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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 175 | Housing Finance Agency

Section 175.01 | Definitions.

As used in sections 175.01 to 175.13 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Bonds" means bonds, notes, debentures, refunding bonds, refunding notes, and other obligations.

(B) "Down payment assistance" means monetary assistance for down payment closing costs, and pre-paid expenses directly related to the purchase of a home.

(C) "Financial assistance" means grants, loans, loan guarantees, an equity position in a project, and loan subsidies.

(D) "Grant" means funding for which repayment is not required.

(E) "Homeownership program" means any program for which the Ohio housing finance agency provides financing, directly or indirectly, for the purchase of housing for owner-occupancy.

(F) "Housing" means housing for owner-occupancy and multifamily rental housing.

(G) "Housing development fund" means the housing development fund created and administered pursuant to section 175.11 of the Revised Code.

(H) "Housing finance agency personal services fund" means the housing finance agency personal services fund created and administered pursuant to section 175.051 of the Revised Code.

(I) "Housing for owner-occupancy" means housing that is intended for occupancy by an owner as a principal residence. "Housing for owner-occupancy" may be any type of structure and may be owned in any form of ownership.

(J) "Housing trust fund" means the low- and moderate-income housing trust fund created and administered pursuant to Chapter 174. of the Revised Code.

(K) "Improvement" means any alteration, remodeling, addition, or repair that substantially protects or improves the basic habitability or energy efficiency of housing.

(L) "Lending institution" means any financial institution qualified to conduct business in this state, a subsidiary corporation that is wholly owned by a financial institution qualified to conduct business in this state, and a mortgage lender whose regular business is originating, servicing, or brokering real estate loans and who is qualified to do business in this state.

(M) "Loan" means any extension of credit or other form of financing or indebtedness extended directly or indirectly to a borrower with the expectation that it will be repaid in accordance with the terms of the underlying loan agreement or other pertinent document. "Loan" includes financing the Ohio housing finance agency extends to lending institutions and indebtedness the agency purchases from lending institutions.

(N) "Loan guarantee" means any agreement in favor of a lending institution, bondholder, or other lender in which the credit and resources of the housing finance agency or the housing trust fund are pledged to secure the payment or collection of financing extended to a borrower for the acquisition, construction, improvement, rehabilitation, or preservation of housing or to refinance any financing previously extended for those purposes.

(O) "Loan subsidy" means any deposit of funds the Ohio housing finance agency holds or administers into a lending institution with the authorization or direction that the income or revenues the deposit earns, or could have earned at competitive rates, be applied directly or indirectly to the benefit of housing assistance or financial assistance.

(P) "Low- and moderate-income persons" means individuals and families who qualify as low- and moderate-income persons pursuant to guidelines the agency establishes.

(Q) "Multifamily rental housing" means multiple unit housing intended for rental occupancy.

(R) "Nonprofit organization" means a nonprofit organization in good standing and qualified to conduct business in this state including any corporation whose members are members of a metropolitan housing authority.

(S) "Owner" means any person who, jointly or severally, has legal or equitable title to housing together with the right to control or possess that housing. "Owner" includes a purchaser of housing pursuant to a land installment contract if that contract vests possession and maintenance responsibilities in the purchaser, and a person who has care or control of housing as executor, administrator, assignee, trustee, or guardian of the estate of the owner of that housing.

(T) "Security interest" means any lien, encumbrance, pledge, assignment, mortgage, or other form of collateral the Ohio housing finance agency holds as security for financial assistance the agency extends or a loan the agency acquires.

Section 175.02 | Housing finance agency created - mission.

(A) There is hereby created the Ohio housing finance agency, a body corporate and politic, performing essential governmental functions of the state. The mission of the agency includes but is not limited to assisting with the financing, refinancing, production, development, and preservation of safe, decent, and affordable housing for occupancy by low- and moderate-income persons; provision of rental assistance and housing services for low- and moderateincome persons; allocating all state and federal funds in accordance with applicable state and federal laws, including Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code; and promoting community development, economic stability, and growth within Ohio. To accomplish this mission, the agency shall work with persons eligible for its programs, nonprofit organizations and for-profit housing development entities, public entities, and lending institutions. The agency may review conformity with its programs and monitor a recipient's use of funds it provides to assure compliance.

(B) It is hereby declared to be the public purpose of this state to improve and promote the public health, safety, convenience, welfare, and prosperity of the people of the state by the production and preservation of housing in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.

Section 175.03 | Members - appointment - terms - compensation.

(A)(1) The Ohio housing finance agency consists of eleven members. The governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint nine of the members. The other two members are the director of commerce and the director of development or their respective designees.

(2) The governor shall appoint one member with experience in residential housing construction; one with experience in residential housing mortgage lending, loan servicing, or brokering at an institution insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation; one with experience in the licensed residential housing brokerage business; one with experience with the housing needs of senior citizens; one with a background in labor representation in the construction industry; one to represent the interests of nonprofit multifamily housing development organizations; one to represent the interests of for-profit multifamily housing development organizations; and two who are public members.

(3) The governor shall receive recommendations from the Ohio housing council for appointees to represent the interests of nonprofit multifamily housing development organizations and for-profit multifamily housing development organizations.

(4) Not more than six of the appointed members of the agency may be of the same political party.

(B)(1) Of the initial appointments the governor makes, one member representing the public has an initial term ending January 31, 2010, the other member representing the public has an initial term ending January 31, 2008, the member with a background in labor representation in the construction industry has an initial term ending January 31, 2011, the member with experience in residential housing mortgage lending, loan servicing, or brokering has an initial term ending January 31, 2008, the member with experience with the housing needs of senior citizens has an initial term ending January 31, 2006, the member representing the interests of nonprofit multifamily housing development organizations has an initial term ending January 31, 2007, the member representing the interests of for-profit multifamily housing development organizations has an initial term ending January 31, 2006, and the member with experience in residential housing construction and the member with experience in licensed residential housing brokerage each has an initial term ending January 31, 2009. Thereafter, each appointed member shall serve for a term of six years with each term ending on the thirty-first day of January, six years following the termination date of the term it succeeds. There is no limit on the number of terms a member may serve.

(2) Each member shall hold office from the date of appointment until the end of the term for which the member is appointed. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of a term continues in office for the remainder of that term. Any appointed member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until the member's successor takes office or until sixty days have elapsed, whichever occurs first.

(3) The governor may remove an appointed member from office for misfeasance, nonfeasance, or malfeasance in office.

(C)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, members and agency employees shall comply with Chapter 102. and sections 2921.42 and 2921.43 of the Revised Code.

(2) An agency member who is a director, officer, employee, or owner of a lending institution is not in violation of Chapter 102. and is not subject to section 2921.42 of the Revised Code with respect to a loan to an applicant from the lending institution or a contract between the agency and the lending institution for the purchase, administration, or servicing of loans if the member abstains from participation in any matter that affects the interests of the member's lending institution.

(3) An agency member who represents multifamily housing interests is not in violation of division (D) or (E) of section 102.03 or division (A) of section 2921.42 of the Revised Code in regard to a contract the agency enters into if both of the following apply:

(a) The contract is entered into for a loan, grant, or participation in a program the agency administers or funds and the contract is awarded pursuant to rules or guidelines the agency adopts.

(b) The member does not participate in the discussion or vote on the contract if the contract secures a grant or loan that directly benefits the member, a family member, or a business associate of the member.

(4)(a) Each appointed agency member shall receive compensation at the rate of two hundred fifty dollars per agency meeting attended in person, not to exceed a maximum of four thousand dollars per year.

