The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation.
Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.
Section |
Section 3335.01 | The Ohio State University.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The educational institution originally designated as the Ohio agricultural and mechanical college shall be known as "The Ohio State University." The leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agricultural and mechanical arts.
Section 3335.02 | Appointment of trustees - term.
September 29, 2015
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 64 - 131st General Assembly
(A) The government of the Ohio state university shall be vested in a board of fourteen trustees in 2005, and seventeen trustees beginning in 2006, who shall be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate. Two of the seventeen trustees shall be students at the Ohio state university, and their selection and terms shall be in accordance with division (B) of this section. Except as provided in division (D) of this section and except for the terms of student members, terms of office shall be for nine years, commencing on the fourteenth day of May and ending on the thirteenth day of May. Each trustee shall hold office from the date of appointment until the end of the term for which the trustee was appointed. Any trustee appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the trustee's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of such term. Any trustee shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the trustee's term until the trustee's successor takes office, or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first. No person who has served a full nine-year term or more than six years of such a term shall be eligible for reappointment until a period of four years has elapsed since the last day of the term for which the person previously served. The trustees shall not receive compensation for their services, but shall be paid their reasonable necessary expenses while engaged in the discharge of their official duties. (B) The student members of the board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall be students at the Ohio state university. Unless student members have been granted voting power under division (C) of this section, they shall have no voting power on the board, shall not be considered as members of the board in determining whether a quorum is present, and shall not be entitled to attend executive sessions of the board. The student members of the board shall be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, from a group of five candidates selected pursuant to a procedure adopted by the university's student governments and approved by the university's board of trustees. The initial term of office of one of the student members shall commence on May 14, 1988, and shall expire on May 13, 1989, and the initial term of office of the other student member shall commence on May 14, 1988, and expire on May 13, 1990. Thereafter, terms of office of student members shall be for two years, each term ending on the same day of the same month of the year as the term it succeeds. In the event a student member cannot fulfill a two-year term, a replacement shall be selected to fill the unexpired term in the same manner used to make the original selection. (C) Not later than ninety days after the effective date of this amendment, the board of trustees shall adopt a resolution that does one of the following: (1) Grants the student members of the board voting power on the board. If so granted, in addition to having voting power, the student members shall be considered as members of the board in determining whether a quorum is present and shall be entitled to attend executive sessions of the board. (2) Declares that student members do not have voting power on the board. Thereafter, the board may change the voting status of student trustees by adopting a subsequent resolution. Each resolution adopted under this division shall take effect on the fourteenth day of May following the adoption of the resolution. All members with voting power at the time of the adoption of a resolution may vote on the resolution. If student members are granted voting power under this division, no student shall be disqualified from membership on the board of trustees because the student receives a scholarship, grant, loan, or any other financial assistance payable out of the state treasury or a university fund, or because the student is employed by the university in a position pursuant to a work-study program or other student employment, including as a graduate teaching assistant, graduate administrative assistant, or graduate research assistant, the compensation for which is payable out of the state treasury or a university fund. Acceptance of such financial assistance or employment by a student trustee shall not be considered a violation of Chapter 102. or section 2921.42 or 2921.43 of the Revised Code. (D)(1) The initial terms of office for the three additional trustees appointed in 2005 shall commence on a date in 2005 that is selected by the governor with one term of office expiring on May 13, 2009, one term of office expiring on May 13, 2010, and one term of office expiring on May 13, 2011, as designated by the governor upon appointment. Thereafter terms of office shall be for nine years, as provided in division (A) of this section. (2) The initial terms of office for the three additional trustees appointed in 2006 shall commence on May 14, 2006, with one term of office expiring on May 13, 2012, one term of office expiring on May 13, 2013, and one term of office expiring on May 13, 2014, as designated by the governor upon appointment. Thereafter terms of office shall be for nine years, as provided in division (A) of this section.
Section 3335.03 | Powers of trustees.
September 26, 1988
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 344 - 117th General Assembly
(A) The trustee and their successors in office shall be styled the "board of trustees of the Ohio state university," with the right as such, of suing and being sued, of contracting and being contracted with, of making and using a common seal, and altering it at their pleasure. (B) Except as specifically provided in division (A)(2) of section 2743.03 of the Revised Code, the court of claims has exclusive, original jurisdiction of all civil actions against the Ohio state university board of trustees.
