Rule 901:5-4-03 | Education requirements.
(A) Each applicant for a fertilizer certificate shall successfully complete a department approved agricultural nutrient training course which, at a minimum, educates the applicant on the following:
(1) The proper times to apply fertilizer, including time of day and time of season;
(2) The proper place to apply fertilizer;
(3) The form of fertilizer that should be applied;
(4) The proper amount of fertilizer to be applied;
(5) The storage and handling of fertilizer; and
(6) The proper fertilizer application techniques.
(B) Each applicant for an initial fertilizer certificate shall complete one of the following educational requirements, if applicable, within twelve months prior to applying for certification:
(1) A minimum of three hours of agricultural nutrient training as set forth in this rule.
(2) Individuals whom have demonstrated that they possess adequate knowledge of the fertilizer training requirements set forth in this rule by successfully passing a fertilizer examination approved by the department within twelve months of applying for certification.
(C) Each applicant whom possesses a valid and current fertilizer certificate and wishes to renew their certificate shall complete one of the following educational requirements:
(1) One hour of agricultural nutrient training as set forth in this rule.
(2) Individuals may demonstrate that they possess adequate knowledge of the fertilizer training requirements set forth in this rule by successfully passing a fertilizer examination approved by the department within twelve months of applying for certification.
(3) Individuals whom have obtained their fertilizer certificate within twelve months of applying for a renewal certificate are not required to complete the renewal educational requirements found in paragraphs (C)(1) and (C)(2) of this rule.
(D) Opportunity to take a fertilizer applicator course will be provided at such times and places as approved by the director in consideration of the number and location of requests for courses.
(E) The following individuals are exempted from the education requirements found in this rule:
(1) Individuals whom have provided evidence that they have completed the training provided in accordance with the "certified crop advisor" program conducted by the "American society of agronomy."
(2) Individuals who hold a valid and current livestock managers certification under section 903.07 of the Revised Code.
Last updated February 10, 2025 at 1:01 PM