(b) The compensation rate for appointed members applies until six years after the effective date of this section, at which time the members may increase the compensation for members who are appointed or reappointed after that time. All members are entitled to reimbursement in accordance with section 126.31 of the Revised Code for expenses incurred in the discharge of official duties.

Last updated February 13, 2025 at 5:10 PM

Section 175.04 | Officers - quorum - records - annual reports.

(A) The governor shall appoint a chairperson from among the members. The agency members shall elect a member as vice-chairperson. The agency members may appoint other officers, who need not be members of the agency, as the agency deems necessary.

(B) Six members of the agency constitute a quorum and the affirmative vote of six members is necessary for any action the agency takes. No vacancy in agency membership impairs the right of a quorum to exercise all of the agency's rights and perform all the agency's duties. Agency meetings may be held at any place within the state. Meetings shall comply with section 121.22 of the Revised Code.

(C) The agency shall maintain accounting records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals and other required accounting standards.

(D) The agency shall develop policies and guidelines for the administration of its programs and annually shall conduct at least one public hearing to obtain input from any interested party regarding the administration of its programs. The hearing shall be held at a time and place as the agency determines and when a quorum of the agency is present.

(E) The agency shall appoint committees and subcommittees comprised of members of the agency to handle matters it deems appropriate.

(1) The agency shall adopt an annual plan to address this state's housing needs. The agency shall appoint an annual plan committee to develop the plan and present it to the agency for consideration.

(2) The annual plan committee shall select an advisory board from a list of interested individuals the executive director provides or on its own recommendation. The advisory board shall provide input on the plan at committee meetings prior to the annual public hearing. At the public hearing, the committee shall discuss advisory board comments. The advisory board may include, but is not limited to, persons who represent state agencies, local governments, public corporations, nonprofit organizations, community development corporations, housing advocacy organizations for low- and moderate-income persons, realtors, syndicators, investors, lending institutions as recommended by a statewide banking organization, and other entities participating in the agency's programs.

Each agency program that allows for loans to be made to finance housing for owner occupancy that benefits other than low- and moderate-income households, or for loans to be made to individuals under bonds issued pursuant to division (B) of section 175.08 of the Revised Code, shall be presented to the advisory board and included in the annual plan as approved by the agency before the program's implementation.

(F) The agency shall prepare an annual financial report describing its activities during the reporting year and submit that report in accordance with division (H) of this section and to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the president of the senate within three months after the end of the reporting year. The report shall include the agency's audited financial statements, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and appropriate accounting standards.

(G) The agency shall prepare an annual report of its programs describing how the programs have met this state's housing needs. The agency shall submit the report in accordance with division (H) of this section and to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the president of the senate within three months after the end of the reporting year.

(H)(1) The agency shall submit, within a time frame agreed to by the agency and the chairs, the annual financial report described in division (F) of this section and the annual report of programs described in division (G) of this section to the chairs of the committees dealing with housing issues in the house of representatives and the senate.

(2) Within forty-five days of issuance of the annual financial report, the agency's executive director shall request to appear in person before the committees described in division (H)(1) of this section to testify in regard to the financial report and the report of programs. The testimony shall include each of the following:

(a) An overview of the annual plan adopted pursuant to division (E)(1) of this section;

(b) An evaluation of whether the objectives in the annual plan were met through a comparison of the annual plan with the annual financial report and report of programs;

(c) A complete listing by award and amount of all business and contractual relationships in excess of one hundred thousand dollars between the agency and other entities and organizations that participated in agency programs during the fiscal year reported by the agency's annual financial report and report of programs;

(d) A complete listing by award and amount of the low-income housing tax credit syndication and direct investor entities for projects that received tax credit reservations and IRS Form 8609 during the fiscal year.

Last updated February 13, 2025 at 5:12 PM

Section 175.05 | General duties and powers - attorney general as legal representative.

(A) The Ohio housing finance agency shall do all of the following related to the agency's operation:

(1) Adopt bylaws for the conduct of its business;

(2) Employ and fix the compensation of the executive director who serves at the pleasure of the agency to administer the agency's programs and activities. The executive director may employ and fix the compensation of employees in the unclassified civil service as necessary to carry out this chapter and may employ other personnel who are governed by collective bargaining law and classified under that law. The executive director shall carry out all duties as described in section 175.053 of the Revised Code.

(3) Establish an operating budget for the agency and administer funds appropriated for the agency's use;

(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Revised Code, hold all moneys, funds, properties, and assets the agency acquires or that are directly or indirectly within the agency's control, including proceeds from the sale of bonds, revenues, and otherwise, in trust for the purpose of exercising its powers and carrying out its duties pursuant to this chapter. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Revised Code other than section 175.051 of the Revised Code, at no time shall the agency's moneys, funds, properties, or assets be considered public moneys, public funds, public properties, or public assets or subject to Chapters 131. and 135. of the Revised Code.

(5) Maintain a principal office and other offices within the state.

(B) The Ohio housing finance agency may do any of the following related to the agency's operation:

(1) Except as otherwise provided in section 174.04 of the Revised Code, determine income limits for low- and moderate-income persons and establish periodic reviews of income limits. In determining income limits, the agency shall take into consideration the amount of income available for housing, family size, the cost and condition of available housing, ability to pay the amounts the private market charges for decent, safe, and sanitary housing without federal subsidy or state assistance, and the income eligibility standards of federal programs. Income limits may vary from area to area within the state.

(2) Provide technical information, advice, and assistance related to obtaining federal and state aid to assist in the planning, construction, rehabilitation, refinancing, and operation of housing;

(3) Provide information, assistance, or instruction concerning agency programs, eligibility requirements, application procedures, and other related matters;

(4) Procure or require the procurement of insurance and pay the premium against loss in connection with the agency's operations, to include the repayment of a loan, in amounts and from insurers, including the federal government, as the agency determines;

(5) Contract with, retain, or designate financial consultants, accountants, and other consultants and independent contractors, other than attorneys, whom the agency determines are necessary or appropriate;

(6) Charge, alter, and collect interest and other charges for program services including, but not limited to, the allocation of loan funds, the purchase of mortgage loans, and the provision of services that include processing, inspecting, and monitoring of housing units financed and the financial records for those units;

(7) Conduct or authorize studies and analyses of housing needs and conditions to the extent that those activities are not carried out by other agencies in a manner that is satisfactory for the agency's needs;

(8)(a) Acquire by gift, purchase, foreclosure, investment, or other means, and hold, assign, pledge, lease, transfer, or otherwise dispose of real and personal property or any interest in that property in the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties;

(b) Any instrument by which real property is acquired pursuant to this section shall identify the state agency that has the use and benefit of the real property as specified in section 5301.012 of the Revised Code.

(9)(a) Borrow money, receive gifts, grants, loans, or other assistance from any federal, state, local, or other government source, including the housing development fund and the housing trust fund, and enter into contracts in connection with those sources of assistance;

(b) Receive assistance or contributions from any nongovernment source to include money, property, labor, or things of value, to be held, used, and applied only for the purposes for which the grants and contributions are made and within the purposes of this chapter.

(10) Sue and be sued in its own name with respect to its contracts, obligations, and covenants, or the enforcement of this chapter. Any actions against the agency shall be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction located in Franklin county, Ohio.

(11) Enter into any contract, commitment, or agreement and execute any instrument necessary or incidental to the performance of duties and the execution of powers;

(12) Adopt an official seal;

(13)(a) Contract with any private or government entity to administer programs for which the agency receives sufficient revenues for its services or the agency supports with uncommitted agency resources that pay the agency's operating costs;

(b) Administer state and federal programs for which the governor designates the agency to act as administrator. The agency may charge administrative fees to the state, the federal government, or a program recipient.

