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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4734-7 | License Renewal and Restoration

Rule 4734-7-01 | Renewal requirements.

(A) General renewal requirements.

(1) All continuing education (CE) earned for renewal shall meet the requirements outlined in rule 4734-7-02 of the Administrative Code.

(2) Individuals licensed during the current CE reporting period are exempt from earning CE credit during the earning period of their initial licensure.

(3) At least sixty days prior to the expiration of a license, the board shall notify every individual issued a license or reinstated during the current biennial period. Failure to receive the board's notification of renewal does not exonerate the licensee from the board's renewal requirements.

(4) Renewal shall be made in the manner prescribed by the board. Each licensee shall complete a renewal application(s) and supply all information necessary to process the renewal.

(5) The board may select applications for audit to verify that all CE requirements have been met. Licensees whose applications are selected for audit shall submit documentation of compliance with the required CE hours within thirty days from the date of the board's notification.

(B) Chiropractic license renewal.

(1) Each licensee who receives a license shall thereafter apply for renewal of the license on a biennial basis and pay a non-refundable five hundred dollar renewal fee on or before the renewal deadline of March thirty-first of each even numbered year.

(2) Except for those licensees simultaneously renewing an acupuncture certificate in accordance with paragraph (C) of this rule, each licensee renewing a chiropractic license shall attest on the application for renewal to having earned the following CE hours:

(a) Thirty-four hours of chiropractic CE as defined in paragraph (B)(3) of rule 4734-7-02 of the Administrative Code;

(b) Two hours of board mandated CE as defined in paragraph (B)(5) of rule 4734-7-02 of the Administrative Code.

(3) Any current licensee may place their chiropractic license on inactive status on or before the license renewal deadline if the license is in good standing and the licensee is not under disciplinary review pursuant to section 4734.31 of the Revised Code. The effective date of the inactive status shall be the date reflected in the board's official record. The license may be restored in accordance with the provisions of section 4734.26 of the Revised Code and rule 4734-7-04 of the Administrative Code.

(4) Failure to renew a chiropractic license on or before March thirty-first of each even numbered year results in forfeiture of the licensee's right to practice chiropractic as outlined in section 4734.25 of the Revised Code. The license may be reinstated in accordance with the provisions outlined in section 4734.25 of the Revised Code and rule 4734-7-05 of the Administrative Code.

(C) Acupuncture certificate renewal.

(1) Each licensee who receives a certificate to practice acupuncture shall thereafter apply for renewal of the certificate on a biennial basis and pay a non-refundable one hundred dollar renewal fee on or before the renewal deadline of March thirty-first of each even numbered year.

(2) No acupuncture certificate shall be renewed unless the individual's chiropractic license is likewise renewed.

(3) Each licensee shall attest on the application for renewal to having earned the following CE hours:

(a) Twenty-two hours of chiropractic CE as defined in paragraph (B)(3) of rule 4734-7-02 of the Administrative Code;

(b) Twelve hours of acupuncture CE as defined in paragraph (B)(4) of rule 4734-7-02 of the Administrative Code;

(c) Two hours of board mandated CE as defined in paragraph (B)(5) of rule 4734-7-02 of the Administrative Code.

(4) Any current licensee may place their acupuncture certificate on inactive status if the certificate is in good standing and not under disciplinary review. The effective date of the inactive status shall be the date reflected in the board's official record. The certificate may be restored in accordance with the provisions of section 4734.286 of the Revised Code and rule 4734-10-06 of the Administrative Code.

(5) Failure to renew an acupuncture certificate results in the certificate being placed on inactive status. The certificate may be restored in accordance with the provisions of section 4734.286 of the Revised Code and rule 4734-10-06 of the Administrative Code.

(D) Licensee responsibilities.

(1) Each licensee shall ensure that CE programs earned for renewal meets the requirements outlined in rule 4734-7-02 of the Administrative Code;

(2) Each licensee shall earn CE in the two year period beginning April first of each even numbered year;

(3) Licensees shall not claim CE credit for a program more than once per renewal biennium;

(4) Licensees shall not carry forward or retroactively apply CE to any other CE earning period;

(5) Licensees shall earn interactive online CE programs one at a time and shall not open or complete multiple programs simultaneously;

(6) Each licensee shall maintain verification of earned CE for no less than three full years from completion of the CE activity;

(7) Destroying, altering, or otherwise making unavailable documentation of CE is prohibited. Failure to maintain CE records rebuts the presumption that the required CE hours were met.