Section 3335.04 | Election and appointment of officers of board.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university annually shall elect one of their number chairman, and in the absence of the chairman, elect one of their number temporary chairman. It also may appoint a secretary, treasurer, and librarian, and such other officers as the interest of the college require, who may be members of the board. Such appointees shall hold their offices for such term as the board fixes, subject to removal by it, and shall receive such compensation as the board prescribes.
Section 3335.05 | Bond of treasurer.
September 23, 2008
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 562 - 127th General Assembly
Before entering upon the duties of office the treasurer of the Ohio state university shall give evidence of bond to the state or insurance in such sum as the board of trustees determines, for the faithful discharge of official duties and the payment of all moneys coming into the treasurer's hands. Such evidence of bond or insurance shall be deposited with the secretary of state and kept in the secretary of state's office.
Section 3335.06 | Meetings of board - quorum.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Meetings of the board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall be called in such manner, and at such times as the board prescribes. The board shall meet at least three times annually, and at such other times as necessary for the best interest of the university. A majority of the board present at any meeting constitutes a quorum; but a majority of all the board shall be necessary to elect or remove a president or professor.
Section 3335.07 | Annual report of trustees.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
In its annual report the board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall state: (A) The condition of the university; (B) The amounts of receipts and disbursements, and for what the disbursements were made; (C) The number of professors, officers, teachers, and other employees, and the position and compensation of each, the number of students in the several departments and classes, and the course of instruction pursued in each; (D) An estimate of the expenses for the ensuing year; (E) A statement showing the progress of the university, recording any improvements and experiments made, with their costs, and the results; (F) Such other matters as are useful. The president shall transmit by mail one copy, respectively, to the secretary of the interior and the secretary of agriculture of the United States, and to each of the colleges which are or may be endowed under the federal act known as the "Agricultural College Act of 1862."
Section 3335.08 | Board of trustees to adopt bylaws, rules and regulations.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university may adopt bylaws, rules, and regulations for the government of the university.
Section 3335.09 | Powers of board of trustees regarding president, professors, other employees and course of instruction.
September 29, 2015
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 64 - 131st General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall elect, fix the compensation of, and remove, the president and such number of professors, teachers, and other employees as are necessary. Except as provided under division (C) of section 3335.02 of the Revised Code, no trustee, or relative of a trustee by blood or marriage, shall be eligible to a professorship or position in the university, the compensation for which is payable out of the state treasury or a university fund. The board shall fix and regulate the course of instruction and prescribe the extent and character of experiments to be made at the university.
Section 3335.10 | Supervision of university property and control of expenses.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall have general supervision of all lands, buildings, and other property belonging to the university, and the control of all expenses therefor, but shall not contract a debt not previously authorized by the general assembly.
Section 3335.11 | Highway easements granted to county and department of transportation.
September 28, 1973
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 200 - 110th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university on behalf of the state may grant highway easements to the board of county commissioners of Franklin county and to the department of transportation for highway purposes.
Section 3335.13 | Title to lands and investment properties.
August 17, 1961
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1046 - 104th General Assembly
The title for all lands for the use of the Ohio state university shall be made in fee simple to the state, with covenants of seizin and warranty, and no title shall be taken by the state for the use of the university until the attorney general is satisfied that it is free from all defects and encumbrances. The title in properties, real and personal, purchased by the board of trustees as an investment, and held in the university's endowment portfolio shall not be vested in the state, but shall be held in trust by the said board.
Section 3335.14 | Attorney general the legal adviser of board of trustees.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The attorney general shall be the legal adviser of the board of trustees of the Ohio state university. He shall institute and prosecute all suits in its behalf.
Section 3335.15 | Colleges of medicine and dentistry.
October 9, 1974
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 474 - 110th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university may: (A) Create, establish, provide for, and maintain in said university a college of medicine and a college of dentistry. No state funds shall be paid to such college of medicine unless it meets the requirements of section 3333.11 of the Revised Code. (B) Negotiate for and receive conveyances and transfers of property, both real and personal, to be used by said colleges; (C) Accept the students now in attendance at any college of medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy whose property is so acquired, with the rank and standing as certified by the proper officers of such college; (D) Take such steps as are necessary to protect the professional rights of the alumni of such colleges and their predecessors; (E) Receive from such colleges such papers and records as are necessary for that purpose.