(14) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Revised Code, establish, maintain, administer, and close funds and accounts as convenient or appropriate to the agency's operations;

(15) Establish a policy to permit the investment of agency funds in securities and obligations;

(16) Establish rules and procedures that the agency determines are appropriate to appeal the agency's actions and decisions;

(17) Serve housing needs in instances that the agency determines necessary as a public purpose;

(18) Provide coverage for its employees under Chapters 145., 4123., and 4141. of the Revised Code;

(19) Adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code;

(20) Do anything necessary or appropriate to exercise the powers of this chapter and carry out the purposes of this chapter and Section 14, Article VIII and Section 16, Article VIII, Ohio Constitution.

(C) The attorney general shall serve as the legal representative for the Ohio housing finance agency and may appoint special counsel for that purpose in accordance with section 109.07 of the Revised Code.

Section 175.051 | Housing finance agency personal services fund.

There is hereby created in the state treasury the housing finance agency personal services fund. The fund shall consist of moneys within the control of the Ohio housing finance agency that the agency, or the treasurer of state on behalf of the agency, periodically deposits into the state treasury to the credit of the fund in order to pay the compensation of the employees of the agency. Amounts credited to the fund shall be used by the agency to pay the compensation of the employees of the agency.

Section 175.052 | Preference to grants or loans for activities that provide housing and housing assistance to honorably discharged veterans.

The Ohio housing finance agency, in providing homeownership program assistance, shall give preference to grants or loans for activities that provide housing and housing assistance to honorably discharged veterans.

Section 175.053 | Duties of executive director.

The executive director employed by the agency pursuant to division (A)(2) of section 175.05 of the Revised Code shall do all of the following:

(A) File financial disclosure statements as described in section 102.02 of the Revised Code;

(B) Ensure policies and procedures are developed and maintained for the operation and administration of the agency's programs and activities that encourage competition and minimize concentration. Policies and procedures shall address all applicable requirements described in the Revised Code and federal regulations.

(C) Provide an update, during the testimony described in division (H)(2) of section 175.04 of the Revised Code, on any audits performed during the fiscal year.

Section 175.06 | Program duties and powers - bonds and financial assistance.

(A) The Ohio housing finance agency shall do all of the following related to carrying out its programs:

(1) Upon the governor's designation, serve as the housing credit agency for the state and perform all responsibilities of a housing credit agency pursuant to Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code and similar applicable laws;

(2) Require that housing that benefits from the agency's assistance be available without discrimination in accordance with Chapter 4112. of the Revised Code and applicable provisions of federal law;

(3) Demonstrate measurable and objective transparency;

(4) Efficiently award funding to maximize affordable housing production using cost-effective strategies;

(5) Encourage national equity investment in low-income housing tax credit projects;

(6) Utilize resources to provide competitive homebuyer programs to serve low- and moderate-income persons.

(B) The Ohio housing finance agency may do any of the following related to carrying out its programs:

(1) Issue bonds, provide security for assets, make deposits, purchase or make loans, provide economic incentives for the development of housing, and provide financial assistance for emergency housing;

(2) Serve as a public housing agency and contract with the United States department of housing and urban development to administer the department's rent subsidy program, housing subsidy program, and monitoring programs for low- and moderate-income persons. The agency shall ensure that any contract into which it enters provides for sufficient compensation to the agency for its services.

(3) Develop and administer programs under which the agency uses moneys from the housing trust fund as allocated by the department of development to extend financial assistance pursuant to sections 174.01 to 174.07 of the Revised Code;

(4) Make financial assistance available;

(5) Guarantee and commit to guarantee the repayment of financing that a lending institution extends for housing, guaranteeing that debt with any of the agency's reserve funds not raised by taxation and not otherwise obligated for debt service, including the housing development fund established pursuant to section 175.11 of the Revised Code and any fund created under division (B)(14) of section 175.05 of the Revised Code;

(6) Make, commit to make, and participate in making financial assistance, including federally insured mortgage loans, available to finance the construction and rehabilitation of housing or to refinance existing housing;

(7) Invest in, purchase, and take from lenders the assignment of notes or other evidence of debt including federally insured mortgage loans, or participate with lenders in notes and loans for homeownership, development, or refinancing of housing;

(8) Sell at public or private sale any mortgage or mortgage backed securities the agency holds;

(9) Issue bonds to carry out the agency's purposes as set forth in this chapter;

(10) Extend or otherwise make available housing assistance on terms the agency determines.

(C) The Ohio housing finance agency may issue bonds and extend financial assistance from any fund the agency administers for the prompt replacement, repair, or refinancing of damaged housing if both of the following apply:

(1) The governor declares that a state of emergency exists with respect to a county, region, or political subdivision of this state, or declares that a county, region, or political subdivision has experienced a disaster as defined in section 5502.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) The agency determines that the emergency or disaster has substantially damaged or destroyed housing in the area of the emergency or disaster.

(D) The agency shall establish guidelines for extending financial assistance for emergency housing. The guidelines shall include eligibility criteria for assistance and the terms and conditions under which the agency may extend financial assistance.

Section 175.07 | Notice by applicant for funding for multifamily rental housing construction.

(A)(1) The Ohio housing finance agency shall not approve funding for any multifamily rental housing to be constructed with agency assistance or pursuant to any program the agency operates or administers unless the applicant provides notice of the proposed project as this section requires.

(2) Any notice shall be in writing and delivered by certified mail. The notice shall include the proposed project's address, the number of units in the project, a description of the project, a statement of whether the project is new construction, rehabilitation, or other, a summary of the programs that the project will utilize, and the address of the agency and the person to whom to direct comments. The notice shall inform recipients of their right to submit, within thirty days of the mailing date of the notice, comments to the agency regarding the proposed project's impact on the community and that objection to the project must be submitted in writing and signed by a majority of the voting members of the legislative body.

(3) An applicant requesting funds for a project of more than ten units shall provide the notice to all of the following:

(a) The chief executive officer and the clerk of the legislative body of any municipal corporation in which the project is proposed to be constructed or that is within one-half mile of the project's boundaries;

(b) The clerk of any township in which the project is proposed to be constructed or that is within one-half mile of the project's boundaries;

(c) The clerk of the board of county commissioners of any county in which the project is proposed to be constructed or that is within one-half mile of the project's boundaries.

(4) An applicant requesting funds for a project with ten or fewer units shall provide the notice to the chief elected official of the jurisdiction in which the project is proposed to be constructed, except that if more than one individual serves as the chief elected official, the applicant shall deliver the notice to the clerk of the legislative body of that jurisdiction.

(5) To object to a proposed project, a recipient of a notice shall do both of the following:

(a) Submit a written objection that is signed by a majority of the voting members of the legislative body in which the project is proposed to be constructed or that is within one-half mile of the project's boundaries;

(b) Send a copy of the written objection to the executive director of the agency by certified mail, return receipt requested, so that the agency receives the objection within forty-five days after the applicant mailed the notice to the recipient.

(6) The agency shall provide a written response to any objections that it receives pursuant to division (A)(5) of this section.

(7) The agency shall hold a public hearing to receive comments of residents of any political subdivision in which the multifamily rental housing is proposed to be constructed with the assistance of the agency's multifamily bond program. The applicant shall provide notice of the hearing to all persons listed in divisions (A)(3) and (4) of this section and ten days in advance of the hearing shall publish a notice of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the project is proposed to be constructed. The agency shall hold the public hearing in the county in which the project is proposed to be constructed.