(E) CE exceptions.

(1) Proctors of the national board of chiropractic examiners part four practical examination may claim the hours, as applicable, toward their chiropractic CE requirement. The licensee is not exempt from earning two hours of board mandated CE.

(2) Instructors of programs offered for CE credit that meet the requirements of rule 4734-7-02 of the Administrative Code may claim the hours, as applicable, toward their chiropractic CE, acupuncture CE and/or board mandated CE requirement. CE credit shall not be claimed for teaching the same program more than once.

(3) Licensees who earn college credit in three hundred level courses or above in a health care related topic through a college or university accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the United States department of education may claim the hours, as applicable, toward their chiropractic or acupuncture CE requirement. The licensee is not exempt from earning two hours of board mandated CE.

(4) Licensees who teach three hundred level courses or above in a health care related topic at a college or university accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the United States department of education may claim the hours, as applicable, toward their chiropractic or acupuncture CE requirement. The licensee is not exempt from earning two hours of board mandated CE.

(5) Licensees who author research papers published in recognized chiropractic or medical journals may claim, as applicable, chiropractic CE and/or acupuncture CE toward their renewal requirement. The licensee is not exempt from earning two hours of board mandated CE.

(6) A waiver, extension, reduction, or modification of CE hours may be granted to a licensee due to illness, disability, or other good cause shown. A request for a waiver, extension, reduction, or modification of CE hours shall be made to the board in writing no less than thirty days prior to the expiration of the license.

Last updated May 2, 2022 at 8:43 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4734.10
Amplifies: 4734.25
Five Year Review Date: 5/1/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 1/10/2003, 4/1/2010
Rule 4734-7-02 | Standards and requirements for continuing education.

(A) It is the responsibility of each licensee to ensure that programs earned for continuing education (CE) credit meet the requirements of this rule.

(B) Definitions

(1) CE, other than online CE, is defined as programs at which attendees interact with the instructor and the instructor can speak directly with the participants. A program may be conducted via teleconference so long as the instructor can speak directly with and interact with attendees.

(2) Online CE is defined as interactive online learning over the internet.

(3) Chiropractic CE is defined as programs comprised of one or more of the following subjects: acupuncture; animal chiropractic; chiropractic philosophy and history; clinical diagnosis and examination procedures; diagnostic imaging; clinical documentation; electrodiagnostics; emergency procedures; laboratory procedures; manipulation and adjusting procedures; neurology; nutrition; orthopedics; physiological therapeutics; principles and practice of chiropractic; professional boundaries; public health, hygiene, sanitation; rehabilitative procedures/exercise; risk management and other subjects related to the practice of chiropractic as deemed appropriate by the board.

(4) Acupuncture CE is defined as programs comprised of topics to enhance acupuncture education and competency.

(5) Board mandated CE is defined as programs on the topics of: boundaries and/or trauma informed care; human trafficking awareness; and/or laws and rules of the board.

(6) CE hour is defined as a minimum of fifty minutes of CE activity and shall not include time for meals or breaks.

(C) General requirements for all CE programs

(1) The program shall have significant intellectual or practical content and the primary objective of the program shall be to improve the licensee's professional competence;

(2) Programs shall consist of topics of clinical benefit to consumers;

(3) Instructors shall be qualified by education or experience to provide instruction in the relevant subject matter;

(4) The program shall be presented in a setting suited to the educational activity of the program;

(5) The program shall be based upon scientific evidence generally accepted by the profession.

(D) Requirements for online CE

(1) The program shall have a sufficent method to ensure the participant has earned all of the time required to complete the program;

(2) The program shall have a mechanism in place for the participant to contact the provider;

(3) The program shall include a mechanism to assess the participant's knowledge of the subject matter;

(4) The program shall provide verification of attendance or allow the user to print a verification upon completion of the program;

(5) Programs shall be earned one at a time. The program shall not grant CE credit for multiple programs completed simultaneously.