Section 3335.151 | Research program - alcoholism.
January 9, 1961
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 104th General Assembly
There is hereby established within the college of medicine of Ohio state university, a research program in alcoholism. In order to carry out such program, the college of medicine is hereby empowered to: (A) Make studies and investigations concerning causes of alcoholism, practicable methods of prevention, effectiveness of different methods of care and treatment, and encourage, direct, and coordinate research in the field of alcoholism; (B) Establish and operate, or contract for facilities within the limitations of available funds, for the examination, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation, and care of alcoholics.
Section 3335.16 | University extension division.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall establish and organize a university extension division for the purpose of carrying on educational extension and correspondence instruction throughout the state. The board may carry on such extension work in connection with any department of the university, for the purpose of the development throughout the state of centers for the discussion, consideration, and investigation relative to the mining, manufacturing, engineering, social, industrial, economic, medical, and civic interests of the state and all other public interests which may be in any way promoted or subserved in the spreading of information throughout the state by any department of the university pursuant to the grant by virtue of which said university was established.
Section 3335.17 | University extension division - purposes.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university, through the university extension division, shall encourage communities to organize for the purpose of social, educational, scientific, and recreational advantage, and shall co-operate with them and in every way contribute to the efficiency of the efforts of such community for these purposes. To this end, as far as practicable, the extension division shall be placed at the service of educational, industrial, or civic institutions, organizations, and associations, and shall invite their active co-operation in matters relating to the civic, scientific, economic, and social welfare of the citizens of the state.
Section 3335.18 | University extension division - improvement of public interests.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university may carry on, under the supervision of the university extension division, such discussions, investigations, experiments, and demonstrations as it deems advisable for the improvement of the engineering, mining, manufacturing, social, medical, scientific, industrial, economic, and civic interests, and such other public interests of the state as may in any way be promoted or subserved by any department of the university, and for such purposes it may provide traveling instructors and conduct correspondence instructing and teaching. Any common carrier may carry persons employed in such demonstrations, experiments, and discussions, and the equipment therefor, and the traveling lecturers and instructors provided for in sections 3335.16 to 3335.18, inclusive, of the Revised Code, free, or at reduced rates.
Section 3335.19 | Collection of specimens pertaining to natural history and the sciences.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall secure and keep in the university a collection of specimens in mineralogy, geology, zoology, botany, and other specimens pertaining to natural history and the sciences. The president of the university shall collect and deposit in the collection in the manner directed by the trustees, a full set of specimens as collected by him and his assistants, together with a brief description of the character thereof, and where obtained. Such specimens shall be properly classified and kept for the benefit of the university.
Section 3335.20 | Department of ceramics.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall establish a department of ceramics, equipped and designed for the technical education of clay, cement, and glass workers, in all branches of the art which exist in this state, or which profitably can be introduced and maintained in this state from the mineral resources thereof, including the manufacture of earthernwares, stonewares, pottery, yellowwares, whitewares, china, porcelain, and ornamental pottery, the manufacture of sewer pipe, fireproofing, terracotta, sanitary claywares, electric conduits and specialities, firebrick and all refractory materials, glazed and enameled bricks, pressed bricks, vitrified paving material as well as the most economic methods in the production of the coarser forms of bricks used for building purposes; and the manufacture of tiles used for paving, flooring, decorative wall paneling, roofing, and draining purposes; also the manufacture of cement, concrete artificial stone, and all kinds of glass products, and all other clay industries represented in this state.
Section 3335.21 | Department of ceramics - special instruction.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The department of ceramics of the Ohio state university shall offer special instruction to clay workers on the origin, composition, properties and testing of clays, the selection of materials for different purposes, the mechanical and chemical preparation of clays, the laws of burning clays, the theory and practice of the formation of clay bodies, slips, and glazes, and the laws which control the formation and fusion of silicates.
Section 3335.22 | Department of ceramics - laboratory - equipment.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The department of ceramics of the Ohio state university shall be provided with an efficient laboratory designed especially for the practical instruction of clay workers in the list of subjects enumerated in section 3335.20 of the Revised Code and it shall also be equipped to investigate into the various troubles and defects incident to every form of clay working, which cannot be understood or avoided except by use of such scientific investigation. Such laboratory shall be equipped with apparatus for chemical analysis, with furnaces and kilns for pyrometric and practical trials, with such machinery for the grinding, washing, and preparation of clays for manufacture, as is consistent with the character of the department.