(B) For purposes of this section, "constructed" means the creation of multifamily rental housing units through new construction or the conversion of an existing nonresidential building into multifamily rental housing units.

Section 175.08 | Housing finance agency bonds - proceeds - sale - liability - negotiability.

(A) The Ohio housing finance agency may use the proceeds of bonds to carry out the agency's lawful purposes.

(B) The agency is the sole entity in the state that may issue bonds pursuant to Section 143(a) of the Internal Revenue Code or any similar provision of law. When the agency issues bonds to fund its homeownership program, it shall take all diligent measures to maximize the distribution of mortgage loans statewide, especially in underserved areas of the state, including but not limited to attempting to involve qualified lending institutions throughout the state.

(C) Bonds issued pursuant to this chapter need not comply with any provision of the Revised Code not in this chapter that applies to the issuance of bonds or notes. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Revised Code, the deposit, application, safeguarding, and investment of agency funds received or held under the agency's bond proceedings are not subject to Chapters 131. and 135. of the Revised Code and at no time are those funds public moneys or public funds.

(D)(1) Bonds issued pursuant to this chapter do not constitute a debt or the pledge of the faith and credit of this state or any political subdivision of this state. The holders or owners of the agency's bonds have no right to require the general assembly or the taxing authority of any political subdivision to levy taxes for the payment of the principal or interest on the agency's bonds. Money raised by taxation shall not be obligated or pledged for the payment of the principal or interest on bonds the agency issues pursuant to this chapter.

(2) Bonds issued pursuant to this chapter are payable solely from the revenues and security interests pledged for their payment as authorized by this chapter, except for bonds the agency issues in anticipation of the issuance of bonds and bonds that are refunded by refunding bonds. Refunding bonds are payable solely from revenues and security interests pledged for their payment as authorized by this chapter.

(E)(1) Any pledge on bonds is valid and binding from the time the pledge is made, and the revenues and security interests pledged and received are immediately subject to the lien of the pledge without any physical delivery or further act. The lien of the pledge is valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract, or otherwise against the agency, irrespective of whether the parties have notice of the lien of the pledge.

(2) Any resolution or trust agreement by which a pledge is created need not be filed or recorded except in the records of the agency. Any bond shall contain on its face a statement to the effect that the bond, as to both principal and interest, is not a debt of this state or any political subdivision of this state, but is payable solely from the revenues and security interests pledged for its payment.

(F) The agency may issue bonds for any term, at any interest rate, use any method of calculating interest including a variable interest rate, and include any provision or condition authorized pursuant to resolutions the agency adopts. The agency may authorize bonds of any denomination, form, registration privilege, medium of payment, place of payment, and term of redemption.

(G) The agency may sell bonds at public or private sale, for an amount not less than the price that the agency establishes. The agency chairperson or vice chairperson and any other officer that the agency designates shall execute the bonds manually or by facsimile signature. The agency may affix or print the agency's official seal or a facsimile on the bonds. Any coupons attached to the bonds shall bear the signature or facsimile signature of the chairperson or vice chairperson and any other officer the agency designates. If an officer whose signature appears on bonds or coupons ceases to be an officer before the delivery of the bonds, that signature or facsimile is sufficient for all purposes as if the officer had remained in office. If the agency changes its seal after a facsimile is imprinted on the bonds, the imprinted facsimile seal is sufficient for all purposes. The agency may execute bonds in book entry form in any manner appropriate to that form.

(H)(1) Any resolution that authorizes bonds or an issue of bonds may do any of the following:

(a) Pledge any of the agency's revenues and security interests to secure the payment of bonds or any issue of bonds;

(b) Specify the use, investment, and disposition of the agency's revenues;

(c) Agree to establish, alter, and collect fees and other charges in an amount that pledged revenues are sufficient to pay the costs of operation and pay the principal and interest on bonds secured by the pledge of the revenues;

(d) Provide reserves that the resolution or trust agreement requires;

(e) Set aside reserve funds or sinking funds and regulate and dispose of those funds;

(f) Credit the proceeds of the sale of bonds to and among the funds referred to or provided for in the trust agreement or the resolution that authorized the issuance of bonds;

(g) Establish limits on the purposes to which the proceeds of the sale of bonds may be applied and pledge those proceeds to secure the payment of the bonds or any issue of bonds;

(h) Agree to do all things necessary for the authorization, issuance, and sale of bonds in amounts necessary for the timely retirement of notes issued in anticipation of the issuance of bonds;

(i) Establish limits on the issuance of additional bonds;

(j) Establish the terms upon which additional bonds may be issued and secured;

(k) Provide for the refunding of outstanding bonds;

(l) Establish procedures for amending or abrogating the terms of any contract with bondholders;

(m) Establish limits on the amount of moneys the agency may expend for operating, administrative, or other expenses;

(n) Secure bonds by a trust agreement in accordance with section 175.06 of the Revised Code;

(o) Establish rules and procedures to address matters that affect the security or protection of the bonds.

(2) Any resolution authorizing bonds or an issue of bonds is subject to any agreement with bondholders that exists at the time of the resolution. The provisions of any resolution authorizing bonds becomes part of the contract with the bondholders.

(I) No agency member nor any person executing agency bonds is liable personally on the bonds or is subject to any personal liability by reason of the issuance of the bonds.

(J) Bonds issued pursuant to this chapter are deemed to be negotiable instruments, subject only to the provisions of the bonds for registration, and possessing the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments, notwithstanding whether those bonds are of the form or character otherwise to be negotiable instruments.

Section 175.09 | Securing bonds.

(A)(1) At the discretion of the Ohio housing finance agency, bonds issued pursuant to this chapter may be secured by a trust agreement between the agency and a corporate trustee, which may be any trust company or financial institution that has the powers of a trust company and is qualified to exercise those trust powers within this state. A trust agreement may pledge or assign the agency's revenues and security interests the agency holds or is to receive. Any trust agreement or resolution that provides for the issuance of bonds may contain reasonable and proper provisions that protect and enforce the rights and remedies of the bondholders and do not violate any law or covenant that sets forth the agency's duties in relation to fees, interest, or other charges imposed for loans the agency makes or purchases, services the agency renders, and the custody, safekeeping, and application of moneys.

(2) Any financial institution or trust company that acts as a depository of the proceeds of bonds, revenues, or reserve funds may furnish indemnifying bonds or pledge securities that the agency requires. The trust agreement may set forth the rights and remedies of the bondholders and the trustee and may restrict the individual right of action by bondholders as is customary in trust agreements or trust indentures securing similar bonds.

(3) A trust agreement may contain provisions the agency considers reasonable and proper for the security of the bondholders, including any provision that may be contained in a resolution under this section, with that provision having the same effect as if it were in a resolution.

(B) Any holder of bonds and the trustee under any trust agreement executed pursuant to division (A) of this section, except to the extent to which the resolution or trust agreement restricts rights, may by suit, action, mandamus, or other proceedings protect and enforce any rights under the laws of this state granted under the trust agreement or included in the resolution that authorizes the issuance of the bonds, and may enforce and compel the performance of all duties required by this chapter, the trust agreement, and the resolution to be performed by the agency or any agency officer, including establishing, charging, and collecting fees, interest, or other charges.

(C) Moneys in the agency's trust estates may be invested as provided in any resolution that authorizes the issuance of its bonds or in any trust agreement that secures those bonds. Income from investments shall be credited to funds as the agency determines, subject to the provisions of any resolution or trust agreement, and investments may be sold at times that the agency determines.