(E) Prohibited CE

(1) Topics related to: billing and coding in relation to upcoding or enhanced billing and/or coding techniques; malpractice defense; practice management; programs wherein promotion of a product or service is the principle purpose of the program; strategies to increase reimbursement; motivational programs; legal courses; professional organizational business meetings; speeches; and practice building;

(2) Authoring articles;

(3) Programs conducted via CD; DVD; audio programs; reading books, articles, or journals; home study courses; correspondence courses; and other mechanisms of self-instruction not defined in this rule.

(F) Licensees who take the board's online laws and rules CE program and pass an assessment shall be granted one hour of board mandated CE credit.

(G) Instructors for CE programs conducted in Ohio shall not be required to apply for a temporary license when demonstrating techniques or procedures on a program participant, provided that the instructor:

(1) Possesses a current, valid and unrestricted chiropractic license in another state or country;

(2) Possesses valid liability coverage at the time of demonstration;

(3) Fully explains the technique or procedure to the participant;

(4) Discloses any potential risks, and;

(5) Obtains written informed consent from the program participant prior to the demonstration.

Last updated May 2, 2022 at 8:43 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4734.10
Amplifies: 4734.25, 4734.284
Five Year Review Date: 5/1/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 1/10/2003, 8/1/2007, 11/15/2007, 4/1/2010, 10/18/2010, 2/18/2013
Rule 4734-7-03 | Continuing education credit for providing health care to indigent and uninsured persons as a volunteer.

(A) Licensees may satisfy up to twelve hours of CE credit by providing health care services as a volunteer to an indigent and uninsured person(s) in accordance with section 4745.04 of the Revised Code.

(B) Providing health care to indigent and uninsured persons as a volunteer means providing diagnosis, care, or treatment without the expectation of receiving and without receipt of any compensation or other form of remuneration from an indigent and uninsured person, another person on behalf of an indigent and uninsured person, any health care facility or location, any nonprofit health care referral organization, or any other person or government entity.

(C) Licensees must satisfy the requirements of section 2305.234 of the Revised Code to qualify for the immunity from liability granted under that section. Continuing education credit received in accordance with section 4745.04 of the Revised Code for providing health care services is not compensation or any other form of remuneration for purposes of section 2305.234 of the Revised Code and does not make the licensee ineligible for the immunity from liability granted under that section.

(D) As defined in section 2305.234 of the Revised Code, an indigent and uninsured shall meet both of the following requirements:

(1) Relative to being indigent, the person's income is not greater than two hundred per cent of the federal poverty line, as defined by the United States office of management and budget and revised in accordance with section 673(2) of the "Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981," 95 Stat. 511, 42 U.S.C. 9902, as amended, except in any case in which paragraph (D)(2)(c) of this rule includes a person whose income is greater than two hundred per cent of the federal poverty line, and;

(2) Relative to being uninsured, one of the following applies:

(a) The person is not a policyholder, certificate holder, insured, contract holder, subscriber, enrollee, member, beneficiary, or other covered individual under a health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan.

(b) The person is a policyholder, certificate holder, insured, contract holder, subscriber, enrollee, member, beneficiary, or other covered individual under a health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan, but the insurer, policy, contract, or plan denies coverage or is the subject of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings in any jurisdiction.

(c) Until June 30, 2019, the person is eligible for the medicaid program or is a medicaid recipient.

(d) Except as provided in paragraph (D)(2)(c) of this rule, the person is not eligible for or a recipient, enrollee, or beneficiary of any governmental health care program.

(E) Documentation of CE credit for providing health care to indigent and uninsured persons as a volunteer shall be in writing in the form of a certificate or a written statement on letterhead from an administrative official at the organization where services were rendered, specifying at a minimum the date(s) the activity occurred, the time devoted toward the activity, and an attestation that the individuals for which services were provided meet the requirements of paragraphs (D)(1) and (D)(2) of this rule. One credit hour equals sixty minutes spent providing health care services as a volunteer.

(F) CE hours earned providing health care services as a volunteer to an indigent and uninsured person(s) shall not be claimed as board mandated CE credit.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4734.10
Amplifies: 2305.234, 4745.05
Five Year Review Date: 3/30/2023
Prior Effective Dates: 10/1/2017
Rule 4734-7-04 | Restoration of inactive chiropractic license.