Section 3335.23 | Ceramics expert to conduct department.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
To conduct the department of ceramics, the board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall employ a competent expert, who shall unite with the necessary education and scientific acquirements, a thorough practical knowledge of clay working, and not less than two years actual experience in some branch of the art. He shall teach the theoretical part of the subject, conduct the laboratory for the instruction of students, prosecute such scientific investigations into the technology of the various clay industries as may be practicable, and from time to time may, with the consent of the board, publish the results of his investigation in such form that such results will be accessible to the clay workers of the state for the advancement of the art.
Section 3335.24 | Ceramic experimental unit at Roseville.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 471 - 123rd General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university and the department of job and family services may enter into a co-operative agreement for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a ceramic experimental unit upon property belonging to the state at Roseville. The terms of any co-operative agreement entered into by the parties under this section shall be binding upon them until modified by their mutual consent.
Section 3335.25 | Engineering experiment station of the Ohio state university.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall establish an organization to be known as the "engineering experiment station of the Ohio state university," to be affiliated and operated in connection with the college of engineering.
Section 3335.26 | Purpose of station.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The purpose of the engineering experiment station of the Ohio state university shall be to make technical investigations and to supply engineering data which will tend to increase the economy, efficiency, and safety of the manufacturing, mineral, transportation, and other engineering and industrial enterprises of the state, and to promote the conservation and utilization of its resources.
Section 3335.27 | Control of station - advisory committee.
December 2, 1996
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 670 - 121st General Assembly
The engineering experiment station shall be under the control of the board of trustees of the Ohio state university, through the regular administrative and fiscal officers. The board shall appoint a director on recommendation of the president of the university. There shall be an advisory committee of seven members appointed by the board of which committee the director shall be ex officio a member, and chairperson, said director, and the other six members to be chosen from the faculty of the college of engineering. The term of these members shall be for three years. The director and advisory committee shall select suitable subjects for investigation, apportion the available funds, and with the consent of the board may provide for the dissemination of the results to the people of the state.
Last updated February 13, 2025 at 5:40 PM
Section 3335.28 | Use of laboratories and equipment.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The various laboratories of the college of engineering and the equipment shall be available for the use of the engineering experiment station, provided that their use for instruction and research in the regular work of the college shall take precedence over their use by the station. The director of the station may procure for temporary or permanent use such additional equipment as is needed, and install the same in the laboratories of the college or elsewhere.
Section 3335.29 | Station not to be conducted for gain - requests for assistance from station.
December 2, 1996
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 670 - 121st General Assembly
The engineering experiment station of the Ohio state university shall not be conducted for the private or personal gain of anyone connected with it, or for the sole benefit of any individual, firm, or corporation. Any commission, board, bureau, or department of the state, or any institution owned by the state, may seek assistance from the station, and such requests shall have precedence over all other outside requests. The advisory committee of the station may decline such requests or require that the expense of such investigations be borne in part or in whole by the commission, board, bureau, or department of state, or institution owned by the state, making such requests. Any individual, firm, or corporation may seek the assistance of the station; the advisory committee of said station may decline to render such assistance or may require that any expense incidental to such assistance be borne in part or in whole by the individual, firm, or corporation seeking such assistance, and the advisory committee of the station may publish the results of such investigations. Sections 3335.25 to 3335.29 of the Revised Code, do not limit the powers of the advisory committee of the station to carry on lines of investigation upon its own initiative.
Last updated February 13, 2025 at 5:44 PM
Section 3335.31 | School of mines and mine engineering - laboratories.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall establish therein, a school of mines and mine engineering, in which shall be provided the means for scientifically and experimentally studying the survey, opening, ventilation, care, and working of mines. Such school shall be provided with a collection of drawings, illustrating the manner of opening, working, and ventilating mines; with the necessary instruments for surveying, measuring air, examining and testing the noxious and poisonous gases of mines; and with models of the most improved machinery for ventilating and operating all the various kinds of mines with safety to the lives and health of those engaged therein. Such school also shall be provided with complete mining laboratories for the analysis of coals, ores, fire clays and other minerals, and with all the necessary apparatus for testing the various coals, ores, fire clays, oil, gases, and other minerals.