Section 175.10 | Bonds are lawful investments.

(A) All bonds issued under this chapter are lawful investments of banks, societies for savings, savings and loan associations, deposit guarantee associations, trust companies, trustees, fiduciaries, insurance companies, including domestic for life and domestic not for life, trustees or other officers having charge of sinking and bond retirement or other special funds of political subdivisions and taxing districts of this state, the treasurer of state, the administrator of workers' compensation, the state teachers retirement system, the public employees retirement system, the school employees retirement system, and the Ohio police and fire pension fund, notwithstanding any other provision of the Revised Code or rules adopted by any governmental agency of this state with respect to investments, and are acceptable as security for the deposit of public moneys.

(B) The exercise of the powers this chapter grants is in all respects for the benefit of the people of the state, for the improvement of their health, safety, convenience, and economic welfare, and for the enhancement of the opportunities for safe and sanitary housing and is a public purpose.

(C) The programs undertaken by the Ohio housing finance agency constitute the performance of essential public functions, and the bonds issued under this chapter, their transfer, and income from those bonds, including any profit made on their sale, is at all times free from taxation within this state.

Section 175.11 | Housing development fund.

(A) There is hereby created the housing development fund, which shall be in the custody of the treasurer of state but shall not be part of the state treasury. The fund shall consist of all grants, gifts, loan repayments, and contributions of money made from any source to the Ohio housing finance agency for deposit into the fund in addition to amounts loaned to the agency pursuant to section 169.05 of the Revised Code. The agency shall administer the fund. The agency may request funds as needed pursuant to section 169.05 of the Revised Code to fund loans, loan guarantees, and loan subsidies. The agency may request funds for a loan guarantee only to satisfy a mortgage guarantee that is in default.

(B) The agency shall use moneys in the housing development fund solely for the purposes this chapter authorizes and at no time shall the fund be considered a part of the public moneys or subject to Chapters 131. and 135. of the Revised Code.

Section 175.12 | Liberal construction of chapter - public records law - interagency cooperation.

(A) This chapter, being necessary for the welfare of the state and its inhabitants, shall be liberally construed to effect its purposes and the purposes of Section 14, of Article VIII and Section 16, Article VIII, Ohio Constitution.

(B) The following are not public records subject to section 149.43 of the Revised Code:

(1) Financial statements and data submitted for any purpose to the Ohio housing finance agency or the controlling board by any person in connection with applying for, receiving, or accounting for financial assistance the agency provides;

(2) Information that identifies any individual who benefits directly or indirectly from financial assistance the agency provides.

(3) Information provided to the tax commissioner under section 175.16 or 175.17 of the Revised Code, information provided under divisions (I)(1)(a) and (b) of section 175.16 of the Revised Code, and information provided under divisions (H)(1) and (2) of section 175.17 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) The agencies of this state shall cooperate fully with the Ohio housing finance agency and shall provide information the Ohio housing finance agency determines is necessary or helpful for its operation.

(2) The Ohio housing finance agency may arrange with and enter into contracts with other entities to perform functions this chapter authorizes the agency to perform and compensate those entities for performing those functions.

(3) The agency may enter into contracts with state entities as described in this chapter.

(D) Any state agency that provides supplies, equipment, or services directly related to the mission of the Ohio housing finance agency as described in section 175.02 of the Revised Code may enter into an agreement with the Ohio housing finance agency to furnish those supplies, equipment, or services pursuant to terms both agencies agree upon for remuneration to the state agency.

(E) The Ohio housing finance agency is exempt from the requirements of Chapters 123. and 125. and sections 127.16 and 5147.07 of the Revised Code.

Last updated March 13, 2024 at 3:45 PM

Section 175.13 | Enforcement of agreement with bondholders - tax-exempt status of bonds.

(A) Any agreement the Ohio housing finance agency enters into with bondholders is a contract that the agency shall enforce and no action of the general assembly or any state agency may limit or alter the terms of that agreement or the authority of the agency or its successors to fulfill the terms of that agreement. No state agency may impair any right or remedy of the holders of bonds until the agency has fully met and discharged its bond obligations, together with interest, interest on any unpaid installments of interest, and costs and expenses related to any bondholder action or proceeding. The agency may include in any bond agreement a statement that sets forth the agency's authority to enforce agreements pursuant to this section.

(B) Bonds the agency issues are at all times bonds of the state, subject to this chapter. The agency and officers of the state may do all things necessary so that the interest on bonds the agency intends to be exempt from federal taxation remains exempt from federal income taxation. Any error or failure in efforts to assure tax exemption does not affect the validity of the bonds.

Section 175.14 | Inclusion of reduction of infant mortality as priority housing need in annual plan.

( A) The Ohio housing finance agency shall include reducing infant mortality as a priority housing need in the agency's annual plan under section 175.04 of the Revised Code.

(B) The Ohio housing finance agency may establish a housing assistance pilot program to expand housing opportunities for extremely low-income households that include pregnant women or new mothers. The housing assistance pilot program shall include rental assistance. If the Ohio housing finance agency establishes such a program under this division, it shall do all of the following:

(1) Establish the program not later than December 31, 2017, and not end the program before December 31, 2020;

(2) Through a competitive bidding process, select local community entities that are involved with issues concerning housing and infant mortality reduction efforts to participate in the program;

(3) Evaluate the outcome of the program and include the findings in the annual report prepared pursuant to division (G) of section 175.04 of the Revised Code.

Section 175.15 | Inclusion of pregnancy as priority in housing assistance and local emergency shelter programs.

The Ohio housing finance agency and the Ohio development services agency shall include pregnancy as a priority in its housing assistance programs and local emergency shelter programs. In consultation with the Ohio development services agency, the Ohio housing finance agency may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that are necessary to implement the requirements of this section.

Section 175.16 | State low-income housing tax credit.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Federal credit" means the tax credit authorized under section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code.

(2) "Credit period," "qualified low-income building," and "qualified basis" have the same meanings as in section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code.

(3) "Qualified project" means a qualified low-income building that is located in Ohio, is placed in service on or after July 1, 2023, and for which the director reserves a tax credit under division (B) of this section before July 1, 2027.

(4) "Pass-through entity" has the same meaning as in section 5733.04 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Project owner" means a person holding a fee simple interest or a leasehold interest pursuant to a ground lease in the land on which a qualified project sits.

(6) "Reserved credit amount" means the amount determined by the director and stipulated in the notice sent to each owner of a qualified project under division (B) of this section.

(7) "Annual credit amount" means the amount computed by the director under division (D) of this section prior to issuing an eligibility certificate.

(8) "Equity owner" means a direct or indirect owner of a project owner, provided the project owner is a pass-through entity, as determined under applicable state law governing such an entity.

(9) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 5701.01 of the Revised Code.

(10) "Eligibility certificate" means a certificate issued by the director to each owner of a qualified project under division (D) of this section stating the amount of credit that may be claimed for each year of the credit period.

(11) "Qualified allocation plan" means the plan developed by the Ohio housing finance agency, as required under section 175.06 of the Revised Code, for evaluating and selecting projects for the federal credit pursuant to the mandates and requirements within section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code.

(12) "Internal Revenue Code" has the same meaning as in section 5747.01 of the Revised Code.

(13) "Designated reporter" means the project owner or one of the project owner's equity owners designated pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section.

(14) "Director" means the executive director of the Ohio housing finance agency.

