code.

(2) ) In addition to the sign at the entrance of the school as mandated in paragraph (A) of this rule, every school shall have at least one sign that reads "All Services Performed By Students." The sign shall be placed in a location that is clearly visible in the clinic and near the main entrance of the school.

(3) The board's infection control rules shall be posted in all clinics and classrooms.

(B) The following advertising requirements shall be met:

(1) School advertisements shall advertise that only students perform services in the clinic and may say that the students are supervised;

(2) No one representing or owning a new school shall advertise for students to enroll until the board has granted preliminary approval of the school's application for a license to operate a school in Ohio.

(a) After receiving preliminary approval of an application, a new school may only advertise that it will open within a certain time period in a certain location.

(b) "Opening soon" signs and all advertisements prior to issuance of a license shall include the statement: "No students shall enroll or sign a contract until the school's license has been approved."

(c) All advertising shall describe the program(s) to be taught in the school and shall not describe program(s) for which the school is not seeking to be licensed to teach.

(d) Until the new school is issued a license, the school shall not advertise that it is open for instruction or enrolling students.

(3) Upon the request of the board, a school must promptly furnish the board with a copy of any advertisement or solicitation.

(4) A school shall not offer courses, establish itself as a cosmetology or barber school, or award any degrees, diplomas, or clock hours until the person planning to offer the programs has obtained a license from the board.

(5) A school shall not award or give a degree or any other evidence, written or oral, of proficiency or achievement unless the student has fulfilled the requirements and has shown sufficient proficiency in the subject matter to be eligible to apply for licensure.

(6) Any advertisement or piece of promotional literature written or used by a school holding a license with the board must carry the name and address as listed on its license.

(7) No school or its agents shall advertise or imply that the school is "recommended" or "endorsed" by the board. If reference is made to the license issued by the board, the official reference shall only read, "Licensed by The Ohio State Cosmetology and Barber Board." All schools advertising that they are accredited or offer grants from the United States department of education (USDOE) shall follow the accrediting agency and/or USDOE laws and rules as to advertisements.

(8) Any advertisement, electronic messaging or piece of promotional literature written or used by a private school must be prepared and presented in such a manner as to avoid leaving any false or misleading impressions with respect to the school, its personnel, its courses and services, or the occupational opportunities for its graduates.

(9) A guarantee of graduation for students or of placement for graduates shall not be promised or implied by any school, agent, or representative thereof. No school in its advertising or through its representatives or agents shall guarantee or imply the guarantee of employment before enrollment, during the pursuance of the course, or after the course is completed. No school shall guarantee any certain wage, or imply earnings of its former students will be greater than can be documented.

(10) All schools that advertise that they are endorsed by any business establishment, manufacturer, organization or individual engaged in the cosmetology or barbering field shall maintain written evidence of that fact on site at the school with a date on the endorsement showing the endorsement was made before the advertisement.

Last updated December 6, 2023 at 11:49 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4709.05, 4709.10(B)(3), 4713.08
Amplifies: 4709.10(B)(3), 4713.44, 4713.45
Five Year Review Date: 11/21/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 12/17/1989, 5/1/2003
Rule 4713-3-08 | Final licensure.

(A) The board shall not issue a license to a new school until the board performs an opening inspection of the facility, grants final approval of the facility, and is satisfied that the school has met all laws, rules, and policies.

(B) A license issued to a school is valid only for the location named on the license and is not transferable. School owners shall follow the requirements set forth in paragraph (B) of rule 4713-1-11 of the Administrative Code prior to the sale, transfer, or change of ownership of a school.

(C) Schools shall post the school license in a public and conspicuous place in the school.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 2:10 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4709.05, 4713.08
Amplifies: 4709.10, 4713.44, 4713.45
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 10/23/1992, 1/26/1997, 11/23/2020
Rule 4713-3-11 | Cancellation, settlement and refund.

The institution shall state its policy and schedule of refund in clear language that can be easily understood. The policy shall apply to all terminations for any reason, by either party including student decision, course cancellation and school closure. Accredited schools shall adhere to the refund policy of their accrediting institution. All other schools shall adhere to the following refund requirements.

(A) The intent of the board refund policy is to see that each applicant/student is assured minimum conditions of refund. When calculating refunds, the school shall use the policy mandated by this rule unless a federal or accrediting agency policy applies. No institution is restricted to the minimum specific conditions stated here; only that its policy is at least as liberal to the student as this one

(1) An applicant or student (or the parent/guardian if the applicant or student is a minor) may cancel enrollment at anytime by informing the school in writing.

(2) The ending date for refund computation purposes is the last date of physical attendance by the student.

(3) Enrollment time means the total scheduled days for clock hours that have elapsed between the first day of class and the ending date.

(4) Total tuition is the amount stated on the contract or enrollment attributed to the program in which the student is enrolled.

(5) Program length is a period in clock hours for a clock hour program or calendar time for a credit hour program as specified in the contract or enrollment agreement.

(6) All refunds due shall be issued within forty-five days of official cancellation or withdrawal by the student or termination by the school.

(a) In addition to other charges and fees, the student may be charged a withdrawal fee of no more than one hundred fifty dollars.

(b) The percentage of clock hours that have elapsed is calculated by dividing the enrollment time by the program length, then by multiplying the result by one hundred.