Section 3335.32 | Employment of instructors.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall employ competent persons to give instruction in the most improved and successful methods of opening, operating, surveying, and inspecting mines, including the methods and machinery employed for extracting coal, ore, fire clay, oil, gas, and other minerals from the pit's mouth and for facilitating the ascent and decent of workmen, the draining and freeing of mines from water, the causes of the vitiation of air, the quantities of fresh air required under the various circumstances, natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation by flues and fans, and other ventilating machinery, the use of air engines, air compressors, and coal cutting machinery; also instruction in the various uses of coals, ores, fire clays, oils, gases, and other minerals, and the methods of testing, analyzing, and assaying such minerals; and the methods employed in metallurgical and other processes in the reduction of ores and in determining the qualities of metals, particularly iron and steel, as shown by practical and laboratory tests. There also shall be kept in a cabinet properly arranged for ready reference and examination, suitably connected with the school of mines provided for in section 3335.31 of the Revised Code, samples of the specimens from the various mines in the state, which may be sent for analysis, together with the names of the mines and their localities in the counties from which they were sent, with the analysis and a statement of their properties attached. Such school shall also furnish an analysis of all minerals found in the state and sent to it for that purpose by residents thereof.
Section 3335.35 | OSU extension fund.
September 29, 2013
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 59 - 130th General Assembly
There is hereby created the OSU extension fund, which shall be under the custody and control of the board of trustees of the Ohio state university and shall consist of all moneys appropriated, given, granted, or bequeathed to the university for the use of OSU extension by the United States, this state, any political subdivision of this state, or any person. The board shall have responsibility for expenditure of all moneys in the fund in accordance with state and federal law and memoranda of agreement between the university and the United States department of agriculture.
Section 3335.36 | Ohio cooperative extension service employees.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university may employ such employees as it considers appropriate for the conduct of educational programs of OSU extension and may provide for the payment from the OSU extension fund created by section 3335.35 of the Revised Code of reasonable compensation to such employees and of reasonable expenses incurred by them in the discharge of their duties, including expenses of travel and of maintaining, equipping, and supplying their offices. The employees shall cooperate with the department of agriculture, the Ohio agricultural research and development center, the department of education and workforce, and the United States department of agriculture, for the purpose of making available the educational materials of OSU extension. The employees shall represent the university and shall conduct educational activities related to agriculture, natural resources, community development, family and consumer sciences, and 4-H programs for the citizens of this state through personal instruction, bulletins, practical demonstrations, mass media, and otherwise, subject to such rules as may be prescribed by the board of trustees of the university. The employees shall have offices provided by the county or other political subdivision in which they serve in which bulletins and other educational materials of value to the people may be consulted and through which the employees may be reached. The board of trustees of the Ohio state university may hire or use employees of OSU extension to carry out the functions and duties of a director of economic development under division (B) of section 307.07 of the Revised Code pursuant to any agreement with a county under division (A)(2) of section 307.07 of the Revised Code.
Last updated September 12, 2023 at 1:17 PM
Section 3335.361 | Fingerprinting 4-H program volunteers.
December 22, 2015
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 340 - 131st General Assembly
If any policy or guideline established by OSU extension requires volunteers for 4-H programs to be fingerprinted for purposes of a criminal records check conducted by the bureau of criminal identification and investigation, or a vendor approved by the bureau, OSU extension shall pay any fee required under division (C)(3) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code.
Section 3335.37 | County tax levy for OSU extension fund.
September 29, 2013
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 59 - 130th General Assembly
The board of county commissioners of any county may levy a tax, within the limitations prescribed by law, and appropriate money from the proceeds thereof or from the general fund of the county to be paid to the Ohio state university to the credit of the OSU extension fund created by section 3335.35 of the Revised Code and expended for the purposes prescribed in section 3335.36 of the Revised Code for the benefit of the citizens of that county. Any money paid into the fund under this section that aggregates more than ten per cent of the county appropriation in the preceding year and that remains unexpended for two years from the time of the payment shall be returned to the county from which it came unless the board of county commissioners determines by resolution to contribute it to OSU extension for general purposes.
Section 3335.38 | Farm production, policy, and financial management institute.