(B) Except as otherwise provided by this division, the director, upon allocating a federal credit and issuing a binding reservation or letter of eligibility, pursuant to the Ohio housing finance agency's qualified allocation plan, for a qualified low-income building that is located in this state and placed in service on or after July 1, 2023, may reserve a tax credit under this section for the project owners so long as doing so will not result in exceeding the annual credit cap prescribed by division (C) of this section. The director shall not reserve a tax credit under this section after June 30, 2027.

The director shall send written notice of the reservation to each project owner. The notice shall state the aggregate credit amount reserved for all years of the qualified project's credit period and stipulate that receipt of the credit is contingent upon issuance of an eligibility certificate and filing the information described in division (I) of this section. Upon receipt of that notice, the owner shall provide the identity of the owner's designated reporter to the director.

The director shall determine the credit amount reserved for each qualified project. The reserved credit amount shall not exceed the amount necessary, when combined with the federal credit, to ensure the financial feasibility of the qualified project.

The director shall reserve credits in a manner that ensures that a qualified project is creating additional housing units that would not have otherwise been created with other state, federal, or private financing. The director may assess application, processing, and reporting fees to cover the cost of administering the tax credit authorized under this section.

(C) The aggregate amount of credits reserved by the director under division (B) of this section in a fiscal year shall not exceed the sum of (1) one hundred million dollars, (2) the amount, if any, by which the credit cap prescribed by this division for the preceding fiscal year exceeds the credits reserved by the director in that year, and (3) the amount of tax credits recaptured or otherwise disallowed under division (G) of this section in the preceding fiscal year.

For the purpose of computing and determining compliance with the credit cap prescribed by this division, the credit amount reserved for the project owners of a qualified project is the full amount for all years of the qualified project's credit period.

(D) Immediately after approving the final cost certification for a qualified project for which a tax credit under this section is reserved, or upon otherwise determining the qualified basis of the qualified project and the date it was placed into service as required by section 42(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, the director shall compute the annual credit amount and issue an eligibility certificate to each project owner. The director shall send copies of all eligibility certificates issued each calendar year to the tax commissioner and the superintendent of insurance.

The annual credit amount shall equal the lesser of the following:

(1) The amount of the federal credit that would be awarded to the project owners for the first year of the credit period if not for the adjustment required under section 42(f)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code;

(2) One-tenth of the reserved credit amount stated in the notice issued under division (B) of this section.

(E) Each eligibility certificate shall state the annual credit amount, the years that comprise the credit period, the name, address, and taxpayer identification number of each project owner, each owner's designated reporter, the date the certificate is issued, a unique identifying number, and any additional information prescribed by a rule adopted under division (H) of this section. A project owner, if the project owner is a pass-through entity, shall provide a copy of the eligibility certificate and any information described in division (I) of this section to each equity owner that has been allocated a credit under division (F)(2) of this section, if requested.

(F)(1) For each year of a qualified project's credit period, the project owner or an equity owner may claim a nonrefundable credit against the tax imposed by section 5725.18, 5726.02, 5729.03, 5729.06, or 5747.02 of the Revised Code equal to all or a portion of the annual credit amount stated on the eligibility certificate. The credit shall be claimed in the manner prescribed by section 5725.36, 5726.58, 5729.19, or 5747.83 of the Revised Code, as applicable.

(2) If a project owner is a pass-through entity, the annual credit amount for any year of a qualified project's credit period may be allocated by the project owner among one or more equity owners and may be applied by those equity owners against more than one tax, but the total credits claimed in connection with that year of the qualified project's credit period by all project owners and equity owners against all taxes shall not exceed the annual credit amount stated on the eligibility certificate.

(3) A project owner or equity owner may claim the credit authorized by this section after the date the qualified project is placed into service but not before the director issues the project owner an eligibility certificate under division (D) of this section and the applicable report required by division (I) of this section is filed by the designated reporter.

(4) A project owner or equity owner that claims a tax credit under division (F)(1) of this section shall submit a copy of the eligibility certificate with the project owner's or equity owner's tax return or report. Upon request of the tax commissioner or the superintendent of insurance, any project owner or equity owner claiming a tax credit under this section shall provide the commissioner or superintendent other documentation that may be necessary to verify that the project owner or equity owner is entitled to claim the credit.

(5) A project owner that is a pass-through entity may allocate the credit authorized by this section to its equity owners under division (F)(2) of this section in any manner agreed to by such persons regardless of whether such equity owners are eligible for an allocation of the federal credit, whether the allocation of the credit under the terms of the agreement has substantial economic effect within the meaning of section 704(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, and whether any such person is deemed a partner of the project owner or equity owner for federal income tax purposes as long as the equity owner acquired its ownership interest prior to claiming the credit. The allocation shall be allowed without regard to any provision of the Internal Revenue Code, or regulation promulgated pursuant to it, that may be interpreted as contrary to the allocation, including, without limitation, the treatment of the allocation as a disguised sale.

An equity owner may assign all or any part of its interest in a qualified project, including its interest in the tax credits authorized by this section, to one or more other equity owners, and each assignee shall be able to claim the credit so long as its interest is acquired prior to the filing of its tax return or report or amended tax return or report claiming the credit and the assignee's ownership interest is identified in the report required by division (I) of this section.

(6) Nothing in this section or section 5725.36, 5726.58, 5729.19, or 5747.83 of the Revised Code allows the assignment or transfer of any carryforward of the credit authorized under this section once the annual credit amount is claimed.

(G) If any portion of the federal credit allocated to a qualified project is recaptured under section 42(j) of the Internal Revenue Code or is otherwise disallowed, the director shall recapture a proportionate amount of the tax credit claimed pursuant to this section in connection with the same qualified project.

If the director determines to recapture such a tax credit, the director shall certify the name of each project owner and the amount to be recaptured to the tax commissioner and to the superintendent of insurance. The commissioner or superintendent shall determine the taxpayer or taxpayers that claimed the credit, the tax against which the credit was claimed, and the amount to be recaptured and make an assessment against the taxpayer or taxpayers under Chapter 5725., 5726., 5729., or 5747. of the Revised Code, as applicable, for the amount of the tax credit to be recaptured. The time limitations on assessments under those chapters do not bar an assessment made under this division.

(H) The director, in consultation with the tax commissioner and superintendent of insurance, shall adopt any rules necessary to implement this section in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(I)(1) For each calendar year, a designated reporter shall provide the tax commissioner and the superintendent of insurance, in the form prescribed by the tax commissioner in consultation with the superintendent of insurance, all of the following:

(a) The name, address, and taxpayer identification number of each project owner and equity owner that has been allocated a portion of the annual credit awarded on the eligibility certificate for that year;

(b) The amount of the annual credit allocated to each such project owner and equity owner for such year and the tax against which the credit will be claimed;

(c) The total of the amounts listed for each project owner and equity owner under division (I)(1)(b) of this section, demonstrating that the total does not exceed the amount listed on the eligibility certificate for that year.

(2) A designated reporter shall notify the tax commissioner and the superintendent of insurance of any changes to the information reported in division (I)(1) of this section in the time and manner prescribed by the commissioner and superintendent.

(3) No credit allocated under this section may be claimed by a project owner or equity owner for a year unless that owner and the amount of the credit allocated to that owner appear on the report required by division (I)(1) of this section for that year.

Last updated September 11, 2023 at 4:35 PM

Section 175.17 | Tax credit for single-family housing development.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Qualified project" means a project to develop single-family dwellings in this state that satisfies any qualifications established by the director under division (I) of this section.

(2) "Pass-through entity" has the same meaning as in section 5733.04 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Reserved credit amount" means the amount determined by the director and stipulated in the notice sent under division (B) of this section.