Percentage length completed to total length of program, semester, term or billing period, per enrollment agreement.Amount of total tuition owed to the school.
0.01% to 4.9%20%
5% to 9.9%30%
10% to 14.9%40%
15% to 24.9%45%
25% to 49.9%70%
50% and over100%

(7) The cancellation date shall be the postmarked date if mailed, or the delivery date, if delivered in person. The termination date shall be the date of formal termination by the school, the thirtieth day of consecutive unexcused absence, or the scheduled return date for a student who does not return from an official leave of absence.

(8) If the school ceases to offer instruction after the student begins training, the student shall be entitled to a pro-rata refund of tuition based upon enrollment time. If the course is canceled before beginning training, the student shall be entitled, at the option of the school, to either a full refund of all money paid to the school, or completion of the course at another location.

(9) All extra costs, such as books, equipment, graduation fees, etc., which are not included in the tuition price, shall be stated in the catalog and enrollment agreement and any non-refundable items will be identified.

(10) An institution may charge a non-refundable application fee. This charge shall be clearly stated in both the school's catalog and enrollment agreement.

(11) Any termination/withdrawal fee shall be identified in the catalog and on the enrollment agreement and may not exceed one hundred fifty dollars.

(B) The enrollment agreement shall clearly outline the obligations of both the institution and the student, and provide details of the cancellation and settlement policy of the institution. A copy of the enrollment agreement and other data covering student costs shall be furnished to the applicant before any payment is made. No enrollment agreement is binding until it has been accepted in writing by an appropriate official at the institution. The institution's cancellation and settlement policy shall also be printed in the school catalog see rule 4713-3-12 of the Administrative Code.

(C) The collection procedures shall reflect good taste and sound, ethical business practices. The name of the board shall not be used in the institution's refund policy nor in any of its collection efforts.

Last updated November 4, 2024 at 1:40 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4713.08 (A)(13)
Amplifies: 4713.44, 4713.45
Five Year Review Date: 10/15/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 5/1/2003
Rule 4713-3-12 | School catalogue and handbook requirements.

Each school shall annually provide to the board a copy of their school catalogue and handbook for review and approval. Any updates made throughtout the year must also be submitted to the board for approval prior to implementation. The catalogue shall include the following information:

(A) Name and address of the institution for each location.

(B) Date of publication.

(C) The admission requirements (criteria) used by the institution for each course. The institution's admission policy must comply with the board's laws and rules.

(D) The name of each program and the nature and minimum level of training required for licensure and employment in the occupation for which training is provided must be identified.

(E) Length of program: Number of clock hours in each program offered by the institution in sufficient detail to show the scope and sequence of units included (clearly identify the coverage of each course).

(F) Description of the institution's general facilities and equipment.

(G) The grading system used by the institution. Identify the full range of grades that students may earn (must be consistent with the institution's satisfactory progress policy).

(H) Graduation requirements for each program. List any special conditions or requirements.

(I) Type of document (certificate, diploma, etc.) awarded upon graduation from each program.

(J) Refund policy: Refund policy must comply with rule 4713-3-11 of the Administrative Code or its accrediting agency, if any.

(K) Employment assistance: A clear statement that the institution does not guarantee employment. Extent and nature of employment assistance.

(L) A school calendar of beginning dates of classes for each program. Indicate holidays and school closures.

(M) Statement that the institution does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, age, color, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religion.

(N) Name of the legal entity that owns the school.

(O) The institution's policy guaranteeing the right of students to gain access to their files.

(P) The institution's policy for releasing information about an individual student.

(Q) Scholarship and fee waiver policies (if applicable).

(R) Specifics describing the extent of other available services, such as housing (if applicable), career counseling, etc.

(S) The address, and telephone number of the Ohio state cosmetology and barber board, as well as the name, address and telephone number of the agency which accredits the institution, if applicable.

(T) Policies related to tardiness, excused and unexcused absences, make-up work, conduct, termination and other rules and regulations of the institution.

(U) An internal procedure for processing complaints filed against the school by students, faculty, or consumers, and an internal procedure for students containing instructions on how a student may file a complaint directly with the board.

(V) Names of administrative staff and faculty.

(W) Costs for each program:

(1) Tuition - total tuition for each program.

(2) Books and supplies - must be actual cost to the student.

(3) All fees for each program (must be separately identified).

(4) Other costs.

(5) Payment - methods and terms of payment of monies owed to the institution must be identified.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 2:10 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: R.C. 4713.08, R.C. 4709.05
Amplifies: 4709.10, 4713.44, 4713.45
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 2/28/2014, 2/21/2019
Rule 4713-3-13 | School contract requirements.

Each school shall annually provide to the board a copy of its student contract for review and approval. Prior to the first day of class, the institution, shall obtain a fully-executed written contract, or enrollment agreement for each prospective student, which at a minimum contains:

(A) Legal name and address of the school.

(B) Obligations of the school and student.

(C) Program length, name and starting date.

(D) Full cost of the program including tuition, books, supplies, fees and other additional costs.

(E) Payment terms.

(F) Refund policy.

(G) The school's cancellation and settlement policy including notification that the enrollment agreement may be canceled by submitting written notice within three business days pursuant to rule 4713-3-11 of the Administrative Code.

(H) Number of clock hours in the program including the number of weeks or months necessary to complete the program.

(I) Signature of applicant and institution designee and date signed.

(J) Notice to student concerning their ability to file a complaint with the state cosmetology and barber board. This notice shall include the board's address and telephone number.

Last updated May 31, 2022 at 8:01 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4713.08, 4709.05
Amplifies: 4709.10(B)(3), 4713.45, 4713.44
Five Year Review Date: 5/18/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 10/23/1992, 8/9/2002