Rule 3745-267-13 | Waste analysis requirements - standardized permitting.
(A) Before an owner or operator treats or stores any hazardous waste, the owner or operator shall obtain a detailed chemical and physical analysis of a representative sample of the wastes. At a minimum, the analysis shall contain all the information needed to treat or store the waste to comply with Chapters 3745-267 and 3745-270 of the Administrative Code.
(1) The owner or operator may include data in the analysis that was developed under Chapter 3745-51 of the Administrative Code, and published or documented data on the hazardous waste or on hazardous waste generated from similar processes.
(2) The owner or operator shall repeat the analysis as necessary to ensure that the analysis is accurate and up-to-date. At a minimum, the owner or operator shall repeat the analysis if the process or operation generating the hazardous wastes has changed.
(B) The owner or operator shall develop and follow a written waste analysis plan that describes the procedures the owner or operator will follow in order to comply with paragraph (A) of this rule. The owner or operator shall keep the waste analysis plan at the facility. If the owner or operator receives wastes generated from off-site, and the owner or operator is eligible for a standardized permit, the owner or operator shall also submit the waste analysis plan with the "Notice of Intent." At a minimum, the waste analysis plan shall specify all of the following:
(1) The hazardous waste parameters that the owner or operator will analyze and the rationale for selecting the parameters [that is, how analysis for the parameters will provide sufficient information on the waste's properties to comply with paragraph (A) of this rule];
(2) The test methods the owner or operator will use to test for these parameters;
(3) The sampling method the owner or operator will use to obtain a representative sample of the waste to be analyzed. The owner or operator may obtain a representative sample using either:
(a) One of the sampling methods described in the appendix to rule 3745-51-20 of the Administrative Code; or
(b) An equivalent sampling method;
(4) How frequently the owner or operator will review or repeat the initial analysis of the waste to ensure that the analysis is accurate and up-to-date; and
(5) Where applicable, the methods the owner or operator will use to meet the additional waste analysis requirements for specific waste management methods, as specified in rule 3745-54-17, paragraph (D) of rule 3745-205-34, paragraph (D) of rule 3745-205-63, and rule 3745-205-83 of the Administrative Code.
Last updated March 7, 2025 at 5:18 PM