Rule 4781-12-08.2 | Tiedowns; supports; blocking.
(A) Every manufactured home placed in a manufactured home park on or after June 1, 1979, shall be secured with tiedowns at the time of placement of the manufactured home upon the lot in accordance with the recommendations of the individual manufactured home manufacturer or in accordance with appendix A to this rule.
(B) Each manufactured home placed in a manufactured home park on or after September 3, 1983, shall be supported by blocking in accordance with the specifications of the individual manufactured home manufacturer or in accordance with appendix B to this rule.
(C) In addition to meeting the requirements of paragraph (B) of this rule, each manufactured home placed after the effective date of this rule on a lot in a manufactured home park that is located in a one-hundred-year flood plain shall comply with Chapter 4781-12 of the Administrative Code. Subject to approval of the division, an alternate design for blocking may be used.
(D) Each manufactured home park lot upon which a manufactured home is to be placed or replaced after the effective date of this rule shall have one of the following base support systems:
(1) A paved pad;
(2) Paved strips;
(3) Concrete piers; or
(4) An alternate base support system approved by the division, which shall be of such design, width, length, and so positioned as to furnish a stable base for the manufactured home.
Paving shall be done with concrete having a minimum rating of three thousand pounds per square inch.