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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4765-2 | Public Notices and Meetings

Rule 4765-2-01 | Definitions.

As used in this chapter:

(A) "Ad hoc committee" means a group of designated individuals appointed by the board, to serve as a small deliberative assembly, which is intended to remain subordinate to the board. An ad hoc committee is tasked with a special project or issue, and is disbanded when the project is complete or the issue is resolved. An ad hoc committee shall present its recommendations or findings to the full board.

(B) "Committee" means a group of designated individuals appointed by the board with a prescribed set of skills and knowledge, which serves as a small deliberative assembly. Each committee of the board is established as a means to accomplish the board duties as set forth in this chapter. A committee's functions include governance of a specific decision making issue, coordination of individuals from specialty realms, research and recommendations on specific issues and project management. Committees are long-standing groups.

(C) "Subcommittee" means a group of designated individuals appointed by the board, which is needed to subdivide specialized tasks or jobs within a committee. The primary function is to break down large, complex projects into manageable pieces. Functions include, but are not limited to, research and analysis. The subcommittee reports its research or findings to the committee. Subcommittees may be long-standing.

(D) "Workgroup" means a group of designated individuals appointed by a committee chair, which is tasked with a focused project, task, or deliverable. The workgroup meets until the goal is accomplished, and is disbanded when the project is complete or the issue is resolved. A workgroup shall present its recommendations or findings to the committee under which it was developed.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4765.11
Amplifies: 4765.02, 4765.04, 4765.10
Five Year Review Date: 12/25/2024
Rule 4765-2-02 | Organization of the board.

[Comment: For dates and availability of material incorporated by reference in this rule see rule 4765-1-03 of the Administrative Code.]

(A) The board shall annually select from among its members a board chair and a vice chair. Election of a board chair and vice chair shall be made at the last regularly scheduled board meeting of the calendar year. Newly elected officers shall assume their duties on the first day of January of the next calendar year for a term lasting through the end of that year. Any vacancies occurring during the term shall be filled by the board at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board, or at an earlier meeting called for the purpose of filling the vacancy. No member may serve more than two consecutive terms as board chair or vice chair.

(B) The board chair shall preside at all meetings of the board. In the absence of the board chair, the vice chair shall preside at meetings of the board. The board chair may assign such other duties to the vice chair as deemed necessary to assist in board operations. In the absence of the chair and the vice chair, the members of the board may designate a board member as acting chair.

(C) All meetings of the board, its committees, ad hoc committees, and subcommittees, shall be conducted in accordance with "Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised."

(D) Board members who are unable to attend a scheduled meeting of the board shall provide advance notice to the executive director or the executive director's designee.

(E) Board meetings shall be held in locations determined appropriate by the executive director.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4765.11
Amplifies: 4765.02
Five Year Review Date: 12/25/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 10/1/1995
Rule 4765-2-03 | Committees, ad hoc committees, subcommittees, and workgroups.

(A) In furtherance of section 4765.02 of the Revised Code, the board may create, establish, restructure, or discontinue committees, ad hoc committees, subcommittees or workgroups necessary to carry out its functions and responsibilities. The board may appoint or remove members appointed to such committees, ad hoc committees and subcommittees as deemed necessary.

(B) The board chair shall appoint a member of each committee to serve as chair and vice-chair of each committee, ad hoc committee, or subcommittee pursuant to this chapter. The terms of each committee chair and subcommittee vice-chair shall be for two years.

(1) The committee, ad hoc committee, or subcommittee chair shall preside at all meetings. In the absence of the chair, the vice chair of the committee, ad hoc committee, or subcommittee shall preside at the meeting.

(2) In the event of a vacancy in the committee, ad hoc committee, or subcommittee chair and vice chair, the board shall appoint a member of the committee, ad hoc committee, or subcommittee to serve as chair for the remainder of the term.

(3) If neither the chair nor vice-chair of a committee, ad hoc committee, or subcommittee is in attendance, the members of the committee, ad hoc committee, or subcommittee may elect a chair pro tem from among those present to preside during the session.

(C) The board chair shall appoint members of any committee, ad hoc committee, or subcommittee created pursuant to this chapter with the approval of the board. The committee chair, with the approval of the committee, shall appoint members of a workgroup.

(D) The board may appoint members of the public, appropriate state and local agencies of government, EMS organizations, and other interested parties to serve as members of each committee, ad hoc committee, and subcommittee created pursuant to this chapter.

(1) Committees and ad hoc committees shall consist of at least two board members and not more than fifteen voting members, unless waived by the board.