(4) "Annual credit amount" means the amount computed by the director under division (D) of this section before issuing an eligibility certificate.

(5) "Equity owner" means any person who directly or indirectly, through one or more pass-through entities, is a member, partner, or shareholder of a pass-through entity.

(6) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 5701.01 of the Revised Code.

(7) "Eligibility certificate" means a certificate issued by the director to a project development owner under division (D) of this section.

(8) "Project development owner" means a unit of government that owns a qualified project.

(9) "Affordability period" means the period that commences on the date of sale of a single-family dwelling constructed as part of a qualified project to the initial qualified buyer and continues through subsequent qualified buyers for ten years.

(10) "Designated reporter" means the project development owner or one of the owner's direct or indirect partners, members, or shareholders, as selected by the owner under division (B) of this section.

(11) "Project development investor" means any person that contributes capital to a qualified project in exchange for an allocation of a tax credit under this section.

(12) "Credit period" means the ten-year period that begins in the year the eligibility certificate is issued.

(13) "Director" means the executive director of the Ohio housing finance agency.

(14) "Unit of government" means a county, township, municipal corporation, regional planning commission, community improvement corporation, economic development corporation, or county land reutilization corporation organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code, or port authority.

(15) "Project development team" means the group of entities that develops, constructs, reports, appraises, finances, and services the associated properties of a qualified project in partnership with the project development owner.

(B)(1) A project development owner may submit an application to the director for a credit reservation under this section on a form and in a manner that the director shall prescribe. On the application, the project development owner shall provide all of the following:

(a) The name and address of the project development owner's designated reporter;

(b) The names and addresses of all members of the project development team;

(c) An estimate of the qualified project's development costs;

(d) Any other information as the director may require pursuant to division (I) of this section.

The director shall competitively evaluate and approve applications and award tax credit reservations under this section for a qualified project in accordance with the plan adopted under division (I)(1) of this section. The director shall determine the credit amount reserved for each qualified project, which shall not exceed the difference between the total estimated development costs included with the application and the appraised market value of all homes in the finished project, as estimated by the director. The director shall not reserve a credit under this section if doing so would exceed the annual limit prescribed by division (B)(3) of this section.

(2) The director shall send written notice of the tax credit reservation to the project development owner of an approved qualified project. The notice shall state the aggregate credit amount reserved for all years of the qualified project's credit period and stipulate that receipt of the credit is contingent upon issuance of an eligibility certificate and filing the information required by division (H) of this section.

(3) The amount of credits reserved by the director under division (B) of this section in a fiscal year shall not exceed the sum of (a) fifty million dollars, (b) the amount, if any, by which the credit allocation prescribed by this division for the preceding fiscal year exceeds the credits reserved by the director in that year, and (c) the amount of tax credits recaptured, assessed, and collected by the tax commissioner or superintendent of insurance, and disallowed or subject to reduction under this section in the preceding fiscal year. For the purpose of computing and determining compliance with the credit allocation prescribed by division (B)(3) of this section, the credit amount reserved for the project development owner is the full amount for all years of the qualified project's credit period.

(4) The director shall not reserve a tax credit under this section after June 30, 2027.

(C) The project development owner shall maintain ownership of a qualified project and associated single-family dwellings until the dwellings are sold to qualified buyers. The project development team shall service the associated properties of a qualified project for the duration of the applicable affordability period.

The qualified buyer of a single-family home constructed as part of a qualified project for which a tax credit was reserved under this section shall occupy the home as the buyer's primary residence during the affordability period.

(D) Upon completion of a qualified project for which a tax credit was reserved under this section, the project development owner shall notify the director and provide a final development cost certification for approval. After receipt of this notice, the director shall appraise the project's dwellings. Immediately after approving the final cost certification, the director shall compute the amount of the tax credit that may be claimed in each year and issue an eligibility certificate to the project development owner. That annual amount, which shall be stated on the certificate, shall equal one-tenth of the reserved credit amount stated in the notice issued under division (B) of this section, subject to any reduction or increase as the result of the approval of the final cost certification and the appraisal conducted under this division.

(E) Each eligibility certificate shall state the annual credit amount, the years that comprise the credit period, the name, address, and the taxpayer identification number of the project development owner, the project development owner's designated reporter, and all members of the project development team along with the date the certificate is issued, a unique identifying number, and any additional information the director may require by rule. The director shall certify a copy of each eligibility certificate to the tax commissioner and the superintendent of insurance.

(F)(1) For each year of a qualified project's credit period, a project development owner may claim a nonrefundable credit against the tax imposed by section 5725.18, 5726.02, 5729.03, 5729.06, or 5747.02 of the Revised Code equal to all or a portion of the annual credit amount listed on the eligibility certificate. The credit shall be claimed in the manner prescribed by section 5725.37, 5726.60, 5729.20, or 5747.84 of the Revised Code.

(2) A project development owner may or, if the owner is not subject to any tax against which the credit authorized under this section may be claimed, shall allocate all or a portion of the annual credit amount for any year of a qualified project's credit period among one or more project development investors. Such allocated credits may be applied by those project development investors or the equity owners of such an investor that is a pass-through entity against more than one tax, as applicable, but the total credits claimed for that year of the qualified project's credit period by all project development investors and equity owners shall not exceed the annual credit amount stated on the eligibility certificate.

(3) A project development investor or the equity owner of such an investor that is a pass-through entity may claim the credit authorized by this section after the date the director issues an eligibility certificate under division (D) of this section and the applicable annual report required by division (H) of this section is filed by the designated reporter.

(4) A project development investor or equity owner that claims a tax credit under division (F)(2) of this section shall submit a copy of the eligibility certificate with the investor's or equity owner's tax return. Upon request of the tax commissioner or the superintendent of insurance, any project development investor or equity owner claiming a tax credit under that division shall provide the tax commissioner or superintendent other documentation that may be necessary to verify that the project development investor or equity owner is entitled to claim the credit.

(G) The director may disallow or recapture any portion of a credit if the project development owner or the project development owner's qualified project does not or ceases to qualify for the credit. If the director determines to recapture such a tax credit, the director shall certify the name of the project development owner, and the amount to be recaptured to the tax commissioner and to the superintendent of insurance. The tax commissioner or superintendent shall determine the taxpayer or taxpayers that claimed the credit, the tax against which the credit was claimed, and the amount to be recaptured and make an assessment against the taxpayer or taxpayers under Chapter 5725., 5726., 5729., or 5747. of the Revised Code, as applicable, for the amount to be recaptured. The time limitations on assessments under those chapters do not bar an assessment made under this division.

(H) For each calendar year, a designated reporter shall provide the following information to the director on a form prescribed by the director in consultation with the tax commissioner and the superintendent of insurance:

(1) A list of each project development investor or equity owner that has been allocated a portion of the annual credit awarded in an eligibility certificate for that year, including the investor or owner's name, address, taxpayer identification number, and the tax against which the credit will be claimed by each.

(2) For each project development investor or equity owner, the amount of annual credit that has been allocated for that year.

(3) An aggregate list of the credit amount allocated for a qualified project demonstrating that the aggregate annual amount of the credits allocated does not exceed the aggregate annual credit awarded in the eligibility certificate.

A designated reporter shall notify the director of any changes to the information reported under division (H) of this section in the time and manner prescribed by the director. The director shall provide a copy of the report submitted by the designated reporter under division (H) of this section to the tax commissioner and the superintendent of insurance in the time and manner prescribed by the commissioner and superintendent.

No credits allocated under this section may be claimed unless the credits are listed on the report required by division (H) of this section.