September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall establish a farm production, policy, and financial management institute in OSU extension to train interested and qualified persons to assist farmers in addressing integration of farm production practices, agricultural marketing, farm policy, and financial management challenges. Participation shall be open to all interested persons, but the following persons shall be given priority as to enrollment: farm owners and managers, employees or representatives of banks and other farm credit agencies, agricultural teachers, and faculty and employees of the Ohio state university and OSU extension who agree to assist Ohio farmers in completing and understanding the coordinated financial statement and other subjects. A fee may be charged participants, as determined by OSU extension, but may be waived for those participants granted priority status at enrollment.
Last updated October 4, 2021 at 1:37 PM
Section 3335.39 | Salmon P. Chase center for civics, culture, and society.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A)(1) The Salmon P. Chase center for civics, culture, and society is established as an independent academic unit within the Ohio state university, physically located in the college of public affairs. The center shall conduct teaching and research in the historical ideas, traditions, and texts that have shaped the American constitutional order and society. (2) The center shall establish bylaws requiring the center to do all of the following: (a) Educate students by means of free, open, and rigorous intellectual inquiry to seek the truth; (b) Affirm its duty to equip students with the skills, habits, and dispositions of mind they need to reach their own informed conclusions on matters of social and political importance; (c) Affirm the value of intellectual diversity in higher education and aspire to enhance the intellectual diversity of the university; (d) Affirm a commitment to create a community dedicated to an ethic of civil and free inquiry, which respects the intellectual freedom of each member, supports individual capacities for growth, and welcomes the differences of opinion that shall naturally exist in a public university community. The requirements prescribed under divisions (A)(2)(a) to (d) of this section shall take priority over any other bylaws adopted by the center. (3) The board of trustees of the university may change the name of the center in accordance with the philanthropic naming policies and practices of the university. (B) The center shall be an independent academic unit physically located at the college of public affairs with the authority to house tenure-track faculty who hold their appointments within the center. Faculty appointed to the center shall not be required, but may, hold joint appointments within any other division of the university. Not fewer than fifteen tenure-track faculty positions shall be allotted to teach under the center. No faculty outside of the center shall have the authority to block faculty hires into the center. (C)(1) The center shall offer instruction in all of the following: (a) The books and major debates which form the intellectual foundation of free societies, especially that of the United States; (b) The principles, ideals, and institutions of the American constitutional order; (c) The foundations of responsible leadership and informed citizenship. (2) The center also shall focus on both of the following: (a) Offering university-wide programming related to the values of free speech and civil discourse; (b) Expanding the intellectual diversity of the university's academic community. (D)(1) Not later than November 20, 2023, the board of trustees of the university shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the senate, a seven-member Chase center academic council. An initial member shall not begin service until confirmed by the senate. Four members shall form a quorum. (2) The academic council shall be comprised of scholars with relevant expertise and experience. Not more than one member of the council may be an employee of the university. Best efforts shall be made to have not fewer than three members of the advisory board be from Ohio. (3) Three members of the academic council shall serve initial terms of two years and four members shall serve initial terms of four years, which the members shall determine at their first meeting, and select replacements for vacant seats. (E)(1) The academic council established under division (D) of this section shall conduct a nationwide search for candidates for the director of the center and shall strictly adhere to all relevant state and federal laws. The academic council shall submit to the president of the university a list of finalists from which the president shall select and appoint a director, subject to approval by the board of trustees. Future directors shall be chosen in the same manner. (2) The director shall have the protection of tenure or tenure eligibility. The director shall consult with the dean of the college of public affairs; however, the director shall report directly to the provost or the president of the university. (3) The director shall have the sole and exclusive authority to manage the recruitment and hiring process and to extend offers for employment for all faculty and staff, and to terminate employment of all staff. The director shall oversee, develop, and approve the center's curriculum. The center shall be granted the authority to offer courses and develop certificate, minor, and major programs as well as graduate programs, and offer degrees. (F) The director of the center shall submit an annual report to the board of trustees of the university and the general assembly in accordance with section 101.68 of the Revised Code. The report shall provide a full account of the center's achievements, opportunities, challenges, and obstacles in the development of this academic unit.
Last updated October 4, 2023 at 5:39 PM
Section 3335.41 | College of medicine - neuropsychiatric service.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 281 - 134th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall operate and manage a neuropsychiatric service of the college of medicine which shall be a center for teaching and research in the fields of neurology and psychiatry and a center for the treatment and care of persons having mental, nervous, or allied diseases. The university shall conduct graduate training programs in neurology and psychiatry, with a view towards securing and maintaining academic and professional accreditation of such programs. The board of trustees, on the recommendation of the president and other administrative officers of the university, shall adopt rules and regulations for the operation of the neuropsychiatric service. The board of trustees may enter into agreements with other public and private agencies for cooperative efforts in teaching and research in the fields of neurology and psychiatry and for the treatment of persons having mental, nervous, or allied diseases.