(A) A chiropractic physician holding an inactive license may apply to have the license restored in the manner prescribed by the board and shall complete the application and supply all information necessary to process the application for restoration.

(1) If an application for restoration is received before the first day of the second year of the CE period, the applicant shall submit a non-refundable payment of five hundred dollars made payable to the treasurer, state of Ohio and submit evidence of thirty-six hours of CE earned in accordance with the provisions of rule 4734-7-01 of the Administrative Code within the twenty-four months immediately preceding the date of the application for restoration.

(2) If an application for restoration is received on or after the first day of the second year of the CE period, the applicant shall submit a non-refundable payment of two hundred fifty dollars made payable to the treasurer, state of Ohio and submit evidence of eighteen hours of CE earned in accordance with the provisions of rule 4734-7-01 of the Administrative Code within the twenty-four months immediately preceding the date of the application for restoration. The eighteen CE hours submitted shall include two hours of board mandated CE.

(B) The board shall consider the length of inactivity and the moral character and activities of the applicant during the inactive license period and may impose any of the terms and conditions for restoration outlined in division (B) of section 4734.26 of the Revised Code. Said terms and conditions may include requiring the applicant to take and pass the "Special Purposes Examination for Chiropractic" offered by the national board of chiropractic examiners.

(C) The board may refuse or deny an applicant for restoration of his or her inactive license if the applicant does not meet the requirements as outlined in this chapter or section 4734.26 of the Revised Code or has committed any act which indicates that the applicant does not possess the character and fitness to practice chiropractic, including any act that would be grounds for disciplinary action as outlined in section 4734.31 of the Revised Code. The burden of proof is on the applicant to prove by clear and convincing evidence to the board that he or she meets the conditions for license restoration.

(D) Any applicant that the board proposes to refuse or deny licensure restoration shall be entitled to a hearing on the question of the proposed refusal or denial.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4734.10
Amplifies: 4734.26, 4734.286, 4734.31
Five Year Review Date: 3/30/2023
Prior Effective Dates: 11/15/2007
Rule 4734-7-05 | Reinstatement of forfeited chiropractic license.

(A) A chiropractic physician holding a forfeited license may apply to have the license reinstated in the manner prescribed by the board and shall complete the application and supply all information necessary to process the application for reinstatement.

(1) If an application for reinstatement is received before the first day of the second year of the CE period, the applicant shall submit a non-refundable payment of five hundred dollars and a one hundred fifty dollar penalty fee made payable to the treasurer, state of Ohio and submit evidence of thirty-six hours of CE earned in accordance with the provisions of rule 4734-7-01 of the Administrative Code within the twenty-four months immediately preceding the date of the application for reinstatement.

(2) If an application for reinstatement is received on or after the first day of the second year of the CE period, the applicant shall submit a non-refundable payment of two hundred fifty dollars and a one hundred fifty dollar penalty fee made payable to the treasurer, state of Ohio and submit evidence of eighteen hours of CE earned in accordance with the provisions of rule 4734-7-01 of the Administrative Code within the twenty-four months immediately preceding the date of the application for reinstatement. The eighteen CE hours submitted shall include two hours of board mandated CE.

(B) If an individual's license has been forfeited for two years or more, the board may require as a condition for reinstatement that the applicant complete training or testing which may include passage of the "Special Purposes Examination for Chiropractic" offered by the national board of chiropractic examiners.

(C) The board may refuse or deny an applicant for reinstatement of his or her forfeited license if the applicant does not meet the requirements as outlined in this chapter or section 4734.25 of the Revised Code or has committed any act which indicates that the applicant does not possess the character and fitness to practice chiropractic, including any act that would be grounds for disciplinary action as outlined in section 4734.31 of the Revised Code. The burden of proof is on the applicant to prove by clear and convincing evidence to the board that he or she meets the conditions for license reinstatement.

(D) Any applicant that the board proposes to refuse or deny licensure reinstatement shall be entitled to a hearing on the question of such proposed refusal or denial.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4734.10, 4734.25
Amplifies: 4734.25
Five Year Review Date: 3/30/2023
Prior Effective Dates: 12/1/2012