(I)(1) The director shall adopt a plan for competitively awarding tax credits under this section. The plan shall establish the criteria and metrics under which projects will be assessed for qualification and may allocate tax credits in a pooled manner.

(2) The director may assess application, processing, and reporting fees to cover the cost of administering this section.

(3) The director, in consultation with the tax commissioner and the superintendent of insurance, shall adopt any rules necessary to implement this section in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. Such rules may include all of the following:

(a) Supplementary definitions as may be necessary to administer this section.

(b) Underwriting criteria to assess the risk associated with any application and determine appropriate criteria to deny an application based upon risk.

(c) Criteria by which a project development owner shall be responsible for any or all risk associated with a qualified project such as homeowner abandonment, default, foreclosure, or other such risks.

(d) Criteria to maintain the affordability of each of a qualified project's single-family dwellings during the affordability period, which may include a deed restriction held by the project development owner for some or all of the amount of the tax credit or any appreciated value of the property.

(e) Requirements that the project development owner provide certain capital assets or other investments that contribute to the affordability of the project.

(f) Criteria to be used in determining whether an individual is a qualified buyer.

(g) Criteria regarding the purchase, ownership, and sale of completed qualified project single-family dwellings.

(h) The manner of determining the project's development costs and the appraised market value of qualified project single-family dwellings.

(i) Any other qualifications a project must meet to qualify as a qualified project.

Last updated February 7, 2024 at 10:31 AM

Section 175.20 | List of federally subsidized residential rental property.

(A) As used in this section, "federally subsidized residential rental property" has the same meaning as in section 5713.031 of the Revised Code.

(B) The Ohio housing finance agency shall prepare and maintain a list of all federally subsidized residential rental property in the state. The list shall be organized by county and include the following information for each individual property:

(1) The owner of the property;

(2) The address and permanent parcel numbers associated with the property;

(3) The type of federally subsidized residential rental property the property is, as described in divisions (B)(1) to (7) of section 5713.03 of the Revised Code;

(4) For federally subsidized residential rental property described in division (B)(1) of section 5713.031 of the Revised Code, the name and primary business address of any person allocated the credit under section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code on the basis of such property.

Upon the request of the agency, a metropolitan housing authority shall provide any information necessary to enable the agency to prepare or update the list. The agency shall certify the initial list to the auditor of state, the board of tax appeals, and the tax commissioner not later than the thirty-first day of January first occurring after the effective date of this section. The list shall include such properties as of the preceding first day of January.

The agency shall update the list annually and certify, not later than the thirty-first day of January, the updated list to the auditor of state, the board of tax appeals, and the tax commissioner. Each updated list shall include such properties as of the preceding first day of January.

The tax commissioner, upon receipt of a list prepared or updated under this section, shall certify it to the county auditor of each county. Each list prepared under this section is a public record for purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 1, 2024 at 2:55 PM

Section 175.30 | Definitions.

As used in sections 175.30 to 175.32 of the Revised Code:

(A) "First home" or "home" means the first residential real property located in this state to be purchased by a recipient who has not owned or had an ownership interest in a principal residence in the three years prior to the purchase.

(B) "Graduate" means an individual who has graduated from an institution of higher education and who is eligible under division (B) of section 175.31 of the Revised Code to apply for a grant, financial assistance, or down payment assistance awarded under the grants for grads program.

(C) "Institution of higher education" means a state university or college located in this state, a private college or university located in this state that possesses a certificate of authorization issued by the chancellor of higher education under Chapter 1713. of the Revised Code, or an accredited college or university located outside this state that is accredited by an accrediting organization or professional accrediting association recognized by the chancellor.

(D) "Ohio resident" means any of the following:

(1) An individual who was a resident of this state at the time of the individual's graduation from an Ohio public or nonpublic high school that is approved by the department of education and workforce, and who is a resident of this state at the time of applying for the program;

(2) An individual who was a resident of this state at the time of completing, through the twelfth-grade level, a home study program approved by the department of education and workforce, and who is a resident of this state at the time of applying for the program;

(3) An individual whose parent was a resident of this state at the time of the individual's graduation from high school, and who graduated from either of the following:

(a) An out-of-state high school that was accredited by a regional accrediting organization recognized by the United States department of education and met standards at least equivalent to those adopted by the director of education and workforce for approval of nonpublic schools in this state;

(b) A high school approved by the United States department of defense.

(E) "Program" means the grants for grads program created under section 175.31 of the Revised Code.

(F) "Recipient" means an individual who has been awarded a grant or has received financial assistance or down payment assistance under the program.

Last updated September 5, 2023 at 5:21 PM

Section 175.31 | Grants for grads program.

(A) There is hereby created the grants for grads program for the purpose of providing grants or other financial assistance or down payment assistance to Ohio residents who have received an associate, baccalaureate, master's, doctoral, or other postgraduate degree, which grants or assistance shall be used by a recipient to pay for the down payment or closing costs on the purchase of a first home. The program shall be administered by the Ohio housing finance agency using moneys available to it. The program shall not be subject to the income limits established by the agency under section 175.05 of the Revised Code. Participation in the program shall require a graduate to be eligible under division (B) of this section.

(B)(1) A graduate is eligible to participate in the program if the graduate:

(a) Is an Ohio resident who has received an associate, baccalaureate, master's, doctoral, or other postgraduate degree from an institution of higher education within the eighteen months immediately preceding the date of application for the program;

(b) Is able to provide to the agency evidence documenting the graduate's Ohio residency and documenting graduation from a high school and an institution of higher education;

(c) Intends to live and work in this state for at least five years after the graduate's graduation or completion of a degree described in division (B)(1)(a) of this section; and

(d) Intends to purchase a first home in this state.

(2) A graduate who is married to an individual who has previously received a grant or financial assistance or downpayment assistance under the program is ineligible to apply for a grant or assistance under this section.

(C) A graduate who has been found by the state to be delinquent in the payment of individual income taxes is ineligible to receive a grant or other assistance under the program.

(D) A graduate who is eligible for the program shall receive down payment assistance and a reduction in the interest rate of the mortgage offered by the Ohio housing finance agency.

(E) The down payment assistance shall be provided to the recipient when the recipient obtains a qualifying mortgage loan through a participating lender in the agency's first time home buyer program.

Section 175.32 | Down payment lien.

(A)(1) At the time a first home is purchased under the program, the Ohio housing finance agency shall secure the amount of the down payment assistance by a lien on the home for a period of five years. Such lien shall attach, and may be perfected, collected, and enforced in the same manner as a mortgage lien on the home, and shall otherwise have the same force and effect as a mortgage lien, except that it shall be subordinate to a mortgage lien securing any money loaned by a financial institution for the purchase of the home.

(2) If the agency finds that a recipient failed to comply with the first home ownership criteria in division (A) of section 175.30 of the Revised Code, or otherwise used fraudulent information to obtain down payment assistance, the agency shall enforce the lien.

(B)(1) If a recipient becomes a resident of another state and does not reside at least five years in a first home purchased with down payment assistance awarded under the program, the amount of the lien created in division (A) of this section that may be collected shall be determined as follows:

Months resided in first homeCollectable amount as per cent of down payment assistance
Less than 12 months100%
12 months and a day to 24 months80%
24 months and a day to 36 months60%
36 months and a day to 48 months40%
48 months and a day to 60 months20%

The lien created under division (A) of this section shall be extinguished upon collection pursuant to this division.

(2) A lien created under division (A)(1) of this section shall be extinguished if the recipient, within the five-year period, moves to another residence located in this state.