Last updated March 10, 2023 at 11:31 AM
Section 3335.42 | Tuberculosis and other diseases treatment facility.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 281 - 134th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall operate and manage a treatment service for tuberculosis and other diseases as part of the college of medicine, which service shall be a center for teaching and research in the fields of tuberculosis and other diseases and a center for treatment of patients having such diseases. The board of trustees, on the recommendation of the president and other administrative officers of the university, shall adopt rules for the operation of the treatment service established under this section. The board of trustees may enter into agreements with the director of the department of health for cooperative efforts in research in the fields of tuberculosis and other diseases and for the treatment of patients having such diseases, as may be under jurisdiction of the department of health. The board may enter into agreements with other public and private agencies for cooperative efforts in teaching, research, and patient care in the fields of tuberculosis and other diseases.
Last updated March 10, 2023 at 11:31 AM
Section 3335.44 | Charge for care and treatment of patients.
August 29, 1975
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 250 - 111th General Assembly
The charge for care and treatment of patients admitted to the tuberculosis service at the Ohio state university shall be paid to university hospital and shall be borne by the county in which such patient lives to the extent that such charge is not paid or payable by insurance or under other third party agreement.
Section 3335.50 | Ohio rehabilitation center.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 281 - 134th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall establish and operate an organization known as the "Ohio rehabilitation center" for the development and application of means and methods for restoring persons with physical disabilities to positions of improved social and economic participation. The center shall be under the control of the board of trustees of the university through the regular university administrative and fiscal officers.
Last updated March 10, 2023 at 11:32 AM
Section 3335.51 | Objectives of center.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 281 - 134th General Assembly
The objectives of the Ohio rehabilitation center shall be to rehabilitate persons with disabilities whose rehabilitation requires extended residential care or intensive study and services; to cooperate with, aid, and supplement such public and private projects for rehabilitation as may be established in the various communities of the state; to provide training for persons seeking competence in the several disciplines pertaining to the field of rehabilitation; to conduct research and demonstrations in connection with the problems and techniques of rehabilitation; to disseminate information and promote public understanding respecting the problems incident to the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities and their return to social and economic participation; and to afford such other services of rehabilitation as the center may develop for the benefit of citizens of this state.
Last updated March 10, 2023 at 11:32 AM
Section 3335.52 | Bequests to center.
September 14, 1961
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 996 - 104th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university may receive and hold in trust in the name of the state and for the use and benefit of the Ohio rehabilitation center any bequest, devise, or donation of money or of real or personal property to be applied to the general or special use of the center as may be directed by the donor.
Section 3335.53 | Board of trustees to manage center.
September 14, 1961
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 996 - 104th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall manage the Ohio rehabilitation center using the same criteria and regulations as those applying to the university.
Section 3335.54 | Regulations.
September 14, 1961
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 996 - 104th General Assembly
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university may establish by regulation the standards and processes for admission or rejection, retention, or dismissal of all persons admitted or applying for admission to the Ohio rehabilitation center and may provide by regulation for defraying the cost of rehabilitation of persons who are unable to pay all or part of such cost.
Section 3335.55 | Arrangements or contracts for use of center.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 281 - 134th General Assembly
Every department, office, or institution of the state and any political subdivision thereof may make such arrangements or contracts with the board of trustees of the Ohio state university for use of the Ohio rehabilitation center as may be appropriate in order to provide for the rehabilitation in any proper case of persons with disabilities in respect of whom such department, office, or institution or political subdivision is responsible or exercises supervision under any law of the state or ordinance or regulation of a political subdivision thereof. Every appropriate effort shall be made to rehabilitate and restore to social and economic participation all persons who are or may probably become charges of the state or of a political subdivision. Whenever any law of the state makes provision for or authorizes payment for medical services, hospital services, or for the care of any persons with disabilities, such provision or authorization shall be deemed to include rehabilitation of such person. Any such arrangement or contract may establish the charges which shall be paid for rehabilitation services and facilities.