(2) Subcommittees shall consist of at least two board members. Subcommittees may be of such size as determined appropriate by the board.

(3) Workgroups may be of such size as determined appropriate by the committee chair.

(E) When making appointments to committees, ad hoc committees, and subcommittees, the board shall make a good faith effort to insure educational, professional, cultural and geographical diversity, and to afford adequate representation for those individuals or groups with an interest in, or who would be affected by, the substantive work of the committee, ad hoc committee, or subcommittee. The chair of the committee, ad hoc committee, or subcommittee shall be responsible to insure the diversity is continuously met.

(F) No more than two representatives of any organization, profession, or specialty authorized by section 4765.02 of the Revised Code to provide nominations for appointment of board members, may represent that organization, profession, or specialty as members of a committee, ad hoc committee, or subcommittee. Upon the request of the committee, ad hoc committee, or subcommittee chair, the board may waive this provision with an affirmative vote of the majority of all board members.

(G) Committees, ad hoc committees, and subcommittees shall be established by the board for a two-year term.

(1) Terms of appointment to committees, ad hoc committees, or subcommittees shall be for two years from the date of establishment.

(2) Any appointments to a committee, ad hoc committee, or subcommittee after the date of establishment shall expire on the same date as appointments made in paragraph (G)(1) of this rule.

(H) Committees, ad hoc committees, and subcommittees shall meet at the call of its respective chair and at such locations as determined appropriate by the executive director.

(I) A majority of the appointed members of a committee, ad hoc committees, or subcommittee shall constitute a quorum. No actions shall be taken by a committee, ad hoc committees, or subcommittee without the concurrence of a majority of its members present at a meeting in which a quorum exists.

(J) The chair of a committee or ad hoc committee, with the approval of the chair, may establish a workgroup tasked to complete a focused project, task, or deliverable.

(1) The committee or ad hoc committee chair, with the approval of the committee or ad hoc committee, shall appoint members of the public, appropriate state and local government, EMS organizations, and other interested parties to serve as members of a workgroup.

(2) Workgroups may be of such size as determined appropriate by the committee or ad hoc committee chair.

(K) Each chair of a workgroup shall designate an individual as recording secretary, who shall promptly submit to the chair of the establishing committee or ad hoc committee the written minutes of each meeting.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4765.11
Amplifies: 4765.04, 4765.10
Five Year Review Date: 12/25/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 5/29/2003, 2/1/2009
Rule 4765-2-04 | Public notice of rule adoption, amendment, or rescission.

Prior to adoption, amendment, or rescission of any rule, other than an emergency rule authorized by executive order, the board gives public notice in accordance with section 119.03 of the Revised Code, of its intention to consider adopting, amending, or rescinding such rule or rules. The content of such public notice is provided according to the requirements of section 119.03 of the Revised Code and is posted on the register of Ohio web site at the time of filing. In addition, the board posts a copy of the public hearing notice as well as any proposed rule changes on the division of EMS web site, which can be accessed at

Last updated August 2, 2021 at 9:32 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4765.11
Amplifies: 119.03
Five Year Review Date: 12/25/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 6/15/1995 (Emer.)
Rule 4765-2-05 | Notice of meetings.

(A) Any person or media outlet may obtain information regarding the time and location of all regularly scheduled meetings and information regarding the time, location, and purpose of any special meetings of the board, its committees, subcommittees, and workgroups by requesting to be placed on an email notification list at no cost, or to receive notice by regular mail for a reasonable fee. Requests for notice of meetings may be submitted to the division of EMS in written form, or may be made in person during regular business hours.

(B) Written request for notice of meetings may be general in nature or may be specific to meetings where a particular type of business will be considered. Such requests include the name of the person submitting the request, any organization with which the person is affiliated, mailing address, electronic mail address, telephone number, and whether notice is sought for all or specified types of meetings.

(C) The board provides twenty-four hour advance notice of special meetings of the board, committees, subcommittees and workgroups to representatives of media organizations who have submitted written requests for such notice to the division of EMS. In the event that an emergency meeting is scheduled and twenty-four hour notice is not possible, the board shall notify those representatives of media organizations who have requested notice in accordance with this paragraph, as soon as is reasonably possible after such meeting is scheduled. The notice requested by representatives of media organizations pursuant to this rule may be general or specific in nature.

Last updated August 2, 2021 at 9:32 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4765.11
Amplifies: 121.22, 4765.02, 4765.04, 4765.10
Five Year Review Date: 12/25/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 2/1/2009