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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 901-19-12 | Acceptable practices.


This is a mandatory rule.

The following practices are acceptable practices for the purposes of this chapter:

(A) Treating livestock:

(1) Humane;

(2) In accordance with acceptable commercial practices to protect the health, safety, and welfare of livestock; and

(3) In accordance with the Ohio livestock care standards located in division 901:12 of the Administrative Code.

(B) Adding caffeine free soda pop, gelatin, or other sweeteners to drinking water in nominal amounts to encourage water consumption;

(C) Hoof trimming;

(D) In preparation and prior to exhibition in accordance with sponsor and best management practices:

(1) Cosmetic dehorning in market class livestock;

(2) Castration;

(3) Beak trimming;

(4) Dehorning;

(5) Hot or freeze branding;

(6) Humane ringing; and

(7) Tail docking in accordance with division 901:12 of the Administrative Code;

(E) Using collodion as a teat sealant, but for no longer than eighteen hours;

(F) Adding molasses or other sweeteners to feed to encourage consumption;

(G) Properly administered and approved growth implants;

(H) Tattooing;

(I) Ear notching;

(J) Ear tagging;

(K) Shearing;

(L) Acceptable surgery, including clamps, bands, and chemical castration;

(M) Treatment and administration of livestock with approved drugs during an exhibition under the following conditions:

(1) By or under the supervision and direction of an official veterinarian;

(2) In conjunction with a valid veterinarian-client-patient relationship;

(3) Only in accordance with label directions;

(4) For a valid medical purpose;

(5) A drug use notification form is completed and filed in accordance with the applicable requirements of rule 901-19-06 of the Administrative Code;

(6) The livestock remain exhibition drug residue legal at the time of the show; and

(7) If applicable, an extended withdrawal time is assigned to the drug by the veterinarian as part of the extra label directions and reported on the drug use notification form.

(N) Application of ice, ice packs, cold packs, or cold compresses prescribed to relieve heat stress or a medical condition diagnosed and prescribed by the official veterinarian at an exhibition.

Last updated May 23, 2024 at 8:23 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 901.72
Amplifies: 901.72, 901.76
Five Year Review Date: 5/23/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 7/6/1995 (Emer.), 10/4/1995, 6/23/1996, 5/1/1997, 6/1/1998, 3/25/2000, 5/31/2001, 3/21/2016