Last updated March 10, 2023 at 11:33 AM
Section 3335.56 | Ohio agricultural research and development center.
March 16, 1982
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 583 - 114th General Assembly
There is hereby created the Ohio agricultural research and development center, for the pursuit of basic and applied research in agriculture, natural resources, and related subjects essential to the continued development of the state's agricultural industry and natural resources. It shall be a part of the Ohio state university, under the control, management, and supervision of the board of trustees of the university.
Section 3335.57 | Agricultural research and development center governed by board of trustees - fund.
March 16, 1982
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 583 - 114th General Assembly
(A) The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall govern the Ohio agricultural research and development center. (B) There is hereby created the "Ohio agricultural research and development center fund," which shall be under the custody and control of the board of trustees of the university and shall consist of all moneys appropriated, given, granted, or bequeathed to the center or to the university for the center's use by the United States, this state, any political subdivision of this state, or any person. The board shall have responsibility for expenditure of all moneys in the fund in accordance with state and federal law and memoranda of agreement between the university and the United States department of agriculture. (C) The board of trustees shall provide for the center such necessary lands and buildings as the board considers appropriate to carry out the center's research and development mission. (D) The board of trustees may lease sites for construction of laboratories or other facilities to the United States government within any area owned by this state and administered by the university for purposes of the center. Such leases may be of such duration and consideration as will be in the mutual interest of this state and the departments or agencies of the United States government. All moneys received from any such leases shall be held and administered by the university for the use and benefit of the center.
Section 3335.60 | Brain injury program.
September 29, 2013
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 59 - 130th General Assembly
(A) There is hereby created in the Ohio state university college of medicine a brain injury program consisting of a program director and at least one support staff person. (B) To the extent that funds are available, the brain injury program may do the following: (1) Identify existing services in this state to assist survivors and families of survivors of brain injury; (2) Promote the coordination of services for survivors and families of survivors of brain injury; (3) Explore options for delivery of services to survivors and families of survivors of brain injury; (4) Explore the establishment of a traumatic brain injury incidence reporting system to collect information on the incidence and character of traumatic brain injury in this state; (5) Promote practices that will reduce the incidence of brain injury; (6) Develop training programs on dealing with brain injury and the special needs of survivors of brain injury; (7) Identify sources of available funds for services for survivors and families of survivors of brain injury; (8) Explore options for the delivery of case management services to residents of this state who are survivors of brain injury; (9) Provide assistance to assure that services for survivors and families of survivors of brain injury are all of the following: (a) Designed to enhance the survivor's ability to lead an independent and productive life; (b) Available within close proximity of the survivor's home; (c) Provided in the least restrictive environment; (d) Appropriate to the unique needs of the survivor. (C) The staff of the brain injury program shall prepare a biennial report on the incidence of brain injury in this state. The report shall be completed not later than two years after the effective date of this amendment and every two years thereafter and submitted to the brain injury advisory committee created under section 3335.61 of the Revised Code.
Section 3335.61 | Brain injury advisory committee.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
There is hereby created a brain injury advisory committee, which shall advise the brain injury program with regard to unmet needs of survivors of brain injury, development of programs for survivors and their families, establishment of training programs for health care professionals, and any other matter within the province of the brain injury program. The committee shall consist of not fewer than nineteen and not more than twenty-one members as follows: (A) Not fewer than ten and not more than twelve members appointed by the dean of the college of medicine of the Ohio state university, including all of the following: a survivor of brain injury, a relative of a survivor of brain injury, a licensed physician recommended by the Ohio chapter of the American college of emergency physicians, a licensed physician recommended by the Ohio state medical association, one other health care professional, a rehabilitation professional, an individual who represents the brain injury association of Ohio, and not fewer than three nor more than five individuals who shall represent the public; (B) The directors of the departments of health, mental health and drug addiction services, developmental disabilities, aging, and public safety; the medicaid director; the administrator of workers' compensation; the director of education and workforce; and the executive director of the opportunities for Ohioans with disabilities agency. Any of the officials specified in this division may designate an individual to serve in the official's place as a member of the committee. Terms of office of the appointed members shall be two years. Members may be reappointed. Vacancies shall be filled in the manner provided for original appointments. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration date of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office as a member for the remainder of that term. Members of the committee shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
Last updated September 12, 2023 at 1:18 PM